952 resultados para Microorganisms in the animal body


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The overall objective of this thesis was to study the effects of regular and high (super-) doses of phytase in the gut of broilers, with the aim of documenting the mechanism of their action leading to improvements in animal health. Phytase is often supplemented to commercial broiler diets to facilitate the hydrolysis of plant phytate and release of phosphorus for utilisation. Although not the original intention of its addition, phytase supplementation leads to improvements in growth performance parameters and enhanced nutrient utilisation. Further benefits have also been observed following the addition of super-doses of phytase which are not explained by an increase in phosphorus release, and thus have been termed ‘extra-phosphoric effects’. Using diets formulated to be adequate or marginally deficient in available phosphorus (aP; forming the negative control, NC), phytase was supplemented at 1,500 and 3,000 FTU/kg phytase in the first study (both super-doses) and the partitioning of nutrients within the body was investigated. It appeared that there were some metabolic changes between 1,500 and 3,000 FTU/kg, switching between protein and fat accretion, potentially as a consequence of nutrient availability, although these changes were not reflected by changes in growth performance parameters. However, the loss of the NC treatment without phytase on day 12 limits the comparison of the phytase within the NC treatment, but does allow for comparison of each dose at adequate or low dietary aP levels. As expected, a greater degree of phytate hydrolysis was achieved with 3,000 than with 1,500 FTU/kg phytase, but changes in carcass accretion characteristics were greater with 1,500 than 3,000 FTU/kg. Using these findings and the observation that there were no further changes in the parameters measured by increasing phytase from 1,500 to 3,000 FTU/kg (aside from phytate hydrolysis), 1,500 FTU/kg phytase was selected as the super-dose to be used in subsequent studies. The next study considered the influence of regular (500 FTU/kg) and super doses (1,500 FTU/kg) of phytase from within the gut. Overall, it was observed that changes were occurring to the gut environment, which ultimately would influence the absorptive capacity and conditions for further phytate hydrolysis. Dietary treatment influenced gut conditions such as pH, intestinal morphology and bacterial populations which can subsequently influence nutrient utilisation and potential for growth. The subsequent study was designed to investigate the effects within the gut in more detail. The release of nutrients from phytate hydrolysis and their bioavailability within the digesta can influence conditions within intestine, facilitating enhanced absorption. One of the parameters investigated was the expression of genes involved in the transport of nutrients in the intestine. Overall, there were few significant dietary treatment influences on gene expression in the intestine, however there was a dose-dependent response of phytase on the expression of the jejunual divalent mineral transporter. This indicates a change in divalent mineral bioavailability in the intestine, with correlations with inositol phosphate esters (IPs) being identified. This is likely explained by the IPs produced by phytase hydrolysis and accumulating in the digesta, differing between regular and high doses of phytase. It became apparent that interactions between the products of phytate hydrolysis (IP3, IP4) and minerals in the digesta had the potential to influence the gut environment and subsequent nutrient bioavailability and overall phytase action. The final study was designed to increase the content of the IPs, and investigate the influence of phytase under these conditions. As the complete hydrolysis of phytate to myo-inositol has been reported to be beneficial due to its proposed insulin mimetic effects, myo-inositol was also supplemented to one of the diets to see if any further benefits would be observed when supplemented alongside super-doses of phytase. Neither increased concentrations of the higher IP esters (IP6, IP5 and IP4) nor myo-inositol (myo-) had any effect on broiler growth performance, however there were still apparent beneficial influences of phytase supplementation. The results suggest considerable and important interactions between minerals and IP esters within the digesta, which ultimately have the potential to influence gut conditions and thus nutrient utilisation and growth performance. Reduced concentrations of blood glucose in the high IP ester diet with additional phytase supplementation suggest some insulin-like effects of myo- production. Additionally, the lack of effect of myo- supplementation on blood glucose and insulin concentrations suggests a difference between the structure of phytase-produced myo- and supplemented myo-. Although there were no improvements in growth performance by increasing phytase from 500 to 1,500 FTU/kg, there were changes occurring at the level of the gut and expression of genes in the intestine, influencing nutrient utilisation and the partitioning of nutrients within the body. There are many factors to be considered when supplementing phytase, with dietary nutrient content and nutrient release and IP production during phytate hydrolysis having an influence on phytase action, nutrient absorption and conditions within the gut. Super-doses of phytase may be beneficial for maintaining optimal gut conditions, clearing IP esters from the digesta, reducing their potential to form complexes with minerals and other nutrients, ultimately influencing the efficiency of production.


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Adolescent Idiopathic Scoliosis (AIS) is the most common deformity of the spine, affecting 2-4% of the population. Previous studies have shown that the vertebrae in scoliotic spines undergo abnormal shape changes, however there has been little exploration of how AIS affects bone density distribution within the vertebrae. Existing pre-operative CT scans of 53 female idiopathic scoliosis patients with right-sided main thoracic curves were used to measure the lateral (right to left) bone density profile at mid-height through each vertebral body. This study demonstrated that AIS patients have a marked convex/concave asymmetry in bone density for vertebral levels at or near the apex of the scoliotic curve. To the best of our knowledge, the only previous studies of bone density distribution in AIS are those of Périé et al [1,2], who reported a coronal plane ‘mechanical migration’ of 0.54mm toward the concavity of the scoliotic curve in the lumbar apical vertebrae of 11 scoliosis patients. This is comparable to the value of 0.8mm (4%) in our study, especially since our patients had more severe scoliotic curves. From a bone adaptation perspective, these results suggest that the axial loading on the scoliotic spine is strongly asymmetric.


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Adolescent Idiopathic Scoliosis (AIS) is the most common deformity of the spine, affecting 2-4% of the population. Previous studies have shown that the vertebrae in scoliotic spines undergo abnormal shape changes, however there has been little exploration of how scoliosis affects bone density distribution within the vertebrae. In this study, existing CT scans of 53 female idiopathic scoliosis patients with right-sided main thoracic curves were used to measure the lateral (right to left) bone density profile at mid-height through each vertebral body. Five key bone density profile measures were identified from each normalised bone density distribution, and multiple regression analysis was performed to explore the relationship between bone density distribution and patient demographics (age, height, weight, body mass index (BMI), skeletal maturity, time since Menarche, vertebral level, and scoliosis curve severity). Results showed a marked convex/concave asymmetry in bone density for vertebral levels at or near the apex of the scoliotic curve. At the apical vertebra, mean bone density at the left side (concave) cortical shell was 23.5% higher than for the right (convex) cortical shell, and cancellous bone density along the central 60% of the lateral path from convex to concave increased by 13.8%. The centre of mass of the bone density profile at the thoracic curve apex was located 53.8% of the distance along the lateral path, indicating a shift of nearly 4% toward the concavity of the deformity. These lateral bone density gradients tapered off when moving away from the apical vertebra. Multi-linear regressions showed that the right cortical shell peak bone density is significantly correlated with skeletal maturity, with each Risser increment corresponding to an increase in mineral equivalent bone density of 4-5%. There were also statistically significant relationships between patient height, weight and BMI, and the gradient of cancellous bone density along the central 60% of the lateral path. Bone density gradient is positively correlated with weight, and negatively correlated with height and BMI, such that at the apical vertebra, a unit decrease in BMI corresponds to an almost 100% increase in bone density gradient.


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Top screw pullout occurs when the screw is under too much axial force to remain secure in the vertebral body. In vitro biomechanical pullout tests are commonly done to find the maximum fixation strength of anterior vertebral body screws. Typically, pullout tests are done instantaneously where the screw is inserted and then pulled out immediately after insertion. However, bone is a viscoelastic material so it shows a time dependent stress and strain response. Because of this property, it was hypothesised that creep occurs in the vertebral trabecular bone due to the stress caused by the screw. The objective of this study was therefore to determine whether the axial pullout strength of anterior vertebral body screws used for scoliosis correction surgery changes with time after insertion. This study found that there is a possible relationship between pullout strength and time; however more testing is required as the sample numbers were quite small. The design of the screw is made with the knowledge of the strength it must obtain. This is important to prevent such occurrences as top screw pullout. If the pullout strength is indeed decreased due to creep, the design of the screw may need to be changed to withstand greater forces.


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The Body Mass Index (BMI) has been used worldwide as an indicator of fatness. However, the universal cut-off points by the World Health Organisation (WHO) classification may not be appropriate for every ethnic group when consider the relationship with their actual total body fatness(%BF). The application of population-specific classifications to assess BMI may be more relevant to public health. Ethnic differences in the BMI%BF relationship between 45 Japanese and 42 Australian-Caucasian males were assessed using whole body dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry (DXA) scan and anthropometry using a standard protocol. Japanese males had significantly (p<0.05) greater %BF at given BMI values than Australian males. When this is taken into account the newly proposed Asia-Pacific BMI classification of BMI 23 as overweight and 25 as obese may better assess the level of obesity that is associated increased health risks for this population. To clarify the current findings, further studies that compare the relationships across other Japanese populations are recommended.


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'Beyond the intercultural to the Accented Body’ foregrounds contemporary choreography as a multi-modal practice which is increasingly interdisciplinary and engages with interactive technologies. These concepts are explored in the context of intercultural dance and performance practices particularly in relation to issues of identity, hybridity, the diaspora and transformation. Four models of intercultural choreography are proposed: in-country immersion; collaborative international exchanges through sharing of culturally diverse practices; hybrid practices of diasporic artists; and implicit intercultural connections. The latter model is investigated via a case study of an interactive, multi-site and interdisciplinary collaboration Accented Body.


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This paper will examine the literature on ‘anorexia nervosa’, and argue that it is underpinned by three fundamental assumptions. First, ‘anorexia nervosa’ is a reflection of the mismatch between true ‘inner self’ and the external ‘false self’, the latter self being the distorted product of a male dominated society. Second, the explanation for the severe fasting practices constitutive of ‘anorexia nervosa’ (a new social problem) is to be found within the binary opposition of resistance/conformity to contemporary cultural expectations. Finally, ‘anorexia nervosa’ is a problem which exists in nature (i.e., independently of analysis). It was eventually discovered, named and explained. This paper will problematise each of these assumptions in turn, and in doing so, it will propose an alternative way of understanding contemporary fasting practices.


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An interpretative methodology for understanding meaning in cinema since the 1950s, auteur analysis is an approach to film studies in which an individual, usually the director, is studied as the author of her or his films. The principal argument of this thesis is that proponents of auteurism have privileged examination of the visual components in a film-maker’s body of work, neglecting the potentially significant role played by sound. The thesis seeks to address this problematic imbalance by interrogating the creative use of sound in the films written and directed by Rolf de Heer, asking the question, “Does his use of sound make Rolf de Heer an aural auteur?” In so far as the term ‘aural’ encompasses everything in the film that is heard by the audience, the analysis seeks to discover if de Heer has, as Peter Wollen suggests of the auteur and her or his directing of the visual components (1968, 1972 and 1998), unconsciously left a detectable aural signature on his films. The thesis delivers an innovative outcome by demonstrating that auteur analysis that goes beyond the mise-en-scène (i.e. visuals) is productive and worthwhile as an interpretive response to film. De Heer’s use of the aural point of view and binaural sound recording, his interest in providing a ‘voice’ for marginalised people, his self-penned song lyrics, his close and early collaboration with composer Graham Tardif and sound designer Jim Currie, his ‘hands-on’ approach to sound recording and sound editing and his predilection for making films about sound are all shown to be examples of de Heer’s aural auteurism. As well as the three published (or accepted for publication) interviews with de Heer, Tardif and Currie, the dissertation consists of seven papers refereed and published (or accepted for publication) in journals and international conference proceedings, a literature review and a unifying essay. The papers presented are close textual analyses of de Heer’s films which, when considered as a whole, support the thesis’ overall argument and serve as a comprehensive auteur analysis, the first such sustained study of his work, and the first with an emphasis on the aural.


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Orlistat and sibutramine only cause modest reductions in body weight. Rimonabant, a cannabinoid receptor 1 antagonist, is a new approach to weight reduction, but is it safe, efficacious, and better than the existing agents?


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This article examines the continued relevance of the 16-19 business education curriculum in the UK, stimulated by doubts expressed by Thomas (1996), over its continued relevance. We express a concern that business education needs, but is struggling, to respond to significant societal shifts in consumption and production strategies that do not sit easily within traditional theories of business practice currently underpinning 16-19 business education. We examine firstly, the extent to which a formal body of knowledge couched in a modernist discourse of facts and objectivity can cope with the changing and fluid developments in much current business practice that is rooted in the cultural and symbolic. Secondly, the extent to which both academic and vocational competences provide the means for students to develop a framework of critical understanding that can respond effectively to rapidly changing business environments.Findings are based on research conducted jointly by the University of Manchester and the Manchester Institute for Popular Culture at Manchester Metropolitan University. The growth of dynamism of the cultural industries sector - largely micro-businesses and small and medium sized enterprises (SMEs) -encapsulates forms of business knowledge, business language and business practice which may not immediately fit with the models provided within business education. Results suggest increasingly reflexive forms of consumption being met by similarly reflexive and flexible modes of production.Our evidence suggests that whilst modernist business knowledge is often the foundation for many 16-19 business education courses, these programmes of study/training do not usually reflect the activities of SME and micro-business practitioners in the cultural industries. Given the importance of cultural industries in terms of the production strategies required to meet increasingly reflexive markets, it is suggested that there may be a need to incorporate a postmodern approach to the current content and pedagogy; one that is contextual, cultural and discursive.


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It has been suggested that the Internet is the most significant driver of international trade in recent years to the extent that the term =internetalisation‘ has been coined (Bell, Deans, Ibbotson & Sinkovics, 2001; Buttriss & Wilkinson, 2003). This term is used to describe the Internet‘s affect on the internationalisation process of the firm. Consequently, researchers have argued that the internationalisation process of the firm has altered due to the Internet, hence is in need of further investigation. However, as there is limited research and understanding, ambiguity remains in how the Internet has influenced international market growth. Thus, the purpose of this study was to explore how the Internet influences firms‘ internationalisation process, specifically, international market growth. To this end, Internet marketing and international market growth theories are used to illuminate this ambiguity in the body of knowledge. Thus, the research problem =How and why does the Internet influence international market growth of the firm’ is justified for investigation. To explore the research question a two-stage approach is used. Firstly, twelve case studies were used to evaluate key concepts, generate hypotheses and to develop a model of Internetalisation for testing. The participants held key positions within their firm, so that rich data could be drawn from international market growth decision makers. Secondly, a quantitative confirmation process analysed the identified themes or constructs, using two hundred and twenty four valid responses. Constructs were evaluated through an exploratory factor analysis, confirmatory factor analysis and structural equation modelling process. Structural equation modelling was used to test the model of =internetalisation‘ to examine the interrelationships between the internationalisation process components: information availability, information usage, interaction communication, international mindset, business relationship usage, psychic distance, the Internet intensity of the firm and international market growth. This study found that the Internet intensity of the firm mediates information availability, information usage, international mindset, and business relationships when firms grow in international markets. Therefore, these results provide empirical evidence that the Internet has a positive influence on international information, knowledge, entrepreneurship and networks and these in turn influence international market growth. The theoretical contributions are three fold. Firstly, the study identifies a holistic model of the impact the Internet has had on the outward internationalisation of the firm. This contribution extends the body of knowledge pertaining to Internet international marketing by mapping and confirming interrelationships between the Internet, internationalisation and growth concepts. Secondly, the study highlights the broad scope and accelerated rate of international market growth of firms. Evidence that the Internet influences the traditional and virtual networks for the pursuit of international market growth extends the current understanding. Thirdly, this study confirms that international information, knowledge, entrepreneurship and network concepts are valid in a single model. Thus, these three contributions identify constructs, measure constructs in a multi-item capacity, map interrelationships and confirm single holistic model of ‗internetalisation‘. The main practical contribution is that the findings identified information, knowledge and entrepreneurial opportunities for firms wishing to maximise international market growth. To capitalise on these opportunities suggestions are offered to assist firms to develop greater Internet intensity and internationalisation capabilities. From a policy perspective, educational institutions and government bodies need to promote more applied programs for Internet international marketing. The study provides future researchers with a platform of identified constructs and interrelationships related to internetalisation, with which to investigate. However, a single study has limitations of generalisability; thus, future research should replicate this study. Such replication or cross validation will assist in the verification of scales used in this research and enhance the validity of causal predications. Furthermore, this study was undertaken in the Australian outward-bound context. Research in other nations, as well as research into inbound internationalisation would be fruitful.


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Women’s experience of the change room mirror is not a particularly affirmative one. The pleasure in looking at the self is dissipated by the ideal feminine ‘I’ that hovers in the shadows of their image of self and others constructing dystopian surveillance and entrapment. This article considers the responses of a number of women bloggers who describe their negative experiences in front of change room mirrors. It also argues that the mirror has been used in positive and creative ways by women artists to assert a self that is not subject to a critical gaze.


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The present study examined the capacity of the mud crab, Scylla serrata to digest experimental diets that contained different animal and plant-based feed meals or different levels or types of starch. The apparent dry matter digestibility (ADMD) coefficients for all feed meals tested in the first part of this study, except meat meal, were similar (78–88%). Crude protein digestibility (ACPD) coefficients for all feed meals were relatively high, with values ranging from 86% to 96%. Cotton seed meal, poultry meal, canola meal, fishmeal, soybean meal and lupin meal had similar gross energy digestibility (AGED) values (P>0.05) ranging from 84% to 89%. In the second part of this study, the impact of selected starches on the digestibility of fishmeal-based formulated diets was assessed. The apparent starch digestibility (ASD) of wheat starch decreased significantly as the inclusion level was increased from 15% to 60%, however, there was no significant effect on ACPD values. At a 30% inclusion level, the ASD of diets containing different starches decreased in the order corn>wheat>potato=rice. Moreover, ACPD values were significantly higher (P<0.05) in the diets containing corn or rice starch than in those containing wheat or potato starches.


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Low back pain is an increasing problem in industrialised countries and although it is a major socio-economic problem in terms of medical costs and lost productivity, relatively little is known about the processes underlying the development of the condition. This is in part due to the complex interactions between bone, muscle, nerves and other soft tissues of the spine, and the fact that direct observation and/or measurement of the human spine is not possible using non-invasive techniques. Biomechanical models have been used extensively to estimate the forces and moments experienced by the spine. These models provide a means of estimating the internal parameters which can not be measured directly. However, application of most of the models currently available is restricted to tasks resembling those for which the model was designed due to the simplified representation of the anatomy. The aim of this research was to develop a biomechanical model to investigate the changes in forces and moments which are induced by muscle injury. In order to accurately simulate muscle injuries a detailed quasi-static three dimensional model representing the anatomy of the lumbar spine was developed. This model includes the nine major force generating muscles of the region (erector spinae, comprising the longissimus thoracis and iliocostalis lumborum; multifidus; quadratus lumborum; latissimus dorsi; transverse abdominis; internal oblique and external oblique), as well as the thoracolumbar fascia through which the transverse abdominis and parts of the internal oblique and latissimus dorsi muscles attach to the spine. The muscles included in the model have been represented using 170 muscle fascicles each having their own force generating characteristics and lines of action. Particular attention has been paid to ensuring the muscle lines of action are anatomically realistic, particularly for muscles which have broad attachments (e.g. internal and external obliques), muscles which attach to the spine via the thoracolumbar fascia (e.g. transverse abdominis), and muscles whose paths are altered by bony constraints such as the rib cage (e.g. iliocostalis lumborum pars thoracis and parts of the longissimus thoracis pars thoracis). In this endeavour, a separate sub-model which accounts for the shape of the torso by modelling it as a series of ellipses has been developed to model the lines of action of the oblique muscles. Likewise, a separate sub-model of the thoracolumbar fascia has also been developed which accounts for the middle and posterior layers of the fascia, and ensures that the line of action of the posterior layer is related to the size and shape of the erector spinae muscle. Published muscle activation data are used to enable the model to predict the maximum forces and moments that may be generated by the muscles. These predictions are validated against published experimental studies reporting maximum isometric moments for a variety of exertions. The model performs well for fiexion, extension and lateral bend exertions, but underpredicts the axial twist moments that may be developed. This discrepancy is most likely the result of differences between the experimental methodology and the modelled task. The application of the model is illustrated using examples of muscle injuries created by surgical procedures. The three examples used represent a posterior surgical approach to the spine, an anterior approach to the spine and uni-lateral total hip replacement surgery. Although the three examples simulate different muscle injuries, all demonstrate the production of significant asymmetrical moments and/or reduced joint compression following surgical intervention. This result has implications for patient rehabilitation and the potential for further injury to the spine. The development and application of the model has highlighted a number of areas where current knowledge is deficient. These include muscle activation levels for tasks in postures other than upright standing, changes in spinal kinematics following surgical procedures such as spinal fusion or fixation, and a general lack of understanding of how the body adjusts to muscle injuries with respect to muscle activation patterns and levels, rate of recovery from temporary injuries and compensatory actions by other muscles. Thus the comprehensive and innovative anatomical model which has been developed not only provides a tool to predict the forces and moments experienced by the intervertebral joints of the spine, but also highlights areas where further clinical research is required.


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This thesis investigates the phenomenon of self-harm as a form of political protest using two different, but complementary, methods of inquiry: a theoretical research project and a novel. Through these two approaches, to the same research problem, I examine how we can re-position the body that self-harms in political protest from weapon to voice; and in doing so find a path towards ethical and equitable dialogue between marginalised and mainstream communities. The theoretical, or academic, portion of the thesis examines self-harm as protest, positing these acts as a form of tactical selfharm, and acknowledge its emergence as a voice for the otherwise silenced in the public sphere. Through the use of phenomenology and feminist theory I examine the body as site for political agency, the circumstances which surround the use of the body for protest, and the reaction to tactical self-harm by the individual and the state. Using Bakhtin’s concept of dialogism, and the dialogic space I propose that by ‘hearing’ the body engaged in tactical selfharm we come closer to entering into an ethical dialogue with the otherwise silenced in our communities (locally, nationally and globally). The novel, Imperfect Offerings, explores these ideas in a fictional world, and allows me to put faces, names and lives to those who are compelled to harm their bodies to be heard. Also using Bakhtin’s framework I encourage a dialogue between the critical and creative parts of the thesis, challenging the traditional paradigm of creative PhD projects as creative work and exegesis.