736 resultados para Physical education school
A diversidade, complexidade e imprevisibilidade que caracterizam a sociedade actual exigem da Escola uma articulação eficaz entre as aprendizagens e a realidade sociocultural dos alunos, de modo a promover a formação de cidadãos instruídos, competentes, críticos e aptos para aprender a aprender ao longo da vida. Neste sentido, é crucial contextualizar e gerir o currículo, adequando-o à multiplicidade e idiossincrasias dos alunos e seus contextos, assegurando-lhes aprendizagens funcionais e de qualidade. A implementação do processo de Reorganização Curricular do Ensino Básico, consubstanciado através da promulgação do Decreto-Lei n.º 6/2001, de 18 de Janeiro, ambiciona(va) melhorar a eficácia de resposta da escola ao seu mandato social, atribuindo a esta a centralidade na reconceptualização do currículo nacional em função dos contextos com que trabalha. Para tal, a auto-implicação, a negociação e a colaboração são pressupostos indispensáveis a um processo de gestão curricular centrado na escola e operacionalizado no contexto das suas diferentes estruturas. Nesta perspectiva, estruturas de gestão curricular intermédia como o conselho de turma e o departamento curricular, assumem particular ênfase na promoção e desenvolvimento de práticas de colaboração docente fulcrais a processos de gestão curricular. Assim, analisar e aprofundar conhecimento sobre condições facilitadoras, bem como factores de dificultação, do desenvolvimento de práticas de colaboração docente no contexto das referidas estruturas, identificadas na sequência da implementação da orientação de política curricular traduzida no referido decreto-lei constituiu o principal objectivo subjacente a este estudo. Procurou-se relacionar esta análise com dimensões de cultura profissional e organizacional, que a literatura e a investigação revistas documentam como factores relevantes na transformação de práticas curriculares. O presente estudo decorreu em dois momentos: o primeiro, no ano lectivo de 2006/2007, assumiu uma natureza predominantemente quantitativa, privilegiando-se como técnica de recolha de dados o inquérito por questionário aplicado 2718 professores que se encontravam a leccionar Ciências da Natureza, Ciências Naturais ou Ciências Físico-Químicas na rede de escolas públicas com 2º e 3º Ciclos da Direcção Regional de Educação do Norte (DREN) e do Centro de Área Educativa (CAE) de Aveiro, o qual foi complementado com a realização de uma entrevista semi-estruturada a seis professores de Ciências Físicas e Naturais; o segundo momento, realizado no ano lectivo de 2007/2008, adoptou uma metodologia de investigação, essencialmente, qualitativa – estudo de caso – desenvolvido numa escola básica com 2º e 3º ciclos com doze professores pertencentes a um conselho de turma e com oito professores de Ciências Físicas e Naturais afectos ao departamento curricular de Matemática e Ciências Experimentais. Este momento caracterizou-se pela: i) realização de dois percursos formativos, um com professores do conselho de turma e outro com os professores de Ciências Físicas e Naturais; ii) observação de reuniões de trabalho em contexto das estruturas supramencionadas; iii) planificação, implementação e avaliação de uma aula em regime de co-docência, abordando uma temática na perspectiva Ciência, Tecnologia e Sociedade e iv) realização de entrevistas a todos os professores participantes, aos Presidentes do Conselho Executivo e do Conselho Pedagógico e à Coordenadora do Departamento Curricular de Matemática e Ciências Experimentais. O sistema de análise de dados utilizado visou a compreensão das dinâmicas de trabalho docente desenvolvidas no processo de gestão curricular no contexto das estruturas de gestão intermédia em análise. Neste sentido, privilegiaram-se a análise estatística e de conteúdo como técnicas de tratamento dos dados. Os resultados deste estudo apontam para a prevalência de uma cultura docente fortemente individualizada, balcanizada e burocratizada, facto que restringe o desenvolvimento de práticas de gestão curricular e de dinâmicas de trabalho docente sustentadas e adequadas ao contexto e necessidades específicas dos alunos. Sugerem, igualmente, que o desenvolvimento de práticas de colaboração docente não é consequência directa da decisão espontânea e voluntarismo dos professores ou de uma imposição externa não assumida pelos mesmos, mas sim de uma convergência de factores de responsabilização, reconhecimento da utilidade e eficácia da colaboração, e incentivo organizacional que se revelaram pouco significativos no estudo em causa. Por outro lado, indiciam que uma efectiva colaboração docente implica transformações no plano das culturas, que não decorrem dos normativos, e é potenciada por processos de negociação, onde os diferentes actores educativos partilham responsabilidades e uma autonomia cimentada numa visão colectiva e integradora do projecto educativo e curricular da escola. No sentido de contribuir para a consolidação do conhecimento no domínio em estudo, consideramos necessária a realização de outras investigações centradas no mesmo objecto de estudo, mas desenvolvidas em outros contextos escolares.
Critical theorists have called attention to the intensification of diversity that is now occurring inside and outside of school, while critically engaging with the detrimental effects of globalization on equity, diversity, and social justice. Globalization presents new challenges to education and to issues of social justice. In this article, we argue that there is a need for scholars in the field of physical education (PE) to re-think and re-frame the social-justice agenda to address current inequalities produced by globalization. To support this argument, first, we reflect on the impact of global neoliberalism on PE; second, we discuss the ways in which, as a result of global neoliberalism, public health discourses have an “othering” effect on ethnically diverse young people; third, we propose a theoretical shift from a focus on equality to a focus on difference; and finally, we conclude with considerations for future research and curricula in school PE.
Trabalho de projeto de mestrado, Educação (Área de especialização em Educação e Tecnologias Digitais), Universidade de Lisboa, Instituto de Educação, 2014
Teacher commitment has been found to be a critical predictor of teachers’ work performance, absenteeism, retention, burnout and turnover, as well as having an important influence on students’ motivation, achievement, attitudes towards learning and being at school (Firestone (1996). Educational Administration Quarterly, 32(2), 209–235; Graham (1996). Journal of Physical Education, Recreation and Dance, 67(1), 45–47; Louis (1998). School Effectiveness and School Improvement, 9(1), 1–27; Tsui & Cheng (1999). Educational Research and Evaluation, 5(3), 249–268). It is also a necessary ingredient to the successful implementation, adaptation or resistance reform agendas. Surprisingly, however, the relationship between teachers’ motivation, efficacy, job satisfaction and commitment, and between commitment and the quality of their work has not been the subject of extensive research. Some literature presents commitment as a feature of being and behaving as a professional (Helsby, Knight, McCulloch, Saunders, & Warburton (1997). A report to participants on the professional cultures of Teachers Research Project, Lancaster University, January). Others suggest that it fluctuates according to personal, institutional and policy contexts (Louis (1998). School Effectiveness and School Improvement, 9(1), 1–27) and identify different dimensions of commitment which interact and fluctuate (Tyree (1996). Journal of Educational Research, 89(5), 295–304). Others claim that teachers’ commitment tends to decrease progressively over the course of the teaching career (Fraser, Draper, & Taylor (1998). Evaluation and Research in Education, 12 (2), 61–71; Huberman (1993). The lives of teachers. London: Cassell). In this research, experienced teachers in England and Australia were interviewed about their understandings of commitment. The data suggest that commitment may be better understood as a nested phenomena at the centre of which is a set of core, relatively permanent values based upon personal beliefs, images of self, role and identity which are subject to challenge by change which is socio-politically constructed.
Dissertação apresentada para a obtenção do grau de Mestre em Educação - Área de Especialização em Didática das Ciências
Childhood obesity and physical inactivity are increasing dramatically worldwide. Children of low socioeconomic status and/or children of migrant background are especially at risk. In general, the overall effectiveness of school-based programs on health-related outcomes has been disappointing. A special gap exists for younger children and in high risk groups. This paper describes the rationale, design, curriculum, and evaluation of a multicenter preschool randomized intervention study conducted in areas with a high migrant population in two out of 26 Swiss cantons. Twenty preschool classes in the German (canton St. Gallen) and another 20 in the French (canton Vaud) part of Switzerland were separately selected and randomized to an intervention and a control arm by the use of opaque envelopes. The multidisciplinary lifestyle intervention aimed to increase physical activity and sleep duration, to reinforce healthy nutrition and eating behaviour, and to reduce media use. According to the ecological model, it included children, their parents and the teachers. The regular teachers performed the majority of the intervention and were supported by a local health promoter. The intervention included physical activity lessons, adaptation of the built infrastructure; promotion of regional extracurricular physical activity; playful lessons about nutrition, media use and sleep, funny homework cards and information materials for teachers and parents. It lasted one school year. Baseline and post-intervention evaluations were performed in both arms. Primary outcome measures included BMI and aerobic fitness (20 m shuttle run test). Secondary outcomes included total (skinfolds, bioelectrical impedance) and central (waist circumference) body fat, motor abilities (obstacle course, static and dynamic balance), physical activity and sleep duration (accelerometry and questionnaires), nutritional behaviour and food intake, media use, quality of life and signs of hyperactivity (questionnaires), attention and spatial working memory ability (two validated tests). Researchers were blinded to group allocation. The purpose of this paper is to outline the design of a school-based multicenter cluster randomized, controlled trial aiming to reduce body mass index and to increase aerobic fitness in preschool children in culturally different parts of Switzerland with a high migrant population. Trial Registration: (clinicaltrials.gov) NCT00674544.
The building accommodated 311 students in single and double rooms, and included a 300-seat dining hall, common lounges, and study rooms. The building is named after Arnie Lowenberger, a former faculty member who held many significant positions during Brock's early development. Lowenberger was the first Director of the School of Physical Athletics and Recreation, and became its first Dean when it was reconstituted into the Faculty of Physical Education. In these positions, he introduced varsity sports to Brock such as men's and women's basketball and men's hockey, implemented the first health and counseling services for students, planned the design of the original Physical Education building, and drafted the University's Physical Education degree program. He also was the first Director of Residences and the first Dean of Students.
The media tends to represent female athletes as women first and athletes second (Koivula, 1 999). The present study investigated whether this same trend was present for female sportscasters, using a self-presentational framework. Self-presentation is the process by which people try to control how others see them (Leary, 1995). One factor that may influence the type of image they try to project is their roles held in society, including gender roles. The gender roles for a man include dominance, assertiveness, and masculinity, while the gender roles for a woman include nurturer, femininity, and attractiveness (Deaux & Major, 1 987). By contrast, sports broadcasters are expected to be knowledgeable, assertive, and competent. Research suggests that female sports broadcasters are seen as less competent and less persuasive than male sports broadcasters (Mitrook & Dorr, 2001; Ordman & Zillmann, 1994, Toro, 2005). One reason for this difference may be that the gender roles for a man are much more similar to those of a sportscaster, compared to those of a woman. Thus, there may be a conflict between the two roles for women. The present study investigated whether the gender and perceived attractiveness of sportscasters influenced the audience's perceptions of the level of competence that a sportscaster demonstrates. Two hundred and four male (n =75) and female (n =129) undergraduate students were recruited from a southern Ontario university to participate in the study. The average age of the male participants was 21 .23 years {SD =1 .60), and the average age for female participants was 20.67 years {SD = 1 .31). The age range for all participants was from 19 to 30 years {M = 20.87 years, SD = 1 .45). Af^er providing informed consent, participants randomly received one of four possible questionnaire packages. The participants answered the demographic questionnaire, and then proceeded to view the picture and read the script of a sports newscast. Next, based on the picture and script, the participants answered the competence questionnaire, assessing the general, sport specific, and overall competence of the sportscaster. Once participants had finished, they returned the package to the researcher and were thanked for their time. Data was analyzed using an ANOVA to determine if general sport competence differs with respect to gender and attractiveness of the sportscaster. Overall, the ANOVA was non-significant (p > .05), indicating no differences on the dependent variable based on gender (F (3, 194) = .631, p = .426), attractiveness (F (3, 194) = .070, p = .791), or the interaction of the two {F (3, 194) = .043,/? = .836). Although none of the study hypotheses were supported, the study provided some insight to the perceived competence of female sportscasters. It is possible that female sportscasters are now seen as competent in the area of sports. Sample characteristics could also have influenced these results; the participants in the current study were primarily physical education and kinesiology students, who had experience participating in physical activity with both men and women. Future research should investigate this issue further by using a video sportscast. It is possible that delivery characteristics such as voice quality or eye contact may also impact perceptions of sportscasters.
The purpose of this meta-analytic investigation was to review the empirical evidence specific to the effect of physical activity context on social physique anxiety (SP A). English language studies were located from computer and manual literature searches. A total of 146 initial studies were coded. Studies included in the meta-analysis presented at least one empirical effect for SPA between physical activity participants (i.e., athletes or exercisers) and non-physical activity participants. The final sample included thirteen studies, yielding 14 effect sizes, with a total sample size of 2846. Studies were coded for mean SPA between physical activity participants and non-physical activity participants. Moderator variables related to demographic and study characteristics were also coded. Using Hunter and Schmidt's (2004) protocol, statistical artifacts were corrected. Results indicate that, practically speaking, those who were physically active reported lower levels of SPA than the comparison group (dcorr = -.12; SDeorr.-=-;22). Consideration of the magnitude of the ES, the SDeorr, and confidence interval suggests that this effect is not statistically significant. While most moderator analyses reiterated this trend, some differences were worth noting. Previous research has identified SPA to be especially salient for females compared to males, however, in the current investigation, the magnitude of the ES' s comparing physical activity participants to the comparison group was similar (deorr = -.24 for females and deorr = -.23 for males). Also, the type of physical activity was investigated, and results showed that athletes reported lower levels of SP A than the comparison group (deorr = -.19, SDeorr = .08), whereas exercisers reported higher levels of SPA than the comparison group (deorr = .13, SDeorr = .22). Results demonstrate support for the dispositional nature of SP A. Consideration of practical significance suggests that those who are involved in physical activity may experience slightly lower levels of SPA than those not reporting physical activity participation. Results potentially offer support for the bi-directionality of the relationship between physical activity and SP A; however, a causality may not be inferred. More information about the type of physical activity (i.e., frequency/nature of exercise behaviour, sport classificationllevel of athletes) may help clarify the role of physical activity contexts on SPA.
This study examines the experiences and meaning of physical activity in the aquatic environment to enhance social, cultural and political understanding of its impact in the lives of individuals with physical disabilities. Interviews, lived experience descriptions and artifacts present an explanation of the felt sense oftheir bodies as they engage in swimming or scuba diving. 11 Combining written, verbal and visual descriptions generated by informants provides a detailed account of the unique qualities of physical activity in the water for those with physical disabilities. Participants' descriptions highlight that context is an important aspect of physical activity among individuals with physical disabilities through discussion of motility and the role of the lived body. Aspects of the aquatic environment create a setting that facilitates forgetfulness of the lived body's presence. Instructors and participants alike will benefit from learning the difference between the object body and the lived body, listening to the body's voice as they participate in physical activity .
Edward Mirynech joined the faculty at Brock University in 1964 as assistant professor of Geology. Edward Mirynech, the son of John and Katherine Mirynech, grew up in St. Catharines, attended Connaught Public School and received his formal education at the University of Toronto. Dr. Mirynech played several critical roles in the early development of the University. In addition to teaching, Dr. Mirynech was also the acting director of the athletics department, a coach for many of the early rowing, hockey and basketball teams and served the University as marshall for the sod turning ceremony for the new DeCew campus in 1965. Dr. Mirynech was instrumental in the founding of the physical education, geography and geological sciences programs. He served as acting chairman in 1968 when the department of geological sciences enrolled its first students. Part of the unique teaching program was the annual field trips to locations such as the Belleville area, extended summer teaching programs held in Trinidad-Tobago and the following year in Iceland. In 1972, the first graduation ceremony ever to be held in the Arctic, at Pond Inlet, NWT, made national news. Three geology students, on a study trip to the Arctic, received their degrees during a special ceremony. Dr. Mirynech was among the faculty team in Pond Inlet, NWT, representing Brock University. Dr. Mirynech retired from teaching in 1985, and passed away in 2004.
This research offered children with disabilities the opportunity to express their voices in the description of their movement experiences. Three children aged 10-13 shared their experiences in school physical education and adapted physical activity. Observations of participants using interactive media activities in an adapted physical activity program were used to supplement interviews. The aim of this research was to discover how future professionals are prepared to design and implement physical activity and physical education programs for children with disabilities. A document analysis of Ontario university course calendars in the fields of physical education and kinesiology, disability studies, and teacher education was utilized. Data from each data context underwent four levels of reduction: 1) content, 2) categorical, 3) thematic, and 4) indigenous typologies. Findings are presented at each level leading to the presentation of indigenous typologies. Typologies of Forbidden-ness and Dichotomous Thinking were identified in the research.
Please consult the paper edition of this thesis to read. It is available on the 5th Floor of the Library at Call Number: Z 9999 E38 K535 2008
The purpose of this research was to explore challenges to operationalizing and implementing relevant resources for Adapted Physical Activity (APA) and to develop a framework on how resources should be developed and implemented to foster appropriate APA. An unobtrusive methodology was used to examine existing resources and training/learning opportunities for practitioners teaching APA. Data were collected via unobtrusive methods: documents, records, literature and feedback forms. After the findings were summarized, expert consultations were completed using a modified Delphi- technique to confirm the findings. A constructivist approach and phenomenological orientation was used to analyze the data and develop the “ideal” resource. Results indicate there are limited APA resources and teaching/learning opportunities for practitioners and there is a need for practitioner facilitation through professional development on finding and implementing resources. Future research should develop and evaluate the “ideal” resource and strive to improve the connection and consistency of resources in APA.
Selon la théorie des buts d’accomplissement, il est possible que les attitudes et les pratiques pédagogiques des enseignants d’éducation physique influencent la motivation de leurs élèves. Dans cette étude, les objectifs étaient d’abord de documenter l’évolution annuelle de la motivation pour l’éducation physique au début du secondaire en considérant le sexe et le niveau scolaire et de vérifier ensuite la valeur prédictive des buts d’accomplissement induits par les enseignants d’éducation physique et de la perception de ces buts par les élèves sur la motivation de ces derniers, puis d’évaluer l’effet modérateur du sentiment de compétence et du sexe des élèves sur la valeur prédictive des buts d’accomplissement. Les résultats montrent qu’en général les filles sont moins motivées que les garçons dans leurs cours d’éducation physique et que cette motivation diminue avec l’âge, et ce, peu importe le sexe des élèves. Ensuite, nos résultats montrent que les attitudes et les pratiques pédagogiques des enseignants ainsi que la perception des élèves du climat induit par l’enseignant sont en mesure d’influencer certaines caractéristiques motivationnelles des élèves telles que l’adoption de buts de maîtrise et de performance-approche, la motivation intrinsèque, la motivation extrinsèque (par introjection et par régulation externe), l’amotivation et la valeur utilitaire que les élèves accordent à leurs cours d’éducation physique. Puis, il a été montré que la valeur prédictive des buts d’accomplissement et de la perception de ces buts par les élèves était modérée par le sentiment de compétence des élèves pour les variables motivationnelles suivantes : buts de maîtrise, motivation intrinsèque, amotivation et valeur utilitaire. Ainsi, les attitudes des enseignants, leurs pratiques pédagogiques et la perception du climat de classe n’ont une incidence significative que lorsque le sentiment de compétence des élèves est faible. La valeur prédictive des buts d’accomplissement et de la perception de ces buts par les élèves était aussi modérée par le sexe des élèves pour les variables motivationnelles suivantes : buts de performance-approche, buts de performance-évitement et amotivation. Quand le sexe des élèves modifie la relation, celle-ci est généralement inversée selon le sexe des élèves : elle est positive pour les garçons et négative pour les filles. Suite à cette étude, nous constatons que les enseignants d’éducation physique gagneraient à instaurer un climat de maîtrise tout en laissant place aux défis personnels des élèves et en insistant sur l’utilité de la tâche. Afin de répondre aux besoins particuliers de chacun des élèves, il serait intéressant de mettre en place des regroupements selon la compétence sportive des élèves. Ainsi, l’enseignant serait en mesure d’instaurer un climat motivationnel adapté.