978 resultados para Peanut Cultivars


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Farmers must carefully choose the cultivar to be grown for a successful carrot crop. The yield potential of the cultivar may influence nutrient demand and should be known to plan for fertilization application. The aim of this study was to evaluate the cultivar effect on carrot yield and on the nutrient content and quantities allocated to leaves and roots. Three experiments were set up in two crop seasons in Rio Paranaíba, MG, Brazil. In the first season, typical summer, 10 summer cultivars were sown. In the second season, summer-winter (transition), two experiments were set up, one with summer cultivars and the other with winter cultivars. The treatments consisted of the carrot cultivars distributed in randomized blocks with four replications. Fresh and dry matter of the roots and leaves was quantified. Yield was calculated based on fresh matter of the roots. The nutrient content in leaves and roots was determined at the time of harvest. These contents and the dry matter production of roots and leaves were used to calculate nutrient uptake and export. The greatest average for total and commercial yield occurred in the crop under summer conditions. Extraction of N and K for most of the cultivars in the three experiments went beyond the amounts applied through fertilizers. Thus, there was contribution of nutrients from the soil to obtain the yields observed. However, the amount of P taken up was considerably less than that applied. This implies that soil P fertility will increase after cropping. The crop season and the cultivars influenced yield, nutrient content in the leaves and roots, and extraction and export of nutrients by the carrot crop.


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ABSTRACT The literature on fertilization for carrot growing usually recommends nutrient application rates for yield expectations lower than the yields currently obtained. Moreover, the recommendation only considers the results of soil chemical analysis and does not include effects such as crop residues or variations in yield levels. The aim of this study was to propose a fertilizer recommendation system for carrot cultivation (FERTICALC Carrot) which includes consideration of the nutrient supply by crop residues, variation in intended yield, soil chemical properties, and the growing season (winter or summer). To obtain the data necessary for modeling nutritional requirements, 210 carrot production stands were sampled in the region of Alto Paranaíba, State of Minas Gerais, Brazil. The dry matter content of the roots, the coefficient of biological utilization of nutrients in the roots, and the nutrient harvest index for summer and winter crops were determined for these samples. To model the nutrient supply by the soil, the literature was surveyed in regard to this theme. A modeling system was developed for recommendation of macronutrients and B. For cationic micronutrients, the system only reports crop nutrient export and extraction. The FERTICALC which was developed proved to be efficient for fertilizer recommendation for carrot cultivation. Advantages in relation to official fertilizer recommendation tables are continuous variation of nutrient application rates in accordance with soil properties and in accordance with data regarding the extraction efficiency of modern, higher yielding cultivars.


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PURPOSE: To analyze in vivo the function of chicken acidic leucine-rich epidermal growth factor-like domain containing brain protein/Neuroglycan C (gene symbol: Cspg5) during retinal degeneration in the Rpe65⁻/⁻ mouse model of Leber congenital amaurosis. METHODS: We resorted to mice with targeted deletions in the Cspg5 and retinal pigment epithelium protein of 65 kDa (Rpe65) genes (Cspg5⁻/⁻/Rpe65⁻/⁻). Cone degeneration was assessed with cone-specific peanut agglutinin staining. Transcriptional expression of rhodopsin (Rho), S-opsin (Opn1sw), M-opsin (Opn1mw), rod transducin α subunit (Gnat1), and cone transducin α subunit (Gnat2) genes was assessed with quantitative PCR from 2 weeks to 12 months. The retinal pigment epithelium (RPE) was analyzed at P14 with immunodetection of the retinol-binding protein membrane receptor Stra6. RESULTS: No differences in the progression of retinal degeneration were observed between the Rpe65⁻/⁻ and Cspg5⁻/⁻/Rpe65⁻/⁻ mice. No retinal phenotype was detected in the late postnatal and adult Cspg5⁻/⁻ mice, when compared to the wild-type mice. CONCLUSIONS: Despite the previously reported upregulation of Cspg5 during retinal degeneration in Rpe65⁻/⁻ mice, no protective effect or any involvement of Cspg5 in disease progression was identified.


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This work was conducted at the Universidade Estadual de Londrina (UEL), in Londrina, State of Paraná, Brazil, with the goal to study food-type soybean (Glycine max (L.) Merrill) genotypes performance for use in cultivation or crosses. A total of 104 genotypes were analyzed: 88 were food-type with large seeds, eight were food-type with small seeds, and eight-grain types adapted cultivars. The experimental plan was in randomized complete block design with four replications, and 12 traits of agronomic importance were considered. Genetic diversity was observed in the food-type germplasm. There were some genotypes with high yield adapted to a normal period of sowing. Soybean genetic improvement programs for direct human consumption in Brazil, either by means of Asiatic pure lines or by means of the incorporation of genes for late flowering in short-day conditions in this lines is highly viable.


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Flavor is the main limiting factor affecting soybean acceptability in the Occidental countries. The purpose of this study was to determine the effetcs of isoflavones on soybean flavor. Differences in beany flavor and astringency of soymilk and cooked whole soybean grains, prepared with cultivars IAS 5 and BR-36 (136 and 54 mg of total isoflavones /100 g of sample, respectively) with pre-soaking and pre-heating of grains, were sensorially analised, by an unstructured category scale of ascending intensity. Differences in isoflavone contents for both soybean cultivars were maintained in the two products, despite the pre-treatments in the processing. Pre-soaking of grains intensified beany flavor in the soymilk, reducing the perception of astringency, which is caused by the aglucones that were developed in reduced amounts.The whole soybeans grains cooked under pressure (1.5 kgf/cm² at 127°C) presented reduced levels of isoflavones malonyl-glucosides. Due to thermal instability, these compounds were converted to conjugated glucosides, genistin and daidzin. In the cooked whole soybean grains, no aglucones were formed and consequently it was not possible to detect differences in astringency. Results suggest that pre-heating of grains promote better flavor in soybean products.


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The effects of genetics and environmental factors on isoflavone content of soybean (Glycine max L.) cultivars grown in different locations in Brazil in 1993/94 were evaluated. Seeds of different cultivars were analised by high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC). In Rio Grande do Sul (RS), Paraná (PR), and Mato Grosso do Sul (MS) States, a significant difference in the isoflavone total content average of the cultivars IAS 5 and FT-Abyara (163.9, 116.4 and 79.5 mg/100 g, respectively) was observed. In general, IAS 5 contained higher isoflavone than FT-Abyara. Cultivars IAS 5 and FT-Abyara grown at Vacaria, RS (28°30' S latitude) with temperature average of 19°C, had the highest isoflavone concentrations (218.7 and 163.8 mg/100 g, respectively). In Palotina, PR (24°27' S latitude), where temperature average was 24°C, the isoflavone concentrations were 105.9 and 86.8 mg/100 g, respectively. The lowest isoflavone contents were observed for FT-Estrela and FT-Cristalina, (27.6 and 46.5 mg/100 g, repectively) at Rondonópolis, MT (16°20' S latitude), where the temperature was 27°C.


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A work was carried out with the purpose of verifying the biochemical changes associated to soybean (Glycine max (L.) Merrill) seeds osmoconditioning. Seeds of the UFV 10, IAC 8 and Doko RC cultivars harvested at R8 development stage and submitted to different treatments were used. The biochemical evaluations were performed during seed storage, after the hydration-dehydration process. Initially, seeds were osmoconditioned in a polyethylene glycol (PEG 6000) solution, with the osmotic potential of -0.8 MPa and 20ºC, for a period of four days. After that, seeds were dried back until the initial moisture content (10-11%) and stored in natural conditions for three and six months. Two controls were used: untreated seeds (dry seeds) and water soaked seeds. Seed changes in protein and lipid, hexanal accumulation and fatty acids contents were evaluated. The results showed that seed storage under laboratory natural conditions caused reduction in protein, lipid and polyunsaturated fatty acids content and promoted hexanal production. Storage periods reduced protein levels for all treatments, however the PEG 6000 treatment showed lower protein reduction. The soybean seed storage increased hexanal production, but hexanal levels were smaller with osmoconditioning comparing to the other imbibition treatments.


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The yearly genetic progress obtained by breeding for increased soybean yield has been considered acceptable worldwide. It is common sense, however, that this progress can be improved further if refined breeding techniques, developed from the knowledge of the genetic mechanisms controlling soybean yield, are used. In this paper, data from four cultivars and/or lines and their derived sets of F2, F3, F7, F8, F9 and F10 generations assayed in 17 environments were analyzed to allow an insight of the genetic control of soybean yield under different environmental conditions. The general picture was of a complex polygene system controlling yield in soybeans. Additive genetic effects predominated although dominance was often found to be significant. Complications such as epistasis, linkage and macro and micro genotype x environment (G x E) interactions were also commonly detected. The overall heritability was 0.29. The relative magnitude of the additive effects and the complicating factors allowed the inference that the latter are not a serious problem to the breeder. The low heritability values and the considerable magnitude of G x E interactions for yield, however, indicated that careful evaluation through experiments designed to allow for the presence of these effects is necessary for successful selection.


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Soybean yield is highly affected by sowing period and there are significant productivity losses when sowings are done outward a relatively restricted period in many regions of Brazil. Breeding cultivars less sensitive to photoperiod and to temperature variations is desirable for adaptation to wider sowing period and wider latitude range and also make irrigated soybean cultivation possible during the fall-winter seasons in frost free regions. The possibility of selecting high yielding and stable lines for yield during various sowing periods was studied by analyzing the behavior of 100 non-selected advanced lines (F9 and F10), from each one of all possible biparental crosses involving the genotypes BR85-29009, OCEPAR 8, FT-2, and BR-13. Experiments were set up in a completely randomized design with single-plant hill plots and received supplementary irrigation. Sowing was on Sept 27, Oct 20, Nov 17, and Dec 17 in 1993/94 and Sept 20, Oct 20, Nov 17, and Dec 14 in 1994/95 at Londrina, PR, Brazil. Procedures of regression analysis and minimum variance among planting date means were efficient for selecting stable lines during the four sowing seasons. It was possible to select stable and high yielding genotypes through the four sowing periods in all the crosses. No specific cross was clearly better to produce a greater number of stable genotypes.


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Seed from the sensitive wheat (Triticum aestivumL.) cultivar Anahuac was treated to gamma-ray irradiation and eleven Al3+ tolerant mutants selected. The objective was to compare these mutants to the original Anahuac and to the tolerant wheat cultivars IAC-24 and IAC-60 from 1994 to 1996 in acid (Capão Bonito) and limed (Monte Alegre do Sul) soil field trials, in the State of São Paulo, Brazil. Grain yield and agronomic characteristics were analyzed. All the mutant lines yielded higher than the sensitive Anahuac cultivar in the acid soils of Capão Bonito. Under limed soil conditions, 10 mutants had a similar yield to the original sensitive cultivar and one a lower yield. The majority of the mutants were similar in yield to the tolerant cultivars IAC-24 and IAC-60 under both conditions. Some of the mutants showed altered agronomic characteristics, but these alterations did not generally influence the grain yield. The results indicated that tolerant lines with good characteristics may be obtained from a susceptible cultivar by mutation induction, thus allowing cropping under conditions where Al3 + is a limiting factor.


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Phosphate (Pi) acquisition of crops via arbuscular mycorrhizal (AM) symbiosis acquires increasing importance due to the limited rock Pi reserves and the demand for environmentally sustainable agriculture. However, the symbiotic Pi uptake machinery has not been characterized in any monocotyledonous plant species. Among these, rice is the primary staple food for more than half of the human population and thus central for future food security. However, the relevance of the AM symbiosis for rice Pi nutrition is presently unclear. Here, we show that 70% of the overall Pi acquired by rice is delivered via the symbiotic route. To better understand this pathway we combined genetic, molecular and physiological approaches to determine the specific functions of the two rice Pi transporters, PT11 and PT13, which are expressed only during AM symbiosis. The PT11 lineage of proteins is present in mono- and dicotyledons whereas PT13, while found across the Poaceae, is absent from dicotyledons. Surprisingly, mutations in either PT11 or PT13 affected fungal colonization and arbuscule formation demonstrating that both genes are essential for AM symbiosis between rice and Glomus intra.rad.ices. Importantly, for symbiotic Pi uptake, only PT11 is necessary and sufficient. We found that mycorrhizal rice, remarkably, received almost all Pi via the symbiotic route. Such dominating mycorrhizal Pi uptake was found in plants grown under controlled conditions as well as in field soils, suggesting that the AM symbiosis is relevant for the Pi nutrition of field grown rice. Development of smaller arbuscules in PT11 mutants suggested that symbiotic Pi signaling is required for fungal nourishment by the plant. However, co-culture of mutant with wild type nurse plants did not restore normal arbuscule size in mutant roots, indicating that other factors than malnutrition accounted for the altered arbuscule phenotype. Surprisingly, the loss of PT13 did not affect symbiotic Pi uptake although it impacted arbuscule morphology, suggesting that PT13 is involved in signaling during arbuscule development. However, induction of PT13 was not only monitored in arbusculated cells but also in inner cortex cells of non-inoculated roots of plants grown under high Pi fertilization conditions. According to preliminary observations, PT13 localized at the tonoplast in arbusculated and non-arbusculated cells, suggesting that it might be involved in transporting Pi into the vacuole, possibly for maintaining cellular Pi homeostasis. The further investigation showed that fungal colonization level was significantly affected in the crown roots of two ptlS mutant alleles, but not in large lateral roots, implying the possible role of PT13 for maintaining Pi homeostasis in the crown roots. - L'acquisition de phosphate (Pi) par les plantes cultivées s'effectue grâce à une symbiose mycorhizienne arbasculaire (AM). L'étude de cette symbiose devient fondamentale puisque d'une part, les réserves en phosphate minéral sont limitées, et, d'autre part, la demande pour une agriculture écologiquement soutenable se renforce. La machinerie d'absorption symbiotique du phosphate n'est cependant pas encore élucidée chez les plantes monocotylédones. Parmi celles-ci, le riz occupe une place primordiale. Aliment de base pour plus de la moitié de la population mondiale, il revêt de ce fait une dimension essentielle en termes de sécurité alimentaire. Pourtant, l'importance de la symbiose AM chez le riz dans le processus d'acquisition du phosphate n'est, encore de nos jours, que peu comprise. Dans cette étude, nous montrons que 70% du phosphate acquis par le riz est mis à disposition de la plante grâce à la symbiose AM. Afin de mieux comprendre ce mécanisme, nous avons employé des approches physiologiques et génétiques nous permettant de déterminer les fonctions spécifiques de deux transporteurs de Pi, PT11 et PT13, présents chez le riz et exprimés uniquement durant la symbiose AM. La famille de gènes à laquelle appartient PT11 est présente chez les monocotylédones ainsi que chez les dicotylédones tandis que PT13, bien que retrouvé au sein des Poaceae, est absent chez les dicotylédones. Etonnamment, des versions mutées de PT11 ou de PT13 affectent la colonisation par le champignon endo-mycorhizien ainsi que la formation d'arbuscules, démontrant l'importance de ces deux gènes dans la symbiose AM entre le riz et Glomus intraradices. Il est à noter que seul PT11 se révèle nécessaire et suffisant pour l'apport de Pi grâce à la symbiose. Nous avons observé que la presque totalité du phosphate dont dispose le riz lors d'une symbiose AM provient du champignon. De telles proportions ont été observées tant chez des plantes cultivées en conditions contrôlées que chez des plantes cultivées dans les champs. Cela suggère l'importance de la symbiose AM dans le processus d'acquisition du Pi chez le riz cultivé à l'extérieur. Le développement d'arbuscules plus petits chez le mutant PT11 tend à montrer qu'une voie signalétique impliquant le Pi symbiotique est nécessaire pour l'entretien du champignon par la plante. Toutefois, une co-culture du mutant avec des plantes sauvages ne permet pas de restaurer des arbuscules de taille normale dans les racines du mutant. Ce résultat indique le rôle de facteurs autres que la malnutrition aboutissant à la formation d'arbuscules altérés. Si la perte de PT13 n'affecte pas l'acquisition de phosphate symbiotique, la morphologie de l'arbuscule est, quant à elle, modifiée. Ceci suggère un rôle de PT13 durant le développement de l'arbuscule. Or, l'induction de PT13 est non seulement détectée dans des cellules contenant des arbuscules mais également dans des cellules du cortex, ceci chez des plantes cultivées sans champignon mais dans des conditions de fortes concentrations en engrais phosphaté. En accord avec des observations précédentes, PT13 est localisé au niveau du tonoplaste des cellules contenant ou non des arbuscules. Ceci suggère que PT13 pourrait être impliqué dans le transport du Pi vers la vacuole, éventuellement pour maintenir une certaine homéostasie du phosphate. Dans cette étude, nous démontrons également que le niveau de colonisation par le champignon est affecté de manière significative dans les racines principales des deux allèles du mutants ptl3, mais pas dans les grosses racines latérales. Cela impliquerait un rôle possible de PT13 dans le maintien de l'homéostasie du phosphate dans les racines principales. RESUME POUR UN LARGE PUBLIC Le phosphate (Pi), l'un des éléments minéraux essentiel au développement des plantes, se trouve généralement en faible quantité dans le sol, limitant ainsi la croissance des plantes. Le rendement de la production agricole dépend dès lors de l'addition d'engrais contenant du phosphate inorganique (Pi), obtenu à partir de ressources minières riches en phosphate. Or, ces ressources devraient être épuisées d'ici la fin du siècle. Les racines des plantes possèdent des transporteurs de phosphate efficaces leur permettant d'acquérir rapidement le Pi présent dans le sol. Comme le Pi s'avère immobile dans le sol, l'absorption rapide par les racines crée des zones pauvres en Pi autour des systèmes racinaires. Pour surmonter cet obstacle, les plantes ont développé une symbiose avec des champignons endomycorhiziens, la symbiose mycorhizienne arbusculaire (AM). Cette association leur donne accès à d'autres ressources en phosphate puisque le mycélium de ces champignons se développe sur une surface 100 fois supérieure à celle des racines. Cela augmente considérablement la surface de nutrition, dépassant ainsi la zone appauvrie en Pi. Le phosphate, transporté grâce au champignon jusqu'à l'intérieur des racines, est fourni à la plante par le biais de structures établies à l'intérieur des cellules végétales, appelées arbuscules. De leur côté, les plantes possèdent des transporteurs spécifiques afin de recevoir le Pi fourni par les champignons. A l'heure actuelle, la machinerie nécessaire à cette absorption a été uniquement décrite chez des plantes dicotylédones. Or, comprendre l'apport de phosphate par les champignons mycorhiziens s'avère particulièrement pertinent dans le cas des espèces monocotylédones cultivées telles que les céréales. Ces dernières constituent en effet la majeure partie de l'alimentation humaine. Parmi les céréales, le riz demeure l'aliment de base de la population mondiale, d'où son importance en terme de sécurité alimentaire. Durant mon travail de thèse, j'ai identifié et caractérisé le transporteur du riz impliqué dans l'apport de phosphate par ce type de symbiose AM. J'ai également démontré que le riz, lorsqu'il vit en symbiose, bénéficie de la presque totalité du Pi transporté par le champignon. Environ 40% de la production globale de riz est cultivée dans des conditions permettant la symbiose avec des mycorhizes arbusculaires. Les variétés de riz adaptées à ces conditions aérobiques deviennent des alternatives favorables aux cultivars actuels nécessitant une forte irrigation. Elles se révèlent en effet plus tolérantes aux pénuries d'eau et permettent l'utilisation de pratiques agricoles moins intensives. Les données présentées dans cette étude enrichissent nos connaissances concernant l'absorption du phosphate chez le riz grâce à la symbiose AM. Ces connaissances peuvent s'avérer décisives pour le développement de cultivars du riz plus adaptés à une agriculture écologiquement soutenable.


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The interest in reducing maize row spacing in the short growing season regions of Brazil is increasing due to potential advantages such as higher radiation use efficiency. This experiment was conducted to evaluate the effect of row spacing reduction on grain yield of different maize cultivars planted at different dates. The trial was conducted in Lages, in the State of Santa Catarina, Brazil, during 1996/97 and 1997/98 growing seasons, in a split-split plot design. Early (October 1st) and normal (November 15) planting dates were tested in the main plot; two morphologically contrasting cultivars (an early single-cross and a late double-cross hybrids) were evaluated in the split plots and three row widths (100, 75 and 50 cm) were studied in the split-split plots. The reduction of row spacing from 100 to 50 cm increased linearly maize grain yield. The yield edge provided by narrow rows was higher when maize was sown earlier in the season. Differences in hybrid cycle and plant architecture did not alter maize response to the reduction of row spacing.


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This research aimed to characterize the tolerance to flooding and alterations in pectic and hemicellulose fractions from mesocotyl of maize tolerant to flooding when submitted to hypoxia. In order to characterize tolerance seeds from maize cultivars Saracura BRS-4154 and BR 107 tolerant and sensitive to low oxygen levels, respectively, were set to germinate. Plantlet survival was evaluated during five days after having been submitted to hypoxia. After fractionation with ammonium oxalate 0.5% (w/v) and KOH 2M and 4M, Saracura BRS-4154 cell wall was obtained from mesocotyl segments with different damage intensities caused by oxygen deficiency exposure. The cell wall fractions were analyzed by gel filtration and gas chromatography, and also by Infrared Spectrum with Fourrier Transformation (FTIR). The hypoxia period lasting three days or longer caused cell lysis and in advanced stages plant death. The gelic profile from pectic, hemicellulose 2M and 4M fractions from samples with translucid and constriction zone showed the appearance of low molecular weight compounds, similar to glucose. The main neutral sugars in pectic and hemicellulose fractions were arabinose, xilose and mannose. The FTIR spectrum showed a gradual decrease in pectic substances from mesocotyl with normal to translucid and constriction appearance respectively.


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Aluminum (Al) toxicity is a major factor limiting barley growth in acid soils, and genotypes with adequate level of tolerance are needed for improving barley adaptation in Brazil. To study the inheritance of Al tolerance in Brazilian barleys, cultivars Antarctica 1, BR 1 and FM 404 were crossed to sensitive Kearney and PFC 8026, and intercrossed. Parental, F1, F2 and F6 generations were grown in nutrient solution containing 0.03, 0.05 and 0.07 mM of Al and classified for tolerance by the root tip hematoxylin staining assay. Tolerant by sensitive F2 progenies segregated three tolerant to one sensitive, fitting the 3:1 ratio expected for a single gene. The F6 populations segregated one tolerant to one sensitive also fitting a monogenic ratio. The F2 seedlings from crosses among tolerant genotypes scored the same as the parents. Since the population size used would allow detection of recombination as low as 7%, the complete absence of Al sensitive recombinants suggests that tolerance in these cultivars is most probably, controlled by the same gene. Thus, the potential for improving Al tolerance through recombination of these genotypes is very low and different gene sources should be evaluated.


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Apple (Malus domestica Borkh.) trees, cultivars Gala and Fuji, were sprayed at full bloom with thidiazuron (TDZ) at doses of 0, 5, 10, or 20 g ha-1 of a.i. in order to evaluate its effects on plant growth and development, return bloom, fruit set, nutrition, and fruit yield. Fruit set increased with TDZ dose in 'Gala' but not in 'Fuji'. TDZ did not affect fruit yield in any cultivar. In 'Gala', the return bloom was reduced in about 50% at TDZ doses of 10 or 20 g ha-1. TDZ increased shoot growth in both cultivars. In leaves, TDZ decreased the concentration of Ca and Mg in 'Gala' and of Mg in 'Fuji', but did not affect the chlorophyll content, leaf area, length, width, and dry mass per cm² regardless of cultivar. In fruits, the effect of TDZ varied according to the portion evaluated. Highest doses of TDZ decreased the concentration of Ca and K in 'Gala' and of K in 'Fuji' in the entire fruits (flesh + skin); in the skin, highest doses of TDZ reduced the levels of N, Ca, and Mg in both cultivars, in addition to the level of K in 'Fuji'.