977 resultados para Morton, Thomas, bp. of Durham, 1564-1659.
Indenture between the Honourable William Dickson and of Niagara and Commander Thomas Bushby, then Lieutenant in the Royal Navy for land in the village plot of Sherbrooke – instrument no. 230. This was recorded on Sept. 15, 1843 in Book A, folio 281-282. April 15, 1843.
Indenture of bargain and sale between Walter Hamilton Dickson and Augusta Maria Dickson of Niagara to Jane Dickson (widow of Robert Dickson), Thomas Clark Street of Stamford and Edward Clarke Campbell of Niagara for 150 acres for the south half of Lot no. 32 in the 7th concession and the north east quarter of Lot no. 22 in the 10th Concession of Dumphries. This was recorded in the County of Halton on the 29th day of January, 1849 in Folio 326, memorial 236, Jan. 12, 1849.
Letter to Henry Nelles from H. Ridout, son of Thomas Ridout, surveyor general of Upper Canada requesting an affidavit for each location that was being presented to his father, Nov. 13, 1821.
Letter to Messrs. Summer and Nelles of Grimsby from Thomas Street and Mr. Hamilton in which they state that W.S. Britton has purchased the Grimsby Mills that belonged to W. James Paterson, Jan. 17, 1848.
Examination of Mr. Thomas Bingh (1 ½ pages, handwritten), 1830.
Marriage Bond between Thomas A. Allen of Grimsby and Sarah Bridgeman of Grimsby signed by Adam Duff of Grimsby and Palmer Bugbee [Buckbee] of Grimsby, Sept. 28, 1838.
Mémoire numérisé par la Division de la gestion de documents et des archives de l'Université de Montréal
Isoscalar collective modes in a relativistic meson-nucleon system are investigated in the framework of the time-dependent Thomas-Fermi method. The energies of the collective modes are determined by solving consistently the dispersion relations and the boundary conditions. The energy weighted sum rule satisfied by the models considered allows the identification of the giant resonances. The percentage of the energy weighted sum rule exhausted by the collective modes is in agreement with experimental data, but the agreement with the energy of the modes depends on the model considered.
Esta es la historia de una granja y de su emplazamiento desde la Alta Edad Media hasta la actualidad. Vemos la evolución de la explotación agrícola y ganadera, de sus dependencias y viviendas; se muestra el impacto causado en el paisaje que la rodea. Y aunque, hay actividades que continúan inalterables a lo largo de los siglos, el progreso científico ha introducido la maquinaría en ellas y esto motiva la desaparición de formas de vida, oficios y costumbres tradicionales.
Guía del profesor para el estudio de la obra 'Tess of the d'Urbervilles' (publicada a finales del siglo XIX) del autor británico Thomas Hardy, en el nivel AS-A (bachillerato) de la asignatura de Literatura Inglesa. Los materiales están divididos en cuatro secciones: contextos, actividades, evaluación y recursos. El objetivo es ayudar a los estudiantes a familiarizarse con el texto, a apreciar su importancia como obra literaria, y a responder de forma detallada y analítica en el desarrollo de un trabajo de curso o un examen. Para ello se trata ampliamente la caracterización de los personajes, los temas y el lenguaje, y se incluyen prácticas de examen de redacción y ensayo.