630 resultados para PDT


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Estudos com tratamento hipertérmico de tumores utilizando nanopartículas metálicas têm sido realizados durante as últimas décadas e mostram resultados bons quanto à remissão de tumores, por vezes chegando à cura completa. O mesmo acontece em relação aos tratamentos baseados em ação fotodinâmica de fotossensibilizadores. Tratamentos aliando a terapia hipertérmica com nanopartículas de ouro e a terapia fotodinâmica com diversos fotossensibilizadores tem efeito sinérgico e apresenta excelente potencial terapêutico, em que pese serem necessários mais estudos para que uma nova terapia conjunta possa ser implementada. A proposta deste trabalho foi investigar esse efeito sinérgico utilizando nanobastões de ouro complexados com fotossensibilizadores. Após a síntese dos nanobastões pelo método de seeding, a eficácia do tratamento fotodinâmico e da terapia hipertérmica, separadamente, foi investigada. A metodologia do recobrimento dos nanobastões por fotossensibilizador, em um primeiro momento, não logrou êxito com a porfirina, porém com a ftalocianina tetracarboxilada se mostrou mais eficaz. A taxa de fotodegradação da ftalocianina em solução foi investigada como parâmetro para a eficiência em geração de oxigênio singlete. Após centrifugação e lavagem das nanopartículas, no entanto, evidenciou-se por espectrofotometria que o fotossensibilizador não permaneceu aderido aos nanobastões. Em um segundo momento, optamos por recobrir os nanobastões por porfirinas tetrassulfonadas, com ou sem grupamentos metil-glucamina. Após o processo de recobrimento, essas ftalocianinas formaram complexos iônicos com o CTAB que recobre os nanobastões. Os complexos nanobastões-ftalocianinas foram analisados por microscopia eletrônica de transmissão e as taxas de geração de oxigênio singlete e de radical hidroxil foram investigadas. Além disso, foram utilizadas para testes in vivo e in vitro com células de melanoma melanótico (B16F10) ou amelanótico (B16G4F). As células tumorais em cultura ou os tumores em camundongos C57BL6 foram irradiados com luz em 635 nm e os tumores foram observados por 15 dias após o tratamento. Houve evidente aumento na geração de oxigênio singlete por ambos fotossensibilizadores, e maior geração de radicais livres por parte do fotossensibilizador metilglucaminado. O oposto ocorre com o fotossensibilizador sem metilglucamina. Houve, também, moderada citotoxicidade no escuro quando células foram incubadas com nanopartículas recobertas por ftalocianinas ou não. Quando ativados pela luz, os complexos ftalocianinas-nanobastões desencadearam um aumento de 5ºC no meio de cultura das células, e a morte celular observada foi extensa (91% para a linhagem B16G4F e 95% para a linhagem B16F10). Tanto os resultados in vitro quanto os in vivo indicam que as propriedades das ftalocianinas testadas são melhoradas significativamente quando elas estão complexadas aos nanobastões. Este é um estudo pioneiro por utilizar duas porfirinas tetrassulfonadas específicas e por utilizar o mesmo comprimento de onda para a ativação dos fotossensibilizadores e nanobastões.


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The treatment of choroidal neovascularisation (CNV) secondary to pathological myopia has presented a number of problems to ophthalmologists over the years, but the advent of photodynamic therapy (PDT) with verteporfin has changed how we manage these patients. Until PDT became available, the use of laser photocoagulation for extra and juxtafoveal lesions had been shown to be effective in the short term in preventing loss of vision, although the risk of regrowth of CNV and undertreatment were well recognised. However, even in apparent successful cases of photocoagulation, laser scar enlargement and creepage into the fovea in the mid-to-long term often occurred with resulting loss of central vision.1 Other options for treatment were very limited with little evidence that other modalities such as transpupillary thermotherapy or submacular surgery and macular transplantation surgery would be successful in highly myopic eyes. The evidence for the role of PDT and verteporfin CNV secondary to pathological myopia comes from the verteporfin in photodynamic therapy (VIP) study that has shown how effective this treatment is in eyes with subfoveal CNV.2, 3 Now in this publication, Lam et al4 from Hong Kong have shown that PDT is also effective in juxtafoveal CNV, with high myopia. They performed a small prospective study of 11 patients of mean age 44.8 years, with 12 months of follow-up. They found that there was a mean improvement of 1.8 lines of LogMAR best-corrected visual acuity (BCVA) at 12 months, with a mean number of 2.3 PDT treatments. The most rapid improvement occurred within the first 3 months of treatment and by 12 months none of the patients had suffered a deterioration in BCVA from baseline. There were no cases of adverse effects from the infusion or laser treatment. For ophthalmologists dealing with patients with CNV secondary to causes other than AMD, this is further evidence of the effectiveness of PDT with verteporfin in maintaining vision. These patients are likely to be younger than those with AMD and are likely to be in active employment and supporting families, and clearly the preservation of best vision possible is imperative in this group. It is therefore encouraging for ophthalmologists in the United Kingdom that the verteporfin in PDT Cohort Study (VPDT Study) includes the ability to treat patients with subfoveal CNV secondary to high myopia if they fulfill National Institute of Clinical Excellence guidelines, and will allow representations to be made on an individual basis for treatment of juxtafoveal lesions.5 For those ophthalmologists used to juggling increased patient expectations with scarce NHS resources, this is promising news and will allow us to offer a better standard of care to our patients.


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Identifying the cellular responses to photodynamic therapy (PDT) is important if the mechanisms of cellular damage are to be fully understood. The relationship between sensitizer, fluence rate and the removal of cells by trypsinization was studied using the RIF-1 cell line. Following treatment of RIF-1 cells with pyridinium zinc (II) phthalocyanine (PPC), or polyhaematoporphyrin at 10 mW cm−2 (3 J cm−2), there was a significant number of cells that were not removed by trypsin incubation compared to controls. Decreasing the fluence rate from 10 to 2.5 mW cm−2 resulted in a two-fold increase in the number of cells attached to the substratum when PPC used as sensitizer; however, with 5,10,15,20 meso-tetra(hydroxyphenyl) chlorin (m-THPC) there was no resistance to trypsinization following treatment at either fluence rate. The results indicate that resistance of cells to trypsinization following PDT is likely to be both sensitizer and fluence rate dependent. Increased activity of the enzyme tissue-transglutaminase (tTGase) was observed following PPC-PDT, but not following m-THPC-PDT. Similar results were obtained using HT29 human colonic carcinoma and ECV304 human umbilical vein endothelial cell lines. Hamster fibrosarcoma cell (Met B) clones transfected with human tTGase also exhibited resistance to trypsinization following PPC-mediated photosensitization; however, a similar degree of resistance was observed in PDT-treated control Met B cells suggesting that tTGase activity alone was not involved in this process.


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The introduction of anti-vascular endothelial growth factor (anti-VEGF) has made significant impact on the reduction of the visual loss due to neovascular age-related macular degeneration (n-AMD). There are significant inter-individual differences in response to an anti-VEGF agent, made more complex by the availability of multiple anti-VEGF agents with different molecular configurations. The response to anti-VEGF therapy have been found to be dependent on a variety of factors including patient’s age, lesion characteristics, lesion duration, baseline visual acuity (VA) and the presence of particular genotype risk alleles. Furthermore, a proportion of eyes with n-AMD show a decline in acuity or morphology, despite therapy or require very frequent re-treatment. There is currently no consensus as to how to classify optimal response, or lack of it, with these therapies. There is, in particular, confusion over terms such as ‘responder status’ after treatment for n-AMD, ‘tachyphylaxis’ and ‘recalcitrant’ n-AMD. This document aims to provide a consensus on definition/categorisation of the response of n-AMD to anti-VEGF therapies and on the time points at which response to treatment should be determined. Primary response is best determined at 1 month following the last initiation dose, while maintained treatment (secondary) response is determined any time after the 4th visit. In a particular eye, secondary responses do not mirror and cannot be predicted from that in the primary phase. Morphological and functional responses to anti-VEGF treatments, do not necessarily correlate, and may be dissociated in an individual eye. Furthermore, there is a ceiling effect that can negate the currently used functional metrics such as >5 letters improvement when the baseline VA is good (ETDRS>70 letters). It is therefore important to use a combination of both the parameters in determining the response.The following are proposed definitions: optimal (good) response is defined as when there is resolution of fluid (intraretinal fluid; IRF, subretinal fluid; SRF and retinal thickening), and/or improvement of >5 letters, subject to the ceiling effect of good starting VA. Poor response is defined as <25% reduction from the baseline in the central retinal thickness (CRT), with persistent or new IRF, SRF or minimal or change in VA (that is, change in VA of 0+4 letters). Non-response is defined as an increase in fluid (IRF, SRF and CRT), or increasing haemorrhage compared with the baseline and/or loss of >5 letters compared with the baseline or best corrected vision subsequently. Poor or non-response to anti-VEGF may be due to clinical factors including suboptimal dosing than that required by a particular patient, increased dosing intervals, treatment initiation when disease is already at an advanced or chronic stage), cellular mechanisms, lesion type, genetic variation and potential tachyphylaxis); non-clinical factors including poor access to clinics or delayed appointments may also result in poor treatment outcomes. In eyes classified as good responders, treatment should be continued with the same agent when disease activity is present or reactivation occurs following temporary dose holding. In eyes that show partial response, treatment may be continued, although re-evaluation with further imaging may be required to exclude confounding factors. Where there is persistent, unchanging accumulated fluid following three consecutive injections at monthly intervals, treatment may be withheld temporarily, but recommenced with the same or alternative anti-VEGF if the fluid subsequently increases (lesion considered active). Poor or non-response to anti-VEGF treatments requires re-evaluation of diagnosis and if necessary switch to alternative therapies including other anti-VEGF agents and/or with photodynamic therapy (PDT). Idiopathic polypoidal choroidopathy may require treatment with PDT monotherapy or combination with anti-VEGF. A committee comprised of retinal specialists with experience of managing patients with n-AMD similar to that which developed the Royal College of Ophthalmologists Guidelines to Ranibizumab was assembled. Individual aspects of the guidelines were proposed by the committee lead (WMA) based on relevant reference to published evidence base following a search of Medline and circulated to all committee members for discussion before approval or modification. Each draft was modified according to feedback from committee members until unanimous approval was obtained in the final draft. A system for categorising the range of responsiveness of n-AMD lesions to anti-VEGF therapy is proposed. The proposal is based primarily on morphological criteria but functional criteria have been included. Recommendations have been made on when to consider discontinuation of therapy either because of success or futility. These guidelines should help clinical decision-making and may prevent over and/or undertreatment with anti-VEGF therapy.


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Although photodynamic therapy have been used as a useful tool over the past 30 years in oncology, few clinical trials have been conducted in dentistry. Photodynamic therapy (PDT) uses non - toxic photosensitizers and selective which are administered in target cells followed by local application of visible light, producing reactive oxygen species capable of causing cell death by apoptosis or necrosis, injured the local vasculature, and exert important effects on the im mune system. New generations of photosensitizing agents, such as nanoparticulate phthalocyanines, has shown excellent results in antitumor and antibacterial activity . In this context, the present work constitutes the first clinical protocol of local appli cation of nanoemulsion chloro - aluminum phthalocyanine (AlClFc) followed by irradiation in human gingiva, and analyzed descriptively and comparatively , by means of immunohistochemistry , the expression of RANK , RANKL , OPG and VEGF in a split - mouth model . Eight healthy volunteers with clinical indication for extraction were included in the study . Seven days before the extraction, was injected in the gingiva of participants, 5 μ M of nanoemulsion AlClFc followed by irra diation with diode laser (660nm , 7 J/cm2 ), the contralateral side was used as control. Tissue specimens were removed seven days after the TFD is performed. Tissues sample were divided into two groups (test and con trol groups) for histological and immunohistochemical analysis. Patients were monitored at days, 0, 7, 14 and 30 to assess adverse effects of the therapy. Vascular alterations were seen in gingival samples that received PDT. Areas of edema and vascular con gestion, and intense vascularization were viewed . Additionally, dystrophic calcification in subepithelial region were observed in the test group. The results showed a similar pattern of immunostaining scores of RANK, RANKL and VEGF between the test and co ntrol groups, with no statistically significant difference (p = 0.317, p = 0.777, p = 0 .814, respectively). RANK and RANKL exhibited weak or absent immunostaining in most specimens analyzed. There was n o immunostaining for OPG. VEGF showed moderate to stro ng immunostaining in specimens from the test group. In addition, the clinical study showed that therapy was well tolerated by all patients. Adverse effects were short - time and completely reversible. Taken together, the results presented in this study showe d that PDT mediated by nanoemulsion containing AlClPc is safe for clinical application in gingival tissue and suggests that a strong immunostaining for VEGF after therapy .


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Photodynamic therapy (PDT) consists of a non-toxic photosensitizing agent (FS) administration followed by a laser source resulting in a sequence of photochemical and photobiological processes that generate reactive oxygen species (ROS) that damaging cells. The present work evaluated the effects of PDT nanoemulsion-aluminum chloride phthalocyanine (AlClFc) mediated on malondialdehyde (MDA), glutathione (GSH), superoxide dismutase (SOD) and glutathione peroxidase (GPx) levels, which represent indicators involved in oxidative stress and antioxidant defenses. For this purpose, this study used 120 female rats of the Rattus norvegicus species, Wistar race, divided into 5 groups: Healthy (H), with periodontal disease (PD), with periodontal disease and treatment with FS (F), with periodontal disease and treatment with the laser (L); and periodontal disease and treatment with PDT (FL). An experimental model for represent periodontal disease (PD) was induced by ligature (split-mouth). Seven days later the induction of PD, the treatments were instituted according to the groups. In the group treated with PDT was applied 40μl FS (5μM) followed by laser irradiation diode InGaAlP (660nm, 100J / cm2). The rats were sacrificed on the 7th and 28th day after treatment and tissue specimens were removed and subjected to histological, immunohistochemical methods and enzymatic colorimetric measurements with detection by UV / VIS spectroscopy. Inflammatory changes, connective tissue disorganization and alveolar bone loss were displaying in groups with PD induced. The enzyme dosages showed that MDA levels were higher in PD induced groups, with no statistically significant differences (p> 0.05). High levels of GSH were found in groups L (p = 0.028) and FL (p = 0.028) compared with PD group, with statistically significant differences. Immunohistochemistry for SOD showed higher immunostaining in L and FL groups, compared to the PD group without statistically significant differences (p> 0.05). GPx showed lower immunoreactivity in the DP group when compared to the other groups and statistically significant differences were observed between the DPxL groups (p <0.05). TFD administered in this experiment did not induce elevation of MDA levels significantly increased the GSH levels and showed intense immunostaining pada SOD and GPx, showing that this therapy does not accentuated lipid peroxidation, however, it was able to induce effects on the antioxidant defenses processes. The LBI therapy appeared to show photomodulatory promoting effects reduction of the MDA levels, increasing GSH levels and with intense immunostaining for SOD and GPx, demonstrating that laser therapy induced antioxidant effects.


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Mémoire numérisé par la Direction des bibliothèques de l'Université de Montréal.


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Mémoire numérisé par la Direction des bibliothèques de l'Université de Montréal.


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Recent advances in nanotechnology have led to the application of nanoparticles in a wide variety of fields. In the field of nanomedicine, there is great emphasis on combining diagnostic and therapeutic modalities into a single nanoparticle construct (theranostics). In particular, anisotropic nanoparticles have shown great potential for surface-enhanced Raman scattering (SERS) detection due to their unique optical properties. Gold nanostars are a type of anisotropic nanoparticle with one of the highest SERS enhancement factors in a non-aggregated state. By utilizing the distinct characteristics of gold nanostars, new plasmonic materials for diagnostics, therapy, and sensing can be synthesized. The work described herein is divided into two main themes. The first half presents a novel, theranostic nanoplatform that can be used for both SERS detection and photodynamic therapy (PDT). The second half involves the rational design of silver-coated gold nanostars for increasing SERS signal intensity and improving reproducibility and quantification in SERS measurements.

The theranostic nanoplatforms consist of Raman-labeled gold nanostars coated with a silica shell. Photosensitizer molecules for PDT can be loaded into the silica matrix, while retaining the SERS signal of the gold nanostar core. SERS detection and PDT are performed at different wavelengths, so there is no interference between the diagnostic and therapeutic modalities. Singlet oxygen generation (a measure of PDT effectiveness) was demonstrated from the drug-loaded nanocomposites. In vitro testing with breast cancer cells showed that the nanoplatform could be successfully used for PDT. When further conjugating the nanoplatform with a cell-penetrating peptide (CPP), efficacy of both SERS detection and PDT is enhanced.

The rational design of plasmonic nanoparticles for SERS sensing involved the synthesis of silver-coated gold nanostars. Investigation of the silver coating process revealed that preservation of the gold nanostar tips was necessary to achieve the increased SERS intensity. At the optimal amount of silver coating, the SERS intensity is increased by over an order of magnitude. It was determined that a majority of the increased SERS signal can be attributed to reducing the inner filter effect, as the silver coating process moves the extinction of the particles far away from the laser excitation line. To improve reproducibility and quantitative SERS detection, an internal standard was incorporated into the particles. By embedding a small-molecule dye between the gold and silver surfaces, SERS signal was obtained both from the internal dye and external analyte on the particle surface. By normalizing the external analyte signal to the internal reference signal, reproducibility and quantitative analysis are improved in a variety of experimental conditions.


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Mémoire numérisé par la Direction des bibliothèques de l'Université de Montréal.


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Mémoire numérisé par la Direction des bibliothèques de l'Université de Montréal.


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Reactive oxygen species (ROS) are produced by aerobic metabolism and react with biomolecules, such as lipids, proteins and DNA. In high concentration, they lead to oxidative stress. Among ROS, singlet oxygen (1O2) is one of the main ROS involved in oxidative stress and is one of the most reactive forms of molecular oxygen. The exposure of some dyes, such as methylene blue (MB) to light (MB+VL), is able to generate 1O2 and it is the principle involved in photodynamic therapy (PDT). 1O2 e other ROS have caused toxic and carcinogenic effects and have been associated with ageing, neurodegenerative diseases and cancer. Oxidative DNA damage is mainly repaired by base excision repair (BER) pathway. However, recent studies have observed the involvement of nucleotide excision repair (NER) factors in the repair of this type of injury. One of these factors is the Xeroderma Pigmentosum Complementation Group A (XPA) protein, which acts with other proteins in DNA damage recognition and in the recruitment of other repair factors. Moreover, oxidative agents such as 1O2 can induce gene expression. In this context, this study aimed at evaluating the response of XPA-deficient cells after treatment with photosensitized MB. For this purpose, we analyzed the cell viability and occurrence of oxidative DNA damage in cells lines proficient and deficient in XPA after treatment with MB+VL, and evaluated the expression of this enzyme in proficient and complemented cells. Our results indicate an increased resistance to treatment of complemented cells and a higher level of oxidative damage in the deficient cell lines. Furthermore, the treatment was able to modulate the XPA expression up to 24 hours later. These results indicate a direct evidence for the involvement of NER enzymes in the repair of oxidative damage. Besides, a better understanding of the effects of PDT on the induction of gene expression could be provided


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Este libro es fruto de una prolongada colaboración entre la Corporación Educativa CLEBA y el Instituto para el Desarrollo y Educación de Adultos (IDEA), en torno a la elaboración y puesta en práctica de un abordaje educativo innovador denominado Pedagogía del Texto (PdT) que propugna la construcción de una educación de calidad con la participación directa de los y las aprendices. El nuevo enfoque es denominado PdT en función del rol que cumple el lenguaje en el desarrollo psicológico de los seres humanos según la teoría sociointeraccionista de Vigotsky. La PdT considera que las prácticas educativas deben tomar el texto y el discurso como objetos privilegiados de enseñanza y de aprendizaje.


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Macroautophagy (autophagy) is crucial for cell survival during starvation and plays important roles in human diseases. It is a highly conserved intracellular degradation system in eukaryotes for removal and recycling of cytoplasmic components including damaged proteins and organelles to obtain energy. The relationship between cancer and autophagy has been extensively studied in recent years. In cancer and cancer therapy, autophagy acts as a double-edged sword. Photodynamic therapy (PDT) is a kind of tumor therapy applied with a tumor-localizing photosensitizing agent which is followed by activation with the light of a specific wavelength. How much is autophagy involved in photodynamic therapy? The work in this area is still limited.


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Abstract : OBJECTIVES : Canadian medical (MD), physiotherapy (PT) and occupational therapy (OT) students increasingly show an interest in global health experiences (GHEs). As certain moral hazards can occur as a result of student GHEs, a growing consensus exists that universities must have an established selection process, in-depth pre-departure training (PDT), adequate onsite supervision and formal debriefing for their students. This study aimed at identifying current practices in Canadian MD, PT and OT programs and discussing areas for improvement by comparing them with recommendations found in the literature. METHODS : Canadian MD, PT and OT programs (n = 45) were invited to answer an online survey about their current practices for GHE support and training. The survey included 24 close-ended questions and 18 open-ended questions. Descriptive statistics and a thematic analysis were performed on the data and results were discussed with recommendations found in the literature. RESULTS : Twenty-three programs responded to the survey. Student selection processes varied across universities; examples included using academic performance, interviews and motivation letters. All but 1 MD program had mandatory PDT; content and teaching formats varied, as did training duration (2-38 hours). All but 1 MD program had onsite supervision; local clinicians were frequently involved. Debriefing, although not systematic, covered similar content; debriefing was variable in duration (1-8 hours). CONCLUSIONS : Many current practices are encouraging but areas for improvement exist. Integrating global health content into the regular curriculum with advanced study option in global health for students participating in GHEs could help universities standardize support and training.