697 resultados para Mobile mammography
Manter o património histórico, natural e artístico por muitos anos é de vital importância pois, sem este património, as gerações não poderiam ter conhecimento nem aprender todos os grandes acontecimentos que têm passado ao longo dos anos num determinado país. Para evitar que esse património se perca foi criado o projecto WISE-MUSE, que tem como objectivo principal a conservação preventiva de obras de arte através de monitorização ambiental, usando uma Rede de Sensores Sem Fios (RSSF) quer para recolher dados quer para transmiti-los. Apesar do projecto WISE-MUSE ser relevante para todos os museus, em geral, este foi aplicado ao caso específico do Museu da Baleia, localizado na Ilha da Madeira, em Portugal. Inicialmente, este projecto preocupava-se essencialmente com a monitorização ambiental das salas de exposição e das câmaras frigoríficas, usando uma rede de sensores sem fios distribuídos pelos espaços em questão. Uma RSSF permite obter dados essenciais à preservação das obras de arte num museu, de uma forma fácil e continua. Para tal, foram usados diferentes tipos de sensores para capturar parametros ambientais, tais como temperatura, humidade, luminosidade, CO e CO2. Um dos objectivos principais do projecto WISE-MUSE é conseguir visualizar as medições recebidas pelos sensores sem fios, de uma forma rápida e fiável, para que quando seja detectado algum problema, os responsáveis pelo museu possam actuar a tempo e resolver o problema sem danos maiores. Tendo em vista este objectivo, este trabalho de mestrado consistiu no desenvolvimento de uma aplicação móvel que permita a visualização e análise dos respectivos dados, em tempo real e independentemente do local onde os utilizadores se encontrem, enviando-lhes alertas caso seja detectado algum parâmetro com valores fora do normal. Esta aplicação foi implementada sobre o sistema operativo Android, por ser um dos mais usados por todo o mundo, assim como graças à sua facilidade de utilização quer por parte dos programadores quer por parte dos utilizadores finais.
O presente relatório tem por objectivo apresentar e descrever de forma detalhada o projecto “Gestform Mobile – Aplicação Web Mobile para Gestão de Formação”, realizado no âmbito do estágio curricular de fim de curso, do Mestrado Integrado em Engenharia Informática, da Universidade da Madeira. O projecto decorreu na empresa Proinov – Consultoria em Gestão, Formação e Multimédia., de 9 de Fevereiro de 2009 a 31 de Julho de 2010. A Proinov venceu o prémio Madeira Inovação Empresarial 2007/2008, com o “Gestform”. O Gestform é uma ferramenta desenvolvida para gestão de Processos de Formação, baseado na Web e pode ser acedida por todos os intervenientes (formadores, formandos, administradores, etc.) via Internet. Com o avançar das tecnologias móveis, surgiu a necessidade de estender o Gestform para uma versão mobile. Pretendeu-se com este estágio criar a versão mobile pretendida pela Proinov, vocacionada apenas para os formadores e formandos. Com a realização deste projecto consegue-se responder aos objectivos enunciados, particularmente em relação à componente realizada neste estágio. Com a criação de uma aplicação mobile, é possível aceder à Área dos Formandos e dos Formadores em qualquer lugar. É um sistema muito vantajoso pois permite realizar as tarefas simples de forma generalizada, a partir de qualquer dispositivo móvel com acesso à internet.
With the current proliferation of sensor equipped mobile devices such as smartphones and tablets, location aware services are expanding beyond the mere efficiency and work related needs of users, evolving in order to incorporate fun, culture and the social life of users. Today people on the move have more and more connectivity and are expected to be able to communicate with their usual and familiar social networks. That means communications not only with their peers and colleagues, friends and family but also with unknown people that might share their interests, curiosities or happen to use the same social network. Through social networks, location aware blogging, cultural mobile applications relevant information is now available at specific geographical locations and open to feedback and conversations among friends as well as strangers. In fact, nowadays smartphone technologies aloud users to post and retrieve content while on the move, often relating to specific physical landmarks or locations, engaging and being engaged in conversations with strangers as much as their own social network. The use of such technologies and applications while on the move can often lead people to serendipitous discoveries and interactions. Throughout our thesis we are engaging on a two folded investigation: how can we foster and support serendipitous discoveries and what are the best interfaces for it? In fact, to read and write content while on the move is a cognitively intensive task. While the map serves the function of orienting the user, it also absorbs most of the user’s concentration. In order to address this kind of cognitive overload issue with Breadcrumbs we propose a 360 degrees interface that enables the user to find content around them by means of scanning the surrounding space with the mobile device. By using a loose metaphor of a periscope, harnessing the power of the smartphone sensors we designed an interactive interface capable of detecting content around the users and display it in the form of 2 dimensional bubbles which diameter depends on their distance from the users. Users will navigate the space in relation to the content that they are curious about, rather than in relation to the traditional geographical map. Through this model we envisage alleviating a certain cognitive overload generated by having to continuously confront a two dimensional map with the real three dimensional space surrounding the user, but also use the content as a navigational filter. Furthermore this alternative mean of navigating space might bring serendipitous discovery about places that user where not aware of or intending to reach. We hence conclude our thesis with the evaluation of the Breadcrumbs application and the comparison of the 360 degrees interface with a traditional 2 dimensional map displayed on the devise screen. Results from the evaluation are compiled in findings and insights for future use in designing and developing context aware mobile applications.
MEDEIROS, Adelardo A. D.A survey of control architectures for autonomous mobile robots. J. Braz. Comp. Soc., Campinas, v. 4, n. 3, abr. 1998 .Disponível em:
NOGUEIRA, Marcelo B. ; MEDEIROS, Adelardo A. D. ; ALSINA, Pablo J. Pose Estimation of a Humanoid Robot Using Images from an Mobile Extern Camera. In: IFAC WORKSHOP ON MULTIVEHICLE SYSTEMS, 2006, Salvador, BA. Anais... Salvador: MVS 2006, 2006.
SANTANA, André M.; SOUZA, Anderson A. S.; BRITTO, Ricardo S.; ALSINA, Pablo J.; MEDEIROS, Adelardo A. D. Localization of a mobile robot based on odometry and natural landmarks using extended Kalman Filter. In: INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON INFORMATICS IN CONTROL, AUTOMATION AND ROBOTICS, 5., 2008, Funchal, Portugal. Proceedings... Funchal, Portugal: ICINCO, 2008.
Assigning cells to switches in a cellular mobile network is known as an NP-hard optimization problem. This means that the alternative for the solution of this type of problem is the use of heuristic methods, because they allow the discovery of a good solution in a very satisfactory computational time. This paper proposes a Beam Search method to solve the problem of assignment cell in cellular mobile networks. Some modifications in this algorithm are also presented, which allows its parallel application. Computational results obtained from several tests confirm the effectiveness of this approach and provide good solutions for large scale problems.
Education is one of the oldest activities practiced by man, but today it is still performed often without creating dialogues and discussions among all those involved, and students are passives agents without interactivity with teachers and the content approached. This work presents a tool used for providing interactivity in educational environments using cell phones, in this way, teachers can use technology to assist in process of education and have a better evaluation of students. The tool developed architecture is shown, exposing features of wireless communication technologies used and how is the connection management using Bluetooth technology, which has a limited number of simultaneous connections. The details of multiple Bluetooth connections and how the system should behave by numerous users are displayed, showing a comparison between different methods of managing connections. Finally, the results obtained with the use of the tool are presented, followed by the analysis of them and a conclusion on the work
Baseado na metodologia de design participativo, este artigo relata o processo de pesquisa e desenvolvimento de uma versão mobile de um sistema já existente para desktop e amplamente utilizado para o compartilhamento de informações acadêmicas em uma universidade federal do Brasil. A pesquisa foi realizada em duas etapas. Na ‘Etapa I’ foram realizados estudos baseados em etnografia envolvendo docentes e discentes: Grupo de Foco, Análise Contextual, Avaliação Heurística Participativa e Avaliação Cooperativa. Por meio dos resultados foi possível identificar funcionalidades e requisitos desejáveis, problemas de usabilidade de uma versão mobile já em processo inicial de desenvolvimento, bem como e elaboração de uma nova interface gráfica. Na ‘Etapa II’ foram avaliados modelos de interação por meio de protótipos especificamente projetados para testes no mecanismo de lançamento de frequência do sistema mobile que, em seguida, foram avaliados através de testes de usabilidade e questionário de satisfação do usuário.
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
This paper presents an approach to integrate an artificial intelligence (AI) technique, concretely rule-based processing, into mobile agents. In particular, it focuses on the aspects of designing and implementing an appropriate inference engine of small size to reduce migration costs. The main goal is combine two lines of agent research, First, the engineering oriented approach on mobile agent architectures, and, second, the AI related approach on inference engines driven by rules expressed in a restricted subset of first-order predicate logic (FOPL). In addition to size reduction, the main functions of this type of engine were isolated, generalized and implemented as dynamic components, making possible not only their migration with the agent, but also their dynamic migration and loading on demand. A set of classes for representing and exchanging knowledge between rule-based systems was also proposed.
This work presents some improvements regarding to the autonomous mobile robot Emmy based on Paraconsistent Annotated Evidential Logic ET. A discussion on navigation system is presented.
This paper presents the prototype of a low-cost terrestrial mobile mapping system (MMS) composed of a van, two digital video cameras, two GPS receivers, a notebook computer, and a sound frame synchronisation system. The imaging sensors are mounted as a stereo video camera on top of the vehicle together with the GPS antennae. The GPS receivers and the notebook computer are configured to record data referred to the vehicle position at a planned time interval. This position is subsequently transferred to the road images. This set of equipment and methods provide the opportunity to merge distinct techniques to make topographic maps and also to build georeferenced road image databases. Both vector maps and raster image databases, when integrated appropriately, can give spatial researchers and engineers a new technique whose application may realise better planning and analysis related to the road environment. The experimental results proved that the MMS developed at the São Paulo State University is an effective approach to inspecting road pavements, to map road marks and traffic signs, electric power poles, telephone booths, drain pipes, and many other applications important to people's safety and welfare. A small number of wad images have already been captured by the prototype as a consequence of its application in distinct projects. An efficient organisation of those images and the prompt access to them justify the need for building a georeferenced image database. By expanding it, both at the hardware and software levels, it is possible for engineers to analyse the entire road environment on their office computers.