860 resultados para Potter, Beattie
This article examines how Barbados as a mature resort destination has set about rejuvenating its tourism product since the early 1990s, when the number of stop-over tourist arrivals showed year-on-year declines. This has been achieved in three principal ways: the extensive upgrading of existing hotel facilities, especially at the luxury end of the market: the increase of overall tourist capacity, and the development of niche markets, especially golf tourism. At both the outset and the conclusion, the rejuvenation of tourism in Barbados between 1993 and 2003 is viewed in light of Butler's (1980) model of resort-cycle development.
Second-generation British-Barbadians ("Bajan-Brits'') returning to the land of their parents are frequently accused by indigenous Barbadian nationals of being mad. Narratives of the migrants reflect four major sets of factors: (1) madness as perceived behavioral and cultural differences; (2) explanations that relate to the historical-clinical circumstances surrounding the incidence of mental ill health among first-generation West Indian migrants to the United Kingdom; (3) madness as a pathology of alienation that is attendant on living in Barbados; and (4) madness as "othering,'' "outing,'' and "fixity.'' British second-generation "returning nationals'' to the Caribbean, living as they do in the plural world of the land of their parents' birth, after having been raised in the colonial "Mother Country,'' exhibit hybridity and in-betweenness. Accusations of madness serve to fix the position of these young migrants outside the mainstream of indigenous Barbadian society. Our analysis invokes recent postcolonial writings dealing with "strange encounters'' to theorize that the madness accusation serves to "other'' the young Bajan-Brit migrants in a strongly postcolonial context.
The research presented in this article centres on an under-researched demographic group of young return migrants, namely, second-generation Barbadians, or 'Bajan-Brits', who have decided to 'return' to the birthplace of their parents. Based on 51 in-depth interviews, the essay examines the experiences of second-generation return migrants from an interpretative perspective framed within post-colonial discourse. The article first considers the Bajan-Brits and issues of race in the UK before their decision to migrate. It is then demonstrated that on 'return', in certain respects, these young, black English migrants occupy a liminal position of cultural, racial and economic privilege, based on their 'symbolic' or 'token' whiteness within the post-colonial context of Barbados. But this very hybridity and inbetweeness means that they also face difficulties and associated feelings of social alienation and discrimination. The ambivalent status of this transnational group of migrants serves to challenge traditional notions of Barbadian racial identity.
This paper deals with second-generation Barbadians or 'Bajan-Brits', who have decided to,return' to the birthplace of their parents, focusing on their reactions to matters relating to race relations and racialised identities. The importance of race and the operation of the 'colour-class' system in the Caribbean are established at the outset. Based on fifty-two qualitative in-depth interviews, the paper initially considers the positive things that the second-generation migrants report about living in a majority black country and the salience of such racial affirmation as part of their migration process. The paper then presents an analysis of the narratives provided by the Bajan-Brits concerning their reactions to issues relating to race relations in Barbadian society. The impressions of the young returnees provide clear commentaries on what are regarded as (i) the 'acceptance of white hegemony' within Barbadian society, (ii) the occurrence of de facto 'racial segregation, (iii) perceptions of the 'existence of apartheid, and (iv) 'the continuation of slavery'. The account then turns to the contemporary operation of the colour-class system. It is concluded that, despite academic arguments that the colour-class dimension has to be put to one side as the principal dimension of social stratification in the contemporary Caribbean, the second-generation migrants are acutely aware of the continued existence and salience of such gradations within society. Thus, the analysis not only serves to emphasise the continued importance of racial-based stratification in the contemporary Caribbean, but also speaks of the 'hybrid' and 'in-between' racialised identities of the second-generation migrants.
Notre article aborde la question du rationnement de l’offre d’eau potable dans la capitale jordanienne Amman. Il étudie la gestion publique-privée du rationnement, ainsi que ses impacts socio-économiques sur les usagers. Si 98 % de la population jordanienne jouit d’un raccordement au réseau d’eau potable, cet accès demeure assujetti à une intermittence en quantité et en qualité. Une situation expliquée par le discours gouvernemental, qui qualifie les villes du pays d’assoiffées, par la rareté hydrique et la croissance démographique. Or, l’étude du cas d’Amman, à travers la délégation, de 1999 à 2006, de la gestion du service au secteur privé, montre que le rationnement de l’offre incombe de façon importante à l’état technique du réseau défaillant, aggravé par les pratiques de connexions illégales et le gaspillage. Cet article met en outre l’accent sur les inégalités dans les usages de l’eau entre pauvres et riches, accrues par le rationnement inadapté aux caractéristiques socio-économiques des ménages. Ainsi, le coût des stratégies alternatives pour un accès adéquat à l’eau devient inabordable pour l’ensemble des familles, confrontées à une tarification progressive dont les effets sont pervers, et met en avant le rôle discriminatoire du revenu.