862 resultados para Passiflora edulis Sims f. flavicarpa
South African (Cape) fur seals, Arctocephalus pusillus pusillus, interact with the South African trawl fisheries-offshore demersal, inshore demersal, and midwater fisheries. These interactions take thef ollowing forms: Seals take or damage netted fish, on particular vessels they become caught in the propeller, seals drown in the nets, live seals come aboard and may be killed. Except in specific cases of seals damaging particular trawler propellers, interactions result in little cost to the offshore and midwater trawl fisheries. For the inshore fishery, seals damage fish in the net at an estimated cost in excess of R69, 728 (US$18,827) per year, but this is negligible (0.3%) in terms ofthe value of the fishery. Seal mortality is mainly caused by drowning in trawl nets and ranges from 2,524 to 3,636 seals of both sexes per year. Between 312 and 567 seals are deliberately killed annually, but this most likely takes place only when caught and they enter the area below deck, where they are difficult to remove, and pose a potential threat to crew safety. Overall, seal mortality during trawling operations is negligible (0.4-0.6%) in terms of the feeding population of seals in South Africa.
O Orógeno Ribeira representa um cinturão de dobramentos e empurrões, gerado no Neoproterozóico/Cambriano, durante a Orogênese Brasiliana, na borda sul/sudeste do Cráton do São Francisco e compreende quatro terrenos tectono-estratigráficos: 1) o Terreno Ocidental, interpretado como resultado do retrabalhamento do paleocontinente São Francisco, é constituído de duas escamas de empurrão de escala crustal (Domínios Andrelândia e Juiz de Fora); 2) o Terreno Oriental representa uma outra microplaca e abriga o Arco Magmático Rio Negro; 3) o Terreno Paraíba do Sul, que constitui-se na escama superior deste segmento da faixa; e 4) o Terreno Cabo Frio, cuja docagem foi tardia, ocupa pequena área no litoral norte do estado do Rio de Janeiro. Em todos os diferentes compartimentos do segmento central da Faixa Ribeira podem ser identificadas três unidades tectono-estratigráficas: 1) unidades pré-1,8 Ga. (ortognaisses e ortogranulitos do embasamento); 2) rochas metassedimentares pós-1,8 Ga; e 3) granitóides/charnockitóides brasilianos. O Complexo Mantiqueira é composto por ortognaisses migmatíticos, tonalíticos a graníticos, e anfibolitos associados, constitui o embasamento pré-1,8 Ga das rochas da Megasseqüência Andrelândia no domínio homônimo do Terreno Ocidental. Foram integrados 68 dados litogeoquímicos dentre ortognaisses e metabasitos do Complexo Mantiqueira. As rochas dessa unidade pertencem a duas séries distintas: série calcioalcalina (rochas intermediárias a ácidas); e série transicional (rochas básicas, ora de afinidade toleítica, ora alcalina). Com base em critérios petrológicos, análise quantitativa e em valores [La/Yb]N, verificou-se que o Complexo Mantiqueira é bastante heterogêneo, incluindo diversos grupos petrogeneticamente distintos. Dentre as rochas da série transicional, foram identificados 2 conjuntos: 1) rochas basálticas toleiíticas, com [La/Yb]N entre 2,13 e 4,72 (fontes do tipo E-MORB e/ou intraplaca);e 2) rochas basálticas de afinidade alcalina, com [La/Yb]N entre 11,79 e 22,78. As rochas da série calciolacalina foram agrupadas em cinco diferentes conjuntos: 1) ortognaisses migmatíticos quartzo dioríticos a tonalíticos, com [La/Yb]N entre 11,37 e 38,26; 2) ortognaisses bandados de composição quarzto diorítica a granodiorítica, com [La/Yb]N entre 4,35 e 9,28; 3) ortognaisses homogênos de composição tonalítica a granítica, com [La/Yb]N entre 16,57 e 38,59; 4) leucognaisses brancos de composição tonalítica/trondhjemítica a granítica, com [La/Yb]N entre 46,69 e 65,06; e 5) ortognaisse róseo porfiroclástico de composição tonalítica a granítica, com [La/Yb]N entre 82,70 e 171,36. As análises geocronológicas U-Pb SHRIMP foram realizadas no Research School of Earth Science (ANU/Canberra/Austrália). Foram obtidas idades paleoproterozóicas para as rochas das duas séries identificadas, interpretadas como a idade de cristalização dos protólitos magmáticos desses gnaisses e metabasitos. Os resultados obtidos mostram uma variação de idades de cristalização de 2139 35 a 2143,4 9,4, para as rochas da série transicional, e de 2126,4 8 a 2204,5 6,7, para aquelas da série calcioalcalina. Dentre todas as amostras estudadas, apenas a amostra JF-CM-516IV forneceu dados discordantes de idades arqueanas (292916 Ma), interpretados como dados de herança. Contudo, evidências dessa herança semelhantes a esta são observadas em outras amostras. Ambas as séries também apresentaram idades de metamorfismo neoproterozóico, no intervalo de 548 17 Ma a 590,5 7,7 Ma que é consistente com o metamorfismo M1 (entre 550 e 590 Ma), contemporâneo à colisão entre os Terrenos Ocidental e Oriental do setor central da Faixa Ribeira (Heilbron, 1993 e Heilbron et al., 1995).
Este trabalho avalia o comportamento dos multiplicadores fiscais no Brasil entre 1999-2012. Para tanto, utiliza a metodologia desenvolvida por Sims, Waggoner e Zha (2008), que é um procedimento Bayesiano de estimação no qual os parâmetros do modelo mudam com alterações no estado da economia e os estados (regimes) seguem um processo de mudança de regime markoviano. Ou seja, foi estimado um modelo VAR Estrutural Bayesiano com mudança de regimes Markoviana (Markov Switching Structural Bayesian Vector Autoregression - MS-SBVAR). A base de dados é composta pelo consumo da administração pública, pela formação bruta de capital fixo da administração pública, pela carga tributária líquida e pelo Produto Interno Bruto (PIB), das três esferas do governo (federal, estadual, incluindo o Distrito Federal, e municipal). O software MATLAB/Dynare foi utilizado na estimação dos modelos e os resultados sugerem a ocorrência de 2 ou 3 regimes nos dois modelos que melhor se ajustaram aos dados. Os multiplicadores estimados apresentaram os sinais esperados e os diferentes tipos de multiplicadores fiscais calculados apresentaram valores maiores para a resposta do PIB a choques na formação bruta de capital fixo da administração pública que são eficazes, uma vez que possuem valores maiores do que um e impacto de longo prazo no PIB - quando comparado aos choques no consumo da administração pública, que possuem pouca persistência e são ineficazes (menores do que um), além de uma resposta negativa e persistente do PIB a choques na carga tributária líquida. Os resultados obtidos não indicam, ainda, multiplicadores fiscais maiores em regimes com maior variância nos resíduos do modelo.
Trace metal analysis of 23 species of common Pacific Coast marine foods revealed high cadmium values for Bent-nosed clams (Macoma nasuta), Bay mussels (Mytilus edulis), Bay oysters (Osrtrea lurida), Pacific oysters (Crassostrea gigas), and Littleneck clams (Protothaca staminea). Metals were found to concentrate in the gills, heart, and visceral mass of all 10 species of bivalve mollusks examined. Swordfish (Xiphias gladius) and Salmon (Oncorhynchus tshawytscha) demonstrated the highest cadmium values for fish flesh.
Este artigo compara a habilidade preditiva foradaamostra de um modelo DSGE (DynamicStochastic General EquilibriumModel)Novo-Keynesiano, especificado e estimado para o Brasil, com a de um modelo Autorregressivo Vetorial (VAR) e com a de um modelo AutorregressivoVetorial Bayesiano (BVAR). O artigo inova em relação a outros trabalhos similares feitos para o Brasil (Castro et al. (2011) e Caetano e Moura (2013)), ao escolher uma especificação para o modelo DSGE que, ao permitir o uso de um conjunto de informação mais rico, tornou possível computar-se a habilidade preditiva do DSGE a partir de previsões que são,verdadeiramente,previsõesfora da amostra. Ademais, diferentemente de outros artigos que utilizaram dados brasileiros, avalia-se em que medida as respostas das variáveis aos choques na política monetária e no câmbio, obtidas pelo modelo DSGE, se assemelham àquelas de um BVAR estimado através de procedimentos bayesianos desenvolvidos de forma consistente. O modelo DSGE estimado é similar ao utilizado por Justiniano e Preston (2010) e Alpanda (2010). O modelo BVAR foi estimado utilizando uma metodologia semelhante à desenvolvida por Sims e Zha (1998), Waggoner e Zha (2003) e Ramírez, Waggoner e Zha (2007).Os resultados obtidos mostram que o modelo DSGE é capaz de gerar, para algumas variáveis, previsões competitivas em relação às dos outros modelos rivais VAR e BVAR. Além disso, as respostas das variáveis aos choques nas políticas monetária e cambial, nos modelos DSGE e BVAR, são bastante similares.
Blue (Callinectes sapidus)(Portunidae),lady (Ovalipes ocellatus)(Portunidae), and Atlantic rock (Cancer irroratus) (Cancridae) crabs inhabit estuaries on the northeast United States coast for parts or all of their life cycles. Their distributions overlap or cross during certain seasons. During a 1991–1994 monthly otter trawl survey in the Hudson-Raritan Estuary between New York and New Jersey, blue and lady crabs were collected in warmer months and Atlantic rock crabs in colder months. Sex ratios, male:female, of mature crabs were 1:2.0 for blue crabs, 1:3.1 for lady crabs, and 21.4:1 for Atlantic rock crabs. Crabs, 1286 in total, were subsampled for dietary analysis, and the dominant prey taxa for all crabs, by volume of foregut contents, were mollusks and crustaceans. The proportion of amphipods and shrimp in diets decreased as crab size increased. Trophic niche breadth was widest for blue crabs, narrower for lady crabs, and narrowest for Atlantic rock crabs. Trophic overlap was lowest between lady crabs and Atlantic rock crabs, mainly because of frequent consumption of the dwarf surfclam (Mulinia lateralis) by the former and the blue mussel (Mytilus edulis) by the latter. The result of cluster analysis showed that size class and location of capture of predators in the estuary were more influential on diet than the species or sex of the predators.
Rate and pattern of spoilage of some of the economically important edible species of shell fishes Mytilus edulis (Mussel), Villorita cornucopia (Clam), Neptunus pelagicus (Crab) and Scylla serrata (Crab) have been discussed in this communication. Chemical indices used for objective evaluation of quality were water extractable nitrogen (WEN), non-protein nitrogen (NPN), free α-amino nitrogen (α - NH2 -N), glycogen, lactic acid and inorganic phosphorus in addition to the subjective tests. No significant difference in the spoilage pattern of the species during ice storage was observed and these species could be preserved in ice in organoleptic acceptable condition up to 8 days, 9 days, 8 days and 11 days respectively.
Tetrahedrally bonded amorphous carbon (ta-C) and nitrogen doped (ta-C:N) films were obtained at room temperature in a filtered cathodic vacuum arc (FCVA) system incorporating an off-plane double bend (S-bend) magnetic filter. The influence of the negative bias voltage applied to substrates (from -20 to -350 V) and the nitrogen background pressure (up to 10-3 Torr) on film properties was studied by scanning electron microscopy (SEM), electron energy loss spectroscopy (EELS), Raman spectroscopy, X-ray photoemission spectroscopy (XPS), secondary ion mass spectroscopy (SIMS) and X-ray reflectivity (XRR). The ta-C films showed sp3 fractions between 84% and 88%, and mass densities around 3.2 g/cm3 in the wide range of bias voltage studied. In contrast, the compressive stress showed a maximum value of 11 GPa for bias voltages around -90 V, whereas for lower and higher bias voltages the stress decreased to 6 GPa. As for the ta-C:N films grown at bias voltages below -200 V and with N contents up to 7%, it has been found that the N atoms were preferentially sp3 bonded to the carbon network with a reduction in stress below 8 GPa. Further increase in bias voltage or N content increased the sp2 fraction, leading to a reduction in film density to 2.7 g/cm3.
Data on the biochemical constituents and food values of five commercially important edible bivalves of Kerala, Lamellidens corrianus, Corbicuta striatella, Mytilus edulis, Vellorita cohinensis and Ostrea cucullata have been presented. Physiological significance of the variations has been discussed. Present study reveals the bivalves meat compares favourably with the common food fishes with regard to their caloric value and hence would be an excellent and economic source of nutrition for our people.
Rapid thermal annealing of arsenic and boron difluoride implants, such as those used for source/drain regions in CMOS, has been carried out using a scanning electron beam annealer, as part of a study of transient diffusion effects. Three types of e-beam anneal have been performed, with peak temperatures in the range 900 -1200 degree C; the normal isothermal e-beam anneals, together with sub-second fast anneals and 'dual-pulse' anneals, in which the sample undergoes an isothermal pre-anneal followed by rapid heating to the required anneal temperature is less than 0. 5s. The diffusion occuring during these anneal cycles has been modelled using SPS-1D, an implant and diffusion modelling program developed by one of the authors. This has been modified to incorporate simulated temperature vs. time cycles for the anneals. Results are presented applying the usual equilibrium clustering model, a transient point-defect enhancement to the diffusivity proposed recently by Fair and a new dynamic clustering model for arsenic. Good agreement with SIMS measurements is obtained using the dynamic clustering model, without recourse to a transient defect model.
In this study, TiN/La 2O 3/HfSiON/SiO 2/Si gate stacks with thick high-k (HK) and thick pedestal oxide were used. Samples were annealed at different temperatures and times in order to characterize in detail the interaction mechanisms between La and the gate stack layers. Time-of-flight secondary ion mass spectrometry (ToF-SIMS) measurements performed on these samples show a time diffusion saturation of La in the high-k insulator, indicating an La front immobilization due to LaSiO formation at the high-k/interfacial layer. Based on the SIMS data, a technology computer aided design (TCAD) diffusion model including La time diffusion saturation effect was developed. © 2012 American Institute of Physics.
The efficiency of the injection and recombination processes in InGaN/GaN LEDs is governed by the properties of the active region of the devices, which strongly depend on the conditions used for the growth of the epitaxial material. To improve device quality, it is very important to understand how the high temperatures used during the growth process can modify the quality of the epitaxial material. With this paper we present a study of the modifications in the properties of InGaN/GaN LED structures induced by high temperature annealing: thermal stress tests were carried out at 900 °C, in nitrogen atmosphere, on selected samples. The efficiency and the recombination dynamics were evaluated by photoluminescence measurements (both integrated and time-resolved), while the properties of the epitaxial material were studied by Secondary Ion Mass Spectroscopy (SIMS) and Rutherford Backscattering (RBS) channeling measurements. Results indicate that exposure to high temperatures may lead to: (i) a significant increase in the photoluminescence efficiency of the devices; (ii) a decrease in the parasitic emission bands located between 380 nm and 400 nm; (iii) an increase in carrier lifetime, as detected by time-resolved photoluminescence measurements. The increase in device efficiency is tentatively ascribed to an improvement in the crystallographic quality of the samples. © 2013 SPIE.
In Gonghu Bay of Lake Taihu, tissue of five mussel species showed delta C-13 values similar to or slightly below that of pelagic suspended particulate organic matter (SPOM). This indicated that mussels in this area either fed non-selectively and so reflected available carbon in the pelagic habitat or selected for phytoplankton. The situation was the same for Anodonta woodiana woodiana and Cristaria plicata in Meiliang Bay; however, for the remaining three species, Hyriopsis cumingii, Arconaia lanceolata, and Lamprotula rochechouarti, tissue had intermediate delta C-13 values, falling between those for pelagic SPOM and benthic sediment organic matter (SOM), suggesting a possible preferential selection of phytoplankton from the pelagic SPOM but more likely reflecting local differences in pelagic SPOM and benthic SOM composition and available organic carbon sources. The mixing model showed that pelagic SPOM accounted for over 98% of carbon incorporated by all mussels in Gonghu Bay and two mussels in Meiliang Bay, suggesting the dietary importance of pelagic food sources for mussels. Less than 50% of the assimilation in H. cumingii, A. lanceolata, and L. rochechouarti came from the pelagic carbon sources in Meiliang Bay, which suggested that these species consumed a mix of benthic and pelagic derived carbon sources.
Separation by implantation of oxygen and nitrogen (SIMON) silicon-on-insulator (SOI) materials were fabricated by sequential oxygen and nitrogen implantation with annealing after each implantation. Analyses of SIMS, XTEM and HRTEM were performed. The results show that superior buried insulating multi-layers were well formed and the possible mechanism is discussed. The remarkable total-dose irradiation tolerance of SIMON materials was confirmed by few shifts of drain leakage current-gate source voltage (I-V) curves of PMOS transistors fabricated on SIMON materials before and after irradiation.