681 resultados para Pétrarque (1304-1374). Canzone
Prepared under the supervision of H.C. Maxwell Lyte. Text by R.F. Isaacson, vol. 1-15 (with G.J. Morris and H.E. Lawrence, vol. 1; C.B. Dawes, vol. 13-15); C.B. Dawes, vol. 16.
Trägerband: Ms. Barth. 19; Vorbesitzer: Bartholomaeusstift Frankfurt am Main
übersetzt und mit Anmerkungen versehen von Prof. Dr. A. Sulzbach
Aus der Sammlung des Leo Baeck Institute, digitalisiert in Kooperation mit dem Center for Jewish History, NY
There appear to have been no previous literature-based or literature-oriented studies in telemedicine which have analysed raw citation data. Using a simple search strategy, the Web of Science was analysed up to the end of 2005 to give a snapshot of the field, and to identify matters which would need to be considered in larger scale bibliometric studies. Of the 3673 telemedicine documents retrieved, 2213 (60%) had been cited. Of 56,875 citation records, 32,460 unique citation formats were found. The most-cited paper, and the paper with the greatest annual citation rate, was Perednia and Allen's review article in JAMA, 1995. The two specialist telemedicine journals published 40% of all papers retrieved. In the general literature (i.e. excluding the two specialist journals) there were 1556 citations to their 1374 'citable' articles, apportioned in the ratio 76:24, almost exactly in accordance with the distribution of the articles themselves. However, each of the two specialist telemedicine journals cited itself in a proportion higher than its share of original articles, with an 'excess' of self-citations of 14% in the journal of Telemedicine and Telecare, and 19% in the Telemedicine journal and E-Health. Despite certain technical difficulties, there is considerable scope for bibliometric research in telemedicine.
Esta pesquisa investiga a possível correlação entre os níveis de depressão e ansiedade e a percepção de suporte social em profissionais de enfermagem em ambiente hospitalar. Utiliza-se de método descritivo exploratório de caráter quantitativo comparativo. Foram aplicados: A Escala Beck de Depressão BDI total e as subescalas S1 cognitivo-afetiva, S2 somática e de desempenho; o Inventário de Ansiedade BAI (Beck Anxiety Inventory) ; a Escala de Percepção de Suporte Social (EPSS) e questionário sócio-demográfico-clínico em 39 profissionais de enfermagem, auxiliares e técnicos de hospital particular de médio porte. Os dados da BAI revelaram uma freqüência média de 6,10 (DP=5,826) ; a BDI total, média de 7,36 (DP=5,163), com média de 4,31 (DP= 3,764) na subescala cognitivo-afetiva e média de 3,03 (DP= 2,323) na subescala somática e de desempenho. Os dados evidenciam sintomas de ansiedade em 15% dos participantes e depressão em 18%, na faixa de intensidade leve, sem comprometimento funcional significativo. O escore médio fatorial da percepção de suporte social emocional, verificado é de 2,61(DP=0,781), obtendo no suporte prático frequência média de 2,28 (DP=0,686). . Foi verificada uma relação significante positiva (P=0,004) entre os escores das escalas BAI e BDI BDIS1 e BDIS2. Por outro lado, a correlação entre a Percepção de Suporte Social Emocional e o nível de ansiedade verificado pela Escala BAI apresenta uma relação negativa e inversa com BAI e significante (P=0,022), ou seja, enquanto a percepção de suporte emocional aumenta, o escore da escala de ansiedade diminui. Também uma foi verificada uma correlação negativa inversa significante entre a Percepção de Suporte Social Emocional e o nível de depressão verificado pela escala BDI total (P=0,012), e com BDI S1 (P=0,019). A correlação entre a percepção de Suporte Social Prático e o nível de depressão verificado pela Escala BDI Total (P=0,016) e BDI S1(P=0,014) apresenta um relação negativa e inversa, significante , ou seja, enquanto a percepção de suporte social prático aumenta, o escore da escala de depressão diminui. Esses dados apontam para que a percepção de suporte social tenha efeitos mediadores na proteção de saúde, agindo como moderador do impacto negativo de possíveis condições adversas de trabalho do profissional de enfermagem.
Bem-estar no trabalho, percepção de suporte do supervisor e estilos de liderança são temas que vêm despertando atenção crescente nos últimos tempos, de diversos pesquisadores no campo de estudos do comportamento organizacional. O objetivo desta pesquisa foi investigar o impacto da percepção do suporte do supervisor e dos estilos de liderança no bem-estar no trabalho. O construto bem-estar no trabalho no presente estudo foi representado por duas dimensões: satisfação no trabalho e comprometimento organizacional afetivo. A amostra foi composta por 200 trabalhadores que atuavam em empresas privadas e públicas, situadas no Estado de São Paulo, sendo 110 mulheres e 90 homens, distribuídos entre solteiros e casados. O instrumento de coleta de dados foi um questionário composto por quatro escalas que mediram as variáveis: percepção de suporte do supervisor, estilos de lideranças, satisfação no trabalho e comprometimento organizacional afetivo. Para a análise dos dados utilizou-se um programa estatístico. Foram calculadas estatísticas descritivas das variáveis do estudo (médias, desvios-padrão e correlações bivariadas) e modelos de regressão multivariada para se investigar os impactos causados por percepção do suporte do supervisor e por estilos de liderança sobre bem-estar no trabalho, representado por vínculos com o trabalho (satisfação no trabalho) e com a organização (comprometimento organizacional afetivo). Os resultados deste estudo, revelaram maiores impactos do suporte do supervisor do que de estilos de liderança sobre bem-estar no trabalho. Ao final, algumas considerações e recomendações serão feitas destacando-se a importância do bem-estar no trabalho sobre a saúde dos trabalhadores e das organizações.
We analyse how the Generative Topographic Mapping (GTM) can be modified to cope with missing values in the training data. Our approach is based on an Expectation -Maximisation (EM) method which estimates the parameters of the mixture components and at the same time deals with the missing values. We incorporate this algorithm into a hierarchical GTM. We verify the method on a toy data set (using a single GTM) and a realistic data set (using a hierarchical GTM). The results show our algorithm can help to construct informative visualisation plots, even when some of the training points are corrupted with missing values.
This paper outlines, using evidence from several case studies, the use of alternative forms of manufacturing strategy processes. Our investigation shows that the manufacturing strategy development practices of manufacturers are evolving in many directions; we found several alternatives to the formal top-down planning process. Manufacturers use one or more of the following alternatives with or without the top-down manufacturing strategy process: a coherent pattern of actions; manufacturing/process improvement programs; or the pursuit of core manufacturing capabilities. It appears that the various manufacturing strategy development processes may be tied to the strategic role of manufacturing in a company. This paper offers a framework that captures the relationship between the strategic role of manufacturing and the process of manufacturing strategy development. An in-depth case from a UK company illustrates the evolving forms of manufacturing strategy development processes.
Synthetic hydrogel polymers were prepared by free radical photopolymerization in aqueous solution of the sodium salt of 2-acrylamido-2-methylpropane sulfonic acid (Na-AMPS). Poly(ethylene glycol) diacrylate (PEGDA) and 4,4'-azo-bis(4-cyanopentanoic acid) were used as the crosslinker and UV-photoinitiator, respectively. The effects of varying the Na-AMPS monomer concentration within the range of 30-50% w/v and the crosslinker concentration within the range of 0.1-1.0% mol (relative to monomer) were studied in terms of their influence on water absorption properties. The hydrogel sheets exhibited extremely high swelling capacities in aqueous media which were dependent on monomer concentration, crosslink density, and the ionic strength and composition of the immersion medium. The effects of varying the number-average molecular weight of the PEGDA crosslinker from = 250 to 700 were also investigated. Interestingly, it was found that increasing the molecular weight and therefore the crosslink length at constant crosslink density decreased both the rate of water absorption and the equilibrium water content. Cytotoxicity testing by the direct contact method with mouse fibroblast L929 cells indicated that the synthesized hydrogels were nontoxic. On the basis of these results, it is considered that photopolymerized Na-AMPS hydrogels crosslinked with PEGDA show considerable potential for biomedical use as dressings for partial thickness burns. This paper describes some structural effects which are relevant to their design as biomaterials for this particular application. © 2013 Copyright Taylor and Francis Group, LLC.
A range of particulate delivery systems have been considered as vaccine adjuvants. Of these systems, liposomes offer a range of advantages including versatility and flexibility in design format and their ability to incorporate a range of immunomodulators and antigens. Here we briefly outline research, from within our laboratories, which focused on the systematic evaluation of cationic liposomes as vaccines adjuvants. Our aim was to identify physicochemical characteristics that correlate with vaccine efficacy, with particular consideration of the interlink between depot-forming action and immune responses. A variety of parameters were investigated and over a range of studies we have confirmed that cationic liposomes, based on dimethyldioctadecylammonium bromide and trehalose 6,6'-dibehenate formed a depot at the injection site, which stimulates recruitment of antigen presenting cells to the injection site and promotes strong humoral and cell-mediated immune responses. Physicochemical factors which promote a strong vaccine depot include the combination of a high cationic charge and electrostatic binding of the antigen to the liposome system and the use of lipids with high transition temperatures, which form rigid bilayer vesicles. Reduction in vesicle size of cationic vesicles did not promote enhanced drainage from the injection site. However, reducing the cationic nature through substitution of the cationic lipid for a neutral lipid, or by masking of the charge using PEGylation, resulted in a reduced depot formation and reduced Th1-type immune responses, while Th2-type responses were less influenced. These studies confirm that the physicochemical characteristics of particulate-based adjuvants play a key role in the modulation of immune responses.
A novel approach to optical subcarrier multiplexing with compact spectrum is demonstrated using a 42.6 Gbit/s AM-PSK payload and 2.5 Gbit/s NRZ label. In this implementation, the payload introduces a 4.8 dB penalty on the label receiver sensitivity, and the label causes <1 dB penalty on the payload receiver sensitivity.
* Supported by COMBSTRU Research Training Network HPRN-CT-2002-00278 and the Bulgarian National Science Foundation under Grant MM-1304/03.
Mathematics Subject Classification: 26A33, 76M35, 82B31
Доклад по покана, поместен в сборника на Националната конференция "Образованието в информационното общество", Пловдив, май, 2010 г.