Assuming that the IS6110-restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP) changes at a constant rate of 3.2 years, this methodology was applied to demonstrate, for the first time, variant patterns of Mycobacterium tuberculosis (MTB) in multiple isolates obtained at short time intervals from sputum and blood of an HIV+ patient with multiple admissions to the Emergency Room and to the multidrug-resistant tuberculosis (MDR-TB) Reference Center of a secondary-care hospital in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. In sputum, the IS6110-RFLP appeared in isolates with two variant patterns with 10 and 13 IS6110 copies. However, blood presented only the pattern corresponding to 10 copies, suggesting compartmentalization. With regard to the exact match of 10 of 13 bands, this may be a subpopulation with the same clonal origin and this may be related to the IS6110 transposition. A susceptibility test demonstrated an MDR profile (INH R, RIF R, SM R, and EMB R), with the sputum isolate also exhibiting EMB S (R = resistant; S = sensitive). A gene mutation confirmed resistance only to streptomycin. There was agreement between the results of the phenotypic test and the clinical response to MDR-TB treatment, suggesting serious implications with regard to treatment administration based exclusively on molecular methods, and calling attention to the fact that more effective control strategies against the emergence of MDR strains must be implemented by the TB control program to prevent transmission of MDR-MTB strains at health facilities in areas highly endemic for TB.
Polymorphisms of hormone receptor genes have been linked to modifications in reproductive factors and to an increased risk of breast cancer (BC). In the present study, we have determined the allelic and genotypic frequencies of the ERα-397 PvuII C/T, ERα-351 XbaI A/G and PGR PROGINS polymorphisms and investigated their relationship with mammographic density, body mass index (BMI) and other risk factors for BC. A consecutive and unselected sample of 750 Brazilian BC-unaffected women enrolled in a mammography screening program was recruited. The distribution of PGR PROGINS genotypic frequencies was 72.5, 25.5 and 2.0% for A1A1, A1A2 and A2A2, respectively, which was equivalent to that encountered in other studies with healthy women. The distribution of ERα genotypes was: ERα-397 PvuII C/T: 32.3% TT, 47.5% TC, and 20.2% CC; ERα-351 XbaI A/G: 46.3% AA, 41.7% AG and 12.0% GG. ERα haplotypes were 53.5% PX, 14.3% Px, 0.3% pX, and 32.0% px. These were significantly different from most previously published reports worldwide (P < 0.05). Overall, the PGR PROGINS genotypes A2A2 and A1A2 were associated with fatty and moderately fatty breast tissue. The same genotypes were also associated with a high BMI in postmenopausal women. In addition, the ERα-351 XbaI GG genotype was associated with menarche ≥12 years (P = 0.02). ERα and PGR polymorphisms have a phenotypic effect and may play an important role in BC risk determination. Finally, if confirmed in BC patients, these associations could have important implications for mammographic screening and strategies and may be helpful to identify women at higher risk for the disease.
Oculo-facio-cardio-dental (OFCD) syndrome is a rare X-linked disorder mainly manifesting in females. Patients show ocular, facial, cardiac, and dental abnormalities. OFCD syndrome is caused by heterozygous mutations in the BCOR gene, located in Xp11.4, encoding the BCL6 co-repressor. We report a Croatian family with four female members (grandmother, mother and monozygotic female twins) diagnosed with OFCD syndrome who carry the novel BCOR mutation c.4438C>T (p.R1480*). They present high intrafamilial phenotypic variability with special regard to cardiac defect and cataract that showed more severe disease expression in successive generations. Clinical and radiographic examination of the mother of the twins revealed a talon cusp involving the permanent maxillary right central incisor. This is the first known report of a talon cusp in OFCD syndrome with a novel mutation in the BCOR gene.
Associations between polymorphisms of the CD36 gene and susceptibility to coronary artery heart disease (CHD) are not clear. We assessed allele frequencies and genotype distributions of CD36 gene polymorphisms in 112 CHD patients and 129 control patients using semi-quantitative polymerase chain reaction (PCR) and restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP) analysis. Additionally, we detected CD36 mRNA expression by real-time quantitative PCR, and we quantified plasma levels of oxidized low-density lipoprotein (ox-LDL) using an enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA). There were no significant differences between the two groups (P>0.05) in allele frequencies of rs1761667 or in genotype distribution and allele frequencies of rs3173798. The genotype distribution of rs1761667 significantly differed between CHD patients and controls (P=0.034), with a significantly higher frequency of the AG genotype in the CHD group compared to the control group (P=0.011). The plasma levels of ox-LDL in patients with the AG genotype were remarkably higher than those with the GG and AA genotypes (P=0.010). In a randomized sample taken from patients in the two groups, the CD36 mRNA expression of the CHD patients was higher than that of the controls. In CHD patients, the CD36 mRNA expression in AG genotype patients was remarkably higher than in those with an AA genotype (P=0.005). After adjusted logistic regression analysis, the AG genotype of rs1761667 was associated with an increased risk of CHD (OR=2.337, 95% CI=1.336-4.087, P=0.003). In conclusion, the rs1761667 polymorphism may be closely associated with developing CHD in the Chongqing Han population of China, and an AG genotype may be a genetic susceptibility factor for CHD.
En av naturens mest grundläggande aspekter är den enorma mängd av variation som existerar mellan arter. Denna variation har lett oss till att klassificera olika organismer på basis av morfologiska skillnader och på senare tid till att jämföra genetiska skillnader på individens nivå. Den marina kiselalgen Skeletonema marinoi är en av de vanligaste växtplanktonarter i Östersjön under vårblomningen och anses viktig för den årliga produktionen. En av mina främsta målsättningar var att beskriva den intra-specifika diversiteten hos denna art längs med miljögradienter i Östersjön. Ett annat mål var att klargöra de faktorer som eventuellt är involverade i konfigurationen av genetisk diversitet och differentiering. Med hjälp av genetiska markörer visade jag att den genetiska diversiteten hos S. marinoi populationer i Östersjön är lägre jämfört med populationer i östra delen av Nordsjön. Arten är genetiskt uppdelad så att en utpräglad population förekommer i Östersjön och en annan, genetiskt åtskild population förekommer norr om de Danska sunden. Resultaten visar att de genetiskt åtskilda populationerna är anpassade till lokala salinitetsförhållanden. Genflödet mellan populationerna korrelerade kraftigt med havströmmar i området. Mina studier avslöjade även omfattande variation av fenotypiska, ekologiskt vikitga särdrag hos olika kloner. Djurplankton som äter kiselalger kunde modifiera den klonala mångfalden av fenotypiskt variabla S. marinoi populationer. En ökad klonal mångfald ledde till högre prestationsförmåga i fråga om primär produktion och stabiliserade ekofysiologiska funktioner. Som visas i denna avhandling består en art allt som oftast av åtskilliga genetiska varianter med fenotypiska skillnader. Kunskap om sådana intra-specifika skillnader är en förutsättning för att vi skall kunna förstå var och varför arter förekommer. Denna kunskap utgör även en grund för prognoser som siktar på att förutspå huruvida arter kan anpassa sig till framtida miljöförhållanden. ------------------------------------------------------ Suunnaton määrä variaatioita eliölajien välillä on perustavanlaatuinen ominaisuus luonnossa. Perinteisesti tätä monimuotoisuutta on käytetty organismien luokittelemiseen eri lajeihin niiden morfologisten eroavaisuuksien perusteella. Hiljattain myös geneettisten erojen huomioimista yksilötasolla on hyödynnetty lajien luokittelemisessa. Merialueilla esiintyvä piilevä, Skeletonema marinoi on yksi Itämeren tavallisimmista kasviplanktonlajeista kevätkukinnan aikana. Tavoitteenani oli selventää geneettistä ja fenotyyppistä monimuotoisuutta pitkin Itämeren ympäristögradienttejä. Geneettisen monimuotoisuuteen ja erkaantumiseen vaikuttavien tekijöiden selvittäminen oli tärkeä aspekti väitöstutkimuksessani. Geneettisiä markkereita käyttämällä pystyin toteamaan, että S. marinoi levän geneettinen monimuotoisuus on Itämeressä merkittävästi alhaisempi kuin läheisessä Pohjanmeren itäosassa. Tutkittu laji jakautuu geneettisesti yhteen erilliseen populaatioon Itämeressä ja toiseen selvästi erottuvaan populaatioon Tanskan salmien pohjoispuolella. Kokeellisten tulosten perusteella nämä geneettisesti erilaistuneet populaatiot ovat kumpikin sopeutuneet paikalliseen veden suolapitoisuuteen. Populaatioiden välisen geenivirran ja merivirtojen luoman yhteyden välillä havaittiin vahva korrelaatio. Tutkimukseni paljastivat myös laajaa vaihtelua Skeletonema-kloonien ekologisesti tärkeissä ominaisuuksissa. Kokeellisten tutkimusteni perusteella laiduntajat pystyivät muuttamaan geneettisten kloonien lukumäärää monimuotoisissa S. marinoi populaatioissa. Lisääntynyt kloonien lukumäärä paransi perustuotantokykyä ja vakautti ekofysiologisia toimintoja. Kuten tässä väitöstutkimuksessa osoitetaan, lajit koostuvat useimmiten lukuisista geneettisistä muunnelmista, jotka eroavat usein fenotyypeiltään. Ymmärtääksemme missä tietyt lajit esiintyvät ja miksi, tarvitsemme tietoa lajien sisäisistä vaihteluista. Tämä tieto on tarpeellista, jotta voimme ennustaa lajien sopeutumista tuleviin ympäristönmuutoksiin.
Many internationally adopted children have lived their first years of life in an environment with limited opportunities for primary caregiving. The lack of consistent care increases the prevalence of attachment disorders among them. Less is known about the influences of attachment disorders on a child’s later course of life. This study is part of the Finnish Adoption Study. Parents of all Finnish children who had been internationally adopted by legal adoption organisations between 1985 and 2007 were sent questionnaires (N=1450). Parental evaluations of the children’s symptoms of reactive attachment disorder (RAD) at the time of adoption, their later learning or language problems using a screening scale, and children’s self-reported school bullying experiences were evaluated. Each child’s attachment-related behavioural problems were requested in a follow-up survey 1.9 and 3.8 years after adoption and compared with a Finnish reference group. This study indicated that Finnish internationally adopted children have at least three-fold prevalence of learning and language problems compared with their age-mates. A child’s symptoms of attachment disorders were associated with learning or language problems at school age as well as with his/her school bullying experiences. The adopted children had more attachment-related behavioural problems two years after adoption than their age-mates, but the difference was no longer evident four years after adoption. In conclusion, this study showed that the symptoms of attachment disorder indicate a risk for an adopted child’s later developmental outcome. The findings demonstrate the need for comprehensive clinical examinations and planning of treatment strategies for children with symptoms of RAD.
The importance of the study of acetic bacteria, on species of the Gluconobacter genus is based on its industrial application, as these possess the capacity of bioconversion of sorbitol to sorbose, enabling the process of vitamin C production. The study involved samples collected in industries of soft drinks, flowers, fruits and honey, followed by purification, phenotypic identification, molecular identification with the use of primer defined from Nucleotide Sequence Database consultation. Strains preserved were identified as members of the Acetobacteraceae family, Gluconobacter genus. 110 strains had been isolated of substrate: Pyrostegia venusta (ker-gawler), honey, Vitis vinifera (grape), Pyrus communis (pear), Malus sp. (apple) and in two samples of soft drinks. Of this total 57 strains had been recovered in manitol medium (manitol, yeast extract, peptone), 12 in YMG medium (glucose, manitol, yeast extract, ethanol, acetic acid), 41 in enrichment medium (De Ley and Swings) and later in the GYC medium (glucose, yeast extract and calcium carbonate). 68 strains were identified as Gram negative bacilli rods. Of these, 31 were characterized biochemically as belonging to the Acetobacteriaceae family as they were catalase positive, oxidase negative and producers of acid from glucose. The characterization of these strains was complemented with the biochemistry tests: gelatin liquefaction, nitrate reduction, indole and H2S production, oxidation of ethanol to acetic acid and molecular tests for genus identification. Only eight strains were characterized as pertaining to the Gluconobacter genus. The strains are maintained in collection cultures at the Microbiology Laboratory of the Biology Department at the São Paulo State University (UNESP) in Assis, stored in malt extract at -196 ºC.
INTRODUCTION: Cardiovascular disease (CVD) is a major determinant of mortality in renal transplant recipients (RTR). Metabolic syndrome (MS) and chronic inflammation are currently considered non traditional risk factors for cardiovascular disease. This study evaluates the frequency of these conditions their associations with graft function. OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the prevalence of metabolic syndrome (MS) and inflammation and their associations with graft function in renal transplant recipients. METHODS: A cross-sectional study was carried out with 200 RTR. MS was defined by the NCEP-ATP III criteria. Inflammation was assessed by CRP levels. Renal function was assessed by GFR estimation using the MDRD equation. RESULTS: MS occurred in 71 patients (35.5%). Patients with MS had higher CPR and decreased GFR levels. Inflammation was present in 99 patients (49.5%). Mean waist perimeter, body mass index, triglycerides and serum total cholesterol were significantly higher in inflamed patients. An association between MS and inflammation was demonstrated, 48 (67.6%) patients with MS were inflamed and among those without MS the rate of inflamed patients was 39.5% (51 patients) (p < 0.001). A significantly higher percentage of patients with MS in the group of patients in chronic renal disease stages III and IV was observed. CONCLUSION: In RTR there is a significant association among MS and inflammation. MS is negatively associated with graft function. The clinical implications of these findings must be evaluated in longitudinal studies.