990 resultados para Northern Indiana Public Service Company.
This booklet is full of practical tips and information on managing stress and achieving and maintaining positive mental health and emotional wellbeing. It also contains a comprehensive list of helpful local organisations and websites. The booklet targets first year students at university and further and higher education colleges as the transition from school to further education can be a very stressful time.
This leaflet outlines the signs of poor mental health and suggests steps that people can take to promote good mental health.
This leaflet outlines the signs of poor mental health and suggests steps that people can take to promote good mental health. It advises people to talk to someone if they feel that they may have a mental health problem.
This pocket-sized leaflet advises young men not to cover up their problems and on the steps they can take to promote good mental health, such as keeping active, talking through problems and taking time to relax.
This booklet highlights the effects of binge drinking ie packing drinking into a few sessions, usually at the weekend.
This small card provides information on the recommended safe limits of alcohol for men and women. It also provides information on the alcohol unit value of popular types of beverages, eg wine, beer and cider.
This booklet outlines the long and short-term effects of regular heavy drinking. It explains how alcohol affects our bodies, what constitutes a unit of alcohol and the recommended limits for men and women as well as tips on how to stick to these limits.
This leaflet discusses daily drinking guidelines and the health implications for women of too much alcohol.
This leaflet explains how to use a step counter to motivate yourself to do more walking. It includes a step log to encourage walkers to monitor and record their progress.
This leaflet highlights Northern Ireland's incidence of cancer as an important public health concern, and explains how eating more fruit, vegetables and other fibre rich foods can significantly reduce our risk of getting the disease.
This leaflet aims to increase public awareness and understanding of healthy eating messages. The leaflet includes the new eatwell plate, information on the five main food groups, along with top tips for cutting down on fat and what to choose when eating out. It also includes sections on the importance of breakfast and cutting down on salt.
This booklet explains the importance of having a check up at a Genito Urinary Medicine (GUM) clinic and what happens at the clinic.
This leaflet is used to support the Northern Ireland breast screening programme and explains the additional tests that may be offered at a breast assessment clinic following a mammogram that has shown a possible abnormality
This leaflet is used to support the Northern Ireland breast screening programme and is issued to the one in 20 women who are called back after their initial breast x-ray for further tests at a breast assessment clinic
This leaflet is used to support the Northern Ireland breast screening programme and explains the procedure for women with breast implants