1000 resultados para Pattern Collapse


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We present observations of the interacting transient SN 2009ip, from the start of the outburst in October 2012 until the end of the 2012 observing season. The transient reached a peak of $M_V$=-17.7 mag before fading rapidly, with a total integrated luminosity of 1.9$\times10^{49}$ erg over the period of August-December 2012. The optical and near infrared spectra are dominated by narrow emission lines, signaling a dense circumstellar environment, together with multiple components of broad emission and absorption in H and He at velocities between 0.5-1.2$\times10^4$ km s$^{-1}$\. We see no evidence for nucleosynthesized material in SN 2009ip, even in late-time pseudo-nebular spectra. We set a limit of $


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1. Lough Neagh is one of the most important non-estuarine sites in the British Isles for overwinteringwildfowl. A change in the waterbird assemblage following the winter of 2000/2001 was drivenmainly by a rapid decline in the population of overwintering diving ducks. Sudden and discretechanges in resident as well as migratory waterbirds may suggest an intrinsic cause.
2. We compared the density and biomass of benthic macroinvertebrates, the food of overwinteringdiving ducks, in 2010 (following the diving duck population decline) with values from a baselinesurvey conducted in 1997/1998 (before the decline in diving ducks).
3. The mean total density of macroinvertebrates declined significantly by c. 65% from 15 300 m2in1997/1998 to 5136 m2in 2010. There was a concomitant c. 70% decline in mean macroinvertebratebiomass from 15 667 mg m2to 5112 mg m2. In terms of taxonomic composition, the relativecontribution of Tanypodinae, Glyptotendipes spp . and Tanytarsini declined, while the relativecontribution of Chironomus spp. increased.
4. We describe a shift in chlorophyll-a concentration, a proxy of phytoplankton biomass, in thelargest freshwater lake in the British Isles coincident with a significant reduction in macroinverte-brate density and biomass, with potential implications for ecosystem processes and ecologically andeconomically important consumer populations, including waterbirds and fishes


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A new strategy for remote reconfiguration of an antenna array far field radiation pattern is described. The scheme uses a pilot tone co-transmitted with a carrier signal from a location distant from that of a receive antenna array whose far field pattern is to be reconfigured. By mixing the co-transmitted signals locally at each antenna element in the array an IF signal is formed which defines an equivalent array spacing that can be made variable by tuning the frequency of the pilot tone with respect to the RF carrier. This makes the antenna array factor hence far field spatial characteristic reconfigurable on receive. For a 10 x 1 microstrip patch element array we show that the receive pattern can be made to vary from 35 to 10 degrees half power beam width as the difference frequency between the pilot and the carrier at 2.45 GHz varies between 10 MHz and 500 MHz carrier.


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A pattern synthesis approach is applied to a directional modulation (DM) system. A systematic synthesis procedure is suggested which ensures optimal constellation patterns production along pre-specified communication directions, whereas simultaneously conserving energy dispersal in other directions. In this study, the properties of DM systems synthesised from Gaussian magnitude far-field radiation pattern templates are used to illustrate performance benefits with regards to DM bit error rate response compared with those achieved by a conventional steered array.


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Animals can call on a multitude of sensory information to orient and navigate. In some cases they may calibrate these cues against each other to establish the most accurate information available. One such cue is the pattern of polarized light in the sky, which may be used as a geographical reference to calibrate other cues in the compass mechanism. Mammals, however, have not been shown to use this cue, even though they do calibrate a magnetic compass with sunset. In this paper we demonstrate that bats use polarization cues at sunset to calibrate a magnetic compass, subsequently used for orientation during a homing experiment. It is thus the only mammal known so far to make use of the polarization pattern in the sky. This is an intriguing finding as currently there is no clear understanding of how this cue is perceived in this taxon and has general implications for the sensory biology of mammalian vision.


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This paper presents the results of an experimental investigation, carried out in order to verify the feasibility of a ‘drive-by’ approach which uses a vehicle instrumented with accelerometers to detect and locate damage in a bridge. In theoretical simulations, a simplified vehicle-bridge interaction model is used to investigate the effectiveness of the approach in detecting damage in a bridge from vehicle accelerations. For this purpose, the accelerations are processed using a continuous wavelet transform and damage indicators are evaluated and compared. Alternative statistical pattern recognition techniques are incorporated to allow for repeated vehicle passes. Parameters such as vehicle speed, damage level, location and road roughness are varied in simulations to investigate the effect. A scaled laboratory experiment is carried out to assess the effectiveness of the approach in a more realistic environment, considering a number of bridge damage scenarios.


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Haptoglobin (Hp) and immunoglobulins are plasma glycoproteins involved in the immune reaction of the organism after infection and/or inflammation. Porcine circovirus type 2-systemic disease (PCV2-SD), formerly known as postweaning multisystemic wasting syndrome (PMWS), is a globally spread pig disease of great economic impact. PCV2-SD affects the immunological system of pigs causing immunosuppression. The aim of this work was to characterize the Hp protein species of healthy and PCV2-SD affected pigs, as well as the protein backbone and the glycan chain composition of porcine Hp. PCV2-SD affected pigs had an increased overall Hp level, but it did not affect the ratio between Hp species. Glycoproteomic analysis of the Hp β subunits confirmed that porcine Hp is N-glycosylated and, unexpectedly, O-glycosylated, a PTM that is not found on Hp from healthy humans. The glyco-profile of porcine IgG and IgA heavy chains was also characterized; decreased levels of both proteins were found in the investigated group of PCV2-SD affected pigs. Obtained results indicate that no significant changes in the N- and O-glycosylation patterns of these major porcine plasma glycoproteins were detectable between healthy and PCV2-SD affected animals.


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The impact of rapid climate change on contemporary human populations is of global concern. To contextualize our understanding of human responses to rapid climate change it is necessary to examine the archeological record during past climate transitions. One episode of abrupt climate change has been correlated with societal collapse at the end of the northwestern European Bronze Age. We apply new methods to interrogate archeological and paleoclimate data for this transition in Ireland at a higher level of precision than has previously been possible. We analyze archeological 14C dates to demonstrate dramatic population collapse and present high-precision proxy climate data, analyzed through Bayesian methods, to provide evidence for a rapid climatic transition at ca. 750 calibrated years B.C. Our results demonstrate that this climatic downturn did not initiate population collapse and highlight the nondeterministic nature of human responses to past climate change.


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Immune responses of invertebrate animals are mediated through innate mechanisms, among which production of antimicrobial peptides play an important role. Although evolutionary Polychaetes represent an interesting group closely related to a putative common ancestor of other coelomates, their immune mechanisms still remain scarcely investigated. Previously our group has identified arenicins - new antimicrobial peptides of the lugworm Arenicola marina, since then these peptides were thoroughly characterized in terms of their structure and inhibitory potential. In the present study we addressed the question of the physiological functions of arenicins in the lugworm body. Using molecular and immunocytochemical methods we demonstrated that arencins are expressed in the wide range of the lugworm tissues - coelomocytes, body wall, extravasal tissue and the gut. The expression of arenicins is constitutive and does not depend on stimulation of various infectious stimuli. Most intensively arenicins are produced by mature coelomocytes where they function as killing agents inside the phagolysosome. In the gut and the body wall epithelia arenicins are released from producing cells via secretion as they are found both inside the epithelial cells and in the contents of the cuticle. Collectively our study showed that arenicins are found in different body compartments responsible for providing a first line of defence against infections, which implies their important role as key components of both epithelial and systemic branches of host defence.


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In recent years, there has been a move towards the development of indirect structural health monitoring (SHM)techniques for bridges; the low-cost vibration-based method presented in this paper is such an approach. It consists of the use of a moving vehicle fitted with accelerometers on its axles and incorporates wavelet analysis and statistical pattern recognition. The aim of the approach is to both detect and locate damage in bridges while reducing the need for direct instrumentation of the bridge. In theoretical simulations, a simplified vehicle-bridge interaction model is used to investigate the effectiveness of the approach in detecting damage in a bridge from vehicle accelerations. For this purpose, the accelerations are processed using a continuous wavelet transform as when the axle passes over a damaged section, any discontinuity in the signal would affect the wavelet coefficients. Based on these coefficients, a damage indicator is formulated which can distinguish between different damage levels. However, it is found to be difficult to quantify damage of varying levels when the vehicle’s transverse position is varied between bridge crossings. In a real bridge field experiment, damage was applied artificially to a steel truss bridge to test the effectiveness of the indirect approach in practice; for this purpose a two-axle van was driven across the bridge at constant speed. Both bridge and vehicle acceleration measurements were recorded. The dynamic properties of the test vehicle were identified initially via free vibration tests. It was found that the resulting damage indicators for the bridge and vehicle showed similar patterns, however, it was difficult to distinguish between different artificial damage scenarios.


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In this study, a far-field power pattern separation approach is proposed for the synthesis of directional modulation (DM) transmitter arrays. Separation into information patterns and interference patterns is enabled by far-field pattern null steering. Compared with other DM synthesis methods, for example, bit error rate-driven DM optimisation and orthogonal vector injection, the approach developed in this study facilitates manipulation of artificial interference spatial distributions. With such capability more interference power can be projected into those spatial directions most vulnerable to eavesdropping, that is, the information side lobes. In such a fashion, information leaked through radiation side lobes can be effectively mitigated in a transmitter power efficient manner. Furthermore, for the first time, the authors demonstrate how multi-beam DM transmitters can be synthesised via this approach.


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In the deglacial sequence of the largest end moraine system of the Italian Alps, we focused on the latest culmination of the Last Glacial Maximum, before a sudden downwasting of the piedmontane lobe occupying the modern lake basin. We obtained a robust chronology for this culmination and for the subsequent deglacial history by cross-radiocarbon dating of a proximal fluvioglacial plain and of a deglacial continuous lake sedimentation. We used reworked dinocysts to locate sources of glacial abrasion and to mark the input of glacial meltwater until depletion. The palynological record from postglacial lake sediments provided the first vegetation chronosequence directly reacting to the early Lateglacial withdrawal so far documented in the Alps.

Glacier collapse occurred soon after 17.46 +/- 0.2 ka cal BP, which is, the Manerba advance culmination. Basin deglaciation of several overdeepened foreland piedmont lakes on southern and northern sides of the Alps appears to be synchronous at millennial scale and near-synchronous with large-scale glacial retreat at global scale. The pioneering succession shows a first afforestation step at a median modeled age of 64 years after deglaciation, while rapid tree growth lagged 7 centuries. Between 16.4 +/- 0.16 and 15.5 +/- 0.16 ka cal BP, a regressive phase interrupted forest growth marking a Lateglacial phase of continental-dry climate predating GI-1. This event, spanning the most advanced phases of North-Atlantic H1, is consistently radiocarbon-framed at three deglacial lake records so far investigated on the Italian side of the Alps. Relationships with the Gschnitz stadial from the Alpine record of Lateglacial advances are discussed