998 resultados para Pillared interlayered clay (PILC)


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The grain-size study and analyses of bulk sediment and clay mineral composition of samples collected from the dominant lithologies recovered at ODP Site 646, located on the northern flank of the Eirik Ridge (Labrador Sea), show variations indicating that contour-following currents, linked to Norwegian Sea Overflow Water (NSOW), have controlled sedimentation since the early Pliocene. These currents were influential until the early Pleistocene, despite the onset of major ice-rafting at about 2.5 Ma. A major mineralogical change occurred during the late Miocene: a decrease in the smectite to illite and chlorite ratio and a decrease of the crystallinity of smectites. This change indicates a renewing of the source rocks, which could result from an important hydrological change at this time. This change also is depicted by grain-size data that suggest the bottom current influence should be set earlier than the Pliocene.


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We have measured the relative abundances of smectite, illite, chlorite, and kaolinite in a composite section of the distal Bengal Fan. Two sources of sediment appear to dominate, a smectite-poor, illite-rich source associated with rapid denudation of the Himalayas and a smectite-rich, illite-poor source probably on the continental margin of the Indian sub-continent. Changes in source appear to be related to uplift in the Himalayas and Tibetan Plateau both directly and through the climatic and oceanographic consequences of uplift.


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The area in study is characterized by a regional stratigraphic hiatus from Early Miocene to Quaternary. Deposits from Late Eocene to Early Miocene occur on the bottom surface or under a thin sedimentary cover. Ferromanganese nodules, mostly of Oligocene age, formed on surface layers of Tertiary or Quaternary sediments. A detailed micropaleontological study of a block of dense ancient clay coated with a ferromanganese crust was carried out. Composition of found radiolarian and diatomaceous complexes proved that the crust formed in Quaternary on an eroded surface of Late Oligocene clay. In Quaternary Neogene sediments were eroded and washed away by bottom currents. It is likely that the erosion began 0.9-0.7 Ma at the beginning of the "Glacial Pleistocene". The erosion could be initiated by loosening and resuspension of surface sediments resulting from seismic activity generated by strong earthquakes in the Central America subduction zone. The same vibration maintained residual nodules at the seafloor surface. Thus, for the area in study a common reason and a common Quaternary interval for formation of the following features is supposed: a regional stratigraphic hiatus, formation of residual nodule fields, and position of ancient nodules on the surface of Quaternary sediments.


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The upper Miocene sedimentary sequence of Site 652, located on the lower continental margin of eastern Sardinia, was cored and logged during Ocean Drilling Program (ODP) Leg 107. Geophysical and geochemical logs from the interval 170-365 m below seafloor (mbsf), as well as various core measurements (CaCO3, grain size, X-ray diffraction), provide a mineralogical-geochemical picture that is interpreted in the framework of the climatic and tectonic evolution of the western Tyrrhenian. The results indicate the presence of short- and long-term mineralogical variations. Short-term variations are represented by calcium-carbonate fluctuations in which the amount of CaCO3 is correlated to the grain size of the sediments; coarser sediments are associated with high carbonate content and abundant detrital material. Long-term variation corresponds to a gross grain-size change in the upper part of the sequence, where predominantly fine-grained sediments may indicate a gradual deepening of the lacustrine basin towards the Pliocene. Regional climatic changes and rift-related tectonism are possible causes of this variability in the sedimentation patterns. The clay association is characterized by chlorite, illite, and smectite as dominant minerals, as well as mixed-layers clays, kaolinite, and palygorskite. Chlorite, mixed-layers clays, and illite increase at the expense of smectite below the pebble zone (335 mbsf). This is indicative of diagenetic processes related to the high geothermal gradient and to the chemistry of the evaporative pore waters, rather than to changes in the depositional environment.


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The Cenozoic Pagodroma Group in the northern Prince Charles Mountains, East Antarctica, is a glaciomarine succession of fjordal character, comprising four uplifted formations of different ages. The composition of the <2 µm fraction of sediments of the Pagodroma Group was analysed in order to help identify source areas, past weathering conditions and glacial regimes. Both clay and non-clay minerals have been quantified. The assemblage of the upper Oligocene to lower Miocene Mount Johnston Formation is characterised by the dominance of illite and intermediate concentrations of chlorite. Similar to that assemblage is the clay mineral suite of the middle Miocene Fisher Bench Formation, where illite and chlorite together account for 95% of the clay minerals. The middle to upper Miocene Battye Glacier Formation is the only formation with significant and persistent smectite concentrations, although illite is still dominant. The kaolinite concentration is also high and is even higher than that of chlorite. The clay fraction of the upper Pliocene to lower Pleistocene Bardin Bluffs Formation is characterised by maximum kaolinite concentrations and relatively low illite and chlorite concentrations. The bulk of the clay fraction in each formation can be explained by the physical weathering and erosion of a nearby source under glacial conditions. In the case of Mount Johnston Formation and Fisher Bench Formation this source may be situated in the metavolcanic and gneissic rocks of Fisher Massif. The sediments of the Bardin Bluffs Formation indicate a local source within the Amery Oasis, where Proterozoic granitoid rocks and gneisses, and Permo-Triassic fluvial rocks of the Amery Group are exposed. These results suggest a strong local imprint on the glacial sediments as northwards flowing ice eroded the bedrock in these areas. The origin of the clay fraction of the Battye Glacier Formation is a matter of debate. The smectite and kaolinite content most easily can be explained by erosion of sources largely hidden beneath the ice upstream. Less likely, these clay minerals reflect climatic conditions that were much warmer and wetter than today, facilitating chemical weathering.


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The clay mineral assemblages of the ca. 1600 m thick Cenozoic sedimentary succession recovered at the CRP-1, CRP-2/2A and CRP-3 drill sites off Cape Roberts on the McMurdo Sound shelf, Antarctica, were analysed in order to reconstruct the palaeoclimate and the glacial history of this part of Antarctica. The sequence can be subdivided into seven clay mineral units that reflect the transition from humid to subpolar and polar conditions. Unit I (35-33.6 Ma) is characterised by an almost monomineralic assemblage consisting of well crystalline, authigenic smectite, and therefore does not allow a palaeoclimatic reconstruction. Unit II (33.6-33.1 Ma) has also a monomineralic clay mineral composition. However, the assemblage consists of variably crystallized smectite that, at least in part, is of detrital origin and indicates chemical weathering under a humid climate. The main source area for the clays was in the Transantarctic Mountains. Minor amounts of illite and chlorite appear for the first time in Unit III (33.1-31 Ma) and suggest subordinate physical weathering. The sediments of Unit IV (31-30.5 Ma) have strongly variable smectite and illite concentrations indicating an alternation of chemical weathering periods and physical weathering periods. Unit V (30.5-24.2 Ma) shows a further shift towards physical weathering. Unit VI (24.2-18.5 Ma) indicates strong physical weathering under a cold climate with persistent and intense illite formation. Unit VII (18.5 Ma to present) documents an additional input of smectite derived from the McMurdo Volcanic Group in the south.


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Mineralogical and geochemical analyses of alteration products from upper and lower volcanic series recovered during ODP Leg 104 reveal variations both in composition and order of crystallization of clay minerals vesicles and voids filling and replacing glass. These results provide information about successive alteration stages of rocks and interlayered volcaniclastic sediments. The first stage, related to initial basalt-seawater interaction, is characterized by development of Fe-smectites, especially Fe-rich saponite. A second stage of intermittently superimposed subaerial weathering is marked by iron-oxides-halloysite-kaolinite formation. The third episode, interpreted as hydrothermal on the basis of O-isotopic data, is defined by postburial coprecipitation of Fe-poor, Mg-rich saponite and celadonite. A distinct final and pervasive hydrothermal stage, occurring mainly in the lower series and dominated by Al-smectites-zeolites assemblage, indicates changes toward a more reducing alteration environment.


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