916 resultados para Nursing home care


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O ramo da cosmetologia obteve um avanço nos últimos anos em relação à complexidade e à diversificação de produtos. A indústria passou a investir também em cosméticos para o tratamento da pele saudável, devido à preocupação dos consumidores em mantê-la em bom estado e retardar o envelhecimento precoce, aliado ao aumento do poder aquisitivo da população e da expectativa de vida. A busca pelos tratamentos estéticos reflete essa nova situação e também abre novos canais de relacionamento entre produtos cosméticos e consumidores, de modo que alguns produtos passam a oferecer tratamento profissional, e outros a manutenção dele no dia a dia.Foi desenvolvida uma linha de produtos os quais receberam o cunho de cosmecêuticos, termo que, apesar de não possuir uma definição legal, está sendo utilizado como apelo mercadológico pelas empresas para se referirem aos cosméticos que possuem ativos que oferecem maiores benefícios e maior eficácia no tratamento da pele. Os produtos da linha envolvem itens de uso profissional, como os produtos para a limpeza de pele profunda, e produtos home care que são fundamentais para o tratamento da pele no dia a dia; todos foram desenvolvidos a fim de promover os fatores fundamentais de uma pele saudável: limpeza, hidratação e fotoproteção.


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O estudo objetivou implementar a estratégia de ensino-aprendizagem para família de paciente em condição crônica, momento considerado ideal para reavaliar suas necessidades e as habilidades para administrar tal condição, assim como prepará-la para o cuidado no domicílio. Realizou-se uma avaliação diagnostica de familiar/acompanhante, durante o cuidado na hospitalização de uma pessoa com insuficiência cardíaca congestiva, identificando-se o diagnóstico de enfermagem: "déficit de conhecimento". Assim, elaborou-se um plano de ensino para essa cuidadora, com o fim de prepará-la para o cuidado domiciliar. Durante a implementação, realizaram-se avaliações formativas visando conhecer a eficácia das estratégias empregadas e a somativa no domicilio. Constatou-se, portanto, o quanto é importante para o enfermeiro recorrer à estratégia de ensino-aprendizagem para orientar o familiar/cuidador no processo do cuidar de pessoas em condição crônica, com a finalidade de promover a vida, apesar da doença, uma vez que a qualidade desse cuidado prevenirá recidivas agudizantes e conseqüentes reinternações.


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O ramo da cosmetologia obteve um avanço nos últimos anos em relação à complexidade e à diversificação de produtos. A indústria passou a investir também em cosméticos para o tratamento da pele saudável, devido à preocupação dos consumidores em mantê-la em bom estado e retardar o envelhecimento precoce, aliado ao aumento do poder aquisitivo da população e da expectativa de vida. A busca pelos tratamentos estéticos reflete essa nova situação e também abre novos canais de relacionamento entre produtos cosméticos e consumidores, de modo que alguns produtos passam a oferecer tratamento profissional, e outros a manutenção dele no dia a dia.Foi desenvolvida uma linha de produtos os quais receberam o cunho de cosmecêuticos, termo que, apesar de não possuir uma definição legal, está sendo utilizado como apelo mercadológico pelas empresas para se referirem aos cosméticos que possuem ativos que oferecem maiores benefícios e maior eficácia no tratamento da pele. Os produtos da linha envolvem itens de uso profissional, como os produtos para a limpeza de pele profunda, e produtos home care que são fundamentais para o tratamento da pele no dia a dia; todos foram desenvolvidos a fim de promover os fatores fundamentais de uma pele saudável: limpeza, hidratação e fotoproteção.


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This study aimed to compare clinical characteristics, evolution and severity of adult patients admitted to public and private Intensive Care Units. It is a retrospective, longitudinal and quantitative analysis of 600 patients admitted to four Intensive Care Units of Sao Paulo, Brazil. Differences were found between patients admitted in private and public hospitals regarding the following variables: age, origin, length of stay and mortality in the critical unit, cardiologic, hematologic, neurologic and renal failures and some comorbidities. The results reveal the importance of analyzing in detail clinical characteristics and healthcare of patients admitted in public institutions, because of the high mortality found. The Intensive Care Nurse can contribute to change this scenario, because she/he plays a leading role in planning and providing resources for intensive care.


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Tratou-se de um estudo descritivo-exploratório, de abordagem qualitativa, que objetivou identificar o significado de espiritualidade para a equipe de enfermagem de Unidade de Cuidados Intensivos e investigar como os valores de espiritualidade dos profissionais interferem no processo de cuidar. Foram realizadas entrevistas semiestruturadas, com trinta e quatro profissionais da equipe de enfermagem intensiva de um hospital público do município de São Paulo. As categorias de análise foram: A dimensão espiritual e seus significados, composta pelas subcategorias: Fé e crença religiosa; Crença em uma força/poder superior; Bem-estar espiritual e atributo do espírito, e a outra categoria emergente foi: Entre o Vínculo e o conflito: a influência de valores no cuidado ao paciente gravemente enfermo, subdividida em: os valores religiosos e os valores bioéticos. A multiplicidade de significados refletiu a multidimensionalidade conceitual expressa na literatura e estiveram relacionadas às condições emocionais da própria equipe de enfermagem, por interferirem nas relações de empatia e nas questões existenciais.


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[EN]Re-identi fication is commonly accomplished using appearance features based on salient points and color information. In this paper, we make an study on the use of di fferent features exclusively obtained from depth images captured with RGB-D cameras. The results achieved, using simple geometric features extracted in a top-view setup, seem to provide useful descriptors for the re-identi fication task.


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La Fondazione ANT rappresenta una delle più ampie esperienze al mondo di assistenza socio-sanitaria gratuita a domicilio ai malati di tumore, tramite équipe di specialisti costituite da medici, psicologi e infermieri. La patologia oncologica ha un enorme impatto sul benessere dei pazienti. Un modo per raggruppare i diversi sintomi di disagio psicologico è utilizzare il concetto di distress, che sarebbe importante monitorare in modo semplice e veloce. Primo studio: 66 pazienti oncologici (40% uomini; età media 54 anni) in cure palliative domiciliari. Il 79% dei pazienti ha mostrato livelli clinicamente significativi di distress. Il 55% dei partecipanti allo studio ha riportato alti livelli di ansia, e l'81% dei pazienti ha riportato alti livelli di depressione. Dall'analisi delle curve ROC il singolo item del Distress Thermometer, con un cut-off maggiore o uguale a 4, è stato in grado di rilevare il 97% dei soggetti con punteggi clinici di ansia e depressione, quindi può essere utilizzato anche come uno strumento di screening precoce rapido ed affidabile per i disturbi dell'umore. I familiari sono la prima risorsa dei malati di tumore, e l'identificazione dei loro bisogni è utile per individuare chi ha maggiore necessità di aiuto ed in quali aree. Secondo studio: 115 caregiver di pazienti oncologici (37% uomini; età media 52 anni). Di seguito i bisogni più frequenti. Salute psicofisica: “preoccupazioni circa il/la paziente” (72%), ansia (53%) e rabbia (52%). Informazioni: “come prendersi cura del paziente” (64%), “terapie alternative e/o complementari” (64%) e “come gestire lo stress” (57%). Servizi e strutture sanitarie: “un operatore di riferimento”, (65%), “cure infermieristiche a domicilio” (62%), “indicazioni su servizi ospedalieri” (57%), ed “assistenza per caregiver, ad esempio consulenza psicologica” (55%). Il monitoraggio dei bisogni consentirebbe un'ottimizzazione dell'assistenza, prevenendo situazioni che potrebbero compromettere il benessere della famiglia e la qualità dell'assistenza fornita al paziente.


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La tesi proposta tratta dei sistemi di telemedicina territoriale, ed in particolare dell’integrazione dei dati raccolti tramite un sistema home-care da un paziente domiciliare e dell’analisi di rischio sui sistemi coinvolti. Con il forte sviluppo tecnologico degli ultimi anni, si è diffusa anche la telemedicina, portando con sé numerosi vantaggi nell’ambito della sanità attraverso servizi come il telemonitoraggio, la teleconsultazione e la telechirurgia. In questa tesi ci si concentra soprattutto sull’aspetto del telemonitoraggio di pazienti domiciliari. A causa dell’invecchiamento della popolazione e del conseguente aumento delle malattie croniche, le spese sanitarie sono infatti destinate ad aumentare nel tempo: da una spesa pari al 7,1% del PIL nel 2011 è previsto si arriverà ad un 8,8% del PIL nel 2060. Risulta quindi necessario migliorare la produttività, l’efficienza e la sostenibilità finanziaria del sistema sanitario con un utilizzo sempre maggiore della telemedicina e in particolare dell’assistenza territoriale, ovvero il trasferimento di risorse dall'ospedale al territorio, che promuove quindi la domiciliarità.


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L’Italia è il secondo Paese più longevo al mondo (preceduto dal Giappone), con un’aspettativa di vita di circa 81,5 anni. L’attuale percentuale degli over 65 è di circa il 20% ma si prevede che nel 2050 tale percentuale possa raggiungere il 34%. Dal punto di vista economico è necessario trovare soluzioni che conducano ad una contenuta e ridotta spesa sanitaria sul bilancio statale, conservando la qualità e l’efficienza dei servizi ospedalieri. Dal punto di vista sociale l’obiettivo è quello di poter assistere l’anziano, non più completamente autosufficiente, nelle cure offrendo anche supporto psicologico e la sicurezza di non essere abbandonato a sé stesso. Il raggiungimento di tali obiettivi ha un’unica parola chiave: casa; cioè far in modo che l’anziano, ma in generale il paziente, possa ricevere cura ed assistenza nella propria casa, grazie alla combinazione sinergica del servizio di assistenza domiciliare e della Telemedicina.


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Objective. To examine whether high levels of self-efficacy for problem-focused coping were significantly related to several resting BP measures in spousal Alzheimer's disease caregivers. Design. Cross-sectional. Methods. Participants included 100 older caregivers (mean age = 73.8 ± 8.14 years) providing in home care for a spouse with Alzheimer's disease. All participants completed a 13-item short form of the Coping Self-Efficacy Scale and underwent an in-home assessment where a visiting nurse took the average of three serial BP readings. Multiple regression was used to examine the relationship between self-efficacy and mean arterial pressure (MAP), systolic BP (SBP), diastolic BP (DBP), and pulse pressure (PP) after controlling for age, gender, smoking history, body mass index, the care recipient's clinical dementia rating, diabetes, alcohol use, and the use of antihypertensive medications. Results. Overall, high levels of self-efficacy for problem-focused coping were associated with lower MAP, SBP, and PP. Self-efficacy for problem-focused coping was marginally associated with resting DBP, but not significant. In addition, we conducted secondary analyses of the other two self-efficacy scales to explore the relationship between each dimension and MAP. We found that there were no significant relationships found between MAP and self-efficacy for stopping unpleasant thoughts/emotions or self-efficacy for getting social support. Conclusions. The present study adds to the current body of literature by illustrating the possibility that higher self-efficacy can have physiological advantages, perhaps by buffering chronic stress's impact on resting BP. Another contribution of the current study is its attempt to understand the role of each individual component of self-efficacy. These findings invite future research to investigate whether caregivers might experience cardiovascular benefits from interventions aimed at enhancing self-efficacy.


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Background Through this paper, we present the initial steps for the creation of an integrated platform for the provision of a series of eHealth tools and services to both citizens and travelers in isolated areas of thesoutheast Mediterranean, and on board ships travelling across it. The platform was created through an INTERREG IIIB ARCHIMED project called INTERMED. Methods The support of primary healthcare, home care and the continuous education of physicians are the three major issues that the proposed platform is trying to facilitate. The proposed system is based on state-of-the-art telemedicine systems and is able to provide the following healthcare services: i) Telecollaboration and teleconsultation services between remotely located healthcare providers, ii) telemedicine services in emergencies, iii) home telecare services for "at risk" citizens such as the elderly and patients with chronic diseases, and iv) eLearning services for the continuous training through seminars of both healthcare personnel (physicians, nurses etc) and persons supporting "at risk" citizens. These systems support data transmission over simple phone lines, internet connections, integrated services digital network/digital subscriber lines, satellite links, mobile networks (GPRS/3G), and wireless local area networks. The data corresponds, among others, to voice, vital biosignals, still medical images, video, and data used by eLearning applications. The proposed platform comprises several systems, each supporting different services. These were integrated using a common data storage and exchange scheme in order to achieve system interoperability in terms of software, language and national characteristics. Results The platform has been installed and evaluated in different rural and urban sites in Greece, Cyprus and Italy. The evaluation was mainly related to technical issues and user satisfaction. The selected sites are, among others, rural health centers, ambulances, homes of "at-risk" citizens, and a ferry. Conclusions The results proved the functionality and utilization of the platform in various rural places in Greece, Cyprus and Italy. However, further actions are needed to enable the local healthcare systems and the different population groups to be familiarized with, and use in their everyday lives, mature technological solutions for the provision of healthcare services.


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The economic burden associated with osteoporosis is considerable. As such, cost-effectiveness analyses are important contributors to the diagnostic and therapeutic decision-making process. The aim of this study was to review the cost effectiveness of treating post-menopausal osteoporosis with bisphosphonates and identify the key factors that influence the cost effectiveness of such treatment in the Swiss setting. A systematic search of databases (MEDLINE, EMBASE and the Cochrane Library) was conducted to identify published literature on the cost effectiveness of bisphosphonates in post-menopausal osteoporosis in the Swiss setting. Outcomes were compared with similar studies in Western European countries. Three cost-effectiveness studies of bisphosphonates in this patient population were identified; all were from a healthcare payer perspective. Outcomes showed that, relative to no treatment, treatment with oral bisphosphonates was predicted to be cost saving for most women aged ≥70 years with osteoporosis or at least one risk factor for fracture, and cost effective for women aged ≥75 years without prior fracture when used as a component of a population-based screen-and-treat programme. Results were most sensitive to changes in fracture risk, cost of fractures, cost of treatment, nursing home admissions and adherence with treatment. Swiss results were generally comparable to those in other European settings. Assuming similar clinical efficacy, lowering treatment cost (through the use of price-reduced brand-name or generic drugs) and/or improving adherence should both contribute to further improving the cost effectiveness of bisphosphonates in women with post-menopausal osteoporosis. Published evidence indicates that bisphosphonates are estimated to be similarly cost effective or cost saving in most treatment scenarios of post-menopausal osteoporosis in Switzerland and in neighbouring European countries.


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Postmortem imaging has gained prominence in the field of forensic pathology. Even with experience in this procedure, difficulties arise in evaluating pathologies of the postmortem lung. The effect of postmortem ventilation with applied pressures of 10, 20, 30 and 40mbar was evaluated in 10 corpses using simultaneous postmortem computed tomography (pmCT) scans. Ventilation was performed via a continuous positive airway pressure mask (n=5), an endotracheal tube (n=4) and a laryngeal mask (n=1) using a portable home care ventilator. The lung volumes were measured and evaluated by a segmentation technique based on reconstructed CT data. The resulting changes to the lungs were analyzed. Postmortem ventilation at 40mbar induced a significant (p<0.05) unfolding of the lungs, with a mean volume increase of 1.32l. Small pathologies of the lung such as scarring and pulmonary nodules as well as emphysema were revealed, while inner livores were reduced. Even though lower ventilation pressures resulted in a significant (p<0.05) volume increase, pathologies were best evaluated when a pressure of 40mbar was applied, due to the greater reduction of the inner livores. With the ventilation-induced expansion of the lungs, a decrease in the heart diameter and gaseous distension of the stomach was recognized. In conclusion, postmortem ventilation is a feasible method for improving evaluation of the lungs and detection of small lung pathologies. This is because of the volume increase in the air-filled portions of the lung and reduced appearance of inner livores.


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Objective: A combination of high engagement in pleasurable activities and low perceived activity restriction is potentially protective for a number of health and quality of life outcomes. This study tests the newly proposed Pleasant Events and Activity Restriction (PEAR) model to explain level of blood pressure (BP) in a sample of elderly dementia caregivers. Methods: This cross-sectional study included 66 caregivers, ≥55 years of age, providing in-home care to a relative with dementia. Planned comparisons were made to assess group differences in BP between caregivers reporting high engagement in pleasant events plus low perceived activity restriction (HPLR; n = 22) to those with low pleasure plus high restriction (LPHR; n = 23) or those with either high pleasure plus high restriction or low pleasure plus low restriction (HPHR/LPLR; n = 21). Results: After adjustments for age, sex, body mass index, use of antihypertensive medication, physical activity, and number of health problems, HPLR participants (86.78 mm|Hg) had significantly lower mean arterial pressure compared with LPHR participants (94.70 mm|Hg) (p = .01, Cohen's d = 0.89) and HPHR/LPLR participants (94.84 mm|Hg) (p = .023, d = 0.91). Similar results were found in post hoc comparisons of both systolic and diastolic BP. Conclusions: This study extends support for the PEAR model to physical health outcomes. Differences in BP between the HPLR group and other groups were of large magnitude and thus clinically meaningful. The findings may inform intervention studies aimed at investigating whether increasing pleasant events and lowering perceived activity restriction may lower BP. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2012 APA, all rights reserved).


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The short, portable mental status questionnaire (SPMSQ) developed by Pfeiffer has several advantages over previous short instruments designed to assess the intellectual functioning of older adults. It is based upon data from both institutionalized and community-dwelling elderly. Although Pfeiffer a four-group classification, he used to groups in his initial validation study: (a) intact/mildly impaired, and (b) moderately/severely impaired. The present study compared clinicians' ratings with those based upon the SPMSQ scores, and examined the validity of the four-group classification. The sample included 181 subjects from seven intermediate care facilities and nine home-care agencies. All were assessed by the OARS questionnaire, which includes the SPMSQ Three discriminant analyses were performed with three different criteria, for two-group, three-group, and four-group models. Results indicated that the two-group model (intact/mildly impaired and moderately/severely impaired) permitted significant discrimination. The four-group model, however, gave less distinct results. In particular, patients who were mildly intellectually impaired could not be clearly distinguished from those who were intact and from those who were moderately impaired. The three-group model (minimally, moderately, severely impaired) seemed to offer the best compromise between the gross dichotomy of the original two-model system and the less accurate four category system.