908 resultados para Obstetrics and Gynecology


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INTRODUCTION For ultrasonographic diagnosis of a fetal trisomy so-called "soft markers" (=ultrasonographically detectable morphological variants) are used. Detection of a certain number of them increases the diagnostic certainty of a fetal trisomy. Up to now there are very few diagnostically accepted osseous soft markers for trisomy. Hence potential osseous soft markers applicable for first and second trimester ultrasound screening for trisomy 21, 18 or 13 were studied. METHODS Postmortal fetal X-rays (ap, lateral) of 358 fetuses (trisomy 21: n = 109, trisomy 18: n = 46; trisomy 13: n = 38, control group: n = 165). RESULTS Not yet described but with trisomy 21 statistically associated soft markers were un-timely os sternale ossification, delayed os sacrum ossification, shortened os maxillare, reduced os maxillare-jaw-corner distance, augmented orbita height, premature os calcaneus ossification, bell-shaped thorax, coronal clefts, trend to wider binocular as well as wider intraocular distances; for trisomy 18: elevated clavicula slope, reduced number of ribs, bell-shaped thorax, coronal clefts, reduced os maxillare-jaw-corner distance, shortened ramus mandibulare, shortened os metacarpale IV and V, augmented ratio between biparietal diameter and (osseus and soft-tissue) shoulder width; for trisomy 13: longer os nasale, elevated clavicula slope, premature sternum, delayed os sacrum ossification, delayed/premature cranium ossification, reduced number of ribs, coronal clefts, reduced os maxillare-jaw-corner distance, shortened ramus mandibulare, augmented orbita height, shortened os metacarpale V and a tendency for a shortened os metacarpale IV. CONCLUSION We found several not yet published osseous soft markers statistically associated with trisomy 21, 18 and 13, which can help to ensure sonographically these aneuploidy diagnoses.


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PURPOSE Stress urinary incontinence (SUI) affects women of all ages including young athletes, especially those involved in high-impact sports. To date, hardly any studies are available testing pelvic floor muscles (PFM) during sports activities. The aim of this study was the description and reliability test of six PFM electromyography (EMG) variables during three different running speeds. The secondary objective was to evaluate whether there was a speed-dependent difference between the PFM activity variables. METHODS This trial was designed as an exploratory and reliability study including ten young healthy female subjects to characterize PFM pre-activity and reflex activity during running at 7, 9 and 11 km/h. Six variables for each running speed, averaged over ten steps per subject, were presented descriptively, tested regarding their reliability (Friedman, ICC, SEM, MD) and speed difference (Friedman). RESULTS PFM EMG variables varied between 67.6 and 106.1 %EMG, showed no systematic error and were low for SEM and MD using the single value model. Applying the average model over ten steps, ICC (3,k) were >0.75 and SEM and MD about 50 % lower than for the single value model. Activity was found to be highest in 11 km/h. CONCLUSION EMG variables showed excellent ICC and very low SEM and MD. Further studies should investigate inter-session reliability and PFM reactivity patterns of SUI patients using the average over ten steps for each variable as it showed very high ICC and very low SEM and MD. Subsequently, longer running distances and other high-impact sports disciplines could be studied.


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Since 2008, the FIGO Initiative for the Prevention of Unsafe Abortion and its Consequences has contributed to ensuring the substitution of sharp curettage by manual vacuum aspiration (MVA) and medical abortion in selected hospitals in participating countries of South-Southeast Asia. This initiative facilitated the registration of misoprostol in Pakistan and Bangladesh, and the approval of mifepristone for "menstrual regulation" in Bangladesh. The Pakistan Nursing Council agreed to include MVA and medical abortion in the midwifery curriculum. The Bangladesh Government has approved the training of nurses and paramedics in the use of MVA to treat incomplete abortion in selected cases. The Sri Lanka College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists, in collaboration with partners, has presented a draft petition to the relevant authorities appealing for them to liberalize the abortion law in cases of rape and incest or when lethal congenital abnormalities are present. Significantly, the initiative has introduced or strengthened the provision of postabortion contraception.


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Acknowledgements We thank Ms Katie Wilde, Data Management Team, University of Aberdeen and Lynsey Waugh, Information and Services Division of NHS Scotland for their help with data extraction and linkage. Funding sources This work was supported by funding from the Chief Scientist Office, Scotland. We also acknowledge support from Tommy’s and the British Heart Foundation. The funders had no role in study design, data collection and analysis, decision to publish, or preparation of the manuscript. None of the authors are related to any of the funders


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Acknowledgements We would like to thank Yutaka Osakabe for co-ordinating the retrieval of full text articles. The John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation supported this study, grant number 12-100074-000-INP


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Mode of access: Internet.


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Abstracts of medical literature.


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Mode of access: Internet.


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Mode of access: Internet.