982 resultados para Prenuptial agreements (Roman-Dutch law)


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Presentació de tres bronzes de caràcter jurídic procedents un d'ells d'Hellin i els altres probablement de la Bètica. El primer sembla ésser una limitatio o una adsignatio. El segon sembla correspondre a un passatge d'una llei d'època flàvia, i el tercer és, probablement, una adsignatio.


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This brochure gives information about the Iowa Department of Public Safety and describes available career opportunities in the department.


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Después publicar de la entrevista a Ramón Valdés (v. Perifèria 5), continúa la colaboración de la revista con el Proyecto Entrevistas3. En esta ocasión los alumnos han entrevistado a la Catedrática de la UAB, Teresa San Román Espinosa. La entrevista tuvo lugar el pasado 25 de junio de 2007 en su despacho del departamento, en un ambiente muy cercano y distendido, dando como resultado un extenso pero a su vez ameno repaso por el recorrido vital e intelectual de una figura de referencia imprescindible en la antropología social española, reconocida y admirada por su trabajo de investigación con los gitanos y por su compromiso personal y profesional con una antropología aplicada e implicada.


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The roman institution of the separatio bonorum is a pretorian remedy that relies on the principle of equity, created as to protect the deceased creditors and/or legatees. It provides them a"benefit" in the case of selling the goods of the heir-deubtor, enabling them to separate and reserve for themselves that whole patrimonium, as to avoid that by the act of selling, the heirs creditors could go to it; and like this they maintain intact their guarantee, which relies on the whole goods and assets left by the deceased. The separation of patrimonies implied the existence of 2 different groups of goods: that of the heirs" and that one of the deceased, which are not the same in legal terms, in spite of having a common owner at this point, the heir. This institution was regulated in the 6th title of the 42nd book of the Digesto, and in the 72th title, 7th book of the Justinean Code, and its interest is really high due to its material complexity and its procedure. The aim of this work is to analyze the institution of the separatio bonorum in Roman Law, and its importance in the same figure, actually regulated in the 4th book of the Catalan civil code.


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In the United States civil marriages are entered into either ceremonially, by means of compliance of the parties with state statutory requirements for marriage, or non-ceremonially by the parties satisfying the requirements of a common law marriage. A marriage contracted validly, whether by complying with statutory requirements or the requirements of a common law marriage, confers the identical rights, responsibilities, and privileges on the parties. The purpose of this Legislative Guide is to provide an overview of marriage as a civil contract imbued with a public interest, and of common law marriage and statutory marriage provisions. The Guide also provides a brief summary of recent developments in marriage law.


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This book, published jointly by the American Society of Agronomy, Soil Science Society of American and Iowa State University presents the papers that were given at a symposium held in Ames, Iowa, on Nov. 30 and Dec. 1, 1965 on the general topic of plant environment and efficient water use.


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Incomplet du commencement et de la fin. — Miniatures.


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Commençant par : «... ssavoir Gau. gesir à terre que ne façoit nul semblant de soi relever... » et finissant par : «... à ceste assenblée fors seulement por moi veoir... me dist à cui ele le... » . Incomplet au commencement et à la fin.


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Report on a review of State employee grievance processes, settlement agreements entered into by the State and payments made during the period July 1, 2010 through June 30, 2014