617 resultados para Phreatic Aquifer
Resumen Este trabajo estudia la historia de las implicaciones ecológico-ambientales del azúcar en Cuba durante la etapa del auge de la plantación esclavista entre 1800 y 1870 aproximadamente. En primer lugar, analiza las dos problemáticas que más llamaron la atención de los contemporáneos por sus implicaciones para el mantenimiento de la propia economía plantacionista, a saber: la creciente escasez de combustible y la pérdida de la fertilidad de los suelos. En segundo lugar, se exploran algunas manifestaciones del impacto sobre la biodiversidad a partir de la llegada de las plantaciones esclavistas a distintos territorios. Por último, se ofrece una primera aproximación a las implicaciones de este proceso para los regímenes hidrológicos locales y la contaminación de los acuíferos por la industria azucarera, un tema que cuenta con escasas referencias en la bibliografía existente. Abstract This paper studies the history of ecological-environmental consequences of cane sugar plantation in Cuba between 1800 and 1870. First, it analyzes two major problems for the existence of cane sugar plantation: the increasing lack of fuel and fertility loss. Second, it explores some impacts on biodiversity produced by the slavery plantation extension to different lands. Finally, it offers a first look at the implications of this extension on hydrologic local regimes and aquifer contamination by sugar cane industry.
This work, in collaboration with the Romagna Reclamation Consortium, has the aim of studying the heavy metals concentration distribution in the drainage canals of the Ravenna coastal basins, Italy. Particular attention was given to the area of the V Fosso Ghiaia and VI Bevanella basins, where water and sediment samples were collected in the field and integrated with existing databases. The hydrological regime is controlled and managed by the Consortium, which has divided the territory into several mechanical drainage basins. XRF was performed on 21 sediment samples and pH, EC, T°, Fe2+ and Fetot were measured on 15 water samples by probes and spectrophotometer, respectively. Heavy metals concentrations exceeding legal limits of the D.LGS n ° 152/2006 were found for As, Co, Cr, Pb and Zn. These results were then integrated with canal sediment analyses provided by the Consortium to perform a Principal Component Analysis. PCA results show that the main variable affecting heavy metals distribution is the use of fertilizers, followed by distance from sea, and altimetry, which are directly linked to salinity. Heavy metals concentrations increase with increasing use of fertilizers, which are mainly due to the widespread agricultural practices and industrial land use in the area. High heavy metals concentrations are also found in the canals interested by higher salinity (especially Pinetale Ramazzotti). In fact, the area is affected by salinization caused by a water table below sea level and upward seepage of salty oxygen-poor saline water from the bottom of the aquifer. According to the literature, iron and manganese oxides were found to be an important factor in controlling the heavy metals distribution.