993 resultados para PPAR-alpha agonist


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This thesis is focused on transition metal catalysed reaction of α-diazoketones leading to aromatic addition to form azulenones, with particular emphasis on enantiocontrol through use of chiral copper catalysts. The first chapter provides an overview of the influence of variation of the substituent at the diazo carbon on the outcome of subsequent reaction pathways, focusing in particular on C-H insertion, cyclopropanation, aromatic addition and ylide formation drawing together for the first time input from a range of primary reports. Chapter two describes the synthesis of a range of novel α-diazoketones. Rhodium and copper catalysed cyclisation of these to form a range of azulenones is described. Variation of the transition metal catalyst was undertaken using both copper and rhodium based systems and ligand variation, including the design and synthesis of a novel bisoxazoline ligand. The influence of additives, especially NaBARF, on the enantiocontrol was explored in detail and displayed an interesting impact which was sensitive to substituent effects. Further exploration demonstrated that it is the sodium cation which is critical in the additive effects. For the first time, enantiocontrol in the aromatic addition of terminal diazoketones was demonstrated indicating enantiofacial control in the aromatic addition is feasible in the absence of a bridgehead substituent. Determination of the enantiopurity in these compounds was particularly challenging due to the lability of the products. A substantial portion of the work was focused on determining the stereochemical outcome of the aromatic addition processes, both the absolute stereochemistry and extent of enantiopurity. Formation of PTAD adducts was beneficial in this regard. The third chapter contains the full experimental details and spectral characterisation of all novel compounds synthesised in this project, while details of chiral stationary phase HPLC and 1H NMR analysis are included in the appendix.


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Cytokine-driven signalling shapes immune homeostasis and guides inflammatory responses mainly through induction of specific gene expression programmes both within and outside the immune cell compartment. These transcriptional outputs are often amplified via cytokine synergy, which sets a stimulatory threshold that safeguards from exacerbated inflammation and immunopathology. In this study, we investigated the molecular mechanisms underpinning synergy between two pivotal Th1 cytokines, IFN-γ and TNF-α, in human intestinal epithelial cells. These two proinflammatory mediators induce a unique state of signalling and transcriptional synergy implicated in processes such as antiviral and antitumour immunity, intestinal barrier and pancreatic β-cell dysfunction. Since its discovery more than 30 years ago, this biological phenomenon remains, however, only partially defined. Here, using a functional genomics approach including RNAi perturbation screens and small-molecule inhibitors, we identified two new regulators of IFN-γ/TNF-α-induced chemokine and antiviral gene and protein expression, a Bcl-2 protein BCL-G and a histone demethylase UTX. We also discovered that IFN-γ/TNF-α synergise to trigger a coordinated shutdown of major receptor tyrosine kinases expression in colon cancer cells. Together, these findings extend our current understanding of how IFN-γ/TNF-α synergy elicits qualitatively and quantitatively distinct outputs in the intestinal epithelium. Given the well-documented role of this synergistic state in immunopathology of various disorders, our results may help to inform the identification of high quality and biologically relevant druggable targets for diseases characterised by an IFN-γ/TNF-α high immune signature


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BACKGROUND: Breast cancer is a heterogeneous disease. Predictive biological markers (BM) of responsiveness to therapy need to be identified. Evaluation of BM is mainly done at the primary site. However, in the adjuvant therapy of breast cancer, the main goal is control of micrometastases. It is still unknown whether heterogeneity in the expression of BM between the primary site and its micrometastases exists. OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the expression of some BM with potential predictive value from the primary breast cancer site and metastatic ipsilateral axillary lymph nodes. PATIENTS AND METHODS: Focality (percentage of positive cells) and intensity staining scores were evaluated for each marker. Freshly cut sections (4 microm) from embedded blocks of breast cancer fixed in formalin or bouin were put onto superfrost slides (Menzel-Gläser). Protein expression was evaluated immunohistochemically (IHC) using monoclonal antibodies against: topo II-alpha (clone KiS1, 1 microg/ml, Roche) with a trypsine pre-treatment (P); HSP27 (clone G3.1, 1/60, Biogenex), HSP70 (clone BRM.22, 1/80, Biogenex) and HER2 (clone CB11, 1/40, Novocastra; without P); p53 (clone D07, 1/750, Dako) and bcl-2 (clone 124, 1/60, Dako) with citrate buffer as P. RESULTS: Overall, the percentage of discordant marker status in the primary tumour and its metastatic lymph nodes was 2% for HER2, 6% for p53, 15% for bcl-2, 19% for topoisomerase II-alpha, 24% for HSP27 and 30% for HSP70. For the subgroup of patients with positive BM in the primary tumour, the percentage of discordance was 6% for HER2, 7% for p53, 14% for bcl-2, 19% for HSP70, 21% for topoisomerase II-alpha and 36% for HSP27. For the subgroup of patients with positive BM in the lymph nodes, the percentage of discordance was 9% for bcl-2, 15% for HER2 and p53, 21% for topoisomerase II-alpha, 22% for HSP27 and 25% for HSP70. CONCLUSIONS: 1) No biological marker had 100% concordant results. 2) Although some discordant cases might be explained by the limitations of the IHC technique, future studies aiming to evaluate the predictive value of BM in the adjuvant therapy of breast cancer should take into account a possible difference in BM expression between the primary and the metastatic sites.


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It has been shown previously that female mice homozygous for an alpha-fetoprotein (AFP) null allele are sterile as a result of anovulation, probably due to a defect in the hypothalamic-pituitary axis. Here we show that these female mice exhibit specific anomalies in the expression of numerous genes in the pituitary, including genes involved in the gonadotropin-releasing hormone pathway, which are underexpressed. In the hypothalamus, the gonadotropin-releasing hormone gene, Gnrh1, was also found to be down-regulated. However, pituitary gene expression could be normalized and fertility could be rescued by blocking prenatal estrogen synthesis using an aromatase inhibitor. These results show that AFP protects the developing female brain from the adverse effects of prenatal estrogen exposure and clarify a long-running debate on the role of this fetal protein in brain sexual differentiation.


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Two clearly opposing views exist on the function of alpha-fetoprotein (AFP), a fetal plasma protein that binds estrogens with high affinity, in the sexual differentiation of the rodent brain. AFP has been proposed to either prevent the entry of estrogens or to actively transport estrogens into the developing female brain. The availability of Afp mutant mice (Afp-/-) now finally allows us to resolve this longstanding controversy concerning the role of AFP in brain sexual differentiation, and thus to determine whether prenatal estrogens contribute to the development of the female brain. Here we show that the brain and behavior of female Afp-/- mice were masculinized and defeminized. However, when estrogen production was blocked by embryonic treatment with the aromatase inhibitor 1,4,6-androstatriene-3,17- dione, the feminine phenotype of these mice was rescued. These results clearly demonstrate that prenatal estrogens masculinize and defeminize the brain and that AFP protects the female brain from these effects of estrogens. © 2006 Nature Publishing Group.


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Previously, we and others have shown that MHC class-II deficient humans have greatly reduced numbers of CD4+CD8- peripheral T cells. These type-III Bare Lymphocyte Syndrome patients lack MHC class-II and have an impaired MHC class-I antigen expression. In this study, we analyzed the impact of the MHC class-II deficient environment on the TCR V-gene segment usage in this reduced CD4+CD8- T-cell subset. For these studies, we employed TcR V-region-specific monoclonal antibodies (mAbs) and a semiquantitative PCR technique with V alpha and V beta amplimers, specific for each of the most known V alpha- and V beta-gene region families. The results of our studies demonstrate that some of the V alpha-gene segments are used less frequent in the CD4+CD8- T-cell subset of the patient, whereas the majority of the TCR V alpha- and V beta-gene segments investigated were used with similar frequencies in both subsets in the type-III Bare Lymphocyte Syndrome patient compared to healthy control family members. Interestingly, the frequency of TcR V alpha 12 transcripts was greatly diminished in the patient, both in the CD4+CD8- as well as in the CD4-CD8+ compartment, whereas this gene segment could easily be detected in the healthy family controls. On the basis of the results obtained in this study, it is concluded that within the reduced CD4+CD8- T-cell subset of this patient, most of the TCR V-gene segments tested for are employed. However, a skewing in the usage frequency of some of the V alpha-gene segments toward the CD4-CD8+ T-cell subset was noticeable in the MHC class-II deficient patient that differed from those observed in the healthy family controls.


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Several lines of evidence point strongly toward the importance of highly alpha-helical intermediates in the folding of all globular proteins, regardless of their native structure. However, experimental refolding studies demonstrate no observable alpha-helical intermediate during refolding of some beta-sheet proteins and have dampened enthusiasm for this model of protein folding. In this study, beta-sheet proteins were hypothesized to have potential to form amphiphilic helices at a period of <3.6 residues/turn that matches or exceeds the potential at 3.6 residues/turn. Hypothetically, such potential is the basis for an effective and unidirectional mechanism by which highly alpha-helical intermediates might be rapidly disassembled during folding and potentially accounts for the difficulty in detecting highly alpha-helical intermediates during the folding of some proteins. The presence of this potential was confirmed, indicating that a model entailing ubiquitous formation of alpha-helical intermediates during the folding of globular proteins predicts previously unrecognized features of primary structure. Further, the folding of fatty acid binding protein, a predominantly beta-sheet protein that exhibits no apparent highly alpha-helical intermediate during folding, was dramatically accelerated by 2,2,2-trifluoroethanol, a solvent that stabilizes alpha-helical structure. This observation suggests that formation of an alpha-helix can be a rate-limiting step during folding of a predominantly beta-sheet protein and further supports the role of highly alpha-helical intermediates in the folding of all globular proteins.


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The direct addition of enolizable aldehydes and a-halo thioesters to produce beta-hydroxy thioesters enabled by reductive soft enolization is reported. The transformation is operationally simple and efficient and has the unusual feature of giving high syn-selectivity, which is the opposite of that produced for (thio)esters under conventional conditions. Moreover, excellent diastereoselectivity results when a chiral nonracemic alpha-hydroxy aldehyde derivative is used.


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-Transgenic mouse models have been developed to manipulate beta-adrenergic receptor (betaAR) signal transduction. Although several of these models have altered betaAR subtypes, the specific functional sequelae of betaAR stimulation in murine heart, particularly those of beta2-adrenergic receptor (beta2AR) stimulation, have not been characterized. In the present study, we investigated effects of beta2AR stimulation on contraction, [Ca2+]i transient, and L-type Ca2+ currents (ICa) in single ventricular myocytes isolated from transgenic mice overexpressing human beta2AR (TG4 mice) and wild-type (WT) littermates. Baseline contractility of TG4 heart cells was increased by 3-fold relative to WT controls as a result of the presence of spontaneous beta2AR activation. In contrast, beta2AR stimulation by zinterol or isoproterenol plus a selective beta1-adrenergic receptor (beta1AR) antagonist CGP 20712A failed to enhance the contractility in TG4 myocytes, and more surprisingly, beta2AR stimulation was also ineffective in increasing contractility in WT myocytes. Pertussis toxin (PTX) treatment fully rescued the ICa, [Ca2+]i, and contractile responses to beta2AR agonists in both WT and TG4 cells. The PTX-rescued murine cardiac beta2AR response is mediated by cAMP-dependent mechanisms, because it was totally blocked by the inhibitory cAMP analog Rp-cAMPS. These results suggest that PTX-sensitive G proteins are responsible for the unresponsiveness of mouse heart to agonist-induced beta2AR stimulation. This was further corroborated by an increased incorporation of the photoreactive GTP analog [gamma-32P]GTP azidoanilide into alpha subunits of Gi2 and Gi3 after beta2AR stimulation by zinterol or isoproterenol plus the beta1AR blocker CGP 20712A. This effect to activate Gi proteins was abolished by a selective beta2AR blocker ICI 118,551 or by PTX treatment. Thus, we conclude that (1) beta2ARs in murine cardiac myocytes couple to concurrent Gs and Gi signaling, resulting in null inotropic response, unless the Gi signaling is inhibited; (2) as a special case, the lack of cardiac contractile response to beta2AR agonists in TG4 mice is not due to a saturation of cell contractility or of the cAMP signaling cascade but rather to an activation of beta2AR-coupled Gi proteins; and (3) spontaneous beta2AR activation may differ from agonist-stimulated beta2AR signaling.


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Several G-protein coupled receptors, such as the beta1-adrenergic receptor (beta1-AR), contain polyproline motifs within their intracellular domains. Such motifs in other proteins are known to mediate protein-protein interactions such as with Src homology (SH)3 domains. Accordingly, we used the proline-rich third intracellular loop of the beta1-AR either as a glutathione S-transferase fusion protein in biochemical "pull-down" assays or as bait in the yeast two-hybrid system to search for interacting proteins. Both approaches identified SH3p4/p8/p13 (also referred to as endophilin 1/2/3), a SH3 domain-containing protein family, as binding partners for the beta1-AR. In vitro and in human embryonic kidney (HEK) 293 cells, SH3p4 specifically binds to the third intracellular loop of the beta1-AR but not to that of the beta2-AR. Moreover, this interaction is mediated by the C-terminal SH3 domain of SH3p4. Functionally, overexpression of SH3p4 promotes agonist-induced internalization and modestly decreases the Gs coupling efficacy of beta1-ARs in HEK293 cells while having no effect on beta2-ARs. Thus, our studies demonstrate a role of the SH3p4/p8/p13 protein family in beta1-AR signaling and suggest that interaction between proline-rich motifs and SH3-containing proteins may represent a previously underappreciated aspect of G-protein coupled receptor signaling.


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The beta-adrenergic receptor kinase 1 (beta ARK1) is a member of the G protein-coupled receptor kinase (GRK) family that mediates the agonist-dependent phosphorylation and desensitization of G protein-coupled receptors. We have cloned and disrupted the beta ARK1 gene in mice by homologous recombination. No homozygote beta ARK1-/- embryos survive beyond gestational day 15.5. Prior to gestational day 15.5, beta ARK1-/- embryos display pronounced hypoplasia of the ventricular myocardium essentially identical to the "thin myocardium syndrome" observed upon gene inactivation of several transcription factors (RXR alpha, N-myc, TEF-1, WT-1). Lethality in beta ARK1-/- embryos is likely due to heart failure as they exhibit a > 70% decrease in cardiac ejection fraction determined by direct in utero intravital microscopy. These results along with the virtual absence of endogenous GRK activity in beta ARK1-/- embryos demonstrate that beta ARK1 appears to be the predominant GRK in early embryogenesis and that it plays a fundamental role in cardiac development.


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The mechanism of mitogen-activated protein (MAP) kinase activation by pertussis toxin-sensitive Gi-coupled receptors is known to involve the beta gamma subunits of heterotrimeric G proteins (G beta gamma), p21ras activation, and an as-yet-unidentified tyrosine kinase. To investigate the mechanism of G beta gamma-stimulated p21ras activation, G beta gamma-mediated tyrosine phosphorylation was examined by overexpressing G beta gamma or alpha 2-C10 adrenergic receptors (ARs) that couple to Gi in COS-7 cells. Immunoprecipitation of phosphotyrosine-containing proteins revealed a 2- to 3-fold increase in the phosphorylation of two proteins of approximately 50 kDa (designated as p52) in G beta gamma-transfected cells or in alpha 2-C10 AR-transfected cells stimulated with the agonist UK-14304. The latter response was pertussis toxin sensitive. These proteins (p52) were also specifically immunoprecipitated with anti-Shc antibodies and comigrated with two Shc proteins, 46 and 52 kDa. The G beta gamma- or alpha 2-C10 AR-stimulated p52 (Shc) phosphorylation was inhibited by coexpression of the carboxyl terminus of beta-adrenergic receptor kinase (a G beta gamma-binding pleckstrin homology domain peptide) or by the tyrosine kinase inhibitors genistein and herbimycin A, but not by a dominant negative mutant of p21ras. Worthmannin, a specific inhibitor of phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase (PI3K) inhibited phosphorylation of p52 (Shc), implying involvement of PI3K. These results suggest that G beta gamma-stimulated Shc phosphorylation represents an early step in the pathway leading to p21ras activation, similar to the mechanism utilized by growth factor tyrosine kinase receptors.


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Transgenic mice were generated by using the alpha-myosin heavy chain promoter coupled to the coding sequence of a constitutively active mutant alpha 1B-adrenergic receptor (AR). These transgenic animals demonstrated cardiac-specific expression of this alpha 1-AR with resultant activation of phospholipase C as shown by increased myocardial diacylglycerol content. A phenotype consistent with cardiac hypertrophy developed in adult transgenic mice with increased heart/body weight ratios, myocyte cross-sectional areas, and ventricular atrial natriuretic factor mRNA levels relative to nontransgenic controls. These transgenic animals may provide insight into the biochemical triggers that induce hypertrophy in cardiac disease and serve as a convenient experimental model for studies of this condition.


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Phosphorylation of GTP-binding-regulatory (G)-protein-coupled receptors by specific G-protein-coupled receptor kinases (GRKs) is a major mechanism responsible for agonist-mediated desensitization of signal transduction processes. However, to date, studies of the specificity of these enzymes have been hampered by the difficulty of preparing the purified and reconstituted receptor preparations required as substrates. Here we describe an approach that obviates this problem by utilizing highly purified membrane preparations from Sf9 and 293 cells overexpressing G-protein-coupled receptors. We use this technique to demonstrate specificity of several GRKs with respect to both receptor substrates and the enhancing effects of G-protein beta gamma subunits on phosphorylation. Enriched membrane preparations of the beta 2- and alpha 2-C2-adrenergic receptors (ARs, where alpha 2-C2-AR refers to the AR whose gene is located on human chromosome 2) prepared by sucrose density gradient centrifugation from Sf9 or 293 cells contain the receptor at 100-300 pmol/mg of protein and serve as efficient substrates for agonist-dependent phosphorylation by beta-AR kinase 1 (GRK2), beta-AR kinase 2 (GRK3), or GRK5. Stoichiometries of agonist-mediated phosphorylation of the receptors by GRK2 (beta-AR kinase 1), in the absence and presence of G beta gamma, are 1 and 3 mol/mol, respectively. The rate of phosphorylation of the membrane receptors is 3 times faster than that of purified and reconstituted receptors. While phosphorylation of the beta 2-AR by GRK2, -3, and -5 is similar, the activity of GRK2 and -3 is enhanced by G beta gamma whereas that of GRK5 is not. In contrast, whereas GRK2 and -3 efficiently phosphorylate alpha 2-C2-AR, GRK5 is quite weak. The availability of a simple direct phosphorylation assay applicable to any cloned G-protein-coupled receptor should greatly facilitate elucidation of the mechanisms of regulation of these receptors by the expanding family of GRKs.


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A number of lines of evidence suggest that cross-talk exists between the cellular signal transduction pathways involving tyrosine phosphorylation catalyzed by members of the pp60c-src kinase family and those mediated by guanine nucleotide regulatory proteins (G proteins). In this study, we explore the possibility that direct interactions between pp60c-src and G proteins may occur with functional consequences. Preparations of pp60c-src isolated by immunoprecipitation phosphorylate on tyrosine residues the purified G-protein alpha subunits (G alpha) of several heterotrimeric G proteins. Phosphorylation is highly dependent on G-protein conformation, and G alpha(GDP) uncomplexed by beta gamma subunits appears to be the preferred substrate. In functional studies, phosphorylation of stimulatory G alpha (G alpha s) modestly increases the rate of binding of guanosine 5'-[gamma-[35S]thio]triphosphate to Gs as well as the receptor-stimulated steady-state rate of GTP hydrolysis by Gs. Heterotrimeric G proteins may represent a previously unappreciated class of potential substrates for pp60c-src.