618 resultados para Mouvements émotionnels
La Revolucin Espiritual promovida por el Dalai Lama plantea una unin entre espiritualidad y poltica. El proyecto de una tica universal, que se inscribe dentro de dicha Revolucin, busca impactar la manera en que las relaciones internacionales se desarrollan, dndole prevalencia a los valores humanos. Sin embargo, esa proposicin se encuentra ligada al contexto de exilio en el marco del conflicto sino-tibetano que afecta al continente asitico. Por esto, en la presente monografa, haciendo uso de los conceptos de marco de accin colectiva e identidad inscritos en la corriente de los movimientos sociales en la disciplina de las Relaciones Internacionales, se pretende determinar la relacin entre identidad tibetana, marco de accin colectiva y la propuesta de una tica universal. Para ello se recurre, metodolgicamente, a textos y a trabajo de campo en Bogot. As, se pretende establecer la relacin entre espiritualidad y poltica como propuesta tibetana atravesada por el conflicto sino-tibetano.
Anlisis evaluativo de diversos enfoques geogrficos sobre el espacio, su revelacin con el Estado, entendido en su binomio poder y dominacin. Se revisa la concepcin de un poder unidimensional y la produccin de espacio; as como las versiones del poder multidimensional, consumo del espacio y territorialidad. La concepcin del espacio como producto-reflejo de la sociedad, se critica a la luz de concepcin materialista del espacio. A nivel histrico, se estudian las estrategias y conflictos resultantes de la conformacin de nuevos territorios y las limitaciones de accin del Estado frente a las decisiones locacionales de las grandes corporaciones multinacionales. Se fortalecen segmentos del Estado nacional, pero, a la vez, este pierde poder de decisiones ante las fuerzas internacionales y, principalmente frente a los problemas y tenciones internas. La autora sugiere diversos temas de investigacin necesarios de cubrir urgentemente, tales como la relacin territorio y espacio; naturaleza de los movimientos sociales de la base territorial; naturaleza del Estado contemporneo y las relaciones ante los planes econmicos y polticos y, finalmente, los limites de intervencin del Estado y los problemas de legitimidad del poder. SUMMARY This is evaluative analysis of different geographic focuses concerning space-state relationships, taking into account a power and domination binomial. The concept of a unidimensional power and space production is revised; as well as versions of multidimensional power, space consumption, and territorial relationships. The space concept is taken into account as a product-reflection of society and criticized from the viewpoint of a materialistic viewpoint, strategies and conflicts are studied as the results of the confirmation of the new territories the large multinational corporations. Segments of the national state are stringency but, at the same time, the state loses its decision making powers in reference to international forces and principally in reference to problems and internal tensions. The author suggests several necessary and urgent investigative themes, such as territorial and space relationships, the nature of the social movements encountered in the territorial base, the nature of the contemporary state and of the its relationships in accordance with economic and political plants and finally, the intervention limits of the state and the problems of power legitimacy RESUME A partir dune vision gographique, on prsente et analyse les thmes suivants: lespace, la relation celui-ci avec lEtat, entendu comme un bionome pouvoir et domination. On revise les concepts de pouvoir unidimensionnel et de production despace; de pouvoir multidimensionnel, consommation et territoriale. Le concept despace comme produit-rflexe de la socit, est critiqu en se basant sur la conception matrialiste de lespace. Au niveau historique, on tudie les stratgies et les conflicts qui rsultent de la conformation de nouveaux territoires. On tudie aussi les limitations de laction de lEtat en face des dcisions dubiquation des grandes corporations multinationales. En mme temps que se fortifi certaines parties de lEtat national, il y a une diminution de son pouvoir de dcision devant des forces internationales et surtout en face de problmes et de tensions internes.Lauteur suggre plusieurs thmes dinvestigation urgents, comme: la relation entre territoire et espace; nature des mouvements sociaux base territoriale; nature de lEtat contemporain et ses relations avec les plan conomiques et politiques et enfin: les limites de lintervention de lEtat et les problmes de lgitimit du pouvoir.
Allostery is a phenomenon of fundamental importance in biology, allowing regulation of function and dynamic adaptability of enzymes and proteins. Despite the allosteric effect was first observed more than a century ago allostery remains a biophysical enigma, defined as the second secret of life. The challenge is mainly associated to the rather complex nature of the allosteric mechanisms, which manifests itself as the alteration of the biological function of a protein/enzyme (e.g. ligand/substrate binding at the active site) by binding of other object (allos stereos in Greek) at a site distant (> 1 nanometer) from the active site, namely the effector site. Thus, at the heart of allostery there is signal propagation from the effector to the active site through a dense protein matrix, with a fundamental challenge being represented by the elucidation of the physico-chemical interactions between amino acid residues allowing communicatio n between the two binding sites, i.e. the allosteric pathways. Here, we propose a multidisciplinary approach based on a combination of computational chemistry, involving molecular dynamics simulations of protein motions, (bio)physical analysis of allosteric systems, including multiple sequence alignments of known allosteric systems, and mathematical tools based on graph theory and machine learning that can greatly help understanding the complexity of dynamical interactions involved in the different allosteric systems. The project aims at developing robust and fast tools to identify unknown allosteric pathways. The characterization and predictions of such allosteric spots could elucidate and fully exploit the power of allosteric modulation in enzymes and DNA-protein complexes, with great potential applications in enzyme engineering and drug discovery.