854 resultados para Pain, Postoperative


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Background. Few studies have investigated the experiences of living with pelvic girdle pain (PGP) and its impact on pregnant women’s lives. To address this gap in knowledge, this study investigates the experiences of women living with PGP during pregnancy. Methods. A purposive sample, of nine pregnant women with diagnosed PGP, were interviewed about their experiences. Interviews were recorded, transcribed to text and analysed using a Grounded Theory approach. Results. The core category that evolved from the analysis of experiences of living with PGP in pregnancy was “struggling with daily life and enduring pain”. Three properties addressing the actions caused by PGP were identified: i) grasping the incomprehensible; ii) balancing support and dependence and iii) managing the losses. These experiences expressed by the informants constitute a basis for the consequences of PGP: iv) enduring pain; v) being a burden; vi) calculating the risks and the experiences of the informants as vii) abdicating as a mother. Finally, the informants’ experiences of the consequences regarding the current pregnancy and any potential future pregnancies is presented in viii) paying the price and reconsidering the future. A conceptual model of the actions and consequences experienced by the pregnant informants living with PGP is presented. Conclusions. PGP during pregnancy greatly affects the informant’s experiences of her pregnancy, her roles in relationships, and her social context. For informants with young children, PGP negatively affects the role of being a mother, a situation that further strains the experience. As the constant pain disturbs most aspects of the lives of the informants, improvements in the treatment of PGP is of importance as to increase the quality of life. This pregnancy-related condition is prevalent and must be considered a major public health concern during pregnancy.


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Needle fear is a common problem in children undergoing immunization. To ensure that the individual child’s needs are met during a painful procedure it would be beneficial to be able to predict whether there is a need for extra support. The self-reporting instrument facial affective scale (FAS) could have potential for this purpose. The aim of this study was to evaluate whether the FAS can predict pain unpleasantness in girls undergoing immunization. Girls, aged 11-12 years, reported their expected pain unpleasantness on the FAS at least two weeks before and then experienced pain unpleasantness immediately before each vaccination. The experienced pain unpleasantness during the vaccination was also reported immediately after each immunization. The level of anxiety was similarly assessed during each vaccination and supplemented with stress measures in relation to the procedure in order to assess and evaluate concurrent validity. The results show that the FAS is valid to predict pain unpleasantness in 11-12-year-old girls who undergo immunizations and that it has the potential to be a feasible instrument to identify children who are in need of extra support to cope with immunization. In conclusion, the FAS measurement can facilitate caring interventions.


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Introdução: A dor é um importante fator de incremento da morbidade e mortalidade em pacientes submetidos a procedimentos cirúrgicos que incluem toracotomias. Diversos fatores contribuem para que esses pacientes apresentem um alto grau de dor no pós-operatório, entre os quais a secção da pele, músculos e pleura, retração dos músculos e ligamentos pelo afastador de Finochietto, irritação da pleura e nervos intercostais pelos drenos tubulares torácicos e fraturas ocasionais dos arcos costais. O aumento das taxas de morbidade e mortalidade é dado principalmente à respiração superficial decorrente da pouca mobilidade da parede torácica e conseqüente à dor e pela perda da efetividade do principal mecanismo de eliminação de secreções da árvore traqueobrônquica (tosse), resultando em atelectasias, inadequado gradiente ventilação / perfusão, hipoxemia e pneumonia. Uma vez caracterizada a necessidade de atenuação da dor como fator primordial na melhora dos índices de morbidade e mortalidade no período pós-operatório de cirurgia torácica, torna-se imperiosa uma análise das terapêuticas disponíveis na atualidade para tanto. Objetivos: Avaliar a utilização de três diferentes métodos de analgesia: 1. bloqueio peridural com morfina (BPM); 2. morfina parenteral (MP); e 3. bloqueio intercostal extrapleural contínuo com lidocaína” (BIC), em pacientes submetidos a procedimentos que incluíram toracotomias em sua execução, além de analisar o custo financeiro desses métodos. Materiais e métodos: Trata-se de um estudo prospectivo, randomizado, no qual foram analisados 79 pacientes, submetidos a toracotomias, subdivididos de forma aleatória em três grupos, de acordo com a modalidade terapêutica instituída: 25 pacientes no grupo BIC, 29 pacientes no grupo BPM e 25 pacientes no grupo MP. Cada paciente foi observado e analisado por profissionais de enfermagem previamente treinados. As variáveis analisadas foram a dor e a sedação. (quantificadas através de escores e analisadas através do método de Kruskal-Wallis com correção pelo teste de Dunn), além do custo financeiro de cada método e da necessidade de administração de opióides adicionais. Resultados: As variáveis dor e sedação foram obtidas através das seguintes medianas, respectivamente: grupos BIC (2,5 e 0); BPM (4 e 0) e MP (3,5 e 0). O custo financeiro foi de US$ 78,69 para o grupo BIC; US$ 28,61 para o grupo BPM e US$ 11,98 para o grupo MP. A necessidade adicional de opióide foi de 4,2 mg/dia para o grupo BIC; 5,7 mg/dia para o grupo BPM e 10,7 mg/dia para o grupo MP. Conclusões: A intensidade da dor foi significativamente menor no grupo BIC, quando comparado ao grupo MP. Não foram identificadas diferenças significativas de intensidade da dor quando comparados os grupos BIC versus BPM e BPM versus MP. A intensidade de sedação foi significativamente maior no grupo MP quando comparado aos grupos BIC e BPM. Não foram evidenciadas diferenças significativas quanto à sedação entre os grupos BIC e BPM. O custo financeiro do grupo MP foi sensivelmente menor quando comparado aos grupos BIC e BPM. A necessidade adicional de morfina foi significativamente maior no grupo MP, quando comparados aos grupos BIC e BPM.


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MORAES, Maísa Suares Teixeira; ROLIM, Lariane Thays Albuquerque; ENDERS, Bertha Cruz; FARIAS, Glaucea Maciel de; DAVIM, Rejane Marie Barbosa. Applicability of non-pharmacological strategies for pain relief in parturient: integrative review. Revista de Enfermagem UFPE on line, v.4, n.especial, p.131-136, May/June 2010. Disponivel em:< http://www.ufpe.br/revistaenfermagem/index.php/revista/>.


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Este estudo trata-se de revisão integrativa da literatura com objetivo de sintetizar o conhecimento produzido em artigos sobre os cuidados de enfermagem aos pacientes em pós-operatório de prostatectomia. Para seleção dos artigos foram consultadas cinco bases de dados – SCOPUS, CINAHL, PUBMED, LILACS e Cochrane – sendo incluídos dezenove artigos. Os resultados mostram estudos que se enquadram nos níveis II, IV, V, VI e VII de evidência, a maioria realizada nos Estados Unidos durante os anos de 1999 a 2011. Os cuidados de enfermagem identificados foram agrupados em seis categorias: acompanhamento psicológico, orientações pós-operatórias, tratamento da disfunção erétil, tratamento da incontinência urinária, tratamento da dor e tratamento da hiponatremia. Conclui-se que os estudos com maior nível de evidência identificado recomendam cuidados de enfermagem centrados no acompanhamento psicológico, nas orientações do período pós-operatório e no tratamento da disfunção erétil. Destaca-se ainda que tais recomendações concentram-se, sobretudo, nas ações de apoio emocional e educativo


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Trata-se de um estudo descritivo de caso clínico, com abordagem qualitativa, o qual possui como objetivo estabelecer relações entre os diagnósticos de enfermagem da NANDA-I e os problemas de adaptação segundo o Modelo Teórico de Roy em um paciente prostatectomizado. A coleta de dados ocorreu em um hospital universitário localizado na cidade de Natal-RN, no mês de janeiro de 2011, por meio de um roteiro de entrevista e exame físico. Os diagnósticos que apresentaram relações entre a NANDA-I e o Modelo de Roy foram: dor, ansiedade, constipação, sono, atividade, volume de líquido e infecção. Conclui-se que grande parte dos problemas adaptativos segundo o Modelo de Roy, manifestados pelos pacientes no pós-operatório de prostatectomia, possuem semelhança com os diagnósticos da NANDA-I


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Objective-To compare the pre-emptive analgesic effects of epidural ketamine or S(+)-ketamine on post-incisional hyperalgesia.Study Design-Prospective randomized study.Animals-Twenty-four mongrel dogs (1-5 years, weighing 11.9 +/- 1.8 kg).Methods-Dogs were anesthetized with propofol (5 mg/kg intravenously) and a lumbosacral epidural catheter was placed. Dogs were randomly allocated to 3 groups, each with 8 dogs. The control group (CG) was administered saline solution (0.3 mL/kg); the ketamine group (KG) ketamine (0.6 mg/kg); and the S(+)-ketamine group (SG) S(+)-ketamine (0.6 mg/kg). The final volume was adjusted to 0.3 mL/kg in all groups. Five minutes after the epidural injection a surgical incision was made in the common pad of the right hind limb and was immediately closed with simple interrupted nylon suture. Respiratory (RR) and heart (HR) rates, rectal temperature (7, sedation (S), lameness score, and mechanical nociceptive threshold by von Frey filaments were evaluated before the propofol anesthesia and at 15, 30, 45, 60, 75, and 90 minutes and then at 2, 4, 6, 8, 12, and 24 hours after epidural injection.Results-There were no differences in RR, HR, T, or S between groups. Motor blockade of the hind limbs was observed during 20 +/- 3.6 minutes in KG and during 30.6 +/- 7.5 minutes in SG (mean SD). Mechanical force applied to obtain an aversive response was higher from 45 minutes to 12 hours in KG and from 60 to 90 minutes in SG, when compared with CG.Conclusions-Pre-emptive epidural ketamine induced no alterations in RR and FIR, and reduced post-incisional hyperalgesia for a longer time than did S(+) ketamine.Clinical Relevance-Although anesthetic and analgesic potency of S(+) ketamine is twice that of ketamine, the racemic form is seemingly better for post-incisional hyperalgesia. (C) Copyright 2004 by the American College of Veterinary Surgeons.


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Compararam-se as dificuldades transcirúrgicas e as complicações pós-operatórias das técnicas guilhotina (TG) e stripping (TS) para a neurectomia digital em eqüinos. Sob anestesia com halotano, quatro éguas tiveram os nervos digitais de um dos membros torácicos e um dos pélvicos submetidos à TG, enquanto os nervos digitais dos membros colaterais foram submetidos à TS. Os tempos cirúrgicos médios de TG e TS foram semelhantes. O comprimento médio do fragmento do nervo removido foi três vezes maior em TS (P<0,001). Independente da técnica utilizada, houve perda total da sensibilidade nos talões de todos os membros dentro dos quatro primeiros meses da cirurgia. Após 14 meses, houve retorno da sensibilidade em 37% dos membros em TG e 18,8% em TS (P=0,06). Ao exame de palpação para identificação de neuromas dolorosos, houve episódios de sensibilidade discreta em um maior número de cotos nervosos proximais operados com TS, 53,6% contra 6,4% dos operados com TG (P=0,003). Ambas as técnicas foram satisfatórias por não apresentarem maiores complicações durante ou após a cirurgia. Considerou-se que TG apresentou menor potencial para produzir reinervação e neuromas dolorosos.


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ObjectiveTo evaluate and compare the postoperative analgesia provided by epidural lidocaine, lidocaine/morphine or lidocaine/tramadol in dogs following elective orchiectomy.Study designProspective experimental trial.AnimalsThirty-six mongrel dogs aged 2-8 years old, weighing 6.6-22 kg.MethodsThe dogs received 6.0 mg kg-1 of lidocaine combined with 1.0 mg kg-1 of tramadol, 0.1 mg kg-1 of morphine or 0.01 mL kg-1 of 0.9% NaCl epidurally. Analgesia was assessed at 4, 8, 12, 18 and 24 hours (T4, T8, T12 and T24) after the offset of lidocaine using a scale composed of physiologic and behavioral parameters. Rescue analgesia with morphine (0.2 mg kg-1, IM) was performed if the evaluation score exceeded 10 during the postoperative period. The scores over time were analyzed using the Friedman's two-way analysis of variance and the comparison between groups was made by the Kruskal-Wallis test with statistical significances accepted if p < 0.05.ResultsThere were no differences in the pain scores between the morphine and tramadol groups over time and no rescue analgesia was administered. In the NaCl group, rescue analgesia was needed at T4, T8 and T12. Within this group, the final evaluation times (T18 and T24) had lower pain scores than at T4, T8 and T12.Conclusions and clinical relevanceEpidural lidocaine/tramadol provided an analgesic effect comparable to that of epidural lidocaine/morphine during the first 12 hours after surgical castration without substantial side effects, suggesting that tramadol may be an effective postoperative analgesic in dogs submitted to this surgical procedure.


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Objective-To evaluate analgesic effects of epidurally administered neostigmine alone or in combination with morphine in dogs after ovariohysterectomy.Animals-40 healthy bitches.Procedures-After acepromazine premedication, anesthesia was induced. Dogs randomly received 1 of the following 4 epidural treatments 30 minutes before ovariohysterectomy (n = 10/group): saline (0.9% NaCl) solution (control), morphine (0.1 mg/kg), neostigmine (10 pg/kg), or morphine-neostigmine (0.1 mg/kg and 10 pg/kg, respectively). Analgesia was assessed for 24 hours after surgery by use of a visual analogue.scale (VAS; scale of 0 to 10) or numeric descriptive scale (NDS; scale of 0 to 24) and by the need for supplemental analgesia (morphine [0.5 mg/kg, IM] administered when VAS was >= 4 or NDS was >= 8).Results-Significantly more control dogs (n = 8) received supplemental analgesia, compared with the number of neostigmine-treated dogs (1); no dogs in the remaining groups received supplemental analgesia. Compared with values for the control dogs, the NDS scores were lower for morphine-neostigmine-treated dogs (from 2 to 6 hours and at 12 hours) and for morphine-treated dogs (all time points). The NDS scores were lower for morphine-treated dogs at 3, 12, and 24 hours, compared with values for neostigmine-treated dogs. The VAS was less sensitive than the NDS for detecting differences among groups.Conclusions and Clinical Relevance-Epidurally administered neostigmine reduced the use of supplemental analgesia after ovariohysterectorny in dogs. However, analgesic effects were less pronounced than for epidurally administered morphine or morphine-neostigmine. Adding neostigmine to epidurally administered morphine did not potentiate opioid-induced analgesia.


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It is an exploratory and descriptive study made by a quantitative approach, developed among February and May 2010, aiming to assess the pain of patients underwent abdominal surgeries in a University Hospital, in Natal/RN; to identify the local and intensity of the pain based on Numerical Estimative Scale; to analyze the pain related to the sensorial-discriminative, motivational-affective and cognitive-assessment dimensions, using the McGill Questionnaire pain; to establish a relation between the pain process and age, gender, religion, and king of surgery; to identify the medicines efficiency used to control postoperative pain. The sample was composed by 253 patients underwent abdominal surgeries. The results showed a total of 63.63% females between 38 and 47 years of age (21.34%); illiterates (21.73%); married (64.03%), living in Natal and surroundings (67.97%) and Catholics (74.30%). In their first assessment, 84.19% showed postoperative pain; the pain was considered light in 18.97% of them, moderate in 21.74% and severe in 43.48%. The mean number of descriptors chosen through the McGill Questionnaire Pain was 10.78 (DP= 6.09) and pain rating 23.65 (DP= 15.93). The descriptors selected with higher frequency were: sickening pain (69.01%), tired (65.25%), thin (62.44%), bored (58.69%), ardor (46.48%), pointed (38.50%) and colic (35.21%). In their second assessment, 57.71% of patients didn t relate any postoperative pain and 42.29% were still complaining about the pain. After taking analgesic medication, just 41.90% of patients who had complete pain relief. The Pharmacological groups most used were: simple analgesic (37.86%), weak opioids (32.98%), AINES (19.85%) and strong opioid (9.31%). It was not found a significant postoperative pain variation related to the sexes, religion and kind of surgery. It was concluded there were a high level in the number of patients with postoperative pain, mainly in a severe scale. Less than half of patients had the pain relief. Then, it was observed there was not coherence between the pain intensity and the analgesic it was used. To solve or relieve this kind of problems is necessary a permanent education to the health professionals who works in this area


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Introduction: Radical prostatectomy surgery is the best treatment currently adopted by detecting prostate cancer. The urinary incontinence is one more common and difficult to treat postoperative complications, which causes a negative impact on quality of life of the individual prostatectomy . The surface electrical nerve stimulation involves the transmission of electrical impulses from an external stimulator for peripheral nerve through surface electrodes attached to skin. It is an easy and efficient technique, widely used for pain relief, rehabilitation and muscle strengthening. Objective: To analyze the effect of T10-L2 percutaneous electrical stimulation, in individuals with urinary incontinence who underwent radical prostatectomy by the laparoscopic technique. Methods: Six patients had previously undergone radical prostatectomy were submitted to 20 sections of surface electrical stimulation with frequency of 4 Hz, pulse width of 1ms during 20 minutes. All subjects fillid a quality of life - International Consultation on Incontinence Questionnaire- Short FormI - ICIQ-SF questionnaire evaluating. Results: Results showed reduction in the use of the number of pads, number of leaks before and after treatment, and reduced voiding frequency and consequent improvement in quality of life. No side effects were reported. Conclusion: Percutanous electrical stimulation in T10-L2 may be an effective technique to treat urinary incontinence (UI) after radical prostatectomy video laparoscopy


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)