933 resultados para Philosophical theology
Este estudo discute a relação entre o processo de Libertação no pensamento de José Comblin e a Educação Popular, a partir da perspectiva antropológica e social da liberdade do ser humano como vocação singular de cada sujeito. Discute ainda a implicação desta noção de liberdade que inclui a responsabilidade para com o outro, como dimensão fundamental para o engajamento na luta pela transformação da sociedade. Por meio de pesquisa bibliográfica, foi realizada a análise dos elementos que fazem interface entre a noção de libertação-liberdade e a Educação Popular no pensamento de Comblin. Trabalha-se com a hipótese de que o elemento antropológico e social na perspectiva de Libertação, presente no pensamento de José Comblin, tem relação com a gênese ideológica da Educação Popular e sua práxis libertadora na sociedade no Brasil, na segunda parte do século XX. Para tal, buscou-se apresentar a vida e a obra de José Comblin e daqueles que dialogam com ele, a fim de que se possa entender de maneira profícua a noção de libertação dentro dos períodos históricos que marcaram a renovação da Igreja Católica e a formação da Teologia da Libertação. Esses momentos marcantes dizem respeito ao Concílio Vaticano II, à Conferência de Medellín, de Puebla e pós-puebla. Ainda se fez um breve histórico da Educação Popular no Brasil e na América Latina e suas implicações filosóficas e pedagógicas a fim de ter elementos concretos para realizar a análise da relação entre o referencial teórico e o contexto da Educação Popular e a noção de liberdade e libertação no pensamento de José Comblin.
A presente pesquisa apresenta um estudo sobre o mal a partir da leitura da obra Quincas Borba, de Machado de Assis, tendo como referência um viés da teologia e da filosofia uma vez que este problema historicamente suscitou questionamentos em ambos os campos do conhecimento. Concomitantemente, pretendemos apontar para a possibilidade de uma obra literária fazer surgir uma reflexão teológica e filosófica, sem contanto, ser necessário provar a religiosidade do escritor ou desvelar uma doutrina filosófica criada pelo mesmo. Para tanto, propomos como autores de base os teólogos Andrés Torres Queiruga, Juan Antonio Estrada, e a teóloga Ivone Gebara, e os filósofos Paul Ric ur, Blaise Pascal e Arthur Schopenhauer. Ao mesmo tempo, damos uma relevância ao livro do Eclesiastes, do qual o escritor carioca era leitor assíduo. Com isso, pretendemos evidenciar e compreender mais profundamente na já mencionada obra machadiana a presença do mal em suas mais facetadas manifestações nas relações humanas.
Esta pesquisa propõe-se a tematizar a religião no pensamento de Paul Ricoeur. Correlaciona filosofia e teologia e tem na nomeação de Deus o primeiro pro-blema. Ao analisar os limites do assunto, a hipótese da tese sustenta que a inter-secção das áreas é produtiva e que um trabalho original de pensamento pode vir deste cruzamento. A tese sugere o termo da dobra da religião, tendo em vista a apropriação da tarefa do reconhecimento do si na ontologia quebrada. O desdo-bramento das aporias, pela filosofia reflexiva, articula a ontologia do possível nas categorias existenciais do autor, sobretudo em termos da linguagem religio-sa, da esperança e da aporia da graça. A pesquisa é feita com base no método fenomenológico e hermenêutico, dividido em quatro etapas: num primeiro mo-mento, introduz-se a relação da filosofia com a teologia e o teônimo como a primeira dobra da religião. No segundo capítulo, aborda-se a importância tempo-ralidade e a narratividade na mito-poética. O terceiro capítulo versa sobre a in-terpretação metafórica da religião na ontologia do possível. O quarto e último capítulo apresenta a dobra existencial cujo movimento se dá como um espiral fi-losófico na própria vida de Ricoeur. A pesquisa é concluída no horizonte do ser humano capaz e o reconhecimento de si mediado pela dobra da religião. Espera-se que o resultado seja uma reflexão que permita uma melhor compreensão da filosofia de Ricoeur, bem como que sirva de referencial e fundamento para fu-turos estudos acerca da filosofia da religião.
Tudo é e não é . Analisar algumas imagens ambíguas de Deus em Grande Sertão: Veredas foi o objetivo desta dissertação. Para tanto, essa análise é uma tentativa interdisciplinar de leitura e interpretação, em que Teologia e Literatura são interlocutoras. A partir do romance rosiano, sob à luz hermenêutica da crítica literária e da reflexão teológica, tentamos indicar que a escritura de João Guimarães Rosa apresenta Deus de modo ambíguo. Essa assertiva é possível, pois se percebeu na provisoriedade humana, poetizada pelo escritor e personificada por Riobaldo, o traço sine qua non do modo de ver mundos misturados . Ao rememorar e renarrar as estórias sua vida, Riobaldo abre espaço ao Mistério. Nonada . Em cada travessia, o protagonista-narrador reflete acerca de Deus , por meio da fala poética cujas imagens diversas sugerem um Deus muito contrariado . Sem enquadramentos teológicos e/ou filosóficos definitivos, Rosa provoca-nos ao mostrar-nos que o Deus que roda tudo revela-se e evade-se no sertão-universo. Lugar físico-mítico. É no sertão que intentamos seguir os rastros de Deus segundo a íris riobaldiana. Olhar de constante movimento entre o obscuro e o revelado, entre o é e não é.(AU)
Thèse numérisée par la Direction des bibliothèques de l'Université de Montréal.
Sex sells. A lot. But who exactly is on the market?
What kinds of bodies are calibrated for traffic and consumption, and how exactly do they get there? When it comes to “sex” trafficking—which comprises a minority percentage of human trafficking, yet dominates the moral imagination as an “especially heinous” crime—the rise in predominantly white, evangelical Christian American interest in the trafficked subject galvanizes an ethical outrage that rarely observes critiques of race, ethnicity, sexuality or class as conditions of possibility. Though a nuanced mandate to fight trafficking is all but cemented in the contemporary American political and moral conscience, Virgin Territory accounts for the ways Christian ideas of purity annex both gender and sexuality inside the legacies of racialized colonial encounter, and foreground the market expansion of the global sex trade as it exists today.
In Part I, I argue that the narratives of virginity tied to Mary’s body simultaneously foregrounded the gendered, sexed Other as sparked disdain for the religious Other, for the Jewish body and for Mary’s Jewish identity. Through this analysis I explore the connections of racial identity to the Christian theological elision of Jewish election. I demonstrate how the questions of sexual ethics materialized at the site of the Virgin Mary, and align the moral attachments of sex and purity in the production of whiteness. These machinations, tied to the emerging European identity of empire, irrupt horrifically into the narrative ontology of dark flesh in Africa, Asia, and the Americas.
In Part II, I highlight the function of these narratives inside of the moments of colonial encounter, demonstrating how the logics of purity and virginity were directly applied to manage dark female flesh. I map the visual iconography of the Black Madonna first through a Dutch painting entitled The Rape of the Negress. I read this image through the social theological imagination instantiating the idea of the reprobate body and white imperial gaze. This analysis foregrounds a theological reading of Sarah Baartman, the “Hottentot Venus,” as the center of a complex sex trafficking investigation, outlining the genealogy of race, as well as the ideologies of the racial, ethnic and national Other, as mitigating factors in the conditions of possibility of a global sex trade. By restoring these narratives and their theological undertones, I reiterate the ways Christian thought is imbricated in the global sex trade, and propose theological strategies for rethinking humanitarian responses to sex trafficking.
A theology of institutions is dependent upon an imagination sparked by the cross and shaped by the hope of the resurrection. Creative destruction is the institutional process of dying so that new life might flourish for the sake of others. Relying upon the institutional imagination of James K.A. Smith, the institutional particularity of David Fitch, and L. Gregory Jones’ traditioned innovation, creative destruction becomes a means of institutional discipleship. When an institution practices creative destruction, it learns to remember, imagine, and be present so that it might cultivate habits of faithful innovation. As institutions learn to take up their cross a clearer telos comes into view and collaboration across various organizations becomes possible for a greater good. Institutions that take up the practice of creative destruction can reimagine, reset, restart or resurrect themselves through a kind of dying so that new life can emerge. Creative destruction is an apologetic for an institutional way of being-in-the-world for the sake of all beings-in-the-world.
This dissertation attempts to retrieve the integration of prayer and theology in the life of the church. Prayer is a spiritual and bodily theological activity that forms Christian identity and virtuous character. The bodily dimension of Christian prayer plays an essential role in theological understanding and moral formation. However, the embodiment of prayer has been mostly neglected in modern academic theology. This study highlights the significance of the body at prayer in theological studies and spiritual formation.
Chapter 1 presents Karl Barth’s theology of prayer as a model of the integration of prayer, theology, and Christian life (lex orandi, lex credendi, lex agendi). However, Barth’s attempt to overcome the dichotomy between theory and practice in theology did not pay much attention to embodiment of prayer. Through ritual studies and phenomenology (Marcel Mauss, Maurice Merleau-Ponty, and Pierre Bourdieu), chapter 2 shows why the bodily dimension of the practice of prayer should be recovered in theology and ministry; then it explains how Christians in the early and medieval church actually prayed with the body, how their bodily actions were understood in their theological paradigms, and how their actions contributed to the formation of Christian character. Chapter 3 narrows the focus to the formation of the heart in the making of Christian character. The practice of prayer has been emphasized not only as an expression of the inner heart of pray-ers but also as a channel of grace that shapes their affections as enduring dispositions of the heart. Furthermore, historically the bodily practice of prayer gave theological authority to the devout Christians who were marginalized in academic theology or ecclesiastical hierarchy, and Chapter 4 presents the lex orandi of praying women who gained their theological knowledge, wisdom, and authority through their exemplary practices of prayer (Catherine of Siena, Mechthild of Magdeburg, Julian of Norwich, Margery Kempe, and Teresa of Avila). These historical examples reveal how Christian communities appreciated and celebrated the theological voices from the margins, which developed from theological embodiments in prayer.
This dissertation concludes that academic theology needs to heed these diverse theological voices, which are nurtured through everyday practice, as an integral part of theological studies. Therefore, it calls for a new paradigm for understanding the relationship between theory and practice in theological education. The integration between theory and bodily practice is necessary for both academic theology and spiritual formation. A more holistic understanding of Christian practices will not only enhance the training of scholars and clergy but also give the laity their own theological voices that will enrich academic theology.
Le mouvement derridien de la différance marque la rupture avec l'affirmation de la métaphysique de la présence, avec l'autorité du signifié transcendantal. Dans cet univers mouvant de signifiants qui se renvoient perpétuellement les uns aux autres, la logique d'univocité se disloque. La "présence" n'est que fantomatique, s'esquissant au sein d'une chaîne ininterrompue de signifiants et se laissant toujours creuser par la marque d'un irréductible manque. Face au logocentrisme, corollaire de l'affirmation de la présence, l'écriture se veut siège et articulation de la trace, d'une origine qui ne peut être que raturée, véhicule d'une irrémédiable fêlure. La volet littéraire de la déconstruction a pour but de mettre en évidence le fonctionnement de l'"indécidabilité" du discours, soit une certaine ambivalence dans la signification qui caractérise tout texte. L'objectif principal de la présente recherche est de fournir une compréhension plus approfondie de la déconstruction en insistant sur l'ancrage langagier de tout texte. Le discours philosophique n'échappe ainsi pas au mécanisme différentiel du langage et de la dérive métaphorique. La parenté entre la perspective déconstructiviste derridienne et la conception mallarméenne du langage poétique semble frappante. La mise en oeuvre, par Mallarmé, d'une dislocation de l'espace textuel, son minutieux "creusement" du vers après renoncement à toute quête d'"Idéal", la mise en relief du leurre de l'appropriation langagière, voilà qui trouve un écho particulier dans les thèses derridiennes. La "mimésis" platonicienne se voit au travers du prisme de la "mimique" mallarméenne. La déconstruction poursuit son travail de "luxation" de l'oreille philosophique, insérant les philosophèmes dans la matrice langagière, les livrant ainsi au hasard du cheminement textuel et les confrontant à l'aporie. La philosophie n'a alors d'autre choix que d'abandonner ses prétentions transcendantales. La marche de la "différance" instaure une inexorable distance qui prive le sujet de tout rapport direct avec une origine assurée et lui ôte toute possibilité de maîtrise sur le monde. Au travers de la langue, se profile la question de l'altérité, de la relation dissymétrique qui nous lie à cet "autre", ce "tout-autre" qui nous fonde et nous constitue. L'accueil inconditionnel de cette altérité nous mènera à l'étude de la "religion", la déconstruction se tournant vers le "religieux" tout en effectuant un "retournement" habile de tout credo essentialiste.
Thèse numérisée par la Direction des bibliothèques de l'Université de Montréal.
This dissertation is an exploration of how a small but important group of Romantic critics, finding fault in the ideal of three unities developed by neoclassical Academicians and wrongly attributed to Aristotle, turned to the terminology and practices of the fine arts to emphasize their conception of organic unity in literature. The Romantic analogy to painting in particular enables a philosophical criticism of literature to present the aesthetic semblance of painting, the comprehension of a multitude of details in a harmonious whole that is a natural unity to its medium, as a paradigm of modern-romantic poetry and its aspirations to similar complexity, particularity, and imaginative colour. Further, in extension of the French Querelle des anciens et des modernes of the seventeenth century, the division of ancient and romantic art by Romantic critics like August Schlegel, Samuel Taylor Coleridge, and William Hazlitt not only establishes an ethnological and historical difference between the artistic productions of these two cultural periods but also allows, unlike the neoclassical unities, a non-anachronistic philosophical vocabulary of whole and parts or of the general and particular in the criticism of poetry, which involution provides a “rule” more consonant with the laws of the imagination rather than with the rhetorical and absolutist dicta that were thither available in the literary canon.
This article focuses on the analysis of the concept of love in the religious philosophy of Pavel Florensky, who shares the ontological approach to the consideration of love with other representatives of Russian religious philosophy (N. berdyaev and S. bulgakov). We pay more careful attention to the understanding of love-άγαπαν by Florensky. We have drawn the conclusion that, in the philosophy of P. Florensky, Love, closely connected with truth and beauty, is considered an ontological basis existence of personality. We develop the ideas of Pavel Florensky, and accordingly assume that it is possible to synthesise love-agape and love-eros around the idea of sacrificial love. Agapelogical and erotical ‘bezels’ of one jewel of love is aspects of united love, which is given by God. this gift of God, the gift of united love, is kept by humans through prayer and deeds of love.
This paper deals with an elucidation of the theologico-political implications of Franz Rosenzweig’s relational conception of time in his work The Star of Redemption, the peculiarity of which expresses the concept “messianic difference”. Considered from the standpoint of the secularization debate, this messianic temporality offers a response to the verification of the Hegelian assembly of political philosophy and philosophy of history which, according to Rosenzweig, First World War represented. The consequent political disappointment experienced by the author of Hegel und der Staat led him to the pursuit of a Neues Denken determined by the ontological primacy of time as well as the unbreakable relationship which Rosenzweig established between “temporality” and “otherness”. Taking as terminus a quo the anthropological distinction between “personality” and “self”, i. e. between “ethics” and “metaethics”, that Rosenzweig presents in The Star, I will finally attempt to explore the various modes of temporalization that, depending on the relation to the temporalization of God and the world, are possible for the Rosenzweigian Self, as well as their related theologico-political aftermaths.
This thesis deals with the origins of the architectural forms as expressed in the Homeric Mycenaean citadel. The Genesis of the Mycenaean Citadel is a philosophical quest which reveals the poetic dimension of the Mycenaean architecture. The Introduction deals with general theories on the subject of space, which converge into one, forming the spinal idea of the thesis. The ‘process of individuation’, the process by which a person becomes ‘in-dividual’ that is a separate, indivisible unity or ‘whole’, is a process of transformation and renewal which at collective level takes place within the citadel. This is built on the archetype which expresses both the nature of the soul as a microcosm and of the divinely ordered Cosmos. The confrontation of the rational ‘ego’ with the unconscious is the process which brings us to the ‘self’, that organising center of the human psyche which is symbolised through the centre of the citadel. . Chapter I refers to ‘the Archetype of the Mycenaean citadel’. The Mycenaean citadel, which is built on a certain pattern of placement and orientation in relation to landscape formations, reproduces images which belong to the category of the ‘archetypal mother’. On the other hand, its adjustment to a central point with ‘high’ significance, recalls the archetypal image of Shiva-Shakti. The citadel realises the concept of a Kantian ‘One-all embracing space’; it is a cosmogonic symbol but also a philosophical one. Chapter II examines the column in its dual meaning, which is expressed in one structure; column and capital unite within their symbolism the conscious and unconscious contents of the human psyche and express the archetype of wholeness and goal of the individuation process. 33 Chapter III is a philosophical research into the ‘symbolism of the triangle’, the sacred Pythagorean symbol which expresses certain cosmological beliefs about the relation between human nature and the divinely ordered Cosmos. The triangular slab over the Lion Gate is a representation of the Dionysiac ‘palingenesia’, that is the continuity of One life, which was central to the Mycenaean religion. Chapter IV deals with the tripartite ‘megaron’. The circular hearth within the four-columned hall expresses the ‘quaternity of the One’, one of the oldest religious symbols of humanity. Zeus is revealed in the ‘fiery monadic unit-cubit’ as an all-embracing god next to goddess Hestia, symbolised by the circular hearth. The ‘megaron’ expresses the alchemical quaternity and the triad but also the psychological stages of development in the process towards wholeness. In the Conclusions it is emphasised that the Mycenaean citadel was created as if in a repetition of a cosmogony. It is a ‘mandala’, the universal image which is identified with God-image in man. Moreover it is built in order to be experienced by its citizen in the process of his psychological transformation towards the ‘self’, the divine element within the psyche which unites with the divinely ordered Cosmos