1000 resultados para Pescetti, Luis María


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The interconnected porosity of the Cr3C2-NiCr coatings obtained by high-velocity oxy fuel spraying is detrimental in corrosion and wear resistance applications. Laser treatments allow sealing of their surfaces through melting and resolidification of a thin superficial layer. A Nd:YAG laser beam was used to irradiate Cr3C2-NiCr coatings either in the continuous wave mode or at different repetition rates in the pulsed one. Results indicated that high peak and low mean laser irradiances are not good, since samples presented deep grooves and an extensive crack network. At low peak and higher mean laser irradiances the surface was molten, and only a few shallow cracks were observed. The interconnected porosity was completely eliminated in a layer up to 80 m thick, formed by large Cr7C3 grains imbedded in a NiCr matrix.


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L'organisation du premier livre de motets de Tomás Luis de Victoria, publié à Venise en 1572 chez les Fils d'Antonio Gardano (RISM V 1421), repose sur une stratification d'éléments divers mais complémentaires. Les pièces sont organisées en quatre groupes : quatorze à 4 voix, neuf à 5 voix, neuf à 6 voix et une à 8 voix. Elles forment des paires modales. Les derniers motets des groupes reposent sur des écritures individualisées (ad aequales, canon à l'unisson, Tenormotette, motet à double choeur). De plus, un jeu avec le nombre de parties, une et deux essentiellement, intervient entre les groupes et à l'intérieur. Les textes émanent de plusieurs rites (avilais, prétridentin et tridentin) et sources. Lorsque c'est nécessaire, le compositeur les remanie pour qu'ils s'adaptent à l'organisation du recueil. Au bout du compte, le livre veut être un objet ayant un certain poids et qui dit quelque chose de plus qu'une simple addition de pièces. C'est précisément ce dont a besoin le jeune compositeur pour prendre une place sur le marché du motet avec ce qui constitue son premier « opus ». Dans la dédicace qu'il signe lui-même, Victoria inscrit son édition dans la mouvance de la musica reservata puisqu'il la destine d'abord aux connaisseurs. Or, c'est précisément cette organisation complexe qui permet au musicien d'inscrire son recueil dans une lignée de publications savantes, initiées semble-t-il par le livre de motets à 5 voix d'Adrian Willaert, qui date de 1539.


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In this paper, Rosa Rius thinks about feminine identity and its history, based on the expressions of freedom of two authors living four centuries apart: the Venetian humanist Moderata Fonte (1555-1592) and the Malagan philosopher María Zambrano (1904-1991). The fact that these women¿s freedom is taken as one of their main identifying elements, and straining the historical action of this freedom, unforeseen by the establishment, does not at all imply that the undeniable discrimination inflicted upon women throughout centuries is forgotten or goes on without protest.


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Purpose: To describe (1) the clinical profiles and the patterns of use of long-acting injectable (LAI) antipsychotics in patients with schizophrenia at risk of nonadherence with oral antipsychotics, and in those who started treatment with LAI antipsychotics, (2) health care resource utilization and associated costs. Patients and methods: A total of 597 outpatients with schizophrenia at risk of nonadherence, according to the psychiatrist's clinical judgment, were recruited at 59 centers in a noninterventional prospective observational study of 1-year follow-up when their treatment was modified. In a post hoc analysis, the profiles of patients starting LAI or continuing with oral antipsychotics were described, and descriptive analyses of treatments, health resource utilization, and direct costs were performed in those who started an LAI antipsychotic. Results: Therapy modifications involved the antipsychotic medications in 84.8% of patients, mostly because of insufficient efficacy of prior regimen. Ninety-two (15.4%) patients started an LAI antipsychotic at recruitment. Of these, only 13 (14.1%) were prescribed with first-generation antipsychotics. During 1 year, 16.3% of patients who started and 14.9% of patients who did not start an LAI antipsychotic at recruitment relapsed, contrasting with the 20.9% who had been hospitalized only within the prior 6 months. After 1 year, 74.3% of patients who started an LAI antipsychotic continued concomitant treatment with oral antipsychotics. The mean (median) total direct health care cost per patient per month during the study year among the patients starting any LAI antipsychotic at baseline was 1,407 ( 897.7). Medication costs (including oral and LAI antipsychotics and concomitant medication) represented almost 44%, whereas nonmedication costs accounted for more than 55% of the mean total direct health care costs. Conclusion: LAI antipsychotics were infrequently prescribed in spite of a psychiatrist-perceived risk of nonadherence to oral antipsychotics. Mean medication costs were lower than nonmedication costs.


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We show that a chemically engineered structural asymmetry in [Tb2] molecular clusters renders the two weakly coupled Tb3+ spin qubits magnetically inequivalent. The magnetic energy level spectrum of these molecules meets then all conditions needed to realize a universal CNOT quantum gate. A proposal to realize a SWAP gate within the same molecule is also discussed. Electronic paramagnetic resonance experiments confirm that CNOT and SWAP transitions are not forbidden.


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La Carpeta Digital es un sistema generador de portafolios electrónicos diseñado y desarrollado a partir de principios pedagógicos y tecnológicos. Estos principios están basados en la idea del espacio del portafolios no como algo exclusivamente ligado a su uso escolar o académico, sino también a su utilización personal. En este artículo se presenta, en primer lugar, un acercamiento al proceso de creación de la Carpeta Digital para mostrar después, de forma concreta y descriptiva, la herramienta a través de sus funcionalidades. Un segundo apartado del artículo se centra en la experiencia de uso de esta herramienta en contextos universitarios, en concreto en varias asignaturas de la Universidad de Barcelona durante dos cursos académicos.


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'Problemas fundamentales de la gramática del español como 2/L' es un volumen que apreciarán y agradecerán todos aquellos profesores o futuros profesores y aprendices de nivel superior que cuenten con un bagaje formativo filológico-lingüístico, ya que el metalenguaje que se emplea en las explicaciones y en los epígrafes hará sentir cómodo y seguro a este tipo de lector, hispanista, ya acostumbrado a reflexionar sobre la lengua española pero que necesita aprender a analizarla desde la perspectiva de quien no la tiene como lengua materna.


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O trabalho foi conduzido no Pantanal, em fitofisionomia de campo a savana, regionalmente denominada de caronal, pela dominância de Elyonurus muticus. Os objetivos foram avaliar o efeito da queima anual de caronal sobre a biomassa aérea acumulada, produção primária líquida da parte aérea (PPLA) do estrato herbáceo e cobertura do solo. Foram coletados dados mensais de biomassa aérea acumulada durante dois anos, em uma área com queima em set./95 e ago./96, e outra sem queima. A PPLA foi estimada através das diferenças de biomassa aérea viva coletada mensalmente. A queima reduziu a biomassa aérea acumulada em aproximadamente 36% no primeiro ano e 50% no segundo. Houve uma tendência de redução de biomassa acumulada com a repetição da queima. A PPLA do estrato herbáceo nas áreas sem queima e com queima foi 3.850 kg/ha e 4.980 kg/ha no primeiro ano, e 5.090 kg/ha e 2.880 kg/ha no segundo, respectivamente. A cobertura do solo 30 dias após a queima foi de aproximadamente 30%, e somente quatro a seis meses depois foi restabelecido o porcentual da área sem queima


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O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar a composição e dinâmica da biomassa aérea após a queima de uma savana gramíneo-lenhosa no Pantanal. Foram coletados dados mensais de freqüência de espécies, biomassa aérea e cobertura do solo durante 11 meses em uma área com queima (CQ) e outra sem queima (SQ), ambas sem pastejo. A queima reduziu a freqüência das gramíneas predominantes e condicionou aumento no número de espécies dicotiledôneas e ciperáceas. A produção de biomassa aérea total foi inferior na área com queima, embora a tendência de incremento tenha sido semelhante nas duas áreas. A produção de biomassa morta foi muito afetada pela queima, cuja produção, 11 meses após, representou aproximadamente 25% da obtida na área sem queima. A cobertura do solo foi inferior na área com queima e somente no quarto mês assemelhou-se à área sem queima.


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La Carpeta Digital es un sistema generador de portafolios electrónicos diseñado y desarrollado a partir de principios pedagógicos y tecnológicos. Estos principios están basados en la idea del espacio del portafolios no como algo exclusivamente ligado a su uso escolar o académico, sino también a su utilización personal. En este artículo se presenta, en primer lugar, un acercamiento al proceso de creación de la Carpeta Digital para mostrar después, de forma concreta y descriptiva, la herramienta a través de sus funcionalidades. Un segundo apartado del artículo se centra en la experiencia de uso de esta herramienta en contextos universitarios, en concreto en varias asignaturas de la Universidad de Barcelona durante dos cursos académicos.


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In this paper, Rosa Rius thinks about feminine identity and its history, based on the expressions of freedom of two authors living four centuries apart: the Venetian humanist Moderata Fonte (1555-1592) and the Malagan philosopher María Zambrano (1904-1991). The fact that these women¿s freedom is taken as one of their main identifying elements, and straining the historical action of this freedom, unforeseen by the establishment, does not at all imply that the undeniable discrimination inflicted upon women throughout centuries is forgotten or goes on without protest.


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Heusler alloy Mn50Ni40In10 was produced as preferentially textured ribbon flakes by melt spinning, finding the existence of martensitic-austenic transformation with both phases exhibiting ferromagnetic ordering. A microcrystalline three-layered microstructure of ordered columnar grains grown perpendicularly to ribbon plane was formed between two thin layers of smaller grains. The characteristic temperatures of the martensitic transformation were MS=213 K, Mf=173 K, AS=222 K, and Af=243 K. Austenite phase shows a cubic L21 structure (a=0.6013(3) nm at 298 K and a Curie point of 311 K), transforming into a modulated fourteen-layer modulation monoclinic martensite


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Sondaje rectal. Definición: Introducción de una sonda flexible a través de los esfínteres anales externo e interno. Objetivo: Administrar un enema o ayudar a reducir la flatulencia. Material: Sonda rectal, lubricante, empapador, guantes limpios, esparadrapo antialérgico y bolsa colectora (opcional)...


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Contrary to what Felipe Pedrell indicates, the second Ave maris stella in his Victoria's collected works (vol. V, 1908, pp. 100-3, n° 33) doesn't appear in the collection published in 1600 in Madrid by the composer, nor in any other of the musician's books. In the 1600 edition, Victoria reissues the two first verses (plainchant followed by polyphony) of the Ave maris stella published in 1576 and then again in 1581. The earliest source of the problematic Ave maris stella is Munich, Bayerische Staatsbibliothek, Musik-Abteilung, 2 Mus. pr. 23 handschriftlicher Beiband, dating from the third quarter oft he seventeenth century. This source is a manuscrit that runs as an appendix to the 1581 edition of Victoria's hymns. No attributions are given in the manuscript. The first attributions of the piece to Victoria arise in the nineteenth century, in manuscripts copied by Johann Michael Hauber, Johann Caspar Aiblinger, August Baumgartner and Carl Proske, and preserved in Munich and Regensburg. Proske pubished the piece in his Musica divina in 1859 (Annus primus, vol. III, pp. 419-24). The most probable hypothesis ist that Pedrell had knowledge of the second Ave maris stella, under the spanish composer's name, via Proske's Musica divina. In all likelihood the piece is not by Victoria, not least because the composer has never written odd polyphonic verses of hymns. In his Studies in the Music of Tomás Luis de Victoria (2001), Eugene Casjen Cramer relies on the supposed authenticity of the work to ascribe the others pieces of Munich, Bayerische Staatsbibliothek, Musik-Abteilung, 2 Mus. pr. 23 handschriftlicher Beiband to the composer. These attributions should therefore be refuted.