964 resultados para Mega-agreements


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OBJECTIVES: We sought to investigate the improvement in quality of life (mental and physical components) at 1 and 6 months after liver transplantation. METHODS: A sample of liver transplant candidates (n = 60), comprising consecutive patients attending outpatient clinics of a liver transplantation central unit (25% of the patients had familial amyloid polyneuropathy [FAP] and the remaining patents had chronic liver diseases), was assessed by means of the Short Form (SF)-36, Portuguese-validated version, a self-rating questionnaire developed by the Medical Outcome Trust, to investigate certain primary aspects of quality of life, at 3 times: before, and at 1 and 6 months after transplantation. RESULTS: We observed a significant improvement in quality of life (both mental and physical components) by 1 month after transplantation. Between the first month and the sixth month after transplantation, there also was an improvement in the quality of life (both mental and physical components), although only the physical components of quality of life was significantly improved. CONCLUSIONS: Our findings suggested that quality of life improved early after liver transplantation (1 month). Between the first and the sixth months, there only was a significant improvement in the physical quality of life.


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OBJECTIVES: We sought to investigate the psychosocial determinants of quality of life at 6 months after transplantation. METHODS: A sample of liver transplant candidates (n = 60), composed of consecutive patients (25% with familial amyloid polyneuropathy [FAP]) attending outpatient clinics was assessed in the pretransplant period using the Neo Five Factor Inventory, Hospital Anxiety and depression Scale (HADS), Brief COPE, and SF-36, a quality-of-life, self-rating questionnaire. Six months after transplantation, these patients were assessed by means of the SF-36. RESULTS: Psychosocial predictors where found by means of multiple regression analysis. The physical component of quality of life at 6 months after transplantation was determined based upon coping strategies and physical quality of life in the pretransplant period (this model explained 32% of variance). The mental component at 6 months after transplantation was determined by depression in the pretransplant period and by clinical diagnoses of patients. Because FAP patients show a lower mental component of quality of life, this diagnosis explained 25% of the variance. CONCLUSIONS: Our findings suggested that coping strategies and depression measured in the pretransplant period are important determinants of quality of life at 6 months after liver transplantation.


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Os AA. estudaram, a incidência da cardiopatia chagásica em 15.000 necrópsias consecutivas e sua associação com os megas. Em 875 cardiopatias chagásicas houve 145 casos de megas, ou seja, 16,56%, com predominância do sexo masculino. No branco houve maior incidência (55) de megas do que no mulato (53) e no negro (31) dentre 858 cardiopatias chagásicas. Em 848 cardiopatias chagásicas, 85,78% eram de indivíduos que faleceram entre 21 e 60 anos. O maior número de cardiopatias (120 ou 14,14%) e de "megas'' (21 ou 15,78%) foi encontrado nos indivíduos entre 36 a 40 anos. Os nossos resultados mostram uma incidência diferente da associação cardiopatia-mega, em comparação da observada em outras regiões do País e em outros países da América do Sul.


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Trabalho de Projecto apresentado para cumprimento dos requisitos necessários à obtenção do grau de Mestre em Metropolização, Planeamento Estratégico e Sustentabilidade


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Dissertation submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the Degree of Master of Science in Geospatial Technologies.


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Dissertation submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the Degree of Master of Science in Geospatial Technologies.


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A Work Project, presented as part of the requirements for the Award of a Masters Degree in Management from the NOVA – School of Business and Economics


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Childhood absence epilepsy (CAE) is a syndrome with well-defined electroclinical features but unknown pathological basis. An increased thalamic tonic GABA inhibition has recently been discovered on animal models (Cope et al., 2009), but its relevance for human CAE is unproven. METHODS: We studied an 11-year-old boy, presenting the typical clinical features of CAE, but spike-wave discharges (SWD) restricted to one hemisphere. RESULTS: High-resolution EEG failed to demonstrate independent contralateral hemisphere epileptic activity. Consistently, simultaneous EEG-fMRI revealed the typical thalamic BOLD activation, associated with caudate and default mode network deactivation, but restricted to the hemisphere with SWD. Cortical BOLD activations were localized on the ipsilateral pars transverse. Magnetic resonance spectroscopy, using MEGA-PRESS, showed that the GABA/creatine ratio was 2.6 times higher in the hemisphere with SWD than in the unaffected one, reflecting a higher GABA concentration. Similar comparisons for the patient's occipital cortex and thalamus of a healthy volunteer yielded asymmetries below 25%. SIGNIFICANCE: In a clinical case of CAE with EEG and fMRI-BOLD manifestations restricted to one hemisphere, we found an associated increase in thalamic GABA concentration consistent with a role for this abnormality in human CAE.


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A capacidade de produção de megassíndrome de três cepas de Trypanosoma cruzi de diferentes origens foram examinadas usando-se técnicas previamente descritas. Uma correlação significante foi encontrada entre volume e peso do estômago através de autópsia e a área correspondente a silhueta de bário do órgão. Todas as três cepas causam dilatação significante da área do estômago, após prolongada infecção em camundongos quando comparados com o grupo controle não infectado. Todavia, o modelo de comportamento da cepa (MEGA), previamente estudada, pode ter sido alterada pela reciclagem em camundongos nos laboratórios.


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Foi realizado estudo radio lógico longitudinal do esôfago abrangendo um período de 13,2 anos, na população do município de Mambaí no estado de Goiás. Os exames foram realizados na sede municipal, com aparelho de abreugrafia, usando filme de 70 milímetros. Foram examinados 731 indivíduos dos quais 382 (52,3%) eram soropositivos. Em relação ao sexo 350 (47,9%) eram do sexo masculino e 381 (52, 1%) do sexo feminino. A incidência de megaesôfago na população estudada foi 7,9% e entre os soropositivos 14,2 %. A progressão da esofagopatia entre os soropositivos do sexo masculino foi 21,7% e no sexo feminino 16,6%.


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RESUMO:O glicosilfosfatidilinositol (GPI) é um complexo glicolipídico utlizado por dezenas de proteínas, o qual medeia a sua ancoragem à superfície da célula. Proteínas de superfície celular ancoradas a GPI apresentam várias funções essenciais para a manutenção celular. A deficiência na síntese de GPI é o que caracteriza principalmente a deficiência hereditária em GPI, um grupo de doenças autossómicas raras que resultam de mutações nos genes PIGA, PIGL, PIGM, PIGV, PIGN, PIGO e PIGT, os quais sao indispensáveis para a biossíntese do GPI. Uma mutação pontual no motivo rico em GC -270 no promotor de PIGM impede a ligação do factor de transcrição (FT) Sp1 à sua sequência de reconhecimento, impondo a compactação da cromatina, associada à hipoacetilação de histonas, e consequentemente, impedindo a transcrição de PIGM. Desta forma, a adição da primeira manose ao GPI é comprometida, a síntese de GPI diminui assim como as proteínas ligadas a GPI à superficie das células. Pacientes com Deficiência Hereditária em GPI-associada a PIGM apresentam trombose e epilesia, e ausência de hemólise intravascular e anemia, sendo que estas duas últimas características definem a Hemoglobinúria Paroxística Nocturna (HPN), uma doença rara causada por mutações no gene PIGA. Embora a mutação que causa IGD seja constitutiva e esteja presente em todos os tecidos, o grau de deficiência em GPI varia entre células do mesmo tecido e entre células de tecidos diferentes. Por exemplo nos granulócitos e linfócitos B a deficiência em GPI é muito acentuada mas nos linfócitos T, fibroblastos, plaquetas e eritrócitos é aproximadamente normal, daí a ausência de hemólise intravascular. Os eventos transcricionais que estão na base da expressão diferencial da âncora GPI nas células hematopoiéticas são desconhecidos e constituem o objectivo geral desta tese. Em primeiro lugar, os resultados demonstraram que os níveis de PIGM mRNA variam entre células primárias hematopoiéticas normais. Adicionalmente, a configuração dos nucleossomas no promotor de PIGM é mais compacta em células B do que em células eritróides e tal está correlacionado com os níveis de expressão de PIGM, isto é, inferior nas células B. A presença de vários motivos de ligação para o FT específico da linhagem megacariocítica-eritróide GATA-1 no promotor de PIGM sugeriu que GATA-1 desempenha um papel regulador na sua transcrição. Os resultados mostraram que muito possivelmente GATA-1 desempenha um papel repressor em vez de activador da expressão de PIGM. Resultados preliminares sugerem que KLF1, um factor de transcrição restritamente eritróide, regula a transcrição de PIGM independentemente do motivo -270GC. Em segundo lugar, a investigação do papel dos FTs Sp demonstrou que Sp1 medeia directamente a transcrição de PIGM em ambas as células B e eritróide. Curiosamente, ao contrário do que acontece nas células B, em que a transcrição de PIGM requer a ligação do FT geral Sp1 ao motivo -270GC, nas células eritróides Sp1 regula a transcrição de PIGM ao ligar-se a montante e não ao motivo -270GC. Para além disso, demonstrou-se que Sp2 não é um regulador directo da transcrição de PIGM quer nas células B quer nas células eritróides. Estes resultados explicam a ausência de hemólise intravascular nos doentes com IGD associada a PIGM, uma das principais características que define a HPN. Por último, resultados preliminares mostraram que a repressão da transcrição de PIGM devida à mutação patogénica -270C>G está associada com a diminuição da frequência de interacções genómicas em cis entre PIGM e os seus genes “vizinhos”, sugerindo adicionalmente que a regulação de PIGM e desses genes é partilhada. No seu conjunto, os resultados apresentados nesta tese contribuem para o conhecimento do controlo transcricional de um gene housekeeping, específico-detecido, por meio de FTs genéricos e específicos de linhagem.-------------ABSTRACTC: Glycosylphosphatidylinositol (GPI) is a complex glycolipid used by dozens of proteins for cell surface anchoring. GPI-anchored proteins have various functions that are essential for the cellular maintenance. Defective GPI biosynthesis is the hallmark of inherited GPI deficiency (IGD), a group of rare autosomal diseases caused by mutations in PIGA, PIGL, PIGM, PIGV, PIGN, PIGO and PIGT, all genes indispensable for GPI biosynthesis. A point mutation in the -270GC-rich box in the core promoter of PIGM disrupts binding of the transcription factor (TF) Sp1 to it, imposing nucleosome compaction associated with histone hypoacetylation, thus abrogating transcription of PIGM. As a consequence of PIGM transcriptional repression, addition of the first mannose residue onto the GPI core and thus GPI production are impaired; and expression of GPI-anchored proteins on the surface of cells is severely impaired. Patients with PIGM-associated IGD suffer from life-threatening thrombosis and epilepsy but not intravascular haemolysis and anaemia, two defining features of paroxysmal nocturnal haemoglobinuria (PNH), a rare disease caused by somatic mutations in PIGA. Although the disease-causing mutation in IGD is constitutional and present in all tissues, the degree of GPI deficiency is variable and differs between cells of the same and of different tissues. Accordingly, GPI deficiency is severe in granulocytes and B cells but mild in T cells, fibroblasts, platelets and erythrocytes, hence the lack of intravascular haemolysis.The transcriptional events underlying differential expression of GPI in the haematopoietic cells of PIG-M-associated IGD are not known and constitute the general aim of this thesis. Firstly, I found that PIGM mRNA levels are variable amongst normal primary haematopoietic cells. In addition, the nucleosome configuration in the promoter of PIGM is more compacted in B cells than in erythroid cells and this correlated with the levels of PIGM mRNA expression, i.e., lower in B cells. The presence of several binding sites for GATA-1, a mega-erythroid lineage-specific transcription factor (TF), at the PIGM promoter suggested that GATA-1 has a role on PIGM transcription. My results showed that GATA-1 in erythroid cells is most likely a repressor rather than an activator of PIGM expression. Preliminary data suggested that KLF1, an erythroid-specific TF, regulates PIGM transcription but independently of the -270GC motif. Secondly, investigation of the role of the Sp TFs showed that Sp1 directly mediates PIGM transcriptional regulation in both B and erythroid cells. However, unlike in B cells in which active PIGM transcription requires binding of the generic TF Sp1 to the -270GC-rich box, in erythroid cells, Sp1 regulates PIGM transcription by binding upstream of but not to the -270GC-rich motif. Additionally, I showed that Sp2 is not a direct regulator of PIGM transcription in B and erythroid cells. These findings explain lack of intravascular haemolysis in PIGM-associated IGD, a defining feature of PNH. Lastly, preliminary work shows that transcriptional repression of PIG-M by the pathogenic -270C>G mutation is associated with reduced frequency of in cis genomic interactions between PIGM and its neighbouring genes, suggesting a shared regulatory link between these genes and PIGM. Altogether, the results presented in this thesis provide novel insights into tissuespecific transcriptional control of a housekeeping gene by lineage-specific and generic TFs.


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Nowadays, a significant increase on the demand for interoperable systems for exchanging data in business collaborative environments has been noticed. Consequently, cooperation agreements between each of the involved enterprises have been brought to light. However, due to the fact that even in a same community or domain, there is a big variety of knowledge representation not semantically coincident, which embodies the existence of interoperability problems in the enterprises information systems that need to be addressed. Moreover, in relation to this, most organizations face other problems about their information systems, as: 1) domain knowledge not being easily accessible by all the stakeholders (even intra-enterprise); 2) domain knowledge not being represented in a standard format; 3) and even if it is available in a standard format, it is not supported by semantic annotations or described using a common and understandable lexicon. This dissertation proposes an approach for the establishment of an enterprise reference lexicon from business models. It addresses the automation in the information models mapping for the reference lexicon construction. It aggregates a formal and conceptual representation of the business domain, with a clear definition of the used lexicon to facilitate an overall understanding by all the involved stakeholders, including non-IT personnel.


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The rapid growth of big cities has been noticed since 1950s when the majority of world population turned to live in urban areas rather than villages, seeking better job opportunities and higher quality of services and lifestyle circumstances. This demographic transition from rural to urban is expected to have a continuous increase. Governments, especially in less developed countries, are going to face more challenges in different sectors, raising the essence of understanding the spatial pattern of the growth for an effective urban planning. The study aimed to detect, analyse and model the urban growth in Greater Cairo Region (GCR) as one of the fast growing mega cities in the world using remote sensing data. Knowing the current and estimated urbanization situation in GCR will help decision makers in Egypt to adjust their plans and develop new ones. These plans should focus on resources reallocation to overcome the problems arising in the future and to achieve a sustainable development of urban areas, especially after the high percentage of illegal settlements which took place in the last decades. The study focused on a period of 30 years; from 1984 to 2014, and the major transitions to urban were modelled to predict the future scenarios in 2025. Three satellite images of different time stamps (1984, 2003 and 2014) were classified using Support Vector Machines (SVM) classifier, then the land cover changes were detected by applying a high level mapping technique. Later the results were analyzed for higher accurate estimations of the urban growth in the future in 2025 using Land Change Modeler (LCM) embedded in IDRISI software. Moreover, the spatial and temporal urban growth patterns were analyzed using statistical metrics developed in FRAGSTATS software. The study resulted in an overall classification accuracy of 96%, 97.3% and 96.3% for 1984, 2003 and 2014’s map, respectively. Between 1984 and 2003, 19 179 hectares of vegetation and 21 417 hectares of desert changed to urban, while from 2003 to 2014, the transitions to urban from both land cover classes were found to be 16 486 and 31 045 hectares, respectively. The model results indicated that 14% of the vegetation and 4% of the desert in 2014 will turn into urban in 2025, representing 16 512 and 24 687 hectares, respectively.


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Currently, Angola portrays a notorious economic growth and due to recent innovative legislations, it has become the major investment attracting pole, especially in Sub-Saharan Africa, having, thus, an extraordinary potentiality for a rapid and sustainable development, likely to place her in outstanding positions in the world economic ranking. Yet, such economic growth entails demanding levels of intensive investment in infrastructure, what has been reported of the Angolan Government to be unable to respond to, save if recurring to very high index of external debt, poisoning, in this way, the future budgeting of the country. Due to these infrastructure investment shortages, the cost of production remains highly onerous and the cost of life extremely unaffordable. On this account, the current study disserts about the contract of Project Finance; an alternative finance resource given as a viable solution for the private financing of infrastructure, aiming to demonstrate that such contractual figure, likewise the experience of several emerging economies and others, is a contract bid framework to take into account in today’s world. It refers to a financing technique – through which the Government may satisfy a common need (for example, the construction of a public domain or public servicing), without having to pay neither offer any collateral – based on a complex legal-financial engineering, arranged throughout a coalition of typical and atypical agreements, whereby it is mandatory to look back at the basic concepts of corporate law. More than just a simple financial study, the dissertation at stake analyses the nature and legal framework of Project Finance, which is a legally atypical and innominate contract, concluding that there is a relevant need for regulating and devoting a special legal regime in the Angolan jurisdiction for this promising legal form in the contemporary corporate finance world.


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This research is empirical and exploratory intending to analyse the attractiveness of banking in Mozambique, considering its positive outlook. To identify the opportunities and barriers, the methods adopted were elite interviews with banking executives, complemented by secondary data. The opportunities for new entrants seem to include bankarization and the emergence of micro and smallmedium enterprises; other avenues seem to include investment banking, support of mega-projects (e.g. energy, infrastructures) through syndicates and cooperation with multilaterals, and the participation in developing capital markets. Conversely, the main barriers include shortage of talent, inadequate infrastructures, poverty, unsophisticated entrepreneurial culture (e.g. informal economy, inadequate financial reporting), burdensome bureaucracy (e.g. visas), foreign exchange regulation, as well as low liquidity and high funding costs for banks. The key conclusions suggest a window of opportunity for niche markets, and new products and services in retail and investment banking.