772 resultados para Mola hidatiforme (MH)
The Red Sea is a very young ocean, and is one of the most interesting areas on Earth (ocean in statu nascendi). It is the only ocean where hydrothermal activity associated with ore formation occurs in a sterile environment (anoxic, hot, saline). In addition, its geographical position means that it is predestined to record the monsoonal history of the region in detailed sedimentary sequences. The major aim of the present project is to investigate the dynamics of hydrothermal systems in selected Deeps (Atlantis-II, Discovery, Kebrit, Al Wajh), Additional palaeoceanographic and microbiological questions should also be addressed. Specific aims are: 1. To study the hydrographic changes in individual Deeps (hydrothermal region Atlantis-II) and to investigate the causes of the temperature increase in the last few years (increased heat flow - higher temperature of the brine supply - higher brine flow rates?). 2.a. To document the influence of the hydrothermal systems on the sedimentary organic matter in the Deeps. In particular, the thermogenic production and migration of hydrocarbons in the sediments will be studied. The complex formation mechanisms (bacterial, thermogenic) of short-chain hydrocarbons (trace gases) will also be examined, 2.b. in addition, the polar and macromolecular fraction in samples from the various deeps will be studied in order to elucidate the formation, structure and source of the macromolecular oil fraction. 3. To clarify the palaeoceanographic conditions, sea-level changes and the climatic history (relationship of the circulation system and nutrient supply to the monsoon) of the southern Red Sea. 4. To separate microorganisms from the brines and to characterise them in terms of their metabolic physiology and ecology, and to describe their taxonomy.
A detailed study has been made of the physical properties of core samples from Deep Sea Drilling Project Hole 395A. The properties include: density, porosity, compressional and shear wave velocity, thermal conductivity, thermal diffusivity, and electrical resistivity. Of particular importance are the relations among the parameters. Most of the variations in the basalt properties follow the porosity, with smaller inferred dependence on pore structure, original mineralogy differences, and alteration. The sample measurements give very similar results to (and extend previous data from) Mid-Atlantic Ridge drillholes, the sample data from this site and previous data are used to estimate relations between porosity and other large-scale physical properties of the upper oceanic crust applicable to this area. These relations are important for the analysis and interpretation of downhole logging measurements and marine geophysical data.
New geochemical data on serpentinite muds and metamorphic clasts recovered during Ocean Drilling Program Legs 195 (Holes 1200A-1200E) and 125 (Holes 778A and 779A) provide insights into the proportions of rock types of various sources that compose the serpentinite mudflows and the fluid-rock interactions that predominate in these muds. We interpret the metamorphic rock fragments as derivatives of mostly metamorphosed mafic rocks from the descending Pacific oceanic crust. Based on their mid-ocean-ridge basalt (MORB)-like Al2O3, TiO2, CaO, Si/Mg, and rare earth element (REE) systematics, these metamorphic rocks are classified as metabasalts/metagabbros and, therefore, ~30-km depths represent an active subduction zone setting. The serpentinite muds from Holes 1200A and 1200E have slightly lower REE when compared to Hole 1200D, but overall the REE abundance levels range between 0.1-1 x chondrite (CI) levels. The chondrite-normalized patterns have [La/Sm]N ~ 2.3 and [Sm/Yb]N ~ 2. With the exception of one sample, the analyzed metamorphic clasts show flat to slightly depleted light REE patterns with 1.0-15 x CI levels, resembling MORBs. Visually, ~6 vol% of the serpentinized muds are composed of 'exotic' materials (metamorphic clasts [schists]). Our mixing calculations confirm this result and show that the serpentinite muds are produced by additions of ~5% metamafic materials (with flat and up to 10 x CI REE levels) to serpentinized peridotite clast material (with very low REE abundances and U-shaped chondrite-normalized patterns). The preferential incorporation of B, Cs, Rb, Li, As, Sb, and Ba into the structure of H2O-bearing sheet silicates (different than serpentine) in the Leg 125 and Leg 195 metamorphic clasts (chlorite, amphibole, and micas) have little effect on the overall fluid-mobile element (FME) enrichments in the serpentinite muds (average B = ~13 ppm; average Cs = ~0.05 ppm; average As = ~1.25 ppm). The extent of FME enrichment in the serpentinized muds is similar to that described for the serpentinized peridotites, both recording interaction with fluids very rich in B, Cs, and As originating from the subducting Pacific slab.
The widely accepted age estimate for the onset of glaciation in the Northern Hemisphere ranges between 2 and 15 million years ago (Ma). However, recent studies indicate the date for glacial onset may be significantly older. We report the presence of ice-rafted debris (IRD) in ~44 to 30 Ma sediments from the Greenland Sea, evidence for glaciation in the North Atlantic during the Middle Eocene to Early Oligocene. Detailed sedimentological evidence indicates that glaciers extended to sea level in the region, allowing icebergs to be produced. IRD may have been sourced from tidewater glaciers, small ice caps, and/or a continental ice sheet.
Iodine and boron were analyzed in pore fluids, serpentinized ultramafic clasts, and the serpentinized mud matrix of the South Chamorro Seamount mud volcano (Ocean Drilling Program Leg 195 Site 1200) to determine the distribution of these elements in deep forearc settings. Similar analyses of clasts and muds from the Conical Seamount mud volcano (Leg 125 Site 779) were also carried out. Interstitial pore fluids are enriched in boron and iodine without appreciable change in chloride concentration relative to seawater. Both the ultramafic clasts and the associated serpentinized mud present the highest documented iodine concentrations for all types of nonsedimentary rocks (6.3-101.7 µmol/kg). Such high iodine concentrations, if commonplace in marine forearc settings, may constitute a significant, previously unknown reservoir of iodine. This serpentinized forearc mantle reservoir may potentially contribute to the total crustal iodine budget and provide a mechanism for its recycling at convergent plate margins. Both clasts and mud show concurrent enrichments in boron and iodine, and the similarity in pore fluid profiles also suggests that these two incompatible, fluid-mobile elements behave similarly at convergent plate margins.
The basement cored at Site 1201 (west Philippine Basin) during Ocean Drilling Program Leg 195 consists of a 91-m-thick sequence of basalts, mostly pillow lavas and perhaps one sheet lava flow, with a few intercalations of hyaloclastite and interpillow sedimentary material. Hydrothermal alteration pervasively affected the basalt sequence, giving rise to a variety of secondary minerals such as K-Fe-Mg-clay minerals, oxyhydroxides and clay minerals mixtures, natrolite group zeolites, analcite, alkali feldspar, and carbonate. The primary minerals of pillow and sheet basalts that survived the intense hydrothermal alteration were investigated by electron microprobe with the aim of characterizing their chemical composition and variability. The primary minerals are mostly plagioclase, ranging in composition from bytownite through labradorite to andesine, chromian-magnesian-diopside, and spinels, both Ti magnetite (partially maghemitized) and chromian spinel. Overall, the chemical features of the primary minerals of Site 1201 basalts correspond to the primitive character of the bulk rocks, suggesting that the parent magma of these basalts was a mafic tholeiitic magma that most likely only suffered limited fractional crystallization and crystallized at high temperatures (slightly below 1200°C) and under increasing fO2 conditions. The major element composition of clinopyroxene suggests a backarc affinity of the mantle source of Site 1201 basement.
At the South Chamorro Seamount in the Mariana subduction zone, geochemical data of pore fluids recovered from Ocean Drilling Program Leg 195 Site 1200 indicate that these fluids evolved from dehydration of the underthrusting Pacific plate and upwelling of fluids to the surface through serpentinite mud volcanoes as cold springs at their summits. Physical conditions of the fluid source at 27 km were inferred to be at 100°-250°C and 0.8 GPa. The upwelling of fluid is more active near the spring in Holes 1200E and 1200A and becomes less so with increasing distance toward Hole 1200D. These pore fluids are depleted in Cl and Br, enriched in F (except in Hole 1200D) and B (up to 3500 µM), have low 11B (16-21), and have lower than seawater Br/Cl ratios. The mixing ratios between seawater and pore fluids is calculated to be ~2:1 at shallow depth. The F, Cl, and Br concentrations, together with B concentrations and B isotope ratios in the serpentinized igneous rocks and serpentine muds that include ultramafic clasts from Holes 1200A, 1200B, 1200D, 1200E, and 1200F, support the conclusion that the fluids involved in serpentinization originated from great depths; the dehydration of sediments and altered basalt at the top of the subducting Pacific plate released Cl, H2O, and B with enriched 10B. Calculation from B concentrations and upwelling rates indicate that B is efficiently recycled through this nonaccretionary subduction zone, as through others, and may contribute the critical missing B of the oceanic cycle.