999 resultados para Processo de construção


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O livro trata da história do ensino primário rural no Brasil no período de 1921 a 1952, caracterizado por uma significativa expansão do setor. Analisa especialmente o processo de construção das políticas educacionais para o segmento em âmbito nacional e suas repercussões nas reformas de ensino na esfera estadual, exemplificadas pelas de São Paulo e Santa Catarina. Mais do que distinguir o que era próprio e específico de cada uma das regiões estudadas, o trabalho visou também revelar a pluralidade de métodos e os efeitos diversos que as reformas provocaram na educação rural paulista e catarinense. A pesquisa apoiou-se principalmente em documentação. A análise de mensagens de governadores, relatórios, decretos, regulamentações de ensino, revistas de estatísticas, revista brasileira de estudos pedagógicos e obras de época permitiu comparar e relacionar os dados referentes às formas de organização e funcionamento do ensino primário rural, como duração dos cursos, período escolar, programas, métodos, modelos educativos e expansão do ensino. De acordo com a autora, a educação rural, que contrasta em muitos aspectos com a educação urbana, foi um elemento fundamental na expansão da escola pública no Brasil. Mas, segundo ela, estranhamente, é muito pouco estudada no país. De fato, das 5.948 pesquisas de doutorado em Educação abrigadas no banco de teses da Capes no período de 2000 a 2009, somente 165 apresentaram como tema a educação rural, o que equivale a 2,7% da produção. E apenas 1,1% abordava a questão do ponto de vista histórico


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Pós-graduação em Design - FAAC


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Pós-graduação em Psicologia - FCLAS


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Introduction: In the digital environment, metadata influence both in data access and information retrieval and are used as search elements to facilitate locating resources on the Web. Objective: In this perspective, the aim is to present the methodology BEAM, developed in Biblioteca de Estudos e Aplicação de Metadados, of the Research Group “Novas Tecnologias em Informação” in Universidade Estadual Paulista and used to define the metadata for describing information resources. Methodology: The methodology used for the construction of the research is exploratory and bibliographic and was developed based on the theoretical method Chuttur (2011) and the life cycle of data from the DataOne (2012) and also the PDCA cycle and tool 5W1H . Results: The seven steps of the methodology are presented and also the necessary guidelines for their implementation. Conclusions: We conclude pointing BEAM methodology that can be adopted by libraries in the construction of catalogs aimed at meeting the needs of users.


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Information organization can be considered as a nuclear area in Information Science and its historical background has been historically built based on three theoretical approaches: subject cataloguing, under a North-American influence, Indexing, under a British influence, and document analysis, under a French influence. In this sense, although one can consider the strong influence of the logic-linguistic approach of the French tradition in information organization both in Brazil and in Spain, it is not already clear in what extent the mentioned influence specifically occurs in Brazil and Spain as well as what are the dialogical perspectives between them. So, and in order to analyze how the Information Science academic environments in Brazil and in Spain conceive the interdisciplinary relationships in the domain of document analysis (DA), it was applied a questionnaire to Brazilian and Spain DO researchers based on the records of the Brazilian and the Spanish International Society for Knowledge Organization chapters. The results (64,5% of answers in Brazil and 60,6% in Spain) allowed the identification of 35 DA interdisciplinary relationships in Brazil and 98 in Spain, whose data were so grouped in 7 matrixes ? cognitive, philosophical, historical, logic-lingusitic, quantitative, social and political, and technological. It was possible to observe that the logical-linguistic matrix is strongly predominant (90% of the answers in Brazil and in Spain) what reflects the influence of the ideas of Jean-Claude Gardin. On the other side, the graphic visualization of authors´s network showed a strong perspective of dialogical relationships among Brazilian and Spanish DA researchers, based on the convergence of theoretical conceptions, what allow us to conclude the need of joint research policies between both coountries in order to make the mention ed dialogical relationships real and fruitful.


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In a previous research, it was observed that are symbolic exchanges established between the persons and the environment they live in that allow them to interact with others, leading them to reorganize their internal cognitive structures, reaching more elaborated stages. In the case of a person with deafness, the possibility of exchange can be compromised and knowledge about the construction of the temporal notion seems to be essential to enable a path of explanation about the difficulties they have regarding their cognitive development. Thus, based on the theory of Jean Piaget, the study intended to understand how the temporal notion constitutes as possible subject to the process of building the real, and examine, through empirical evaluation, if the difficulty in establishing symbolic exchanges caused by deafness would compromise the development of this notion. For this purpose, bibliographical research and empirical research were made, by the comparative evaluating between the performance of deaf and hearing subjects in relation to the construction of temporal notion. Two groups of subjects aged between 10 and 12 years were composed: one with three deaf subjects and another with 3 listeners. The assessment and analysis of the data were based on an experiment created by Piaget and his staff. The results showed that the listeners present responses from operative level, compatible with the age range in which they found themselves. In contrast, the deaf subjects showed responses of transition level, which indicates a situation of cognitive delay. We conclude that the potential compromise linguistic presented by deaf people, can hinder the activity representative causing delay in construction of temporal notion and consequently the development of thought. We conclude that the possible linguistic committal presented by deaf people can hinder the representative activity, causing delay in construction of temporal notion and consequently in the development of thought. In this sense, it seems that the Sign Language constitutes an important tool for deaf people because it allows symbolic exchanges that favor the cognitive development.


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O objetivo do presente texto é relatar o processo de intervenção em Orientação Profissional, realizado junto a população formada por adolescentes prévestibulandos do município de Marília, S.P. e região, no período de agosto a novembro de 2010, com a finalidade de favorecer uma escolha consciente do curso superior. Metodologicamente, a pesquisa desenvolveu-se por meio da pesquisa – ação com base em Thiollent (2008). O desenvolvimento da pesquisa ocorreu durante a realização de 10 encontros nas dependências da UNESP, onde os sujeitos puderam estabelecer relações pessoais e interpessoais por meio de discussões, leituras vídeos, dinâmicas de grupo e refletir sobre os vários aspectos que determinam sua escolha profissional, lidar com os dilemas e conflitos dessa escolha e analisar sua trajetória de vida, sua individualidade e como se dá o processo de construção de uma carreira no século XXI.


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In the Learning Society, understand the nature of digital information is relevant for librarians, which broadened its performance, it must create, organize, add metadata, and evaluate usability and accessibility to disseminate digital information in environments web. This paper discusses the creation and implementation of the Information Architecture discipline as discipline in courses of Science Librarian of Universidade Federal do Ceará. It is an analysis evidenced from observations in the classroom. The methodology of this study is anchored in the qualitative approach and has a descriptive character. As a result, we present the construction process of the aims of discipline, the menu and the curriculum.


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The discussion about reading as a cultural practice is a requirement that points to the school relevance to take itself as a social space of meanings construction and the need to use methodologies that focus on the knowledge construction process and the individual development in considering the teaching dynamics that encourage the strategies discovery for individual and collective work, facilitating that human culture object appropriation . The focus is on the relationships in the classroom and school context mediated by language to written language acquisition, with emphasis on reading. This study intends to contribute for the refl ection on the pedagogical implications derived from the organization of a teaching context, intentionally aimed at the teaching organization of reading strategies in the written language acquisition process. The hypothesis is that the reading strategies contribute to the contexts organization with pedagogical coherent and to the competent reader formation during the education act. The studies are based on Brazilian educators Girotto; SOUZA, 2010) and on North American educators (HAMPTON & Resnick, 2008; OWOCKI, 2003; WEDWICH & Wutz, 2008; HARVEY AND GOUDVINS, 2007), with the action research methodology.


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This study aims to characterize and to compare the students writing difficulties from 1st to 4th grades of public education. The study included 80 students divided into GI (20 students from 1st grade), GII (20 students from 2nd grade), GIII (20 students from 3rd grade) and GIV (20 students from 4th grade). The procedure applied was the Assessment of Learning Difficulties in Writing. The results revealed a median learning difficulty in students of GI (greater average of errors in writing). The increasing of schooling determine a decrease of the average of these errors from GI to GIV. The study revealed that the students are still in a process of construction and appropriate of the writing system, since the average of writing errors decreased as the school level increased.


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The social attitudes of teachers are considered highly relevant variables in the process of construction of school inclusion. The aim of the study was to describe the elementary school teachers’ social attitudes towards the inclusion and to identify the variables related to them. The sample consisted of 172 female teachers with ages ranging from 18 to 57, mean age of 37 and standard deviation of 7,9 years of age. A questionnaire was used to describe the participants. A Likert Scale of social attitudes towards inclusion was used. The results show that the chronological age, the level of basic training, the area of specialization, and the time of teaching experience have no significant effect on the social attitudes. The teachers with experience in teaching disabled students were more favorable towards the inclusion than those without such experience. It was concluded that the social attitudes towards inclusion may be complexly determined by different variables, demanding further studies for its enlightenment.