This dissertation aims to analyze and understand the process and practices of political marketing strategies applied to social media facebook and twitter Cássio Cunha Lima - PSDB candidate for governor of Paraíba, in the 2014 elections The work is divided into three parts . The first two chapters, both of theoretical nature, underlie the discussion about the use of the Internet as a campaign space and political marketing campaign as well as the different communication strategies and electoral marketing already presented in the literature. Following, is dedicated to a topic for the presentation of the methodology and subsequently makes the discussion of empirical data analysis. Finally, we present the conclusions. The analysis takes as its starting point the models Figueiredo et al. (1998) and Albuquerque (1999) to observe the traditional strategies and suggests the inclusion of typically recorded on the Internet strategies. The methodology used for the analysis was the qualitative and quantitative content from variables that we list different campaign strategies. In order to achieve the purpose of this research, we conducted a case study as an analytical object online campaign Cássio Cunha Lima. The case study took place from the construction of a candidate's biographical and political profile, presented and discussed in the text. This research also made use of virtual ethnography. Therefore, were monitored social media facebook and twitter that political, with the help of image capture program - Greenshot by creating pre-defined categories of analysis, for example, calendar, prestige and support, negative campaign , engagement, among others. The period chosen for monitoring the candidate's official profiles was from 24 August to 28 October 2014, because it holds the pre, during and post-election where there was greater candidate drive level and his team marketing in social media selected for analysis. The results indicate that mobilization strategy (online and offline), merged with the promotion schedule, it is predominant in the social media Cassio. They also indicate that they do not show the failure of the campaign of the candidate in 2014.
Nell’ultima decade abbiamo assistito alla transizione di buona parte dei business da offline ad online. Istantaneamente grazie al nuovo rapporto tra azienda e cliente fornito dalla tecnologia, molti dei metodi di marketing potevano essere rivoluzionati. Il web ci ha abilitato all’analisi degli utenti e delle loro opinioni ad ampio spettro. Capire con assoluta precisione il tasso di conversione in acquisti degli utenti fornito dalle piattaforme pubblicitarie e seguirne il loro comportamento su larga scala sul web, operazione sempre stata estremamente difficile da fare nel mondo reale. Per svolgere queste operazioni sono disponibili diverse applicazioni commerciali, che comportano un costo che può essere notevole da sostenere per le aziende. Nel corso della seguente tesi si punta a fornire una analisi di una piattaforma open source per la raccolta dei dati dal web in un database strutturato
I sistemi BCI EEG-based sono un mezzo di comunicazione diretto tra il cervello e un dispositivo esterno il quale riceve comandi direttamente da segnali derivanti dall'attività elettrica cerebrale. Le features più utilizzate per controllare questi dispositivi sono i ritmi sensorimotori, ossia i ritmi mu e beta (8-30 Hz). Questi ritmi hanno la particolare proprietà di essere modulati durante l'immaginazione di un movimento generando così delle desincronizzazioni e delle sincronizzazioni evento correlate, ERD e ERS rispettavamente. Tuttavia i destinatari di tali sistemi BCI sono pazienti con delle compromissioni corticali e non sono sempre in grado di generare dei pattern ERD/ERS stabili. Per questo motivo, negli ultimi anni, è stato proposto l'uso di tecniche di stimolazione cerebrale non invasiva, come la tDCS, da abbinare al training BCI. In questo lavoro ci si è focalizzati sugli effetti della tDCS sugli ERD ed ERS neuronali indotti da immaginazione motoria attraverso un'analisi dei contributi presenti in letteratura. In particolare, sono stati analizzati due aspetti, ossia: i) lo studio delle modificazioni di ERD ed ERS durante (online) o in seguito (offline) a tDCS e ii) eventuali cambiamenti in termini di performance/controllo del sistema BCI da parte del soggetto sottoposto alla seduta di training e tDCS. Le ricerche effettuate tramite studi offline o online o con entrambe le modalità, hanno portato a risultati contrastanti e nuovi studi sarebbero necessari per chiarire meglio i meccanismi cerebrali che sottendono alla modulazione di ERD ed ERS indotta dalla tDCS. Si è infine provato ad ipotizzare un protocollo sperimentale per chiarire alcuni di questi aspetti.
Questa tesi si occupa dell’estensione di un framework software finalizzato all'individuazione e al tracciamento di persone in una scena ripresa da telecamera stereoscopica. In primo luogo è rimossa la necessità di una calibrazione manuale offline del sistema sfruttando algoritmi che consentono di individuare, a partire da un fotogramma acquisito dalla camera, il piano su cui i soggetti tracciati si muovono. Inoltre, è introdotto un modulo software basato su deep learning con lo scopo di migliorare la precisione del tracciamento. Questo componente, che è in grado di individuare le teste presenti in un fotogramma, consente ridurre i dati analizzati al solo intorno della posizione effettiva di una persona, escludendo oggetti che l’algoritmo di tracciamento sarebbe portato a individuare come persone.
A TANULMÁNY CÉLJA A szájreklám régóta fontos területként jelenik meg a marketing szakirodalomban. A tanulmány azonban az online word-of-mouth kutatások között új nézőpontból vizsgálja a szájreklámhoz köthető egyéni magatartáskomponensek hatását az elégedettségre, és ezen keresztül a továbbajánlási és újravásárlási szándékra. ALKALMAZOTT MÓDSZERTAN A látens változók közötti kapcsolatok elemzésére a strukturális egyenletek módszertana (SEM) került alkalmazásra. Az 1 000 fős mintavétel online kérdőíves megkérdezéssel történt azok körében, akik az adatfelvételt megelőző 3 hónapban vásároltak az interneten. Az egyes látens változók mérésére a szakirodalomban fellelhető korábbi kutatások alapján került sor és a skálák megbízhatósági mutatói megfelelőnek bizonyultak. A KUTATÁS LEGFONTOSABB EREDMÉNYE, ÚJDONSÁGOK A feltárt összefüggések többsége szignifikáns és a felvázolt modell illeszkedésmutatói is elfogadhatóak. A személyközi információs befolyásoltság, mint egyéni tényező, meghatározó jelentőséggel bír a vélemények keresésére és terjesztésére mind online, mind offline környezetben. A kapcsolat szorossága és az észlelt hasonlóság pozitív szignifikáns kapcsolatot mutat az online véleményelfogadási hajlandósággal. Az online véleménykeresés a véleményelfogadáson keresztül szintén pozitív hatást gyakorol az elégedettségre és így a továbbajánlási és az újravásárlási szándékra. Mindez fontos mozzanatát jelenti az online vásárlásoknak, hiszen a vállalattal fennálló kapcsolat nagyobb valószínűséggel folytatódik és még inkább sor kerülhet a továbbajánlásra online vagy offline környezetben. GYAKORLATI/GAZDASÁGPOLITIKAI JAVASLATOK Gyakorlati szempontból érdekes következményekkel jár a modellben feltárt összefüggésrendszer. Ezek szerint azok, akik magasabb véleménykeresési magatartással, mint általános személyes jellemzővel bírnak, az internetes vásárlásaik során egy konkrét alkalommal is magasabb elégedettséggel rendelkeznek majd. Így érdemes lehet e tényezőt önmagában is szegmentációs ismérvnek tekinteni, amennyiben a vállalati cél, hogy pozitívabb vásárlási kimeneteket, elégedettebb ügyfeleket szerezzenek. Tovább árnyalja azonban a képet az online véleményadási magatartás és az elégedettség között feltárt negatív irányú kapcsolat. E mögött számos okot feltételezhetünk, amelyek kifejtésre kerülnek a tanulmányban.
The content-based image retrieval is important for various purposes like disease diagnoses from computerized tomography, for example. The relevance, social and economic of image retrieval systems has created the necessity of its improvement. Within this context, the content-based image retrieval systems are composed of two stages, the feature extraction and similarity measurement. The stage of similarity is still a challenge due to the wide variety of similarity measurement functions, which can be combined with the different techniques present in the recovery process and return results that aren’t always the most satisfactory. The most common functions used to measure the similarity are the Euclidean and Cosine, but some researchers have noted some limitations in these functions conventional proximity, in the step of search by similarity. For that reason, the Bregman divergences (Kullback Leibler and I-Generalized) have attracted the attention of researchers, due to its flexibility in the similarity analysis. Thus, the aim of this research was to conduct a comparative study over the use of Bregman divergences in relation the Euclidean and Cosine functions, in the step similarity of content-based image retrieval, checking the advantages and disadvantages of each function. For this, it was created a content-based image retrieval system in two stages: offline and online, using approaches BSM, FISM, BoVW and BoVW-SPM. With this system was created three groups of experiments using databases: Caltech101, Oxford and UK-bench. The performance of content-based image retrieval system using the different functions of similarity was tested through of evaluation measures: Mean Average Precision, normalized Discounted Cumulative Gain, precision at k, precision x recall. Finally, this study shows that the use of Bregman divergences (Kullback Leibler and Generalized) obtains better results than the Euclidean and Cosine measures with significant gains for content-based image retrieval.
La virtualidad se presenta como un espacio de creación y expansión de la realidad física. La percepción y la relación de los procesos creativos que giran en torno a lo virtual en lo referente a la música, la performance y la experimentación rigen e interaccionan nuestras realidades físicas, aún estando offline. Dichos procesos creativos son estudiados en la Orquesta virtual Avatar Orchestra Metaverse. Hemos navegado a través de la realidad creada por la Orquesta en el ciberespacio, bajo una metodología de estudio de caso -al que hemos llamado cybercase-, asistiendo y participando durante un tiempo en sus ensayos, junto a una posterior actuación. A través de un enfoque interdisciplinar basado en un proceso de análisis de material audiovisual y textual mediado por la presencia, entendida desde lo físico y lo virtual, exponemos los procesos creativos encontrados que subyacen bajo los miembros de la Orquesta, de modo descriptivo, y mediante el empleo de la teoría fundamentada. Como marco teórico mostramos los conceptos de música, espacio, tiempo y los procesos de comunicación gestados por la máquina y la virtualidad, todo ello mediado desde la percepción del ambiente y el interaccionismo simbólico. Presentamos dentro de este marco una revisión teórica del concepto de la creatividad enfocado desde la mecánica cuántica...
Esta tesis doctoral tiene su origen en el proyecto educativo online y offline Arte Casellas que se inició con el propósito de solucionar dos necesidades. La primera, ofrecer a los alumnos de bachillerato una formación que les capacitase para superar la prueba específica de acceso a los Estudios Superiores de Grado de Diseño y la segunda la superación de paradigmas educativos obsoletos estimulando el espíritu de emprendimiento e independencia económica de los docentes. El citado proyecto contaba con una página web en la que se estaban aplicando los conceptos básicos de marca personal y marketing educativo y se había comenzando a implementar, entre otros productos, un curso online impartido por videoconferencia sincrónica con el que se estaba enseñando dibujo técnico y artístico, creatividad e historia del diseño. Este curso se convirtió en el estudio de caso de esta tesis doctoral...
Background: Recent morpho-functional evidences pointed out that abnormalities in the thalamus could play a major role in the expression of migraine neurophysiological and clinical correlates. Whether this phenomenon is primary or secondary to its functional disconnection from the brain stem remains to be determined.Aim: We used a Functional Source Separation algorithmof EEG signal to extract the activity of the different neuronal pools recruited at different latencies along the somatosensory pathway in interictal migraine without aura(MO) patients. Method: Twenty MO patients and 20 healthy volunteers(HV) underwent EEG recording. Four ad-hoc functional constraints, two sub-cortical (FS14 at brain stem andFS16 at thalamic level) and two cortical (FS20 radial andFS22 tangential parietal sources), were used to extract the activity of successive stages of somatosensory information processing in response to the separate left and right median nerve electric stimulation. A band-pass digital filter (450–750 Hz) was applied offline in order to extract high-frequency oscillatory (HFO) activity from the broadband EEG signal. Results: In both stimulated sides, significant reduced subcortical brain stem (FS14) and thalamic (FS16) HFO activations characterized MO patients when compared with HV. No difference emerged in the two cortical HFO activations between two groups. Conclusion: Present results are the first neurophysiological evidence supporting the hypothesis that a functional disconnection of the thalamus from the subcortical monoaminergicsystem may underline the interictal cortical abnormal information processing in migraine. Further studiesare needed to investigate the precise directional connectivity across the entire primary subcortical and cortical somatosensory pathway in interictal MO.
Making decisions is fundamental to everything we do, yet it can be impaired in various disorders and conditions. While research into the neural basis of decision-making has flourished in recent years, many questions remain about how decisions are instantiated in the brain. Here we explored how primates make abstract decisions and decisions in social contexts, as well as one way to non-invasively modulate the brain circuits underlying decision-making. We used rhesus macaques as our model organism. First we probed numerical decision-making, a form of abstract decision-making. We demonstrated that monkeys are able to compare discrete ratios, choosing an array with a greater ratio of positive to negative stimuli, even when this array does not have a greater absolute number of positive stimuli. Monkeys’ performance in this task adhered to Weber’s law, indicating that monkeys—like humans—treat proportions as analog magnitudes. Next we showed that monkeys’ ordinal decisions are influenced by spatial associations; when trained to select the fourth stimulus from the bottom in a vertical array, they subsequently selected the fourth stimulus from the left—and not from the right—in a horizontal array. In other words, they begin enumerating from one side of space and not the other, mirroring the human tendency to associate numbers with space. These and other studies confirmed that monkeys’ numerical decision-making follows similar patterns to that of humans, making them a good model for investigations of the neurobiological basis of numerical decision-making.
We sought to develop a system for exploring the neuronal basis of the cognitive and behavioral effects observed following transcranial magnetic stimulation, a relatively new, non-invasive method of brain stimulation that may be used to treat clinical disorders. We completed a set of pilot studies applying offline low-frequency repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation to the macaque posterior parietal cortex, which has been implicated in numerical processing, while subjects performed a numerical comparison and control color comparison task, and while electrophysiological activity was recorded from the stimulated region of cortex. We found tentative evidence in one paradigm that stimulation did selectively impair performance in the number task, causally implicating the posterior parietal cortex in numerical decisions. In another paradigm, however, we manipulated the subject’s reaching behavior but not her number or color comparison performance. We also found that stimulation produced variable changes in neuronal firing and local field potentials. Together these findings lay the groundwork for detailed investigations into how different parameters of transcranial magnetic stimulation can interact with cortical architecture to produce various cognitive and behavioral changes.
Finally, we explored how monkeys decide how to behave in competitive social interactions. In a zero-sum computer game in which two monkeys played as a shooter or a goalie during a hockey-like “penalty shot” scenario, we found that shooters developed complex movement trajectories so as to conceal their intentions from the goalies. Additionally, we found that neurons in the dorsolateral and dorsomedial prefrontal cortex played a role in generating this “deceptive” behavior. We conclude that these regions of prefrontal cortex form part of a circuit that guides decisions to make an individual less predictable to an opponent.
In May 2013, Angelina Jolie revealed that because she had a family history of breast and ovarian cancer and carried a rare BRCA gene mutation, she had undergone a preventive double mastectomy. Media coverage has been extensive around the world, including in Russia, not an English-language country, where all global news is inevitably filtered by translation. After examining the reactions of Russian mass media and members of the public to Jolie’s disclosure, I consider what transformations have occurred with Jolie’s message in the process of cross-cultural transfer. I explore the mass media portrayal of Jolie’s announcement, laypersons’ immediate and prolonged reactions, and the reflections of patients involved directly in the field of hereditary breast cancer. To my knowledge, this multifaceted and bilingual project is the first conceptualization of Jolie’s story as it has been translated in a different sociocultural environment. I start with examination of offline and online publications that appeared in Russia within two months after Jolie’s announcement. In this part of my analysis, I conceptualize the representation of Jolie’s case in Russian mass media and grasp what sociocultural waves were generated by this case among general lay audiences. Another part of my study contains the results of qualitative in-depth interviews. Eight women with a family history of hereditary breast cancer were recruited to participate in the research. The findings represent Jolie’s case through the eyes of Russian women with the same gene mutation as Jolie. Consolidating my findings, I argue that Jolie’s announcement was misinterpreted and misrepresented by Russian mass media, as well as misunderstood by a considerable part of the media audience. Jolie’s perspective on hereditary breast cancer mostly remained unheard among members of the Russian public. I make suggestions about the reasons for such a phenomenon, and demonstrate how Jolie’s case is implicated in politics, economics, and the culture of contemporary Russia.
This research is an examination into the ways online abuse functions in certain online spaces. By analyzing text-based online abuse against women who are content creators, this research maps how aspects of violence against women offline extends online. This research examines three different explorations into how online abuse against women functions. Chapter two considers what online abuse against women looks like on Twitter as a case study. This chapter contends that online abuse can be understood as an unintentional use of Twitter’s design. Chapter three focuses specifically on the textual descriptions of sexual violence women who are journalists receive online. Chapter four analyzes Gamergate, an online movement that specifically looks to organize online abuse towards women. Chapter five concludes by meditating on the need to look at a bigger picture that includes cultural shifts that dismantle the normalization of violence against women both on and offline.
This research looks at how the shift in the status of Egyptian bloggers from underground dissident voices to mainstream political and media players affected the plurality they add to the public space for discourse in Egypt’s authoritarian settings. The role of the internet – and more recently social media and bloggers – in democratic transition has been studied by various media scholars since the introduction of the worldwide web and especially after the Egyptian and Tunisian uprisings of 2011. But no work has been done to study how bringing those once-underground bloggers into the public and media spotlight affected the nature of the blogosphere and the bloggers themselves. Star bloggers were not only covered by the media after January 25th, 2011, they also started joining the media as column writers; a move that had various effects on them and the blogosphere but was never examined in media studies. The plurality the blogosphere adds to the Egyptian public space for discourse in light of those changes as well as in light of the financial and practical sustainability of blogging was hence never looked at in a context similar to Egypt’s. Guided by modified theories of the public sphere and theories of hegemony and manufacturing consent, I look at whether bloggers have been co-opted into the historical bloc in the process of renewing the social order and how this affects them and the online sphere. Also, guided by theories of power and media elites, I look at bloggers’ backgrounds to assess whether they come from power elites and are transforming into media elites, thus limiting the plurality of the online sphere. Finally, guided by theoretical works on institutionalizing and commercializing the internet, I look at how those shifts into mainstream affect the independence and freedom of the blogs and microblogs. The research uses a comparative study to assess how those changes affect prominent versus less prominent bloggers and compare their backgrounds. The study uses quantitative content analysis and framing analysis of chosen media outlets and interviews with bloggers, marketeers and media professionals. The findings trace an increase in media coverage of bloggers post January 25th, 2011, especially in the prominent bloggers category, and an overall positive framing of bloggers post the uprising. This led to the mainstreaming of bloggers into the media as well as public work, which had various implications on the freedom they had over their content and voice, both online and offline. It also points to a dramatic decrease in bloggers’ activity on their blogs in favour of mainstream and social media and due to star bloggers becoming more career-oriented and their failure to make blogs financially sustainable. The findings also indicate that more prominent bloggers seem to come from more elite backgrounds than others and enjoy luxuries that allow them the time, technology and security to post online. This research concludes that the shifts in bloggers’ status post-January 25th have limited the plurality they add to the discourse in Egypt.
Advertising investment and audience figures indicate that television continues to lead as a mass advertising medium. However, its effectiveness is questioned due to problems such as zapping, saturation and audience fragmentation. This has favoured the development of non-conventional advertising formats. This study provides empirical evidence for the theoretical development. This investigation analyzes the recall generated by four non-conventional advertising formats in a real environment: short programme (branded content), television sponsorship, internal and external telepromotion versus the more conventional spot. The methodology employed has integrated secondary data with primary data from computer assisted telephone interviewing (CATI) were performed ad-hoc on a sample of 2000 individuals, aged 16 to 65, representative of the total television audience. Our findings show that non-conventional advertising formats are more effective at a cognitive level, as they generate higher levels of both unaided and aided recall, in all analyzed formats when compared to the spot.
Rheumatic heart disease (RHD) is the largest cardiac cause of morbidity and mortality in the world's youth. Early detection of RHD through echocardiographic screening in asymptomatic children may identify an early stage of disease, when secondary prophylaxis has the greatest chance of stopping disease progression. Latent RHD signifies echocardiographic evidence of RHD with no known history of acute rheumatic fever and no clinical symptoms.
OBJECTIVE: Determine the prevalence of latent RHD among children ages 5-16 in Lilongwe, Malawi.
DESIGN: This is a cross-sectional study in which children ages 5 through 16 were screened for RHD using echocardiography.
SETTING: Screening was conducted in 3 schools and surrounding communities in the Lilongwe district of Malawi between February and April 2014.
OUTCOME MEASURES: Children were diagnosed as having no, borderline, or definite RHD as defined by World Heart Federation criteria. The primary reader completed offline reads of all studies. A second reader reviewed all of the studies diagnosed as RHD, plus a selection of normal studies. A third reader served as tiebreaker for discordant diagnoses. The distribution of results was compared between gender, location, and age categories using Fisher's exact test.
RESULTS: The prevalence of latent RHD was 3.4% (95% CI = 2.45, 4.31), with 0.7% definite RHD and 2.7% borderline RHD. There was no significant differences in prevalence between gender (P = .44), site (P = .6), urban vs. peri-urban (P = .75), or age (P = .79). Of those with definite RHD, all were diagnosed because of pathologic mitral regurgitation (MR) and 2 morphologic features of the mitral valve. Of those with borderline RHD, most met the criteria by having pathological MR (92.3%).
CONCLUSION: Malawi has a high rate of latent RHD, which is consistent with other results from sub-Saharan Africa. This study strongly supports the need for a RHD prevention and control program in Malawi.