965 resultados para Minimal rationality


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A pesquisa apresentada nesta dissertação buscou analisar um programa governamental de educação profissional, o Programa Nacional de Acesso ao Ensino Técnico e Emprego (Pronatec), priorizando uma de suas ações: o Pronatec Bolsa-Formação, na sua execução em um campus do Instituto Federal do Espírito Santo. Tecemos aliança com Foucault para compreender as artes de governar. Junto com autoras/es do campo da educação profissional, realçamos aspectos do Pronatec que, em nossa análise, compõem a governamentalidade neoliberal configurando-se como procedimento de gestão da pobreza, de fragilização do direito à educação para jovens e adultas/os e de fortalecimento do mercado de formação. Dedicamo-nos também a perceber como tal programa se efetiva e os efeitos que produz no cotidiano da escola, bem como as práticas produzidas nos processos de formação por servidoras/es e estudantes que estão ou não nele envolvidas/os. Se para nós é de fundamental importância compreender a racionalidade que opera em tal política de qualificação profissional e inclusão de jovens e adultas/os trabalhadoras/es, produzindo efeitos sobre nossas vidas, igualmente importante é pensar as práticas que estamos produzindo na relação com ela. Assim, ao localizarmos nossa análise no cruzamento entre a formulação governamental e a vida dos sujeitos, pretendemos estar atentas/os à multiplicidade e heterogeneidade que compõem a realidade na qual estamos decisivamente implicadas/os.


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The radial undistortion model proposed by Fitzgibbon and the radial fundamental matrix were early steps to extend classical epipolar geometry to distorted cameras. Later minimal solvers have been proposed to find relative pose and radial distortion, given point correspondences between images. However, a big drawback of all these approaches is that they require the distortion center to be exactly known. In this paper we show how the distortion center can be absorbed into a new radial fundamental matrix. This new formulation is much more practical in reality as it allows also digital zoom, cropped images and camera-lens systems where the distortion center does not exactly coincide with the image center. In particular we start from the setting where only one of the two images contains radial distortion, analyze the structure of the particular radial fundamental matrix and show that the technique also generalizes to other linear multi-view relationships like trifocal tensor and homography. For the new radial fundamental matrix we propose different estimation algorithms from 9,10 and 11 points. We show how to extract the epipoles and prove the practical applicability on several epipolar geometry image pairs with strong distortion that - to the best of our knowledge - no other existing algorithm can handle properly.


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For modern consumer cameras often approximate calibration data is available, making applications such as 3D reconstruction or photo registration easier as compared to the pure uncalibrated setting. In this paper we address the setting with calibrateduncalibrated image pairs: for one image intrinsic parameters are assumed to be known, whereas the second view has unknown distortion and calibration parameters. This situation arises e.g. when one would like to register archive imagery to recently taken photos. A commonly adopted strategy for determining epipolar geometry is based on feature matching and minimal solvers inside a RANSAC framework. However, only very few existing solutions apply to the calibrated-uncalibrated setting. We propose a simple and numerically stable two-step scheme to first estimate radial distortion parameters and subsequently the focal length using novel solvers. We demonstrate the performance on synthetic and real datasets.


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Recent progresses in the software development world has assisted a change in hardware from heavy mainframes and desktop machines to unimaginable small devices leading to the prophetic "third computing paradigm", Ubiquitous Computing. Still, this novel unnoticeable devices lack in various capabilities, like computing power, storage capacity and human interface. Connectivity associated to this devices is also considered an handicap which comes generally associated expensive and limited protocols like GSM and UMTS. Considering this scenario as background, this paper presents a minimal communication protocol introducing better interfaces for limited devices. Special attention has been paid to the limitations of connectivity, storage capacity and scalability of the developed software applications. Illustrating this new protocol, a case-study is presented addressing car sensors communicating with a central


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Baccharis trimera (Less.) (Asteraceae), popularly know as "carqueja", is a species commonly used in folk medicine for the treatment or prevention of diseases. In this context, the purpose of this work was to study the antibacterial activity of crude hydroalcoholic extract from Baccharis trimera against Gram-positive bacterial strains (Staphylococcus aureus ATCC 29213, Staphylococcus saprophyticus ATCC 15305, Staphylococcus epidermidis ATCC 12228, Enterococcus faecalis ATCC 19433) and Gram-negative bacteria (Escherichia coli EHEC ATCC 43895, Pseudomonas aeruginosa ATCC 27853, Klebsiella pneumoniae ATCC 27736, Salmonella typhi ATCC 19430) of clinical interest. Antibacterial susceptibility was evaluated by broth microdilution assay following the CLSI (formerly the NCCLS) guidelines. The extract from B. trimera showed antibacterial activity against Gram-positive bacteria and the most interesting result was obtained against S. epidermidis that presented Minimal Inhibitory Concentration of 250μg/mL. These results indicate that B. trimera have bacterisostatic potential against Gram-positive bacterial strains of medical interest and could serve as a base for further studies on the use of isolated compounds from this species as future antimicrobials.


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A Comissão de Fiscalização e Disciplina, como o próprio nome indica, serve para fiscalizar e disciplinar, no caso de necessidade, adequação, proporcionalidade, sempre com uma intervenção mínima. De acordo com o art. 8º/6 dos Estatutos do SNESup cabe à CFD declarar a perda ou suspensão compulsiva da qualidade de associado na sequência de processo disciplinar, em virtude de incumprimento grave dos respectivos deveres. Abstract: The Audit and Discipline, as its name implies, is to supervise and regulate, in case of necessity, appropriateness, proportionality, always with minimal intervention. According to art. 8/6 of the Statute SNESup it is for the CFD to confiscate or forced suspension of membership in the disciplinary procedure, due to a serious breach of his duties.


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Laparoscopic surgery (LS) has revolutionized traditional surgical techniques introducing minimally invasive procedures for diagnosis and local therapies. LSs have undeniable advantages, such as small patient incisions, reduced postoperative pain and faster recovery. On the other hand, restricted vision of the anatomical target, difficult handling of the surgical instruments, restricted mobility inside the human body, need of dexterity to hand-eye coordination and inadequate and non-ergonomic surgical instruments may restrict LS only to more specialized surgeons. To overcome the referred limitations, this work presents a new robotic surgical handheld system – the EndoRobot. The EndoRobot was designed to be used in clinical practice or even as a surgical simulator. It integrates an electromechanical system with 3 degrees of freedom. Each degree can be manipulated independently and combined with different levels of sensitivity allowing fast and slow movements. As other features, the EndoRobot has battery power or external power supply, enables the use of bipolar radiofrequency to prevent bleeding while cutting and allows plug-and-play of the laparoscopic forceps for rapid exchange. As a surgical simulator, the system was also instrumented to measure and transmit, in real time, its position and orientation for a training software able to monitor and assist the trainee’s surgical movements.


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Background: Precise needle puncture of renal calyces is a challenging and essential step for successful percutaneous nephrolithotomy. This work tests and evaluates, through a clinical trial, a real-time navigation system to plan and guide percutaneous kidney puncture. Methods: A novel system, entitled i3DPuncture, was developed to aid surgeons in establishing the desired puncture site and the best virtual puncture trajectory, by gathering and processing data from a tracked needle with optical passive markers. In order to navigate and superimpose the needle to a preoperative volume, the patient, 3D image data and tracker system were previously registered intraoperatively using seven points that were strategically chosen based on rigid bone structures and nearby kidney area. In addition, relevant anatomical structures for surgical navigation were automatically segmented using a multi-organ segmentation algorithm that clusters volumes based on statistical properties and minimum description length criterion. For each cluster, a rendering transfer function enhanced the visualization of different organs and surrounding tissues. Results: One puncture attempt was sufficient to achieve a successful kidney puncture. The puncture took 265 seconds, and 32 seconds were necessary to plan the puncture trajectory. The virtual puncture path was followed correctively until the needle tip reached the desired kidney calyceal. Conclusions: This new solution provided spatial information regarding the needle inside the body and the possibility to visualize surrounding organs. It may offer a promising and innovative solution for percutaneous punctures.


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Background: An accurate percutaneous puncture is essential for disintegration and removal of renal stones. Although this procedure has proven to be safe, some organs surrounding the renal target might be accidentally perforated. This work describes a new intraoperative framework where tracked surgical tools are superimposed within 4D ultrasound imaging for security assessment of the percutaneous puncture trajectory (PPT). Methods: A PPT is first generated from the skin puncture site towards an anatomical target, using the information retrieved by electromagnetic motion tracking sensors coupled to surgical tools. Then, 2D ultrasound images acquired with a tracked probe are used to reconstruct a 4D ultrasound around the PPT under GPU processing. Volume hole-filling was performed in different processing time intervals by a tri-linear interpolation method. At spaced time intervals, the volume of the anatomical structures was segmented to ascertain if any vital structure is in between PPT and might compromise the surgical success. To enhance the volume visualization of the reconstructed structures, different render transfer functions were used. Results: Real-time US volume reconstruction and rendering with more than 25 frames/s was only possible when rendering only three orthogonal slice views. When using the whole reconstructed volume one achieved 8-15 frames/s. 3 frames/s were reached when one introduce the segmentation and detection if some structure intersected the PPT. Conclusions: The proposed framework creates a virtual and intuitive platform that can be used to identify and validate a PPT to safely and accurately perform the puncture in percutaneous nephrolithotomy.


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RESUMO: Este trabalho tem por objectivo discutir as formas como as incubadoras de empresas contribuem para a criação da cadeia de valores de Micros, Pequenas e Médias Empresas (MPMEs) permitindo a redução dos seus custos de transacção. Para melhor compreender a forma como se reduzem os custos de transacção é importante conhecer os pressupostos comportamentais que provocam a existência de tais custos: a racionalidade limitada, porque a nossa forma de pensar tem limitações; e o oportunismo, porque há pessoas com comportamentos desonestos envolvidas no negócio. O verdadeiro poder explicativo da teoria dos custos de transacção está, no entanto, na análise de três variáveis que determinam se esses custos serão mais baixos numa estrutura hierárquica ou num mercado. Estas três variáveis são: a especificidade de activos - se uma transacção envolve ou não activos específicos à actividade da empresa; a incerteza - qual o grau de incerteza em encontrar um produto ou serviço externo à empresa; e a frequência - e se um bem ou serviço é frequentemente utilizado ou não. As incubadoras de empresas são actualmente consideradas como uma iniciativa essencial ao desenvolvimento socioeconómico regional, e nacional. Estas instituições contribuem para corrigir ineficiências no mercado, conferindo às empresas uma capacidade de inovação tecnológica que garante empregos e a criação de riquezas, aumentando o bem-estar da sociedade. O sucesso da sua actuação resume-se à capacidade para gerar dimensões virtuais que contribuem para a cadeia de valores, permitindo as MPMEs, a redução dos seus custos de transacção. ABSTRACT: This work aims to discuss the relevant forms how incubators contribute to the value chain of a in micro, small and medium enterprises (MSME´s) reducing their transaction costs. To better understand how transaction costs can be reduced one must recognize the behavioral assumptions that are behind there existence; bounded rationality - because our way of thinking has limitations and opportunism - because there are dishonest people involved in the business. The true cost theory´s explanatory power comes from the analyses of the three variables that determine whether those costs will be lower in a hierarchical structure or a market structure. These three variables are: specificity of assets - if the transaction involves or not specific assets in for the firm´s activity; the uncertainty - what is the degree of uncertainty in finding a product or service external to the firm; and the frequency - what is the frequency of the good or service use. Business incubators are currently regarded as a key initiative for the national or regional economic development. The institutions contribute to correct market inefficiencies, improving the capacity of firms to produce technological innovations that guaranty jobs and wealth creation increasing welfare. The success of this all boils down to the capacity to create virtual dimensions that contributes to the MSME´s value chain reducing transaction costs.


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The minimal supersymmetric standard model involves a rather restrictive Higgs potential with two Higgs fields. Recently, the full set of classes of symmetries allowed in the most general two-Higgs-doublet model was identified; these classes do not include the supersymmetric limit as a particular class. Thus, a physically meaningful definition of the supersymmetric limit must involve the interaction of the Higgs sector with other sectors of the theory. Here we show how one can construct basis invariant probes of supersymmetry involving both the Higgs sector and the gaugino-Higgsino-Higgs interactions.


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Este trabalho sugere uma solução de integração de dados em tempo real no contexto dos transportes públicos. Com o aumento das alternativas oferecidas aos utilizadores dos transportes públicos é importante que estes conheçam todas as alternativas com base em informação em tempo real para que realizem a escolha que melhor se enquadre às suas necessidades. Por outro lado, os operadores de transportes públicos deverão ser capazes de disponibilizar toda a informação pretendida com o mínimo de esforço ou de alterações ao sistema que têm implementado. Neste trabalho serão utilizadas ferramentas que permitem fornecer uma visão homogénea das várias fontes de dados heterogéneas, sendo essa homogeneidade o ponto de integração de todas as fontes de dados com as aplicações cliente.


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A preocupação sobre a qualidade do ar nas zonas industriais confere aos estudos sobre a qualidade do ar uma importância acrescida. Este trabalho teve como objectivo saber qual a contribuição dos principais poluentes provenientes do tráfego automóvel para a qualidade do ar na zona do parque industrial da Sapec, da Península da Mitrena, concelho de Setúbal, recorrendo ao modelo meteorológico e de qualidade do ar, TAPM (The Air Pollution Model). Neste trabalho analisaram-se dados da estação de monitorização da qualidade do ar, mais próxima da zona de estudo (Subestação) por forma a caracterizar-se a zona em causa, a nível meteorológico e da qualidade do ar. Os dados metereológico desta estação também foram utilizados com o objectivo de se validar os resultados meteorológicos obtidos pelo modelo. Na avaliação da contribuição do tráfego para a qualidade do ar, recorreu-se a um estudo de tráfego realizado pela Estradas de Portugal (EP) em 2004. Este estudo realizou a contagem dos veículos que se dirigiram ao parque industrial nos dias 14 e 15 de Dezembro, num período de 24 horas. A partir dessa contagem e de factores de emissão foi possível determinar a contribuição, de cada classe de veículo, para as concentrações atmosféricas de PM10 (resultantes de processos de combustão e ressuspensão), NOx, CO e HC. A comparação entre os dados meteorológicos simulados e medidos mostram que o modelo teve um bom comportamento, isto é, as discrepâncias entre os valores simulados e medidos foram mínimas. Relativamente à contribuição de cada categoria de veículos para a qualidade do ar, verificou-se que a classe de pesados de mercadorias foi aquela que mais contribui para as emissões de PM10, NOx e HC, enquanto que para as emissões de CO foram os veículos ligeiros de passageiros que tiveram uma maior contribuição. As classes dos motociclos e ciclomotores foram aquelas que tiveram uma menor contribuição para as concentrações atmosféricas de poluentes. Comparando as emissões de PM10 provenientes dos processos de combustão e de ressuspensão conclui-se que a maior percentagem provem da ressuspensão.


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Several topics on CP violation in the lepton sector are reviewed. A few theoretical aspects concerning neutrino masses, leptonic mixing, and CP violation will be covered, with special emphasis on seesaw models. A discussion is provided on observable effects which are manifest in the presence of CP violation, particularly, in neutrino oscillations and neutrinoless double beta decay processes, and their possible implications in collider experiments such as the LHC. The role that leptonic CP violation may have played in the generation of the baryon asymmetry of the Universe through the mechanism of leptogenesis is also discussed.


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The idea of grand unification in a minimal supersymmetric SU(5) x SU(5) framework is revisited. It is shown that the unification of gauge couplings into a unique coupling constant can be achieved at a high-energy scale compatible with proton decay constraints. This requires the addition of minimal particle content at intermediate energy scales. In particular, the introduction of the SU(2)(L) triplets belonging to the (15, 1)+((15) over bar, 1) representations, as well as of the scalar triplet Sigma(3) and octet Sigma(8) in the (24, 1) representation, turns out to be crucial for unification. The masses of these intermediate particles can vary over a wide range, and even lie in the TeV region. In contrast, the exotic vector-like fermions must be heavy enough and have masses above 10(10) GeV. We also show that, if the SU(5) x SU(5) theory is embedded into a heterotic string scenario, it is not possible to achieve gauge coupling unification with gravity at the perturbative string scale.