986 resultados para Open car park
Lasing without or with inversion in an open four-level system with a phase-fluctuation driving field
The effect of exit rate and the ratio of atomic injection rate on gain behaviour has been investigated, and the effects of phase fluctuation on absorption, dispersion and population difference in an open four-level system have been analysed by using numerical simulation from the steady linear, analytical solution. The variation of the linewidth, Rabi frequency of the driving field, the exit rate or the ratio of atomic injection rate can change the lasing properties in the open system. The presence of finite linewidth due to driving-field phase fluctuation prevents the open four-level atomic system from obtaining a high refractive index along with zero absorption.
The control role of the relative phase between the probe and driving fields on the gain and dispersion in an open Lambda-type inversionless lasing system with spontaneously generated coherence (SGC) is investigated. It is shown that the inversionless gain and dispersion are quite sensitive to variation in the relative phase; by adjusting the value of the relative phase, electromagnetically induced transparency (EIT), a high refractive index with zero absorption and a larger inversionless gain can be realized. It is also shown that, in the contributions to the inversionless gain ( absorption) and dispersion, the contribution from SGC is always much larger than that from the dynamically induced coherence for any value of the relative phase. Our analysis shows that variation in the SGC effect will cause the spectrum regions and values of the inversionless gain and dispersion to vary evidently. We also found that, under the same conditions, the values of the inversionless gain and dispersion in the open system are evidently larger than those in the corresponding closed system; EIT occurs in the open system but cannot occur in the closed system.
The control role of the relative phase between the probe and driving fields on gain, dispersion and populations in an open V-type three-level system with spontaneously generated coherence is studied. The result shows that by adjusting the value of the relative phase, the transformation between lasing with inversion and lasing without inversion (LWI) can be realized and high dispersion (refractive index) without absorption can be obtained. The shape and value range of the dispersion curve are similar to those of the gain curve, and this similarity is closely related to the relative phase. The effects of the atomic exit and injection rates and the incoherent pump rate on the control role of the relative phase are also analysed. It is found easier to get LWI by adjusting the value of the relative phase using the open system rather than the closed system, and using an incoherent pump rather than without using the incoherent pump. Moreover the open system can give a larger LWI gain than the closed system.
4 p.
We studied effects of the relative phase between the probe and driving fields on the absorption and dispersion properties in an open three-level ladder system with spontaneously generated coherence but without incoherent pumping. It is shown that by the phase controlling, switching from absorption to lasing without inversion (LWI) and enhancing remarkablely LWI gain can be realized; large index of refraction with zero absorption and the electromagnetically induced transparency can be obtained. We also find that varying the atomic injection and exit rates has a considerable influence on the phase dependent-absorption property of the probe field, existent of the atomic injection and exit rates gives the necessary condition of the realization of LWI, getting LWI is impossible in the corresponding closed system without incoherent pumping. We studied effects of the relative phase between the probe and driving fields on the absorption and dispersion properties in an open three-level ladder system with spontaneously generated coherence but without incoherent pumping. It is shown that by the phase controlling, switching from absorption to lasing without inversion (LWI) and enhancing remarkablely LWI gain can be realized; large index of refraction with zero absorption and the electromagnetically induced transparency can be obtained. We also find that varying the atomic injection and exit rates has a considerable influence on the phase dependent-absorption property of the probe field, existent of the atomic injection and exit rates gives the necessary condition of the realization of LWI, getting LWI is impossible in the corresponding closed system without incoherent pumping.
We investigate the group velocity of the probe light pulse in an open V-type system with spontaneously generated coherence. We find that, not only varying the relative phase between the probe and driving pulses can but varying the atomic exit rate or incoherent pumping rate also can manipulate dramatically the group velocity, even make the pulse propagation switching from subluminal to superluminal; the subliminal propagation can be companied with gain or absorption, but the superluminal propagation is always companied with absorption. (c) 2006 Elsevier GmbH. All rights reserved.
O estado de Santa Catarina possuía sua área inteiramente coberta por Mata Atlântica, um dos biomas mais ameaçados mundialmente. Mesmo com o crescente aumento de informações sobre os anfíbios no estado, ainda existe muitas lacunas de informações para este grupo e o desconhecimento é alto mesmo no interior das Unidades de Conservação. O Parque Estadual da Serra do Tabuleiro é a maior unidade de conservação de proteção integral de Santa Catarina e ainda assim possui inúmeras ameaças e pressões antrópicas. Os objetivos deste estudo foram estudar os anfíbios anuros em duas fitofisionomias, restinga e floresta ombrófila densa submontana, do Parque Estadual da Serra do Tabuleiro, verificar as diferenças dos parâmetros da comunidade entre três mesohábitats na restinga, compreender em que extensão algumas variáveis estruturais do hábitat afetam a riqueza e abundância dos anuros na restinga e na floresta ombrófila densa submontana, conhecer os anuros de folhiço na área de floresta e, adicionalmente, verificar o atual conhecimento sobre os anuros de folhiço no mundo. Os anuros no parque foram amostrados por meio dos métodos de procura ativa em transecções, armadilhas de queda com cerca guia e parcelas no chão da floresta durante três anos consecutivos com amostragens trimestrais, de julho de 2007 a abril de 2010. As variáves estruturais foram medidas nos locais amostrados enquanto que os dados climáticos foram obtidos da estação meteorológica mais próxima da área de estudo. A revisão sobre os anuros de folhiço no mundo foi realizada por uma busca na base de dados ISI Web if Science entre os anos de 1945 e 2008. Foram registradas 39 espécies de anuros no Parque, sendo 15 espécies para a restinga, 31 espécies na floresta. No folhiço do chão da floresta, a comunidade foi composta por 13 espécies de anuros. No total, 66% dos anuros registrados aqui, foram endêmicos da Mata Atlântica, 17% possuíram distribuição restrita à Santa Catarina e quatro espécies foram consideradas como vulneráveis na lista de espécies ameaçadas de extinção de Santa Catarina. Na restinga, a área aberta e a mata de restinga foram as mais dissimilares com relação à composição e abundância de anuros e também para as variáveis estruturais do hábitat. Na floresta ombrófila densa, a cobertura de dossel e o número de corpos dágua foram as variáveis mais importantes para a riqueza e abundância das espécies de anuros. Também para os anuros de folhiço do parque, a cobertura de dossel foi importante, conjuntamente com a umidade do ar e a profundidade de folhiço. O atual conhecimento sobre os anuros de folhiço no mundo se concentra nas regiões tropicais, sendo que o Brasil possui o maior número de estudos. Algumas tendências para as comunidades de anuros de folhiço puderam ser identificadas, mas estudos adicionais são necessários para que mais inferências possam ser feitas. O presente estudo contribuiu para preencher parte das lacunas de conhecimento existentes para a biodiversidade dos anuros do estado de Santa Catarina e em especial para o Parque Estadual da Serra do Tabuleiro.
We have investigated the spectra of the electromagnetically induced transparency (EIT) when a cell is filled with a buffer gas. Our theoretical results show that the buffer gas can induce a narrower spectra line and steeper dispersion than those of the usual EIT case in a homogeneous and Doppler broadened system. The linewidth decreases with the increase of the buffer gas pressure. This narrow spectra may be applied to quantum information processing, nonlinear optics and atomic frequency standard.
With the installation by the Pacific Electric Railway of a bus system in Pasadena to supplant most of its trolley lines, the problem of the comparison of the costs of the two systems naturally presented itself. The study here undertaken was originally started as just a comparison of the motor bus and Birney Safety Car, but as the work progressed it seemed advisable to include the trolley bus as well - a method of transportation that is comparatively new as far as development is concerned, but which seems to be finding increasing favor in the East.
Saguzarrak orden dibertsoa osatzen eta funtzio ekologiko garrantzitsua betetzen duten arren, hauetako asko galtzeko arriskuan daude. Animalia hauek ondo babestu ahal izateko, garrantzitsua da erabili ohi dituzten babeslekuak ezagutzea. Hau horrela, Aizkorri-Aratz Parke Naturaleko haitzuloetako saguzar dibertsitatea aztertu da denbora errealeko ultrasoinu detektoreen bidez, ager daitezkeen saguzar espezieak, koloniak eta babeslekuak identifikatzen saiatzeko. 18 haitzulotan ilunabarreko emergentziatan egindako laginketaren ondoren, lan honetan zazpi genero eta zazpi espezie identifikatu dira parkean, eta hauetako sei haitzuloetako espezieak dira. Saguzar-aktibitatea ikusi den arren, ez da inguru honetan saguzar-kolonia berri adierazgarririk aurkitu.