810 resultados para Medication for schizophrenia


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In randomized controlled trials with high internal validity, pharmacotherapy using acamprosate, naltrexone, and, to a somewhat lesser extent, disulfiram has proved effective in preventing relapse in patients with alcohol use disorders (AUD). There remains, however, a paucity of studies with sufficient external validity in which the effectiveness of pharmacotherapy in clinical practice is investigated. This study aimed to make a contribution to close this gap in research.


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Over the past 24 years, research groups in eight different countries have conducted 28 independent evaluation studies on Integrated Psychological Therapy (IPT) including 1,329 schizophrenia patients. The present study examines the effectiveness of IPT under different treatment conditions by means of a meta-analytic review. The most salient results indicate favourable mean effect sizes for IPT in comparison to control groups (placebo-attention conditions, standard care). Moreover, the superiority of IPT continues to increase during an average catamnestic phase of 8.1 months. The method obtains similarly favourable effects in different functional areas (neurocognition, social behaviour, psychopathology) and different assessment formats (expert ratings, self-reports, psychological tests). The comparison of different settings of IPT and control groups shows the superiority of IPT in any given therapy or site condition. The analysis of subsamples of inpatients, outpatients, and patients in varying rehabilitation phases reveals similarly favourable effects. Comparing only high-quality studies yields comparable results. In summary, the present meta-analysis corroborates evidence that IPT is an 'empirically validated treatment' according to American Psychiatric Association guidelines.


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Medical errors originating in health care facilities are a significant source of preventable morbidity, mortality, and healthcare costs. Voluntary error report systems that collect information on the causes and contributing factors of medi- cal errors regardless of the resulting harm may be useful for developing effective harm prevention strategies. Some patient safety experts question the utility of data from errors that did not lead to harm to the patient, also called near misses. A near miss (a.k.a. close call) is an unplanned event that did not result in injury to the patient. Only a fortunate break in the chain of events prevented injury. We use data from a large voluntary reporting system of 836,174 medication errors from 1999 to 2005 to provide evidence that the causes and contributing factors of errors that result in harm are similar to the causes and contributing factors of near misses. We develop Bayesian hierarchical models for estimating the log odds of selecting a given cause (or contributing factor) of error given harm has occurred and the log odds of selecting the same cause given that harm did not occur. The posterior distribution of the correlation between these two vectors of log-odds is used as a measure of the evidence supporting the use of data from near misses and their causes and contributing factors to prevent medical errors. In addition, we identify the causes and contributing factors that have the highest or lowest log-odds ratio of harm versus no harm. These causes and contributing factors should also be a focus in the design of prevention strategies. This paper provides important evidence on the utility of data from near misses, which constitute the vast majority of errors in our data.


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In schizophrenic psychoses, structural and functional alterations of the amygdala have been demonstrated by several neuroimaging studies. However, postmortem examinations on the brains of schizophrenics did not confirm the volume changes reported by volumetric magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) studies. In order to address these contradictory findings and to further elucidate the possibly underlying pathophysiological process of the amygdala, we employed a trimodal MRI design including high-resolution volumetry, diffusion tensor imaging (DTI), and quantitative magnetization transfer imaging (qMTI) in a sample of 14 schizophrenic patients and 14 matched controls. Three-dimensional MRI volumetry revealed a significant reduction of amygdala raw volumes in the patient group, while amygdala volumes normalized for intracranial volume did not differ between the two groups. The regional diffusional anisotropy of the amygdala, expressed as inter-voxel coherence (COH), showed a marked and significant reduction in schizophrenics. Assessment of qMTI parameters yielded significant group differences for the T2 time of the bound proton pool and the T1 time of the free proton pool, while the semi-quantitative magnetization transfer ratio (MTR) did not differ between the groups. The application of multimodal MRI protocols is diagnostically relevant for the differentiation between schizophrenic patients and controls and provides a new strategy for the detection and characterization of subtle structural alterations in defined regions of the living brain.


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Postmortem examinations and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) studies suggest involvement of the entorhinal cortex (EC) in schizophrenic psychoses. However, the extent and nature of the possible pathogenetical process underlying the observed alterations of this limbic key region for processing of multimodal sensory information remains unclear. Three-dimensional high-resolution MRI volumetry and evaluation of the regional diffusional anisotropy based on diffusion tensor imaging (DTI) were performed on the EC of 15 paranoid schizophrenic patients and 15 closely matched control subjects. In schizophrenic patients, EC volumes showed a slight, but not significant, decrease. However, the anisotropy values, expressed as inter-voxel coherences (COH), were found to be significantly decreased by 17.9% (right side) and 12.5% (left side), respectively, in schizophrenics. Reduction of entorhinal diffusional anisotropy can be hypothesized to be functionally related to disturbances in the perforant path, the principal efferent EC fiber tract supplying the limbic system with neuronal input from multimodal association centers. Combinations of different MRI modalities are a promising approach for the detection and characterization of subtle brain tissue alterations.


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Dysfunctions of the hippocampus have been suggested to be related to schizophrenia, and reduced connectivity with other brain regions may be a key for the pathophysiology. The aim of this study was to investigate the effect of white matter anomalies in the hippocampus, as a sign of altered connectivity, on the brain electrical activity. We investigated seven first episode schizophrenic patients and seven age, gender and education-matched controls with diffusion tensor imaging and resting EEG. Fractional anisotropy was computed based on diffusion tensor imaging data for the right and left hippocampus for both groups. No group differences were found in hippocampal fractional anisotropy, EEG spectral power and topography. However a significant correlation was found between more anterior alpha activity and lower fractional anisotropy of both hippocampi in schizophrenics, but not in controls. More anterior alpha activity has been described in schizophrenia. We conclude that this feature might depict a group of schizophrenic patients with reduced hippocampal connectivity.


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Based on an integrative brain model which focuses on memory-driven and EEG state-dependent information processing for the organisation of behaviour, we used the developmental changes of the awake EEG to further investigate the hypothesis that neurodevelopmental abnormalities (deviations in organisation and reorganisation of cortico-cortical connectivity during development) are involved in the pathogenesis of schizophrenia. First-episode, neuroleptic-naive schizophrenics and their matched controls and three age groups of normal adolescents were studied (total: 70 subjects). 19-channel EEG delta-theta, alpha and beta spectral band centroid frequencies during resting (baseline) and after verbal stimuli were used as measure of the level of attained complexity and momentary excitability of the neuronal network (working memory). Schizophrenics compared with all control groups showed lower delta-theta activity centroids and higher alpha and beta activity centroids. Reactivity centroids (centroid after stimulus minus centroid during resting) were used as measure of update of working memory. Schizophrenics showed partial similarities in delta-theta and beta reactivity centroids with the 11-year olds and in alpha reactivity centroids with the 13-year olds. Within the framework of our model, the results suggest multifactorially elicited imbalances in the level of excitability of neuronal networks in schizophrenia, resulting in network activation at dissociated complexity levels, partially regressed and partially prematurely developed. It is hypothesised that activation of age- and/or state-inadequate representations for coping with realities becomes manifest as productive schizophrenic symptoms. Thus, the results support some aspects of the neurodevelopmental hypothesis.


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OBJECTIVE: NoGo-stimuli during a Continuous Performance Test (CPT) activate prefrontal brain structures such as the anterior cingulate gyrus and lead to an anteriorisation of the positive electrical field of the NoGo-P300 relative to the Go-P300, so-called NoGo-anteriorisation (NGA). NGA during CPT is regarded as a neurophysiological standard index for cognitive response control. While it is known that patients with chronic schizophrenia exhibit a significant reduction in NGA, it is unclear whether this also occurs in patients undergoing their first-episode. Thus, the aim of the present study was to determine NGA in a group of patients with first-episode schizophrenia by utilizing a CPT paradigm. METHODS: Eighteen patients with first-episode schizophrenia and 18 matched healthy subjects were investigated electrophysiologically during a cued CPT, and the parameters of the Go- and NoGo-P300 were determined using microstate analysis. Low resolution tomography analysis (LORETA) was used for source determination. RESULTS: Due to a more posterior Go- and a more anterior NoGo-centroid, NGA was greater in patients than in healthy controls. LORETA indicated the same sources for both groups after Go-stimuli, but a more anterior source in patients after NoGo-stimuli. In patients P300-amplitude responses to both Go- and NoGo-stimuli were decreased, and P300-latency to NoGo-stimuli was increased. After the Go-stimuli false reactions and reaction times were increased in patients. CONCLUSIONS: Attention was reduced in patients with first-episode schizophrenia, as indicated by more false reactions, prolongation of reaction time, P300-latencies and by a decrease in P300-amplitude. Significantly however, the NGA and prefrontal LORETA-sources indicate intact prefrontal brain structures in first-episode schizophrenia patients. Previously described changes in this indicator of prefrontal function may be related to a progressive decay in chronic schizophrenia. SIGNIFICANCE: The results support the idea of a possible new biological marker of first episode psychosis, which may be a useful parameter for the longitudinal measurement of changing prefrontal brain function in a single schizophrenia patient.


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In the last decade, there has been an increasing interest in cognitive alterations during the early course of schizophrenia. From a clinical perspective, a better understanding of cognitive functioning in putative at-risk states for schizophrenia is essential for developing optimal early intervention models. Two approaches have more recently been combined to assess the entire course of the initial schizophrenia prodrome: the predictive "basic symptom at-risk" (BS) and the ultra high-risk (UHR) criteria. Basic symptoms are considered to be present during the entire disease progression, including the initial prodrome, while the onset of symptoms captured by the UHR criteria expresses further disease progression toward frank psychosis. The present study investigated the cognitive functioning in 93 subjects who met either BS or UHR criteria and thus were assumed to be at different points on the putative trajectory to psychosis. We compared them with 43 patients with a first episode of psychosis and to 49 help-seeking patient controls. All groups performed significantly below normative values. Both at-risk groups performed at intermediate levels between the first-episode (FE) group and normative values. The UHR group demonstrated intermediate performance between the FE and BS groups. Overall, auditory working memory, verbal fluency/processing speed, and declarative verbal memory were impaired the most. Our results suggest that cognitive impairments may still be modest in the early stages of the initial schizophrenia prodrome and thus support current efforts to intervene in the early course of impending schizophrenia because early intervention may prevent or delay the onset of frank psychosis and thus prevent further cognitive damage.


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Studies with chronic schizophrenia patients have demonstrated that patients fluctuate between rigid and unpredictable responses in decision-making situations, a phenomenon which has been called dysregulation. The aim of this study was to investigate whether schizophrenia patients already display dysregulated behavior at the beginning of their illness. Thirty-two first-episode schizophrenia or schizophreniform patients and 30 healthy controls performed the two-choice prediction task. The decision-making behavior of first-episode patients was shown to be characterized by a high degree of dysregulation accompanied by low metric entropy and a tendency towards increased mutual information. These results indicate that behavioral abnormalities during the two-choice prediction task are already present during the early stages of the illness.


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The longitudinal dimension of schizophrenia and related severe mental illness is a key component of theoretical models of recovery. However, empirical longitudinal investigations have been underrepresented in the psychopathology of schizophrenia. Similarly, traditional approaches to longitudinal analysis of psychopathological data have had serious limitations. The utilization of modern longitudinal methods is necessary to capture the complexity of biopsychosocial models of treatment and recovery in schizophrenia. The present paper summarizes empirical data from traditional longitudinal research investigating recovery in symptoms, neurocognition, and social functioning. Studies conducted under treatment as usual conditions are compared to psychosocial intervention studies and potential treatment mechanisms of psychosocial interventions are discussed. Investigations of rehabilitation for schizophrenia using the longitudinal analytic strategies of growth curve and time series analysis are demonstrated. The respective advantages and disadvantages of these modern methods are highlighted. Their potential use for future research of treatment effects and recovery in schizophrenia is also discussed.


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Data on adherence to prescribed medication amongst diabetics are scarce. The purpose of this study was to collect information about the dynamics and patterns of compliance of elderly patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus on oral treatment by using different assessment techniques.