988 resultados para Pollaczek-Khinchin formula


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Abstract This thesis presents three empirical studies in the field of health insurance in Switzerland. First we investigate the link between health insurance coverage and health care expenditures. We use claims data for over 60 000 adult individuals covered by a major Swiss Health Insurance Fund, followed for four years; the data show a strong positive correlation between coverage and expenditures. Two methods are developed and estimated in order to separate selection effects (due to individual choice of coverage) and incentive effects ("ex post moral hazard"). The first method uses the comparison between inpatient and outpatient expenditures to identify both effects and we conclude that both selection and incentive effects are significantly present in our data. The second method is based on a structural model of joint demand of health care and health insurance and makes the most of the change in the marginal cost of health care to identify selection and incentive effects. We conclude that the correlation between insurance coverage and health care expenditures may be decomposed into the two effects: 75% may be attributed to selection, and 25 % to incentive effects. Moreover, we estimate that a decrease in the coinsurance rate from 100% to 10% increases the marginal demand for health care by about 90% and from 100% to 0% by about 150%. Secondly, having shown that selection and incentive effects exist in the Swiss health insurance market, we present the consequence of this result in the context of risk adjustment. We show that if individuals choose their insurance coverage in function of their health status (selection effect), the optimal compensations should be function of the se- lection and incentive effects. Therefore, a risk adjustment mechanism which ignores these effects, as it is the case presently in Switzerland, will miss his main goal to eliminate incentives for sickness funds to select risks. Using a simplified model, we show that the optimal compensations have to take into account the distribution of risks through the insurance plans in case of self-selection in order to avoid incentives to select risks.Then, we apply our propositions to Swiss data and propose a simple econometric procedure to control for self-selection in the estimation of the risk adjustment formula in order to compute the optimal compensations.


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The IPERS plan is a defined benefit pension plan. The lifetime monthly benefit you receive is predictable and stable because it is calculated using a formula. Your benefits grow with you throughout your IPERS-covered employment. As your years of service and salary increase, your IPERS benefits grow too. IPERS, a public agency, was established for the sole purpose of providing a retirement plan to public employees throughout Iowa. As a public agency, IPERS’ goals are aligned with members’. IPERS benefits are designed to supplement personal savings and Social Security benefits in retirement. Benefits also offer financial protection for families in the event of death or disability.


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It’s really quite simple. IPERS is a sure thing. IPERS benefits carry a lifetime guarantee. A bad economy and declining stock market do not decrease your benefits. Instead, your benefit amount is determined by a pre-established formula that replaces a percentage of your pre-retirement wages. How close your benefits get to the maximum of the IPERS plan—replacing 65 percent of pre-retirement wages or 72 percent for public safety personnel—is mostly up to you. Current employees don’t have to worry about where to invest or what to do when there is a slump in the stock market. Retirees don’t have to worry that a down market will reduce their monthly payments, and they never have to worry about outliving their IPERS benefits. Disability payments and death benefits act as a safety net for members and their families.


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For more than 50 years, IPERS has provided a core retirement plan covering most Iowa local and state public employees. With approximately 300,000 members and almost 2,400 covered employers, IPERS is the largest public retirement system in Iowa. The Legislature designed IPERS to provide monthly lifetime annuities that supplement social security benefits and personal savings, enabling public employees to care for themselves in retirement. The Legislature also intended for IPERS to be an employee benefit that would help Iowa’s public employers recruit and retain qualified personnel. As a defined benefit plan, the monthly benefit IPERS members receive is calculated using a formula. A member’s benefit increases as his or her years of service and salary increase. Because IPERS is a defined benefit plan, the Legislature is assured that the money contributed by public employees and their employers for retirement is used as intended. The benefit is paid as a lifetime monthly annuity. IPERS members cannot borrow or withdraw their money while in public employment.


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We study spatio-temporal pattern formation in a ring of N oscillators with inhibitory unidirectional pulselike interactions. The attractors of the dynamics are limit cycles where each oscillator fires once and only once. Since some of these limit cycles lead to the same pattern, we introduce the concept of pattern degeneracy to take it into account. Moreover, we give a qualitative estimation of the volume of the basin of attraction of each pattern by means of some probabilistic arguments and pattern degeneracy, and show how they are modified as we change the value of the coupling strength. In the limit of small coupling, our estimative formula gives a pefect agreement with numerical simulations.


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We have studied the relaxation dynamics of a dilute assembly of ferromagnetic particles in suspension. A formalism based on the Smoluchowski equation, describing the evolution of the probability density for the directions of the magnetic moment and of the axis of easy magnetization of the particles, has been developed. We compute the rotational viscosity from a Green-Kubo formula and give an expression for the relaxation time of the particles which comes from the dynamic equations of the correlation functions. Concerning the relaxation time for the particles, our results agree quite well with experiments performed on different samples of ferromagnetic particles for which the magnetic energy, associated with the interaction between the magnetic moments and the external field, or the energy of anisotropy plays a dominant role.


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In this Contribution we show that a suitably defined nonequilibrium entropy of an N-body isolated system is not a constant of the motion, in general, and its variation is bounded, the bounds determined by the thermodynamic entropy, i.e., the equilibrium entropy. We define the nonequilibrium entropy as a convex functional of the set of n-particle reduced distribution functions (n ? N) generalizing the Gibbs fine-grained entropy formula. Additionally, as a consequence of our microscopic analysis we find that this nonequilibrium entropy behaves as a free entropic oscillator. In the approach to the equilibrium regime, we find relaxation equations of the Fokker-Planck type, particularly for the one-particle distribution function.


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Fekete points are the points that maximize a Vandermonde-type determinant that appears in the polynomial Lagrange interpolation formula. They are well suited points for interpolation formulas and numerical integration. We prove the asymptotic equidistribution of Fekete points in the sphere. The way we proceed is by showing their connection to other arrays of points, the so-called Marcinkiewicz-Zygmund arrays and interpolating arrays, that have been studied recently.


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Este artigo propõe-se a analisar as matrizes teóricas do sistema de voucher educacional, o qual consiste no subsídio oferecido pelo Estado às famílias, para que elas paguem a escola em que desejam que seus filhos estudem. Formula uma crítica aos vários pressupostos do sistema, fornece informações que desmentem conclusões centrais da proposta e sintetiza resultados de algumas experiências de adoção do voucher em diferentes países, detendo-se particularmente nas realizadas na Argentina, Chile e Uruguai.


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Un juego de asignación se define por una matriz A; donde cada fila representa un comprador y cada columna un vendedor. Si el comprador i se empareja a un vendedor j; el mercado produce aij unidades de utilidad. Estudiamos los juegos de asignación de Monge, es decir, aquellos juegos bilaterales de asignación en los cuales la matriz satisface la propiedad de Monge. Estas matrices pueden caracterizarse por el hecho de que en cualquier submatriz 2x2 un emparejamiento óptimo está situado en la diagonal principal. Para mercados cuadrados, describimos sus núcleos utilizando sólo la parte central tridiagonal de elementos de la matriz. Obtenemos una fórmula cerrada para el reparto óptimo de los compradores dentro del núcleo y para el reparto óptimo de los vendedores dentro del núcleo. Analizamos también los mercados no cuadrados reduciéndolos a matrices cuadradas apropiadas.


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The process of free reserves in a non-life insurance portfolio as defined in the classical model of risk theory is modified by the introduction of dividend policies that set maximum levels for the accumulation of reserves. The first part of the work formulates the quantification of the dividend payments via the expectation of their current value under diferent hypotheses. The second part presents a solution based on a system of linear equations for discrete dividend payments in the case of a constant dividend barrier, illustrated by solving a specific case.


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This report is Iowa’s Three-Year Plan, which serves as the application for federal Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention Act formula grant funding (JJDP Act). The Division of Criminal and Juvenile Justice Planning (CJJP) wrote Iowa’s Three-Year Plan. CJJP is the state agency responsible for administering the JJDP Act in Iowa. Federal officials refer to state administering agencies as the state planning agency (SPA). The Plan was developed and approved by Iowa’s Juvenile Justice Advisory Council. That Council assists with administration of the JJDP Act, and also provides guidance and direction to the SPA, the Governor and the legislature regarding juvenile justice issues in Iowa. Federal officials refer to such state level groups as state advisory groups (SAG’s). The acronyms SPA and SAG are used through this report.


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This report was developed to provide summary information to allow practitioners and juvenile justice system officials access to specific sections of Iowa’s Three Year Plan. It includes the “System Flow, “Crime Analysis”, and “Child in Needs of Assistance” sections of Iowa’s 2006 Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention Act formula grant Three-Year Plan. The complete Three Year Plan serves as Iowa’s application for Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention Act formula grant funding. The information included in this report overviews system processing for delinquent youth. It also provides data and analysis from key system decision pointsand services.


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This report was developed to provide summary information to allow state agency staff, practitioners and juvenile justice system officials to access specific sections of Iowa’s Three Year Plan. It includes the “Service Network” section of Iowa’s 2006 Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention Act formula grant Three-Year Plan. The complete Three Year Plan serves as Iowa’s application for Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention Act formula grant funding. The information included in this report overviews some of the systems and services that relate to Iowa’s delinquency and CINA systems. The systems and services discussed include substance abuse , mental health, alternative or special education, and job training.


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This report was developed to provide summary information to allow state agency staff, practitioners and juvenile justice system officials to access a specific section of Iowa’s Three Year Plan. It includes the Disproportionate Minority Contact (DMC) section of Iowa’s 2006 Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention Act formula grant Three-Year Plan. The complete Three Year Plan serves as Iowa’s application for Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention Act formula grant funding.