937 resultados para Neurodegenerative
AD is the most common age related neurodegenerative disease in the industrialized world. Clinically AD is defined as a progressing decline of cognitive functions. Neuropathologically, AD is characterized by the aggregation of b-amyloid (Ab) peptide in the form of extracellular senile plaques, and hyperphosphorlylated tau protein in the form of intracellular neurofibrillary tangles. These neuropathological hallmarks are often accompanied by abundant microvascular damage and pronounced inflammation of the affected brain regions. In this thesis we investigated several aspects of AD focusing on the genetic aspect. We confirmed that Alpha 1 antichymotrypsin (ACT), an acute phase protein, was associated to AD subjects, being plasma levels higher in AD cases than controls. In addition, in a GWA study we demonstrated that two different gene, Clusterin and CR1 were strongly associated to AD. A single gene association not explain such a complex disease like AD. The goal should be to created a network of genetic, phenotypic and clinical data associated to AD. We used a new algorithm, the ANNs, aimed to map variables and search for connectivity among variables. We found specific variables associated to AD like cholesterol levels, the presence of variation in HMGCR enzyme and the age. Other factors such as the BMI, the amount of HDL and blood folate levels were also associated with AD. Pathogen infections, above all viral infections, have been previously associated to AD. The hypothesis suggests that virus and in particular herpes virus could enter the brain when an individual becomes older, perhaps because of a decline in the immune system. Our new hypothesis is that the presence of SNPs in our GWA gene study results in a genetic signature that might affect individual brain susceptibility to infection by herpes virus family during aging.
Alzheimer's disease (AD) is probably caused by both genetic and environmental risk factors. The major genetic risk factor is the E4 variant of apolipoprotein E gene called apoE4. Several risk factors for developing AD have been identified including lifestyle, such as dietary habits. The mechanisms behind the AD pathogenesis and the onset of cognitive decline in the AD brain are presently unknown. In this study we wanted to characterize the effects of the interaction between environmental risk factors and apoE genotype on neurodegeneration processes, with particular focus on behavioural studies and neurodegenerative processes at molecular level. Towards this aim, we used 6 months-old apoE4 and apoE3 Target Replacement (TR) mice fed on different diets (high intake of cholesterol and high intake of carbohydrates). These mice were evaluated for learning and memory deficits in spatial reference (Morris Water Maze (MWM)) and contextual learning (Passive Avoidance) tasks, which involve the hippocampus and the amygdala, respectively. From these behavioural studies we found that the initial cognitive impairments manifested as a retention deficit in apoE4 mice fed on high carbohydrate diet. Thus, the genetic risk factor apoE4 genotype associated with a high carbohydrate diet seems to affect cognitive functions in young mice, corroborating the theory that the combination of genetic and environmental risk factors greatly increases the risk of developing AD and leads to an earlier onset of cognitive deficits. The cellular and molecular bases of the cognitive decline in AD are largely unknown. In order to determine the molecular changes for the onset of the early cognitive impairment observed in the behavioural studies, we performed molecular studies, with particular focus on synaptic integrity and Tau phosphorylation. The most relevant finding of our molecular studies showed a significant decrease of Brain-derived Neurotrophic Factor (BDNF) in apoE4 mice fed on high carbohydrate diet. Our results may suggest that BDNF decrease found in apoE4 HS mice could be involved in the earliest impairment in long-term reference memory observed in behavioural studies. The second aim of this thesis was to study possible involvement of leptin in AD. There is growing evidence that leptin has neuroprotective properties in the Central Nervous System (CNS). Recent evidence has shown that leptin and its receptors are widespread in the CNS and may provide neuronal survival signals. However, there are still numerous questions, regarding the molecular mechanism by which leptin acts, that remain unanswered. Thus, given to the importance of the involvement of leptin in AD, we wanted to clarify the function of leptin in the pathogenesis of AD and to investigate if apoE genotype affect leptin levels through studies in vitro, in mice and in human. Our findings suggest that apoE4 TR mice showed an increase of leptin in the brain. Leptin levels are also increased in the cerebral spinal fluid of AD patients and apoE4 carriers with AD have higher levels of leptin than apoE3 carriers. Moreover, leptin seems to be expressed by reactive glial cells in AD brains. In vitro, ApoE4 together with Amyloid beta increases leptin production by microglia and astrocytes. Taken together, all these findings suggest that leptin replacement might not be a good strategy for AD therapy. Our results show that high leptin levels were found in AD brains. These findings suggest that, as high leptin levels do not promote satiety in obese individuals, it might be possible that they do not promote neuroprotection in AD patients. Therefore, we hypothesized that AD brain could suffer from leptin resistance. Further studies will be critical to determine whether or not the central leptin resistance in SNC could affect its potential neuroprotective effects.
Background: Delirium is defined as an acute disorder of attention and cognition. Delirium is common in hospitalized elderly patient and is associated with increased morbidity, length of stay and patient care costs. Although Delirium can develop at any time during hospitalization, it typically presents early in the post-operative period (Post-Operative Delirium, POD) in the surgery context. The molecular mechanism and possible genetics basis of POD onset are not known, as well as all the risk factors are not completely defined. Our hypothesis is that genetic risk factor involving the inflammatory response could have possible effects on the immunoneuroendocrine system. Moreover, our previous data (inflamm-aging) suggest that aging is associated with an increase of inflammatory status, favouring age-related diseases such as neurodegenerative diseases, frailty, depression among other. Some pro-inflammatory or anti-inflammatory cytokines, seem to play a crucial role in increasing the inflammatory status and in the communication and regulation of immunoneuroendocrine system. Objective: this study evaluated the incidence of POD in elderly patients undergoing general surgery, clinical/physical and psychological risk factors of POD insurgency and investigated inflammatory and genetic risk factors. Moreover, this study evaluated the consequence of POD in terms of institutionalization, development of permanent cognitive dysfunction or dementia and mortality Methods: patients aged over 65 admitted for surgery at the Urgency Unit of S.Orsola-Malpighi Hospital were eligible for this case–control study. Risk factors significantly associated with POD in univariate analysis were entered into multivariate analysis to establish those independently associated with POD. Preoperative plasma level of 9 inflammatory markers were measured in 42 control subjects and 43 subjects who developed POD. Functional polymorphisms of IL-1 α , IL-2, IL-6, IL-8, IL-10 and TNF-alpha cytokine genes were determined in 176 control subjects and 27 POD subjects. Results: A total of 351 patients were enrolled in the study. The incidence of POD was 13•2 %. Independent variables associated with POD were: age, co-morbidity, preoperative cognitive impairment, glucose abnormalities. Median length of hospital stay was 21 days for patients with POD versus 8 days for control patients (P < 0•001). The hospital mortality rate was 19 and 8•4 % respectively (P = 0•021) and mortality rate after 1 year was also higher in POD (P= 0.0001). The baseline of IL-6 concentration was higher in POD patients than patients without POD, whereas IL-2 was lower in POD patients compared to patients without POD. In a multivariate analysis only IL-6 remained associated with POD. Moreover IL-6, IL-8 and IL-2 are associated with co-morbidity, intra-hospital mortality, compromised functional status and emergency admission. No significant differences in genotype distribution were found between POD subjects and controls for any SNP analyzed in this study. Conclusion: In this study we found older age, comorbidity, cognitive impairment, glucose abnormalities and baseline of IL-6 as independent risk factors for the development of POD. IL-6 could be proposed as marker of a trait that is associated with an increased risk of delirium; i.e. raised premorbid IL-6 level predict for the development of delirium.
Resultate dieser Arbeit zeigen, dass endotheliale und neuronale NO-Synthasen (eNOS und nNOS) ihr Substrat Arginin nicht ausschließlich aus extrazellulären, sondern auch aus intrazellulären Quellen beziehen. Das Substrat aus den intrazellulären Quellen scheint nicht über Membrantransporter in den Extrazellulärraum gelangen zu können. Dies deutet darauf hin, dass eine enge Assoziation der Arginin-bereitstellenden Enzyme mit eNOS bzw. nNOS vorliegen könnte. Dadurch würde das durch diese Enzyme generierte Arginin direkt an die NOS weitergereicht und nicht über Transporter gegen andere basische Aminosäuren (AS) im Extrazellulärraum ausgetauscht werden. Eine intrazelluläre Substrat-Quelle besteht aus dem so genannten „Recycling“, der Umwandlung des bei der NO-Synthese entstehenden Citrullins in Arginin. Eine Kopplung von Arginin-bereitstellenden „Recycling“-Enzymen mit NOS wird in Endothelzellen und teilweise auch in TGW-nu-I Neuroblastomzellen beobachtet, nicht jedoch in A673 Neuroepitheliomzellen. Die Kopplung scheint daher vom Zelltyp abhängig zu sein. Das zur Arginin-Regeneration benötigte Citrullin kann allen untersuchten Zellen durch den Austausch mit spezifischen neutralen AS, die ausschließlich zum Substratprofil des System N Transporters SN1 passen, entzogen werden. Die Anwesenheit von SN1-Substraten im Extrazellulärraum führt daher indirekt zu einer Depletion der Recycling-Quelle. SN1 mRNA ist in allen untersuchten Zellen nachweisbar. Aus Protein-Abbau stammendes Arginin stellt den zweiten Teil der intrazellulären Arginin-Quelle dar. Dieser ist in allen untersuchten eNOS- oder nNOS exprimierenden Zellen vorhanden. Das Arginin stammt dabei sowohl aus lysosomalem als auch proteasomalen Proteinabbau, wie der Einsatz spezifischer Inhibitoren zeigt. Extrazelluläres Histidin (aber keine andere Aminosäure) kann diese Arginin-Quelle depletieren. Wir vermuten deshalb, dass Histidin über den Peptid-Histidin-Transporter PHT1, der in allen untersuchten Zellen stark exprimiert ist, gegen die durch lysosomalen und proteasomalen Proteinabbau entstehenden Arginin-haltigen Di- und Tripeptide ausgetauscht wird. Der wichtigste endogene NOS-Inhibitor, asymmetrisches Dimethylarginin (ADMA), ein Marker für endotheliale Dysfunktion und Risikofaktor für kardiovaskuläre Erkrankungen, stammt ebenfalls aus Proteinabbau. Die Verfügbarkeit dieser intrazellulären Arginin-Quelle wird deshalb stark vom Methylierungsgrad des Arginins in den abgebauten Proteinen abhängen. Eine lokale ADMA-Anreicherung könnte eine Erklärung für das Arginin-Paradox sein, der unter pathophysiologischen Bedingungen beobachteten Verminderung der endothelialen NO-Synthese bei anscheinend ausreichenden intrazellulären Argininkonzentrationen. Da auch in neurodegenerativen Erkrankungen, wie Morbus Alzheimer, ADMA eine Rolle zu spielen scheint, könnte das Arginin-Paradox auch für die nNOS-vermittelte NO-Synthese von Bedeutung sein. Die Resultate demonstrieren, dass die Substratversorgung der beiden NOS-Isoformen nicht ausschließlich von kationischen Aminosäuretransportern abhängig ist, sondern auch von Transportern für neutrale Aminosäuren und Peptide, und außerdem von Arginin-bereitstellenden Enzymen. Der jeweilige Beitrag der verschiedenen Arginin-Quellen zur Substratversorgung der NOS ist daher abhängig vom Anteil der jeweiligen Aminosäuren und Peptide in der extrazellulären Flüssigkeit.
Transmissible spongiform encephalopathies (TSEs), or prion diseases, are neurodegenerative disorders that affect humans and mammals. Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease (CJD), the most common TSE in humans, can be sporadic (sCJD), genetic (gCJD), or acquired by infection. All TSEs are characterised by the accumulation of PrPSc, a misfolded form of the cellular protein PrPC. PrPSc is insoluble in detergents, partially resistant to proteolysis and shows a highly enriched β-sheet secondary structure. Six clinico-pathological phenotypes of sCJD have been characterized which correlate at the molecular level with two types (1 or 2) of PrPSc with distinctive physicochemical properties and the genotype at the polymorphic (methionine or valine) codon 129 of the prion protein gene. According to the protein-only hypothesis, which postulates that prions are composed exclusively of PrPSc, the strains of prions that are largely responsible for the wide spectrum of TSE phenotypes are enciphered in PrPSc conformation. In support to this view, studies mainly conducted in experimental scrapie, have shown that several prion strains can be identified based on distinguishing PrPSc biochemical properties. To further contribute to the understanding of the molecular basis of strains and to develop more sensitive strain typing assays in humans we have analyzed PrPSc biochemical properties in two experimental setting. In the first we compared the size of the core after protease digestion and the glycoform pattern of PrPSc before and after transmission of human prions to non human primates or bank voles, whereas in the second we analyzed the conformational stability of PrPSc associated with sCJD, vCJD or fCJD using guanidine hydrochloride (GdnHCl) as denaturant. Combining the results of the two studies, we were able to distinguish five human strains for at least one biochemical property. The present data extend our knowledge about the extent of strain variation and its relationship with PrPSc properties in human TSEs.
La narcolessia è un disturbo del sonno disabilitante caratterizzato da eccessiva sonnolenza diurna associata a disturbi del sonno REM che si manifestano con cataplessia (improvvisa perdita del tono muscolare scatenata da forti emozioni), paralisi del sonno (all’addormentamento o al risveglio) e allucinazioni ipnagogiche. Al momento attuale sono in corso studi di genome-wide solo sul genoma nucleare, l'unico ulteriore materiale genetico non indagato finora per una eventuale predisposizione genetica multifattoriale alla narcolessia è il genoma mitocondriale, che, a causa della sua variabilità, possiede un potenziale ruolo protettivo/predisponente nell’ambito di diverse malattie neurodegenerative, metaboliche ed infettive. Come obiettivo della tesi si propone la ricerca di eventuali polimorfismi sul DNA mitocondriale in grado di agire come fattori di suscettibilità/protezione nei confronti della narcolessia e di confermare quindi l’importante legame tra metabolismo bioenergetico, beta ossidazione e narcolessia. In particolare, vista la già nota capacità degli aplogruppi mitocondriali di modulare l’espressione di diverse malattie neurodegenerative, sono stati identificati i principali aplogruppi mitocondriali in un campione di pazienti con narcolessia successivamente confrontati con una popolazione di controllo per cercare eventuali differenze di distribuzione statisticamente significative tra le due popolazioni. I risultati presentati in questo studio completano con l’analisi del DNA mitocondriale i precedenti studi “genome wide”. L’assenza di associazione statisticamente significativa tra aplogruppi mitocondriali e narcolessia non esclude ancora il ruolo che la variabilità genetica del DNA mitocondriale può giocare nella patogenesi della narcolessia. La definitiva esclusione può essere conclusa solo espandendo la coorte dei pazienti studiati e considerando possibilmente origini etnico-geografiche diverse.
Transmissible spongiform encephalopathies (TSE) are neurodegenerative diseases caused by the conversion of the host-encoded cellular protein (PrPC) to a disease-associated isoform (PrPSc). The agent responsible for prion diseases may exist as different strains with specific biological and biochemical properties. According to the protein-only hypothesis, prion strain diversity is enciphered in PrPSc conformation. Molecular strain typing methods are based on the electrophoretic mobility of protease resistant core of PrPSc, on the susceptibility to protease digestion, on the glycosylation profile of PrPres and on the conformational stability of PrPSc. In this study a new conformational stability assay was developed based on the differential solubility of PrPC and PrPSc: CSSA (conformational stability and solubility assay). The conformational stability assay was performed by measuring PrPSc solubility in homogenates treated with increasing concentrations of GdnHCl, in the absence of proteinase K. Indeed, dose-response curves allowed estimation of the concentration of GdnHCl able to solubilise 50% of PrPSc. The results showed that this method is valuable for the biochemical typing of strains in bank voles and it is also a promising tool for molecular analysis of natural prion isolates. CSSA also revealed strain-specific PrPSc conformational stabilities of ovine natural isolates so that this feature, combined with the N-terminal PrPSc cleavage, allowed differentiation of classical scrapie, including CH1641-like, from natural goat BSE and experimental sheep BSE. In view of the implications concerning strain similarity between animal and human TSEs, the physico-chemical properties of the Nor98 with two human prion diseases (VPSPr and GSS) were compared in order to investigate the extent of the similarity between animal and human prion strains. The results showed an unexpected heterogeneity of the molecular features among human and sheep TSEs associated with internal PrPres fragments with the possible exception of Nor98 and a case of GSS P102L. These similarities and differences need further investigation by N- and C-terminal sequencing and biological characterization.
Le encefalopatie spongiformi trasmissibili (EST), o malattie da prioni, sono malattie neurodegenerative che colpiscono l'uomo e gli animali. Le più note tra le EST animali sono la scrapie della pecora e della capra, l’encefalopatia spongiforme bovina (BSE), la Sindrome del dimagrimento cronico (CWD) dei cervidi. Negli uomini ricordiamo la malattia di Creutzfeldt-Jakob (CJD) nelle sue diverse forme (sporadica, genetica, iatrogenica e variante). La dimostrazione che la variante della CJD (vCJD) sia causata dallo stesso agente eziologico della BSE, ha evidenziato il potenziale zoonotico di queste malattie. Le EST sono caratterizzate da tempi di incubazione estremamente lunghi ed esito invariabilmente fatale. Il momento patogenetico centrale comune a tutte queste malattie è rappresentato dalla modificazione conformazionale di una proteina cellulare denominata PrPC (proteina prionica cellulare) in una isoforma patologica denominata PrPSc, insolubile e caratterizzata da una parziale resistenza alle proteasi, che tende a depositarsi sotto forma di fibrille amiloidee nel SNC dei soggetti colpiti. La suscettibilità degli ovini alla scrapie è largamente influenzata dal genotipo del gene dell’ospite che codifica per la PrP (PRNP), e più precisamente da tre polimorfismi presenti ai codoni 136, 154 e 171. Questi si combinano in cinque principali alleli, ARQ, VRQ, AHQ, ARH e ARR, correlati a differenti gradi di suscettibilità alla malattia. Risultati ottenuti da un precedente studio d’infezione sperimentale di ovini di razza Sarda con scrapie classica (Vaccari G et al 2007), hanno suggeriscono l’ordine di suscettibilità ARQ>AHQ>ARH. L’allele ARR, è risultato invece associato ai più alti livelli di protezione dalla malattia. Dallo stesso studio di trasmissione sperimentale e da uno studio epidemiologico di tipo caso-controllo, è inoltre emerso che nella razza Sarda, ovini con l’allele ARQ, con sostituzione amminoacidica al codone 137 Metionina (M)/Treonina (T) (AT137RQ) o al 176 Asparagina (N)/Lisina (K) (ARQK176) in eterozigosi sono protetti dalla scrapie. Inoltre studi di trasmissione sperimentale della BSE in ovini della stessa razza con tre differenti genotipi (ARQ/ARQ, ARQ/ARR e ARR/ARR), hanno dimostrato come la BSE abbia un targeting genetico molto simile a quello della scrapie, evidenziando il genotipo ARQ/ARQ come il più suscettibile. L’obbiettivo della seguente tesi è stato quello di verificare se fosse possibile riprodurre in vitro la differente suscettibilità genetica degli ovini alle EST evidenziata in vivo, utilizzando il PMCA (Protein Misfolding Cyclic Amplification), la metodica ad oggi più promettente e di cui è stata dimostrata la capacità di riprodurre in vitro diverse proprietà biologiche dei prioni. La tecnica, attraverso cicli ripetuti di sonicazione/incubazione, permette la conversione in vitro della PrPC presente in un omogenato cerebrale (substrato), da parte di una quantità minima di PrPSc (inoculo) che funge da “innesco” della reazione. Si è voluto inoltre utilizzare il PMCA per indagare il livello di protezione in omozigosi di alleli rari per i quali, in vivo, si avevano evidenze di protezione dalla scrapie solo in eterozigosi, e per studiare la suscettibilità degli ovini alla BSE adattata in questa specie. È stata quindi testata in PMCA la capacità diversi substrati ovini recanti differenti genotipi, di amplificare la PrPSc dello stesso isolato di scrapie classica impiegato nel precedente studio in vivo o di un inoculo di BSE bovina. Inoltre sono stati saggiati in vitro due inoculi di BSE costituiti da omogenato cerebrale di due ovini sperimentalmente infettati con BSE (BSE ovina) e recanti due differenti genotipi (ARQ/ARQ e ARR/ARR). Per poter descrivere quantitativamente il grado di correlazione osservato i risultati ottenuti in vitro e i quelli riscontrati dallo studio di sperimentazione con scrapie, espressi rispettivamente come fattori di amplificazione e tempi d’incubazione registrati in vivo, sono stati analizzati con un modello di regressione lineare. Per quanto riguarda la scrapie, i risultati ottenuti hanno evidenziato come i genotipi associati in vivo a suscettibilità (ARQ/ARQ, ARQ/AHQ and AHQ/ARH) siano anche quelli in grado di sostenere in PMCA l’amplificazione della PrPSc, e come quelli associati a resistenza (ARQ/ARR and ARR/ARR) non mostrino invece nessuna capacità di conversione. Dall’analisi di regressione lineare è inoltre emerso come l’efficienza di amplificazione in vitro dei differenti genotipi testati sia inversamente proporzionale ai tempi d’incubazione registrati in vivo. Inoltre nessuna amplificazione è stata riscontrata utilizzando il substrato con genotipo raro ARQK176/ARQK176 suggerendo come anche questo possa essere associato a resistenza, almeno nei confronti dell’isolato di scrapie classica utilizzato. Utilizzando come inoculo in PMCA l’isolato di BSE bovina, è stato possibile riscontrare, nei tre genotipi analizzati (ARQ/ARQ, ARQ/ARR e ARR/ARR) un evidente amplificazione per il solo genotipo ARQ/ARQ, sottolineando anche in questo caso l’esistenza di una correlazione tra suscettibilità riscontrata in vivo e capacità di conversione in PMCA. I tre i substrati analizzati mostrano inoltre una buona efficienza di amplificazione, per altro simile, se si utilizza la PrPSc dell’inoculo di BSE sperimentalemente trasmessa agli ovini. Questi genotipi sembrerebbero dunque ugualmente suscettibili se esposti a BSE adattata alla specie ovina. I risultati di questa tesi indicano dunque una correlazione diretta tra la capacità di conversione della PrPC con il PMCA e la suscettibilità osservata in vivo per i differenti genotipi analizzati. Mostrano inoltre come il PMCA possa essere una valida alternativa agli studi di trasmissione in vivo e un rapido strumento utile non soltanto per testare, ma anche per predire la suscettibilità genetica degli ovini a diversi ceppi di EST, rappresentando un valido aiuto per l’individuazione di ulteriori genotipi resistenti, così da incrementare la variabilità genetica dei piani di selezione attuati per gli ovini per il controllo di queste malattie.
Apolipoprotein J (ApoJ) ist ein sezerniertes heterodimeres 80kDa Glykoprotein mit zytoprotektiven und antiinflammatorischen Eigenschaften, das ein nahezu ubiquitäres Expressionsmuster aufweist. Eine stark erhöhte ApoJ-Expression ist mit neurodegenerativen Erkrankungen, Atherosklerose, myokardialem Infarkt sowie einer Vielzahl anderer pathophysiologischer Bedingungen assoziiert. Die potentielle Bedeutung von ApoJ umfasst eine Funktion als extrazelluläres Chaperon, Komplementinhibitor, NF-kB-Inhibitor sowie eine Beteiligung an der Endozytose von nekrotischen Zellfragmenten. Unter Bedingungen, die zu einer massiven Akkumulation von absterbenden Zellen führen, ist eine vermehrte Expression von ApoJ auf die überlebenden Nachbarzellen in den betroffenen Geweben beschränkt. Die molekularen Mechanismen, die dieser gesteigerten ApoJ-Genexpression zugrunde liegen, sind jedoch unbekannt. Untersuchungen unserer Arbeitsgruppe konnten zeigen, dass eine Inkubation mit nekrotischem Zellmaterial in vitro eine Akkumulation von ApoJ-mRNA in Fibroblasten der Zelllinie Rat1 induziert, was darauf hindeutet, dass unter pathophysiologischen Bedingungen von nekrotischen Zellen exponierte bzw. freigesetzte Faktoren zu einer gesteigerten ApoJ-Genexpression in umliegenden vitalen Zellen beitragen können. Die im Rahmen der vorliegenden Arbeit durchgeführten Untersuchungen zeigen eine Korrelation zwischen der Expression von Toll-like Rezeptoren (TLRs) in Fibroblasten (Rat1), glatten Gefäßmuskelzellen (CRL2018) sowie embryonalen Dottersackzellen (10A) und einer durch nekrotische Zellen induzierten ApoJ-mRNA-Expression in diesen Zelllinien. Es wird angenommen, dass TLRs neben pathogenassoziierten Strukturen (PAMPs) auch durch körpereigene Agonisten wie Hitzeschockproteine und Nukleinsäuren aktiviert werden. In weiterführenden Experimenten stellte sich unter anderem heraus, dass neben nekrotischen Zellen auch der TLR3-spezifische Agonist Poly(I:C), eine synthetische doppelsträngige RNA, ausschließlich in den beiden TLR3-exprimierenden Zelllinien CRL2018 und Rat1, nicht jedoch in TLR3-defizienten 10A-Zellen, die ApoJ-mRNA-Expression induziert. Darüber hinaus führt auch die Inkubation mit eukaryotischer RNA (Gesamt-RNA, t-RNA) zu einer Akkumulation von ApoJ-mRNA in CRL2018-Zellen. Die Ergebnisse dieser Arbeit zeigen erstmals, dass die Expression von ApoJ-mRNA durch extrazelluläre Ribonukleinsäuren in TLR3-abhängiger Weise induziert wird, was darauf hindeutet, dass in verletzten Geweben aus post-apoptotischen oder nekrotischen Zellen freigesetzte Ribonukleinsäuren zu einer vermehrten ApoJ-Genexpression in vitalen Nachbarzellen beitragen.
Alzheimer's disease (AD) is a fatal neurodegenerative condition characterized clinically by progressive memory loss and irreversible cognitive deterioration. It has been shown that there is a progressive degeneration of the brain cholinergic neurons which leads to the appearance of cognitive symptoms of the disease. The aim of this work was the formulation of multifunctional nanocarriers for nasal administration of tacrine-HCl (THA). This route has many advantages; in particular is possible to convey the drug directly to the Central Nervous System, through the olfactory bulb. In particular, were prepared Albumin nanoparticles carrying beta cyclodextrin and two different beta cyclodextrin derivatives (hydroxypropyl beta cyclodextrin and sulphobutylether beta cyclodextrin), and Multifunctional liposomes, prepared using traditional excipients (cholesterol and phosphatidylcholine), partly enriched with α-tocopherol (Toc) and/or polyunsaturated fatty acids (eicosapentaenoic acid and docosahexaenoic acid) (Ω3). Both nanosystems were characterized in terms of size, Zeta potential and encapsulation efficiency. Were also evaluated their functional properties such as mucoadhesion and permeability, using an ex-vivo assay based on nasal sheep mucosa. On Liposomes were also assessed drug neuronal uptake, cell toxicity, antioxidant and, cytoprotective activity in the human neuronal cell line SH-SY5Y and finally tocopherol trans-membrane diffusion. Both the nanocarriers produced presented excellent properties and a high potential as new systems for CNS-delivery of anti-Alzheimer drugs via the nasal route.
Oxidative stress has been implicated in the pathogenesis of a number of diseases including neurodegenerative disorders, cancer, ischemia, etc. Alzheimer’s disease (AD) is histopathologically characterized by the presence of extracellular senile plaque (SP), predominantly consisting of fibrillar amyloid-peptide (Aβ), intracellular neurofibrillary tangles (NFTs), composed of hyperphosphorylated tau protein, and cell loss in the selected regions of the brain. However, the pathogenesis of AD remains largely unknown, but a number of hypothesis were proposed for AD mechanisms, which include: the amyloid cascade, excitotoxicity, oxidative stress and inflammation hypothesis, and all of them are based, to some extent on the role of A. Accumulated evidence indicates that the increased levels of ROS may act as important mediators of synaptic loss and eventually promote formation of neurofibrillary tangles and senile plaques. Therefore a vicious circle between ROS and Aaccumulation may accelerate progression of AD. For these reasons, growing attention has focused on oxidative mechanism of Atoxicity as well as the search for novel neuroprotective agents. A strategy to prevent the oxidative stress in neurons may be the use of chemopreventive agents as inducers of antioxidant and phase 2 enzymes. Sulforaphane (SF), derived from corresponding glucoraphanin, glucosinolate found in abundance in cruciferous vegetables, has recently gained attention as a potential neuroprotective compound inducer of antioxidant phase 2 enzymes. Consistent with this evidence, the study is aimed at identifying the SF ability to prevent and counteract the oxidative damage inducted by oligomers of Aβ (1-42) in terms of impairment in the intracellular redox state and cellular death in differentiated human neuroblastoma and microglia primary cultures. In addition we will evaluated the mechanism underlying the SF neuroprotection activity.
LRP1 modulates APP trafficking and metabolism within compartments of the secretory pathway The amyloid precursor protein (APP) is the parent protein to the amyloid beta peptide (Abeta) and is a central player in Alzheimer’s disease (AD) pathology. Abeta liberation depends on APP cleavage by beta- and gamma-secretases. To date, only a unilateral view of APP processing exists, excluding other proteins, which might be transported together and/or processed dependent on each other by the secretases described above. The low density lipoprotein receptor related protein 1 (LRP1) was shown to function as such a mediator of APP processing at multiple steps. Newly synthesized LRP1 can interact with APP, implying an interaction between these two proteins early in the secretory pathway. Therefore, we wanted to investigate whether LRP1 can mediate APP trafficking along the secretory pathway, and, if so, whether it affects APP processing. Indeed, we demonstrate that APP trafficking is strongly influenced by LRP1 transport through the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) and Golgi compartments. LRP1-constructs with ER- and Golgi-retention motifs (LRP-CT KKAA, LRP-CT KKFF) had the capacity to retard APP trafficking at the respective steps in the secretory pathway. Here, we provide evidence that APP metabolism occurs in close conjunction with LRP1 trafficking, highlighting a new role of lipoprotein receptors in neurodegenerative diseases. Increased AICD generation is ineffective in nuclear translocation and transcriptional activity A sequence of amyloid precursor protein (APP) cleavages gives rise to the APP intracellular domain (AICD) together with amyloid beta peptide (Abeta) and/or p3 fragment. One of the environmental factors identified favouring the accumulation of AICD appears to be a rise in intracellular pH. This accumulation is a result of an abrogated cleavage event and does not extend to other secretase substrates. AICD can activate the transcription of artificially expressed constructs and many downstream gene targets have been discussed. Here we further identified the metabolism and subcellular localization of the constructs used in this well documented gene reporter assay. We also co-examined the mechanistic lead up to the AICD accumulation and explored possible significances for its increased expression. We found that most of the AICD generated under pH neutralized conditions is likely that cleaved from C83. Furthermore, the AICD surplus is not transcriptionally active but rather remains membrane tethered and free in the cytosol where it interacts with Fe65. However, Fe65 is still essential in AICD mediated transcriptional transactivation although its exact role in this set of events is unclear.
Die am häufigsten auftretende altersassoziierte neurodegenerative Krankheit ist die Alzheimer Demenz. Ein mit entscheidender Schritt bei der Entstehung der Alzheimer Erkrankung ist wahrscheinlich die Produktion des Aβ-Peptids durch proteolytische Spaltung das Amyloid-Vorläuferproteins APP. In der vorliegenden Arbeit wurde die altersabhängige Prozessierung des Amyloid-Vorläuferproteins (APP) in Fibroblasten von Hautbiopsien von Familiärer Alzheimer-, Trisomie21 und Niemann-Pick Typ C-Krankheit untersucht. Die in dieser Arbeit verwendeten Fibroblasten wurden bis zum Erreichen des zellulären Wachstumsstopps (replikative Seneszenz) seriell passagiert und die Untersuchungen erfolgten an Zellen aufsteigender PDL. Dabei zeigte sich, dass, unabhängig von dem durch die Krankheit vorliegenden genetischen biochemischen Hintergrund, die APP-Prozessierung im Laufe der Zellalterung progressiv verringert wird. Die altersabhängig ansteigenden Cholesterinspiegel führten zu einer Reduktion der APP-Reifung und infolge dessen nahmen sowohl die intrazellulären APP-Spaltfragmente (C99, C83 und AICD) als auch die extrazellulären APP-Fragmente (sAPPα, sAPP) ab. Ebenso konnte gezeigt werden, dass die γ-Sekretase-Aktivität abnimmt. Dies war verbunden mit einem Rückgang der Proteinspiegel von Nicastrin und Presenilin, beides Komponenten des γ-Sekretase-Komplexes. Obwohl die Proteinexpression der α-Sekretase ADAM10 altersassoziiert konstant blieb, nahm die α-Sekretase-Aktivität mit steigendem Lebensalter ab. Erste Untersuchungen zeigten, dass die NAD+-abhängige Histon-Deacetylase SIRT1 eine wichtige Rolle im Bezug auf die α-Sekretase-Aktivität spielen könnte. Im Gegensatz zu den Abnahmen der α- und γ-Sekretase-Aktivitäten konnte eine erhöhte Aktivität der β-Sekretase in seneszenten Zellen beobachtet werden. Die mRNA-Menge und Proteinspiegel der ß-Sekretase BACE1 blieben dabei unverändert. Des Weiteren zeigte sich eine Zunahme der β-Sekretase-Aktivität bei Behandlung von jungen Zellen mit konditioniertem Medium seneszenter Zellen. Da sensezente Zellen einem Proliferationsstopp in der G1-Phase unterliegen, wurde der Einfluss des Zellzyklus-Inhibitors Aphidicolin auf die β-Sekretase untersucht. Hier wurde sowohl in IMR90 Fibroblasten als auch in Neuroblastoma-Zellen N2a eine Zunahme der β-Sekretase-Aktivität nach Zugabe der Inhibitoren beobachtet. Auch kommt es im Zuge der Alterung zu einer verstärkten Expression inflammatorischer Zytokine, die mit der Entstehung von Aβ-Peptiden in Verbindung gebracht werden. Deshalb wurde der Einfluss von Zytokinen auf die β-Sekretase-Aktivität untersucht. Die Zugabe von Interferon-γ und Interleukin 6 führte bei jungen IMR90-Zellen zu einem Anstieg der β-Sekretase-Aktivität, während bei alten Zellen keine Änderung zu verzeichnen war.
Das Corticotropin Releasing Hormon (CRH) ist ein zentraler Mediator des neuroendokrinen Systems von Säugetieren und kontrolliert die physiologische Stressreaktion des Körpers. Zudem zeigten in vitro Daten, dass es Neuroprotektion gegenüber oxidativem Stress induzieren kann. In der vorliegenden Arbeit konnte erstmals ein neuroprotektiver Effekt des CRH in vivo gezeigt werden. Die Überexpression des CRH im ZNS von Mäusen konnte Nervenzellen in vivo vor Exzitotoxizität schützen; nach Injektion des Exzitotoxins Kainat verkürzte die CRH-Überexpression die Dauer der epileptischen Anfälle, schützte die Neurone der betroffenen Hippocampusregion vor Zelltod und verhinderte die bei Exzitotoxizität und vielen neurodegenerativen Erkrankungen auftretende Neuroinflammation. Desweiteren konnten in CRH-überexprimierenden Tieren erhöhte BDNF-Proteinspiegel nachgewiesen werden. BDNF, ein bedeutender neurotropher Faktor im ZNS, vermittelt daher teilweise die CRH-induzierte Neuroprotektion gegenüber der Exzitotoxizität in vivo. Im Rahmen dieser Arbeit wurde mit Connexin43, dem Haupt-Gap Junction-Protein der Astrozyten, ein neues CRH-Zielgen im ZNS identifiziert. Es konnte erstmals gezeigt werden, dass CRH sowohl die Expression des Connexin43-Gens als auch den Connexin43-Proteinspiegel in vitro und in vivo erhöht. Diese Effekte werden über die Aktivierung des CRH-Rezeptor 1 und nachfolgend der PKA- und MAPK-Signalwege vermittelt. In Übereinstimmung mit der Hochregulation des Connexin43-Proteinspiegels verstärkte CRH auch die interzelluläre Kommunikation über Gap Junctions. Physiologisch hat diese CRH-induzierte Verstärkung der astrozytären Gap Junction-Kommunikation eine große Bedeutung für die Neuroprotektion, da eine Hochregulation der interzellulären Kommunikation schnell toxische Moleküle verdünnt, Energiesubstrate und protektive Faktoren verteilt und Ionen abpuffert. Dadurch werden Schädigungen durch oxidativen Stress in den Zellen reduziert, was über die Analyse der Proteincarbonylierung gezeigt wurde. Die Relevanz der astrozytären Gap Junction-Kommunikation für das Überleben der Neurone konnte in organotypischen hippocampalen Schnitten und in Neuron-Astrozyten-Co-Kulturen deutlich gemacht werden. Die im Rahmen der vorliegenden Arbeit gewonnenen Daten zeigen, dass die Stress-induzierte Sekretion von CRH im ZNS zur verstärkten Expression neuroprotektiver Moleküle wie BDNF und Connexin43 beiträgt. Diese vermögen Neurone gegenüber toxischen Einflüssen zu schützen und zum Erhalt ihrer Funktion beizutragen. Die protektiven CRH-Effekte könnten speziell bei chronischen neurodegenerativen Krankheiten wie der Alzheimerschen Demenz und der Parkinsonschen Krankheit hilfreich sein.
Alzheimer’s disease (AD) is a chronic and progressive neurodegenerative disorder and according to the WHO it is estimated that 36 millions of people worldwide currently suffer from AD. Genetic and environmental factors interact in a complex interplay that might affect pathogenic mechanisms leading to age-related neurodegeneration. The hypothesis is that the presence of allelic polymorphisms in selected genes affecting individual brain susceptibility to infection by the herpes virus family during aging, may contribute to neuronal loss, inflammation and amyloid deposition. Herpes virus family show features relevant to AD, since they infect a large proportion of human population, develop a latent form persisting for several years, are difficult to eliminate by immune responses especially when latency has been established and are able to infect neurons. The association between AD and herpes viruses infection has been investigated. In particular the investigation focused on CMV, EBV and HHV-6 in DNA samples from peripheral blood of a large cohort of patients with clinical diagnosis of AD and age matched CTR, from a longitudinal population study, and DNA samples from brain tissue of patients with neuropathological diagnosis of definitive AD. An association between the presence of EBV and HHV-6 DNA from PBL positivity with the cognitive deterioration and progression to AD has been focused. Moreover, IgG plasma levels in CTR and AD to these viruses were tested. CMV and EBV IgG plasma levels were higher in elderly subjects that developed clinical AD at the end of the five year follow up. Our findings support the notion that persistent cycles of latency and reactivation of herpes viruses may contribute to impair systemic immune response and induce altered inflammatory process that in turn affect cognitive decline during aging.