993 resultados para Marsha Ra


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Closed-form analytical expressions are derived for the reflection and transmission coefficients for the problem of scattering of surface water waves by a sharp discontinuity in the surface-boundary-conditions, for the case of deep water. The method involves the use of the Havelock-type expansion of the velocity potential along with an analysis to solve a Carleman-type singular integral equation over a semi-infinite range. This method of solution is an alternative to the Wiener-Hopf technique used previously.


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A constant-pressure axisymmetric turbulent boundary layer along a circular cylinder of radius a is studied at large values of the frictional Reynolds number a+ (based upon a) with the boundary-layer thickness δ of order a. Using the equations of mean motion and the method of matched asymptotic expansions, it is shown that the flow can be described by the same two limit processes (inner and outer) as are used in two-dimensional flow. The condition that the two expansions match requires the existence, at the lowest order, of a log region in the usual two-dimensional co-ordinates (u+, y+). Examination of available experimental data shows that substantial log regions do in fact exist but that the intercept is possibly not a universal constant. Similarly, the solution in the outer layer leads to a defect law of the same form as in two-dimensional flow; experiment shows that the intercept in the defect law depends on δ/a. It is concluded that, except in those extreme situations where a+ is small (in which case the boundary layer may not anyway be in a fully developed turbulent state), the simplest analysis of axisymmetric flow will be to use the two-dimensional laws with parameters that now depend on a+ or δ/a as appropriate.


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technique, on both semi-insulating and semi-conducting CraAs substrates with (100) orientation, offset by 2° towards (110) direction. Systematic variation of As/Ga was performed to gain an understanding of growth process, type of formation and other related physical properties. The films were characterized by using the variety of techniques, such as SEM, EDAX, HRTEM, XRD, and PL. Optical and electrical properties of undoped CyaAs epilayers are presented with reference to the growth conditions and AsH3/TMGa ratio. Photoluminescence measurements of GaAs epilayers were recorded at 4.2K and shows the emission of free exciton and confirmed their high purity. The dominant residual impurities in GaAs are presented by using PL. Finally, electrochemical depth profiling exhibited almost homogeneous background carrier distribution and excellent abruptness between the thin GaAs epilayer and substrate.


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The use of reconstructed ceramic surfaces as templates for nanopatterning has been demonstrated recently. This technique differs from the surface decoration by Au on stepped surfaces of alkali halides which has been a topic of intense research in the past. Some of the intriguing aspects related to the physical origin of the phenomena have been considered here. Based on heterogeneous nucleation of Pt vapor on wedged alumina surfaces, it has been shown that the valley sites are the preferred sites for nucleation. However, the hill sites are decorated by the particles in the present study pointing out to a different physical origin for the formation of the nanoparticles. The role of electrostatic energy reduction on the formation of such nanopatterns is discussed.


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We have performed Rietveld refinements on neutron and synchrotron diffraction patterns and density functional calculations on various ferroelectric lead perovskites and on α lead monoxide (litharge). These structural data have allowed to shed some light on lead stereochemistry in these compounds. In particular, we discuss the changing in the lead behaviour between the paraelectric cubic phases and the low temperature anti or ferroelectric phases in Pb2CoWO6 and Pb2MgTeO6 (both incommensurate), in Pb2MgWO6 (antiferroelectric) and in PbMg1/3Nb2/3O3 (relaxor). The possible phase transition mechanisms are reviewed and the bonds are compared to those in the aperiodic structure of α-lead monoxide.


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Visible-light microscopy (VLM) and atomic-force microscopy (AFM) were used to study the progression of grain-boundary grooving and migration in high-purity alumina (Lucalox™). Groove profiles from the same grain boundaries were revisited using AFM following successive heat-treatments. The grooves measured from migrating grain boundaries were found to have asymmetric partial-angles compared to those measured from boundaries that did not migrate during the experiment. For a moving boundary, the grain with the larger partial-angle was consistently found to grow into the grain with the smaller partial-angle. Migrating boundaries were observed to leave behind remnant thermal grooves. The observations indicate that the boundary may be bowing out during the migration process.


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An attempt has been made to study the film-substrate interface by using a sensitive, non- conventional tool. Because of the prospective use of gate oxide in MOSFET devices, we have chosen to study alumina films grown on silicon. Film-substrate interface of alumina grown by MOCVD on Si(100) was studied systematically using spectroscopic ellipsometry in the range 1.5-5.0 eV, supported by cross-sectional SEM, and SIMS. The (ε1,ε2) versus energy data obtained for films grown at 600°C, 700°C, and 750°C were modeled to fit a substrate/interface/film “sandwich”. The experimental results reveal (as may be expected) that the nature of the substrate -film interface depends strongly on the growth temperature. The simulated (ε1,ε2) patterns are in excellent agreement with observed ellipsometric data. The MOCVD precursors results the presence of carbon in the films. Theoretical simulation was able to account for the ellipsometry data by invoking the presence of “free” carbon in the alumina films.


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Noble metal such as Ag normally exists in an fcc crystal structure. However as the size of the material is decreased to nanometer lengthscales, a structural transformation from that of its bulk state can be expected with new atomic arrangements due to competition between internal packing and minimization of surface energy. In many previous studies, it has been shown that silver nanowires (AGNWs) grown inside anodic alumina (AAO) templates by ac or dc electrochemical deposition from silver salts or complexes, adopt fcc structure and below some critical diameter ∼ 20 nm they may acquire hcp structure at low temperature. This is, however, critically dependant on the nature of confinement, as AgNWs grown inside nanotube confinement with subnanometer diameter have been reported to have fcc structure. Hence the question of the crystal structure of metal nanowires under combined influence of confinement, temperature and deposition condition remains open. In this abstract we show that the alternative crystal structures of AGNWs at room temperature can be achieved with electrochemical growth processes under specific conditions determined by the deposition parameters and nature of confinement. We fabricated AgNWs of 4H hexagonal structure with diameters 30 – 80 nm inside polycarbonate (PC) templates with a modified dc electrodeposition technique, where the nanowires were grown at deposition potentials as low as 10 mV in 2 M silver nitrate solution[1]. We call this low-potential electrodeposition (LPED) since the electrodeposition process occurs at potential much less than the standard Nernst potential (770 mV) of silver. Two types of electrodes were used – stainless steel and sputtered thin Pt film, neither of which had any influence on the crystal structure of the nanowires. EDS elemental analysis showed the nanowires to consist only of silver. Although the precise atomic dynamics during the LPED process is unclear at present, we investigated this with HRTEM (high-resolution transmission electron microscopy) characterization of nanowires grown over various deposition times, as well as electrical conductivity measurements. These experiments indicate that nanowire growth does not occur through a three-dimensional diffusion controlled process, as proposed for conventional over-potential deposition, but follow a novel instantaneous linear growth mechanism. Further experiments showed that, (a) conventional electrochemical growth at a small over-potential in a 2 mM AgNO3 solution yields nanowires with expected fcc structure inside the same PC templates, and (2) no nanowire was observed under the LPED conditions inside hard AAO templates, indicating that LPED-growth process, and hcp structure of the corresponding nanowires depend on deposition parameters, as well as nature of confinement.


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We have investigated the effect of biaxial strain on local electrical/electronic properties in thin films of La0.7Ca0.3MnO3 with varying degrees of biaxial strain in them. The local electrical properties were investigated as a function of temperature by scanning tunneling spectroscopy (STS) and scanning tunneling potentiometry (STP), along with the bulk probe like conductance fluctuations.The results indicate a positive correlation between the lattice mismatch biaxial strain and the local electrical/electronic inhomogenities observed in the strained sample. This is plausible since the crystal structure of the manganites interfere rather strongly with the magnetic/electronic degrees of freedom. Thus even a small imbalance (biaxial strain) can induce significant changes in the electrical properties of the system.


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Recently there is an increasing demand and extensive research on high density memories, in particular to the ferroelectric random access memory composed of 1T/1C (1 transistor/1 capacitor) or 2T/2C. FRAM's exhibit fast random acess in read/write mode, non - volatility and low power for good performance. An integration of the ferroelectric on Si is the key importance and in this regard, there had been various models proposed like MFS, MFIS, MFMIS structure etc., Choosing the proper insulator is very essential for the better performance of the device and to exhibit excellent electrical characteristics. ZrTiO4 is a potential candidate because of its excellent thermal stability and lattice match on the Si substrate. SrBi2Ta2O9 and ZrTiO4 thin films were prepared on p - type Si substrate by pulsed excimer laser ablation technique. Optimization of both ZT and SBT thin films in MFS and MFIS structure had been done based on the annealing, oxygen partial pressures and substrate temperatures to have proper texture of the thin films. The dc leakage current, P - E hysteresis, capacitance - voltage and conductance - voltage measurement were carried out. The effect of the frequency dependence on MFIS structure was observed in the C – V curve. It displays a transition of C - V curve from high frequency to low frequency curve on subjection to varied frequencies. Density of interface states has been calculated using Terman and high - low frequency C - V curve. The effect of memory window in the C - V hysteresis were analysed in terms of film thickness and annealing temperatures. DC conduction mechanism were analysed in terms of poole - frenkel, Schottky and space charge limited conduction separately on MFS, MIS structure.


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Recently there is an increasing demand and extensive research on high density memories, in particular to the ferroelectric random access memory composed of 1T/1C (1 transistor/1 capacitor) or 2T/2C. FRAM's exhibit fast random acess in read/write mode, non - volatility and low power for good performance. An integration of the ferroelectric on Si is the key importance and in this regard, there had been various models proposed like MFS, MFIS, MFMIS structure etc., Choosing the proper insulator is very essential for the better performance of the device and to exhibit excellent electrical characteristics. ZrTiO4 is a potential candidate because of its excellent thermal stability and lattice match on the Si substrate. SrBi2Ta2O9 and ZrTiO4 thin films were prepared on p - type Si substrate by pulsed excimer laser ablation technique. Optimization of both ZT and SBT thin films in MFS and MFIS structure had been done based on the annealing, oxygen partial pressures and substrate temperatures to have proper texture of the thin films. The dc leakage current, P - E hysteresis, capacitance - voltage and conductance - voltage measurement were carried out. The effect of the frequency dependence on MFIS structure was observed in the C – V curve. It displays a transition of C - V curve from high frequency to low frequency curve on subjection to varied frequencies. Density of interface states has been calculated using Terman and high - low frequency C - V curve. The effect of memory window in the C - V hysteresis were analysed in terms of film thickness and annealing temperatures. DC conduction mechanism were analysed in terms of poole - frenkel, Schottky and space charge limited conduction separately on MFS, MIS structure.


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We report the formation ω phase in the remelted layers during laser cladding and remelting of quasicrystal forming Al65Cu23.3Fe11.7 alloy on pure aluminum. The ω phase is absent in the clad layers. In the remelted layer, the phase nucleates at the periphery of the primary icosahedral phase particles. A large number of ω phase particles forms enveloping the icosahedral phase growing into aluminum rich melt, which solidify as α-Al solid solution. On the other side it develops an interface with aluminum. A detailed transmission electron microscopic analysis shows that ω phase exhibits orientation relationship with icosahedral phase. The composition analysis performed using energy dispersive x-ray analyzer suggests that this phase has composition higher aluminum than the icosahedral phase. The analysis of the available phase diagram information indicates that the present results represent large departure from equilibrium conditions. A possible scenario of the evolution of the ω phase has been suggested.


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Symmetric and asymmetric superlattices (SLs) composed of ferromagnetic La0.6Sr0.4MnO3 (LSMO) and ferroelectric 0.7Pb(Mg1/3Nb2/3)O3 – 0.3PbTiO3 (PMN-PT) with different periodicities have been fabricated on LaNiO3 (LNO) coated LaAlO3 (100) (LAO) substrates by pulsed laser ablation deposition. Structural, ferromagnetic and ferroelectric properties have been studied for all the SLs. All the heterostructures exhibited good ferromagnetic response over a wide range of temperatures (10K – 300K), whereas only the asymmetric SLs exhibited reasonably good ferroelectric behaviour. Ferromagnetic and ferroelectric hysteresis loops observed in the asymmetric SLs confirmed their biferroic nature. Studies were conducted towards understanding the influence of LSMO layers on the electrical responses of the heterostructures. Absence of ferroelectricity in the symmetric SL structures has been attributed to their high leakage characteristics. Strong influence of an applied magnetic field of 1.2T was observed on the ferroelectric properties of the asymmetric SLs. The effect of magnetic field on the ferroelectric properties of the SLs indicated possibility of strong interfacial effect.


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After annealing a continuous SiO2 film on the (001) surface of TiO2, the film dewets and then spreads to form a complex pattern. The final droplet morphology displays a densely branching morphology similar to those seen in computer-simulated models. It is proposed that Bénard-Marangoni convection cells form within the film before dewetting occurs. The formation of Bénard-Marangoni convection cells prior to dewetting results in the uniform size and spacing of the droplets on the surface. These convection cells form at temperature when the TiO2 substrate dissolves into the SiO2 thin film. The change in composition results in regions of differing surface tensions and therefore leads to the formation of the convection cells.


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Composite coatings containing quasicrystalline (QC) phases in Al-Cu-Fe alloys were prepared by laser cladding using a mixture of the elemental powders. Two substrates, namely pure aluminum and an Al-Si alloy were used. The clad layers were remelted at different scanning velocities to alter the growth conditions of different phases. The process parameters were optimized to produce quasicrystalline phases. The evolution of the microstructure in the coating layer was characterized by detailed microstructural investigation. The results indicate presence of quasicrystals in the aluminum substrate. However, only approximant phase could be observed in the substrate of Al-Si alloys. It is shown that there is a significant transport of Si atoms from the substrate to the clad layer during the cladding and remelting process. The hardness profiles of coatings on aluminum substrate indicate a very high hardness. The coating on Al-Si alloy, on the other hand, is ductile and soft. The fracture toughness of the hard coating on aluminum was obtained by nano-indentation technique. The K1C value was found to be 1.33 MPa m1/2 which is typical of brittle materials.