991 resultados para Mickiewicz, Adam
Contient : 1° « Les Lamentacions monseigneur sainct BERNARD » ; 2° « Le Livre des Meditacions monseigneur saint BERnard » ; 3° « Les Contemplacions monseigneur saint AUGUSTIN » ; 4° « Une belle Oroison de saint AUGUSTIN » (fol. 55) : ; 5° « Les Meditacions saint AUGUSTIN pensant à Dieu » ; 6° « Ung Traitié comment on doit Dieu amer de tout son cueir » ; 7° « L'Ordonnance du char Heliez le prophete » (fol. 67) : ; 8° « Un Preschement de Nostre Seigneur Jhesu Crist » (fol. 69), parabole de la semence ; 9° « Ce sont les sept choses que cuer en qui Dieu habite doit avoir » (fol. 71) : ; 10° « Comment.IIII. pechiés mortelz sont signifiés par.IIII. bestes sauvaiges » (fol. 72) : ; 11° « De la Demande que fist la mere de saint Jehan et de saint Jaques à Nostre Seigneur Jhesu Crist » ; 12° « Le Livre de la misere de l'omme », par « LOTHIER » ; 13° « Le Livre des biens que tribulacion fait à l'ame » ; 14° « Aucuns bons Enseignements pour eschiver les pechies de luxure, d'avarice et d'accide » ; 15° « De l'Aage Adam, et comment il envoya Seth son filz en paradis terrestre » (fol. 130) : ; 16° « La Devise de la messe » (fol. 132) : ; 17° « L'Ordonnance comment on se doit confesser » (fol. 135) : ; 18° « Les Enseignements que le bon roy saint Loys fist et escript de sa main, et les envoya de Cartaige où il estoit au roy Phelippes son filz » ; 19° « Les Enseignements que... saint Loys... envoya... à la royne de Navarre sa fille » (fol. 140) : ; 20° « La Fin que le bon roy saint Loys ot à sa mort, que l'evesque de Thunes envoya à Thibaut, roy de Navarre » (fol. 141) : ; 21° « Le Livre maistre HUGUES DE SAINT VICTOR » ; 22° « Les Proverbes de SENEQUE, en prose » ; 23° « Les Dictz et Proverbes des Saiges », cinquantecinq quatrains ; 24° « Le Dit des philosophes du grant roy Alixandre, quant il fut mort », en seize vers (fol. 172) ; 25° « Ung beau Dictié c'on appelle : Je vois mourir », quarante-cinq sixains ; 26° « Le Pater noster en françois » ; 27° « La Meditacion de la mort »
In conducting genome-wide association studies (GWAS), analytical approaches leveraging biological information may further understanding of the pathophysiology of clinical traits. To discover novel associations with estimated glomerular filtration rate (eGFR), a measure of kidney function, we developed a strategy for integrating prior biological knowledge into the existing GWAS data for eGFR from the CKDGen Consortium. Our strategy focuses on single nucleotide polymorphism (SNPs) in genes that are connected by functional evidence, determined by literature mining and gene ontology (GO) hierarchies, to genes near previously validated eGFR associations. It then requires association thresholds consistent with multiple testing, and finally evaluates novel candidates by independent replication. Among the samples of European ancestry, we identified a genome-wide significant SNP in FBXL20 (P = 5.6 × 10(-9)) in meta-analysis of all available data, and additional SNPs at the INHBC, LRP2, PLEKHA1, SLC3A2 and SLC7A6 genes meeting multiple-testing corrected significance for replication and overall P-values of 4.5 × 10(-4)-2.2 × 10(-7). Neither the novel PLEKHA1 nor FBXL20 associations, both further supported by association with eGFR among African Americans and with transcript abundance, would have been implicated by eGFR candidate gene approaches. LRP2, encoding the megalin receptor, was identified through connection with the previously known eGFR gene DAB2 and extends understanding of the megalin system in kidney function. These findings highlight integration of existing genome-wide association data with independent biological knowledge to uncover novel candidate eGFR associations, including candidates lacking known connections to kidney-specific pathways. The strategy may also be applicable to other clinical phenotypes, although more testing will be needed to assess its potential for discovery in general.
«Quand un discours m'exalte...» : aApproche ethnolinguistique des discours de jasare (Zarma - Niger)
En 1834, Eugène Scribe réécrit un Singspiel de Goethe qui se déroule en Suisse ('Jeri und Bätely', 1780) pour la scène de l'Opéra comique, avec la musique d'Adolphe Adam. Deux ans plus tard, Gaetano Donizetti traduit le livret de Scribe en italien. Ces migrations et traductions ont fait, entre autres, l'objet d'un projet de recherche dirigé par Marie Caffari à l'Institut Littéraire Suisse de Bienne. Bernard Banoun, Francesco Micieli et Raphael Urweider se sont confrontés dans leurs propres traductions avec ce texte stratifié. Le volume regroupe aussi des essais de traductologues et musicologues qui offrent différentes perspectives méthodologiques sur cet opéra en voyage.
Background: The type of anesthesia to be used for total hip arthroplasty (THA) is still a matter of debate. We compared the occurrence of per- and post-anesthesia incidents in patients receiving either general (GA) or regional anesthesia (RA). Methods: We used data from 29 hospitals, routinely collected in the Anaesthesia Databank Switzerland register between January 2001 and December 2003. We used multi-level logistic regression models. Results: There were more per- and post-anesthesia incidents under GA compared to RA (35.1% vs 32.7 %, n = 3191, and 23.1% vs 19.4%, n = 3258, respectively). In multi-level logistic regression analysis, RA was significantly associated with a lower incidence of per-anesthetic problems, especially hypertension, compared with GA. During the post-anesthetic period, RA was also less associated with pain. Conversely, RA was more associated with post-anesthetic hypotension, especially for epidural technique. In addition, age and ASA were more associated with incidents under GA compared to RA. Men were more associated with per-anesthetic problems under RA compared to GA. Whereas increased age (>67), gender (male), and ASA were linked with the choice of RA, we noticed that this choice depended also on hospital practices after we adjusted for the other variables. Conclusions: Compared to RA, GA was associated with an increased proportion of per- and post-anesthesia incidents. Although this study is only observational, it is rooted in daily practice. Whereas RA might be routinely proposed, GA might be indicated because of contraindications to RA, patients' preferences or other surgical or anaesthesiology related reasons. Finally, the choice of a type of anesthesia seems to depend on local practices that may differ between hospitals.
CD44 is the major cell-surface receptor for hyaluronan, which is implicated in cell-cell and cell-matrix adhesion, cell migration, and signaling. Studies have shown that CD44-dependent migration requires CD44 to be shed from the cell surface and that matrix metalloproteinase-mediated cleavage may provide an underlying mechanism. However, the full spectrum of proteases that may participate in CD44 shedding has yet to be defined. In this issue, Anderegg et al. demonstrate that ADAM10, but not ADAM17 or MMP14, mediates constitutive shedding of CD44 in human melanoma cells and that knockdown of ADAM10 blocks the antiproliferative activity of the soluble proteolytic cleavage product of CD44.
Background: The type of anesthesia to be used for total hip arthroplasty (THA) is still a matter of debate. We compared the occurrence of per- and post-anesthesia incidents in patients receiving either general (GA) or regional anesthesia (RA). Methods: We used data from 29 hospitals, routinely collected in the Anaesthesia Databank Switzerland register between January 2001 and December 2003. We used multi-level logistic regression models. Results: There were more per- and post-anesthesia incidents under GA compared to RA (35.1% vs 32.7 %, n = 3191, and 23.1% vs 19.4%, n = 3258, respectively). In multi-level logistic regression analysis, RA was significantly associated with a lower incidence of per-anesthetic problems, especially hypertension, compared with GA. During the post-anesthetic period, RA was also less associated with pain. Conversely, RA was more associated with post-anesthetic hypotension, especially for epidural technique. In addition, age and ASA were more associated with incidents under GA compared to RA. Men were more associated with per-anesthetic problems under RA compared to GA. Whereas increased age (>67), gender (male), and ASA were linked with the choice of RA, we noticed that this choice depended also on hospital practices after we adjusted for the other variables. Conclusions: Compared to RA, GA was associated with an increased proportion of per- and post-anesthesia incidents. Although this study is only observational, it is rooted in daily practice. Whereas RA might be routinely proposed, GA might be indicated because of contraindications to RA, patients' preferences or other surgical or anaesthesiology related reasons. Finally, the choice of a type of anesthesia seems to depend on local practices that may differ between hospitals.
Compte tenu des relations étroites existant entre le pouvoir politique et l'histoire - et plus particulièrement l'enseignement de l'histoire à l'école - , les manuels constituent un objet d'étude privilégié de l'évolution des relations pouvoir/enseignement. Ils fournissent un lieu de médiation privilégié entre les savoirs savants et les savoirs scolaires institutionnels ; ils permettent d'observer les conceptions didactiques préconisées par l'institution scolaire. Si, sous l'égide de l'Etat-nation au 19e siècle, les savoirs savants historiques et les savoirs scolaires étaient entremêlés, les rapports se sont complexifiés durant le 20e siècle en raison notamment de la prise de distance progressive de l'histoire savante à l'égard du pouvoir. Petit à petit, à partir des années 1930, le concept d'histoire- problème, initié par l'école historique des Annales, dépasse l'histoire-récit de l'école historique positiviste (méthodique) du 19e siècle et sa traduction du récit- national au coeur de la leçon d'histoire. Cependant, si après 1945, l'école des Annales, puis la Nouvelle histoire, tendent à s'imposer dans le champ de l'histoire savante francophone, elles se heurtent à une tradition scolaire bien établie et modifient peu et tardivement les curricula, les manuels et les pratiques enseignantes. Progressivement donc, une fracture apparaît entre l'histoire savante et l'histoire scolaire. Dans cette étude, notre travail envisage l'analyse du manuel d'histoire en tant qu'objet hybride. Il est à la fois porteur d'un texte historien, ouvrage de vulgarisation et de référence, ainsi qu'outil pédagogico-didactique. Par ailleurs, le manuel d'histoire a la charge de transmettre des valeurs, car les finalités attribuées par l'autorité politique, via les autorités scolaires, à l'histoire scolaire comportent toujours une dimension forte de formation du futur citoyen. Au texte de départ sont associés des documents textuels ou iconiques, des résumés, des questions regroupées par chapitre, un glossaire ou une chronologie générale. De plus, ce texte est encadré d'un dispositif didactique plus ou moins explicite : préface, numérotation par paragraphe correspondant à la leçon du jour, dates mises en évidence, aide-mémoire et questions. Par ailleurs, les découpages en livres ou en parties peuvent correspondre à des années (ou parties d'années) de programme. Il sera donc également étudié pour les spécificités d'un sous-genre de discours à définir : les manuels - d'histoire - produits (et utilisés) dans le canton de Vaud au 20e siècle. En conséquence, notre travail se propose d'observer et d'analyser les manuels d'histoire vaudois sous deux modalités préférentielles. Premièrement, celle des formes constitutives et évolutives prises par le manuel pour se construire comme un discours légitimé (deuxième partie : écriture et mise en scène de l'histoire). Deuxièmement, celle de la mise en scène d'une histoire à visée pseudo- pédagogique masquant l'intégration du discours de l'autorité politique (troisième partie : comment l'autorité vient au discours). Site internet : http://manuelshistoire.ch
Comprend : [Frontispice : portrait de] Paul Verlaine. [Cote : microfilm R 89553] ; [Fig. au chap. I : portrait de] Tristan Corbière. [Cote : microfilm R 89553] ; [Fig. au chap. II : portrait d'] Arthur Rimbaud. [Cote : microfilm R 89553] ; [Fig. au chap. III : portrait de] Stéphane Mallarmé. [Cote : microfilm R 89553] ; [Fig. au chap. IV : portrait de] Marceline Desbordes-Valmore. [Cote : microfilm R 89553] ; [Fig. au chap. V : portrait de] Villiers de l'Isle-Adam. [Cote : microfilm R 89553]
Objectives: Sequencing and annotation of the genome of Aspergillus fumigatus has dramatically changed our knowledge about the proteins potentially encoded by the fungus. Own analysis have resulted in at least 47 of them contain a signal for secretion. Among those list we want to characterize those enzymes that may have impact on fungal growth outside and particularly inside the host. We thereby want to learn more about their function in general and to identify possible novel drug targets suited to combat invasive aspergillosis. Methods: Four groups of secreted proteases have been chosen for further analysis: 1 Serine-carboxyl proteases (sedolisins). Four of them were expressed in yeast and partly in bacteria. Substrate-specificity studies and kinetics as well as protein characterization of the yeast derived proteases were performed according to standard methods. Enzyme specific polyclonal antibodies were raised in rabbits using the peptides expressed in bacteria. Expression of proteases in A. fumigatus was investigated with these antibodies and gene knockout mutants for each enzyme as a control. All the following mentioned proteases will be investigated accordingly. 2 Two metalloproteases from the M12-family, ADAM-A and ADAM-B. Both proteases are likely membrane associated and may have inherent sheddase function as their counterparts in mammals. 3 One metalloprotease of the M43 family. An orthologue of this protease in Coccidioides posadasii is known to posses immunomodulating activities. 4 One putative endoprotease of the S28-family. An orthologue in Aspergillus niger is known to digest proline-rich proteins. In A. fumigatus this enzyme may facilitate invasion through proline-rich proteins like collagen. Results: All sedolisins expressed in yeast were proteolytically active: Three of them were characterized as tripeptidyl-peptidases whereas one enzyme is an endoprotease. Corresponding knockout mutants did not reveal a specific phenotype. Expression and investigations on all above mentioned proteases as well as generation of corresponding knockout mutants and double knockout mutants for the ADAMs, respectively, is underway. Promising candidates will be investigated in animal studies for reduced virulence. Conclusions : The real existence of so far hypothetical proteases predicted by the genome project was already demonstrated for the sedolisins by a reverse genetic approach (from gene to protein). With the aim of improving basic knowledge on function of other proteases potentially crucial for fungal growth and thus for pathogenesis, other hypothetical enzymes will be investigated. Those enzymes may turn out to be ideal drug targets for antimycotic chemotherapy.