985 resultados para Maine.


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Temporal trends in total ozone for the St. Lawrence estuary were estimated from ground-based measurements at the NOAA/CMDL station in Caribou, Maine. Linear regression analysis showed that from 1979 to 1999 total ozone has decreased by about 3.3% per decade on an annual basis and ≤6.2% per decade on a monthly basis relative to unperturbed (pre-CFC) levels. The influence of increased ultraviolet-B (280–320 nm) radiation associated with ozone depletion on water column photochemical processes was evaluated by modeling the photobleaching of chromophoric dissolved organic material (CDOM). Linear regression analysis showed small (<0.5% per decade), but statistically significant upward trends in maximum noontime photobleaching rates. Most notably, positive trends in relative rates for May, June, and July, when maximum absolute rates are expected, were predicted. A global model based on TOMS ozone data revealed increases in photobleaching of ≤3% per decade at high latitudes in the Southern Hemisphere. Radiation amplification factors for increases in photochemically weighted UV (280–400 nm) in response to ozone depletion were estimated at 0.1 and 0.08 for photobleaching of CDOM absorbance at 300 and 350 nm, respectively. Application of the laboratory-based model to conditions that more closely resembled those in situ were variable with both overestimation and underestimation of measured rates. The differences between modeled rates and observed rates under quasi-natural conditions were as large or larger than the predicted increases due to ozone depletion. These comparisons suggest that biological activity and mixing play an important, but as yet ill-defined, role in modifying photochemical processes.


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Nets in traditional Porphyra mariculture are seeded with conchospores derived from the conchocelis phase, and spend a nursery period in culture tanks or calm coastal waters until they reach several centimeters in length. Some species of Porphyra can regenerate the foliose phase directly through asexual reproduction, which suggests that the time, infrastructure, and costs associated with conchocelis culture might be avoided by seeding nets with asexual spores. Here, we present work from a short-term mariculture study using nets seeded with asexual spores (neutral spores) of a native Maine species of Porphyra. Porphyra umbilicalis (L.) Kutzing was selected for this proof of concept research because of its reproductive biology, abundance across seasons in Maine, and evidence of its promise as a mariculture crop. We studied the maturation, release, and germination of the neutral spores to develop an appropriate seeding protocol for nets, followed by development of a nursery raceway to provide an easily manipulated environment for the seeded nets. Neutral spores were produced throughout the year on the central Maine coast,however, there was a temporal variability in the number and survival of released neutral spores, depending upon thallus position in the intertidal zone. Small thalli were strictly vegetative, but most thalli reproduced by neutral spores- sexual reproduction was absent. Neutral spores germinated quickly at 10 and 15 'C, but germination was delayed at 5 degrees C. Unlike some algal zygotes and spores, neutral spores of R umbilicalis required light to germinate; however, irradiances of 25 and 100 mu mol photons M-2 S-1 were equally sufficient for germination. Rafts of seeded nets were deployed in Cobscook Bay, Maine, at two distances from salmon aquaculture pens and at a control site on a nearby, fallow aquaculture site (no salmon). There was no difference in nitrogen content of harvested thalli; however, both the density and the surface area of harvested thalli were different among the sites. The possible causes of these differences are discussed in the context of potential use of P umbilicalis in IMTA. (C) 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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As a prelude to strain selection for domestication and future marker assisted selection, genetic variation revealed by microsatellite DNA was evaluated in yellow perch, Perca flavescens, from four wild North American populations collected in 2003-2004 (Maine, New York, North Carolina, and Pennsylvania,), and two captive populations (Michigan and Ohio). For the loci examined, levels of heterozygosity ranged from H-e=0.04 to 0.88, genetic differentiation was highly significant among all population pairs, and effective migration ranged from low (N(e)m=0.3) to high (N(e)m=4.5). Deviation from Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium was regularly observed indicating significant departures from random mating. Instantaneous measures of inbreeding within these populations ranged from near zero to moderate (median F=0.16) and overall inbreeding levels averaged F-IS=0.18. Estimates of genetic diversity, Phi(ST), and genetic distance were highest between Michigan and all other broodstock groups and lowest between New York and Ohio. Genetic differentiation among groups did not correlate with geographic distance. Overall, the patterns of variation exhibited by the captive (Michigan and Ohio) populations were similar to patterns exhibited by the other wild populations, indicating that spawning and management practices to date have not significantly reduced levels of genetic variation. (C) 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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The Substance of a Sermon, by Elijah Hedding


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Situated in an oceanographic transition zone, the Gulf of Maine/Western Scotian Shelf (GOM/WSS) region of the Northwest Atlantic is especially susceptible to changes in the climate system. Recent studies have shown that a coupled slope water system (CSWS) operates in the Northwest Atlantic and responds in a similar manner to climatic forcing over a broad range of time scales. These studies further suggest that it may be possible to associate different modes of the CSWS with the different phases of the North Atlantic Oscillation (NAO). Results from recent GLOBEC field studies in the Northwest Atlantic provide strong evidence linking physical responses of the CSWS to basin-scale forcing associated with the NAO. By placing these results in the context of time-series data collected from the GOM/WSS over the past half century, we show that we show that: (i) the region’s shelf ecosystems respond both physically and biologically to modal shifts in the CSWS; (ii) the CSWS mediates the effects on these ecosystems of basin-scale climatic forcing associated with the NAO and (iii) certain planktonic species can be good indicators of the CSWS’s modal state on inter-annual to interdecadal time scales.


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Results from the Continuous Plankton Recorder (CPR) survey for 1966 and 1967 are used to describe seasonal changes in abundance, size and aspects of the population structure of Thysanoessa inermis (Krøyer) and T. raschi (M. Sars) at a depth of 10 m in the North Sea and in American coastal waters from the Grand Banks to the Gulf of Maine. Production and dry weight were estimated from these data. Two year-groups were usually present in the breeding population, the proportion surviving into a second year being higher in American waters than in the North Sea. Annual production for each species was within the range 0.69 to 4.66 mg m-3 and the ratio between production and biomass (P:B) was between 1.3 and 4.2; values outside these ranges were obtained only for American coastal waters in 1967, when the frequency of sampling was low.


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A north/south discontinuity along the northeastern coast of North America in the genetic structure of the American lobster (Homarus americanus) was detected using a suite of 13 microsatellite loci assessed using spatial analyses. Population genetic data laid over existing data on physiographic changes and sea-surface temperatures were used to reconstruct the Pleistocene distribution of this species. A postglacial northern-edge colonization model best explains the relative genetic homogeneity of the northern region compared to the southern region centred in the Gulf of Maine. Population genetic analyses identified significant structure (range of standardized theta 0-0.02) but no significant evidence for isolation by distance. The novel application of spatial genetic analyses to a marine species allowed us to interpret these results by providing a greater insight into the evolutionary factors responsible for shaping the genetic structure of this species throughout is natural range.


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In 2006 and 2007, elevated numbers of deaths among seals, constituting an unusual mortality event, occurred off the coasts of Maine and Massachusetts, United States. We isolated a virus from seal tissue and confirmed it as phocine distemper virus (PDV). We compared the viral hemagglutinin, phosphoprotein, and fusion (F) and matrix (M) protein gene sequences with those of viruses from the 1988 and 2002 PDV epizootics. The virus showed highest similarity with a PDV 1988 Netherlands virus, which raises the possibility that the 2006 isolate from the United States might have emerged independently from 2002 PDVs and that multiple lineages of PDV might be circulating among enzootically infected North American seals. Evidence from comparison of sequences derived from different tissues suggested that mutations in the F and M genes occur in brain tissue that are not present in lung, liver, or blood, which suggests virus persistence in the central nervous system.


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Cryptotephras (tephra not visible to the naked eye) form the foundation of the tephrostratigraphic frameworks used in Europe to date and correlate widely distributed geologic, paleoenvironmental and archaeological records. Pyne-O'Donnell et al. (2012) established the potential for developing a similar crypto-tephrostratigraphy across eastern North America by identifying multiple tephra, including the White River Ash (east; WRAe), St. Helens We and East Lake, in a peat core located in Newfoundland. Following on from this work, several ongoing projects have examined additional peat cores from Michigan, New York State, Maine, Nova Scotia and Newfoundland to build a tephrostratigraphic framework for this region. Using the precedent set by recent research by Jensen et al.(in press) that correlated the Alaskan WRAe to the European cryptotephra AD860B, unknown tephras identified in this work were not necessarily assumed to be from "expected" source areas (e.g. the Cascades). Here we present several examples of the preservation of tephra layers with an intercontinental distribution (i.e. WRAe and Ksudach 1), from relatively small magnitude events (i.e. St. Helens layer T, Mono Crater), and the first example of a Mexican ash in the NE (Volcan Ceboruco, Jala pumice). There are several implications of the identification of these units. These far-travelled ashes: (1) highlight the need to consider "ultra" distal source volcanoes for unknown cryptotephra deposits,. (2) present an opportunity for physical volcanologists to examine why some eruptions have an exceptional distribution of ash that is not necessarily controlled by the magnitude of the event. (3) complicate the idea of using tephrostratigraphic frameworks to understand the frequency of eruptions towards aiding hazard planning and prediction (e.g. Swindles et al., 2011). (4) show that there is a real potential to link tropical and mid to high-latitude paleoenvironmental records. Jensen et al. (in press) Transatlantic correlation of the Alaskan White River Ash. Geology. Pyne-O'Donnell et al. (2012). High-precision ultra-distal Holocene tephrochronology in North America. Quaternary Science Reviews, 52, 6-11. Swindles et al. (2011). A 7000 yr perspective on volcanic ash clouds affecting northern Europe. Geology, 39, 887-890.


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Holocene cryptotephras of Alaskan and Pacific Northwestern origin have recently been detected ca. 7000 km away on the east coast of North America. This study extends the emerging North American tephrochronological framework by geochemically characterising seventeen cryptotephra layers from four newly explored peatlands. All detected tephras were deposited during the late Holocene, with no horizons present in the peat between ca. 3000–5000 years ago. The prevalence of the Alaskan White River Ash eastern lobe (AD 847 ± 1) is confirmed across the eastern seaboard from Newfoundland to Maine and a regional depositional pattern from Mount St Helens Set W (AD 1479–1482) is presented. The first occurrences of four additional cryptotephras in eastern North America are described, three of which may originate from source regions in Mexico, Kamchatka (Russia) and Hokkaido (Japan). The possibility of such tephras reaching eastern North America presents the opportunity to link palaeo-archives from the tropics and eastern Asia with those from the western Atlantic seaboard, aiding inter-regional comparisons of proxy-climatic records.


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Lumpfish, or lumpsucker, Cyclopterus lumpus (Linnaeus, 1758) is widely distributed in the North Atlantic Ocean. It has a considerable economic value and substantial fisheries occur in several North Atlantic regions owing to the use of its fully ripe internal egg masses in the ovaries as an alternative to sturgeon caviar. Despite being intensively fished in several locations, biological knowledge is limited and no genetic structure information is available. In this study, the stock structure of C. lumpus was investigated across the North Atlantic using ten microsatellite loci. Out of ten loci, two exhibited higher level of differentiation but their inclusion/ exclusion from the analyses did not drastically change the observed genetic pattern. A total of three distinct genetic groups were detected: Maine-Canada-Greenland, Iceland-Norway and Baltic Sea. These results, discussed in terms of origin of differentiation, gene flow, and selection, showed that gene flow was rather limited among the detected groups, and also between Greenland and Maine-Canada.


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Contient : Table d'un recueil de « Licts de justice et séances des roys de France et autres assemblées solemneles, és cours de Parlement de Paris, Toulouse, Bordeaux et Roüen, depuis l'an 1369 jusques en l'an 1635... » [cf. le ms. français 18410] ; « La séance et le rang d'opiner observez aux jugemens contre les princes et les pairs de France accusez du crime de lèse-majesté », Lits de justice des années 1378-1616 ; Extraits d'ordonnances de François premier, 1515, et de Charles IX, 1566 ; Mémoires de Théodore GODEFROY, concernant le crime de lèse-majesté ; Crime de lèse-majesté en Angleterre, 1572, 1587 et 1601 ; Notes de monsieur DE PRIÉZAC, concernant la politique, orig ; Arrêts du Conseil du Roi et du Grand-Conseil, 1502-1513 ; Arrêts de condamnation à mort prononcés contre divers grands personnages, 1545-1551 ; Lettre d'Arnaud « Du Ferrier », ambassadeur à Venise, « touchant la sortie de France du marquis du Maine sans le consentement du Roy », juin 1572, orig ; Copie d'un acte de Louis XIII, 1627 ; Pièce concernant le procès du maréchal Louis de Marillac, 1633 ; Arrêts de la Chambre du Domaine, ordonnances et autres pièces, concernant divers dons du Roi et diverses confiscations, 1631-1633, in-8°, impr ; « Mémoire de monseigneur [le chancelier Séguier] pour l'affaire de monsieur [Bernard de Nogaret, duc] de La Vallette, pour le siège de Fontarabie », min ; Pièces concernant la détention du prince Casimir, frère de Vladislas VII, roi de Pologne, correspondance diplomatique entre la France et la Pologne à ce sujet, 1639 ; Pièces concernant Marie de Médicis et sa retraite hors de France, 1637 ; Pièces concernant le différend survenu entre le cardinal de Richelieu et Henri II d'Escoubleau de Sourdis, archevêque de Bordeaux, à l'occasion de propos injurieux tenus par ce dernier, dépositions orig., 1641 ; « Interrogatoire... touchant les correspondances et intelligences de l'archevesque de Bourdeaux [Henri II d'Escoubleau de Sourdis] avec monsieur Le Grand [le grand-écuyer Cinq-Mars], 1642 », orig ; Dossier concernant « les menées du sieur [Josué, comte] de Chavagnac, dans le Gévaudan et les Cévènes, contre le cardinal de Richelieu, en faveur du sieur Le Grand [le grand-écuyer Cinq-Mars], 1642 », orig ; Interrogatoires de divers complices de Cinq-Mars, arrêtés à Tarascon, 1642, orig ; Autres pièces concernant les troubles du Gévaudan et les menées du comte de Chavagnac, 1642 (f. 392), — notamment acte orig. de Louis XIII (f. 398) ; Lettre autogr. de Louis XIII au cardinal de Richelieu, « touchant la conspiration du duc de Bouillon [Frédéric-Maurice de La Tour] et du sieur de Cinq-Mars », 4 août 1642 ; « Relation de la disposition à la mort de monsieur [François-Auguste] de Thon, le 10e septembre 1642 » ; Pièces concernant César, duc de Vendôme, 1599 (f. 414), et 1617 (f. 416) ; « Minutte de lettre de monseigneur [le chancelier Séguier] à Son Éminence le cardinal de Richelieu, touchant les proceds des ducs de Guise, de Bouillon et monsieur le comte » [Henri II de Lorraine, duc de Guise, Frédéric-Maurice de La Tour, duc de Bouillon, et Louis de Bourbon, comte de Soissons] ; Minute d'un mémoire du chancelier Séguier, concernant l'arrestation de François de Vendôme, duc de Beaufort, 1643 ; Pièces concernant le procès de César, duc de Vendôme, minutes de mémoires, lettres et notes du chancelier Séguier, etc., 1641 ; Pièces concernant le procès de François de Vendôme, duc de Beaufort, minutes du chancelier Séguier, etc., 1643-1645 ; Dossier concernant les pillages et divers abus commis à Anet, à l'occasion de la capture de certaines gens du duc de Vendôme, 1641-1645, orig. et copies ; Dossier concernant le procès de Scipion « Rabastenq » ou « Rabastens », 1644-1647, orig. et copies, comprenant notamment son interrogatoire par François Bochart de Champigny, orig. (f. 490), — des copies de lettres à lui adressées (f. 504 et suiv.), — et des lettres orig. à lui adressées par « de Lazan Du Pain » (f. 508 et suiv.) ; « Accusations du chevalier de Lorraine pour une entreprise de tuer monsieur le cardinal Mazarin », 1645 ; Pièces concernant le procès de Pierre Chéron, qui avait « dit et proféré plusieurs parolles scandaleuses contre l'honneur de la Reine et contre monsieur le cardinal Mazarin », 1648, orig ; Pièces concernant la maison de Guise, principalement la confiscation du duché de Guise pour crime de lèse-majesté, la restitution dudit duché, et le différend survenu entre Henriette-Catherine de Joyeuse, duchesse de Guise, et Henri II de Lorraine, duc de Guise, prince de Joinville et comte d'Eu, son fils, 1641-1643, orig., minutes de la main du chancelier Séguier, et copies, actes royaux, etc ; Pièces concernant le comte de Brion, premier écuyer du duc d'Orléans, notamment minute de la main du chancelier Séguier, 1643 ; Pièces diverses, manuscrites et impr., concernant le marquis Charles de La Viéville, 1631-1643 ; Pièces concernant Mathieu Morgues, sieur de Saint-Germain, minute de la main du chancelier Séguier, et copies, 1643 ; Informations diverses et arrêts, 1643-1645, orig. et cop., notamment : « Information touchant quelques paroles outrageuses contre l'honneur du Roy, 1643 » ; Pièces concernant certains imprimeurs et certains libelles diffamatoires, 1643-1644, orig. et cop ; Pièces concernant divers prisonniers enfermés à la Bastille, lettres, etc., orig., min. et cop, 1645 ; « Interrogatoire faict par monseigneur le chancelier [Séguier] touchant le sieur de Sangeon, prisonnier pour une affaire concernant Mademoiselle », min. de la main du chancelier Séguier ; Extraits des Registres du Parlement, 1388-1616 ; Nombreuses pièces, manuscrites et impr., concernant les principaux personnages de la Fronde, les princes de Condé et de Conti, le duc de Longueville, le duc de Bouillon, les maréchaux de Brézé, de Turenne, etc., 1650-1654 ; « Touchant le retour des sieurs de Tavannes [Jacques de Saulx-Tavannes] et de Saint-Micault en l'obéissance du Roy », 1650 ; Pièces concernant le procès de Christophe Bertault, 1653 ; Pièces concernant le procès du sieur de Croissy, conseiller au Parlement, 1653, notamment : Inventaire de ses meubles (f. 709), — et minute d'un discours du chancelier Séguier (f. 711) ; Pièces diverses, manuscrites et impr., concernant le procès des sieurs de Fontrailles et de Matha, 1649-1650 ; Pièces diverses, manuscrites et impr., concernant le cardinal Mazarin, 1651-1654 (f. 728), — notamment mémoire de la main de monsieur de Priézac (f. 729) ; Pièces concernant le cardinal de Retz, 1654, placards double in-folio, impr