966 resultados para Maine Sea Fisheries
Exclusive Fishing Zones (EFZs) are a type of place-based management tool often used to mitigate conflicts between fishing sectors by granting fishing rights to one of the sectors. This case study enhances our knowledge of the pre- and post-implementation processes associated with EFZs as well as its consequences for fish stocks and artisanal fishers and their families. The study draws upon interviews with artisanal fishers and key informants related to an EFZ established in 2008 in Colombia (the Chocó-EFZ). The findings of this research indicate that conflicts at sea and on land between artisanal and industrial fisheries triggered the Chocó-EFZ process. Results also show some potential benefits of the Chocó-EFZ including: a) mitigating conflicts between artisanal fishers and industrial shrimpers; b) contributing to the food security of artisanal fishing households and sustaining local fish stocks; c) supporting an existing informal community-based management as well as promoting the development of a co-management regime. Potential negative effects of the Chocó-EFZ include: a) displacement of industrial fishing effort and, b) job loss within the industrial shrimp industry. The findings of this research also indicate that there are multiple factors that jeopardize the effectiveness and continuation of the Chocó-EFZ, some of which include diversity of fisheries, power struggles among stakeholders, and disagreement about exclusive access to fish resources.
The problems faced by scientists in charge of managing Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) stocks are : i) how to maintain spawning runs consisting of repeat spawners and large multi-sea-winter (MSW) adults in the face of selective homewater and distant commercial fisheries and , ii) how to more accurately predict returns of adults. Using data from scales collected from maiden Atlantic salmon grilse from two locations on the Northern Peninsula of Newfoundland, St. Barbe Bay and Western Arm Brook, their length at smolting was back calculated. These data were then used to examine whether the St. Barbe commercial fishery is selective for salmon of particular smolt age and/or size. Analysis indicated that come commercial fishery selected larger, but not necessarily older adults that those escaping to Western Arm Brook over the period of this study, 1978-1987. It was determined that less than average size smolts survived better than above average size smolts. Slection for repeat spawners, large MSW salmon, and larger grilse has meant reductions in the proportions of these adults in the spawning runs on Western Arm Brook. This may impact the Western Arm Brook salmon stock by increasing the population instability. Sea survival was significantly correlated with selection by the commercial fishery. Characteristics of adults in Western Arm Brook during the period of study (1978-1987) did not help in explaining yearly variation in sea survival. The characteristics of smolts, however, when subjected to multiple regression analysis explained 57.2 percent of the yearly variation in sea survival.
The purpose of this dissertation is to contribute to a better understanding of how global seafood trade interacts with the governance of small-scale fisheries (SSFs). As global seafood trade expands, SSFs have the potential to experience significant economic, social, and political benefits from participation in export markets. At the same time, market connections that place increasing pressures on resources pose risks to both the ecological and social integrity of SSFs. This dissertation seeks to explore the factors that mediate between the potential benefits and risks of global seafood markets for SSFs, with the goal of developing hypotheses regarding these relationships.
The empirical investigation consists of a series of case studies from the Yucatan Peninsula, Mexico. This is a particularly rich context in which to study global market connections with SSFs because the SSFs in this region engage in a variety of market-oriented harvests, most notably for octopus, groupers and snappers, lobster, and sea cucumber. Variation in market forms and the institutional diversity of local-level governance arrangements allows the dissertation to explore a number of examples.
The analysis is guided primarily by common-pool resource (CPR) theory because of the insights it provides regarding the conditions that facilitate collective action and the factors that promote long-lasting resource governance arrangements. Theory from institutional economics and political ecology contribute to the elaboration of a multi-faceted conceptualization of markets for CPR theory, with the aim of facilitating the identification of mechanisms through which markets and CPR governance actually interact. This dissertation conceptualizes markets as sets of institutions that structure the exchange of property rights over fisheries resources, affect the material incentives to harvest resources, and transmit ideas and values about fisheries resources and governance.
The case studies explore four different mechanisms through which markets potentially influence resource governance: 1) Markets can contribute to costly resource governance activities by offsetting costs through profits, 2) markets can undermine resource governance by generating incentives for noncompliance and lead to overharvesting resources, 3) markets can increase the costs of resource governance, for example by augmenting monitoring and enforcement burdens, and 4) markets can alter values and norms underpinning resource governance by transmitting ideas between local resource users and a variety of market actors.
Data collected using participant observation, survey, informal and structured interviews contributed to the elaboration of the following hypotheses relevant to interactions between global seafood trade and SSFs governance. 1) Roll-back neoliberalization of fisheries policies has undermined cooperatives’ ability to achieve financial success through engagement with markets and thus their potential role as key actors in resource governance (chapter two). 2) Different relations of production influence whether local governance institutions will erode or strengthen when faced with market pressures. In particular, relations of production in which fishers own their own means of production and share the collective costs of governance are more likely to strengthen resource governance while relations of production in which a single entrepreneur controls capital and access to the fishery are more likely to contribute to the erosion of resource governance institutions in the face of market pressures (chapter three). 3) By serving as a new discursive framework within which to conceive of and talk about fisheries resources, markets can influence norms and values that shape and constitute governance arrangements.
In sum, the dissertation demonstrates that global seafood trade manifests in a diversity of local forms and effects. Whether SSFs moderate risks and take advantage of benefits depends on a variety of factors, and resource users themselves have the potential to influence the outcomes of seafood market connections through local forms of collective action.
Aquaculture is a fast-growing industry contributing to global food security and sustainable aquaculture, which may reduce pressures on capture fisheries. The overall objective of this thesis was to look at the immunostimulatory effects of different aspects of aquaculture on the host response of the edible sea urchin, Paracentrotus lividus, which are a prized delicacy (roe) in many Asian and Mediterranean countries. In Chapter 1, the importance of understanding the biology, ecology, and physiology of P. lividus, as well as the current status in the culture of this organism for mass production and introducing the thesis objectives for following chapters is discussed. As the research commenced, the difficulties of identifying individuals for repeat sampling became clear; therefore, Chapter 2 was a tagging experiment that indicated PIT tagging was a successful way of identifying individual sea urchins over time with a high tag retention rate. However, it was also found that repeat sampling via syringe to measure host response of an individual caused stress which masked results and thus animals would be sampled and sacrificed going forward. Additionally, from personal observations and discussion with peers, it was suggested to look at the effect that diet has on sea urchin immune function and the parameters I measured which led to Chapter 3. In this chapter, both Laminaria digitata and Mytilus edulis were shown to influence measured immune parameters of differential cell counts, nitric oxide production, and lysozyme activity. Therefore, trials commencing after Trial 5 in Chapter 4, were modified to include starvation in order to remove any effect of diet. Another important aspect of culturing any organism is the study of their immune function and its response to several immunostimulatory agents (Chapter 4). Zymosan A was shown to be an effective immunostimulatory agent in P. lividus. Further work on handled/stored animals (Chapter 5) showed Zymosan A reduced the measured levels of some immune parameters measured relative to the control, which may reduce the amount of stress in the animals. In Chapter 6, animals were infected with Vibrio anguillarum and, although V. anguillarum, impacted immune parameters of P. lividus, it did not cause mortality as predicted. Lastly, throughout this thesis work, it was noted that the immune parameters measured produced different values at different times of the year (Chapter 7); therefore, using collated baseline (control) data, results were compiled to observe seasonal effects. It was determined that both seasonality and sourcing sites influenced immune parameter measurements taken at different times throughout the year. In conclusion, this thesis work fits into the framework of development of aquaculture practices that affect immune function of the host and future research focusing on the edible sea urchin, P. lividus.
Seals and humans often target the same food resource, leading to competition. This is of mounting concern with fish stocks in global decline. Grey seals were tracked from southeast Ireland, an area of mixed demersal and pelagic fisheries, and overlap with fisheries on the Celtic Shelf and Irish Sea was assessed. Overall, there was low overlap between the tagged seals and fisheries. However, when we separate active (e.g. trawls) and passive gear (e.g. nets, lines) fisheries, a different picture emerged. Overlap with active fisheries was no different from that expected under a random distribution, but overlap with passive fisheries was significantly higher. This suggests that grey seals may be targeting the same areas as passive fisheries and/or specifically targeting passive gear. There was variation in foraging areas between individual seals suggesting habitat partitioning to reduce intra-specific competition or potential individual specialisation in foraging behaviour. Our findings support other recent assertions that seal/fisheries interactions in Irish waters are an issue in inshore passive fisheries, most likely at the operational and individual level. This suggests that seal population management measures would be unjustifiable, and mitigation is best focused on minimizing interactions at nets.
Mnemiopsis leidyi one species of phylum Ctenophora, is a native species in America. It has most likely moved across the Atlantic in the ballast water of cargo ships to the Black sea in 1982, and then to the Caspian Sea thought the Volga-Don Channel, in Nov 1999. The population of M. leidyi rows rapidly and by end of 2000, the entire sea was teeming with them. This survey was arranged In order to study the relationship between the invasion of M. leidyi and sharp decline in main stocks pelagic fish such as Kilka. Dietary analysis was conducted on Anchovy Killka (Clupeonella engrauliformis) and M. leidyi from August 2001 to October 2002 in two stations, located at the costal water near Babolsar (52.38° E ,36.42° N ) and Noshahar (51.33° E,36.39° N) in the Caspian Sea province of Mazandaran, Iran. M. leidyi was caught by plankton net, at three vertical strata of both station at surface 5 in, 10m, and 15 m the Kilka was caught by fisheries boat at Babolasar fishery harbour. Samples of M. leidyi were not fixed in its common fixative, we used 96% Ethanol In order to study of M. leidyi digestion system some alive samples, directly, were studied by the fluorescence microscope which was connected to a computer prepared specially for this process. In many cases, the light was directly reflected on the sample and microscopic image was prepared in dark background. We found that there were some common organisms in diet of both species. The Schoener index analysis reflected these similarities, as values more than critical level of overlap (>89 in Babolsar samples and >84 in Noshahar samples) were found. Results from this study suggests that M. leidyi and Anchovy have a similar feeding niche and computation between them is one of the reasons to decline in anchovy stocks. Economical effects of M. leidyi s invasion in research area were studied by data on kilka caught before and after introducing M. leidyi.
Lake Albert/Mobutu lies along the Zaire-Uganda border in 43/57 per cent ratio in the faulted depression tending south-west to the north east. It is bounded by latitudes 1o0 n to 2o 20’ N and longitudes 30o 20’ to 31o 20’E. It has a width varying from 35 to 45 km (22 to 28 miles) as measured between the scarps at the lake level. It covers an area of 5600km2 and has a maximum depth of 48m. The major inflow is through the Semiliki, an outflow of Lake Edward, Muzizi and Victoria Nile draining lakes Victoria and Kyoga while the Albert Nile is the outflow. The physical, chemical and biological productivity parameters are summarized in Table 1. The scarp is steep but not sheer and there are at least 4 tracks leading down it to villages on the shore and scarp land scarp is a young one, formed as a result of earth movements of the Pleistocene times, and the numerous streams come down headlong down its thousand feet drop, more often than not in falls (Baker, 1954). Sometimes there appears to be a clean fault; and at other places there is the appearrence of step faulting, although this may be of only a superical nature .The escarpment’s composed of rocks belonging to the pre-Cambrian Basement complex of the content; but the floor of the depression is covered with young sedimentary rocks, known as kaiso beds. In their upper part these latter beds contains many pebbles; whilst low down the occurrence fossiliferous beds is sufficiently rare phenomenon in the interior plateau of Africa. The kaiso beds dated as possibly middle Pleistocene in age, are exposed in various flats on the shore, and they presumably extend under the relatively shallow waters of the lake. A feature of the shore is the development of sandpits and the enclosure of lagoons; and these can be observed in various stages of development at kaiso, Tonya, kibiro, Buhuka and above all, at Butiaba. On an island lake over 1100 km (700 miles) from the shores of the Indian Ocean one can thus study some of the shore-line phenomena usually associated with the sea- coast (Worthington, 1929). In the north, from Butiaba onwards, the flats become wider and from a continuous lowland as the lake shore curves away from the straight edge of the escarpment. At a height of just 610m (2000 feet) above sea-level, the rift valley floor at Butiaba has a mean annual temperature of 25.60c (780 f), from which there is virtually no seasonal variation; and and the mean daily range is only 6.50c (130f) (E.Afr. met. Dept.1953). With a mean annual rainfall of not much more than 762mm (309 inches) and only 92 rain days in ayear, again to judge from Butiaba, conditions in the rift valley are semi-arid; and the vegetation cover consists of grasses and scattered drought-resisting trees and bushes. Only near the stream courses does the vegetation thicken.
In pursuit of its mandate to raise the safety standards in the country’s fishing fleet, the Norwegian Maritime Authority will rely on dialogue with the industry.
Sardines and other Microfilidae have very important ecological role in marine ecosystems because they are first consumers in marine food chain and they are the main food of valuable species as tuna. So decries in their population will decline fishing of these spices. There are 10 genus of Clupeidae in south of Iran and Sardinella is the one of the most abundant of them. In this study we investigated about morphological and genetically differences in population of 3 species: Sardinella sindensis, Sardinella abella, Dussomieria acuta. About 65 specimens of Sardinella sindensis, 61 specimens of Sardinella albella and 63 specimens of, Dussomieria acuta from three regions of their distribution: Jask (Oman Sea), Qeshm (Hormoz) and Lengeh (Pearsian Gulf) have been collected. Morphological research of their characters and statistical studies were done. To determine the genetically structure of specie's population we sequenced 500 bp of mitochondrial control region. Genetical studies determine meaningful difference in alleles and heterozigosity frequency of Sardinella sindensis. This must be the result of divergence in population of this species. Morphological investigation of Sardinella albella shows the meaningful difference. But detailed studies diffused it. Genetical studies show a meaningful variance in allele and heterosigosity frequency. This may be an aspect of sardine tendency to live in estuaries. Morphological research of Dussomieria acuta in Jask and Lengeh show a meaningful variance in these regions. Such a situation might be result of Monsoon, upwelling and better weather which occur in Oman Sea in spite of Persian Gulf.
Sturgeons are important because of producing the expensive caviar. With regard to decreasing of natural stocks of these fishes, cultured sturgeons farms are expanding, so infectious or non-infectious agents can cause problems in this industry. One of the most important infectious diseases, are parasitic diseases, like gill parasites. In this study from March 2007 to June 2008, gills of 122 sturgeons of south west of Caspian Sea, 44 samples of juveniles from freshwater farms and 25 samples of cultured fishes in freshwater were collected and examined. Parasites were separated and determination of species and prevalence of them were done. Nitzschia sturionis and Diclybothrium armatum (monogenea) with general prevalence 8.7% in Acipenser persicus and 25.6% in Acipenser stellatus from sea sturgeons and Trichodina (sp.1, sp.2) and Ichthyophthirius multifiliis from freshwater sturgeons, were separated. Statistical analysis was done according to species, sex, length and weight of fishes. Pathology, morphometric and morphological characters of Nitzschia sturionis were also studied. At the end, we have suggested ways for health management of farms for prevention of parasites entry.
In a survey on 524 specimens from 18 different species belonging to the Carangidae family collected from The Persian Gulf, otolithes (Sagittae) are extracted from under gills region. After washing, their morphometric parameters measured. These parameters are otolith length, width, weight and length of antirostrum, width and length of rostrum, width in right and left sagittae. In addition to the otolith outline, mode position and mode opening of the Sulcus acusticus was examined. Data indicate correlation between most of the parameters (P<0.05). This shows correlation between total length and weight of fish, otolith length and weight of otolith in most of specimens. There was correlation in most species between otolith length and total length of studies fishes, otolith weight and weight of fish, otolith weight and total length, otolith length and weight of fish, length of right and left otolith. Otolith had very diveres outline types (fusiform, sagitiform, lanceolated, iregular). There were most of variety about status dentates in dorsal margin and ventral margin of the otolith. As result of this analysis it is possible to identify species from the Carangidae family by the otolith characters.
Rutilus frisii Kutum is one of the most precious fish in the Caspian Sea. Investigation of the various aspects of its biocharactristics. Including its parasite fauna and ecological aspects are of prime importance. In this study the farmed kutum fry were on the focus of investigation in various seasons of the year and prior to their being released in the sea. This included also the study on the kutum spawners caught both from liver and the sea. The results were that 17 external and internal parasite species were distinct within different organs which were further identified down to genus and species. The single celled parasites identified included Ichthyophthirius multifilils, Chilodonella hexastica, Chilodonella pisicola, Trichodina sp Along with the monogene parasites that included Paradiplozoon chazaricum, D. rarissimus, D. turaliensis, D. nybelini, Dactylogyrus frisii. Meanwhile Diplostomum spathaceum constituted the single eyed parasites and the intestinal termatode were Aspidogaster limacoides, Asymphyoldora kubanicum as well as Bothriocephalus gowkongeniss as the sestads. The nematodes defrentiated were Raphidascaris acus, Dioctophyma renale, and Eustrongylides excisus followed by Lernaea cyprinacea as a crustacean. In this study, infestations by single celled parasites, crustaceans and sestod were found to be present only among the farmed kutum fry which varied in terms of percentage and intensity of infection as well as the parasite species and season of the year. The highest percentage of infection among kutum fry and spawners in both fresh water and in the sea during all seasons belonged to monogene parasites (33%). This was up to 100% among spawners. Infection caused by nematodes was exclusively detected among riverine spawners (7.5-5%) and the infection by Asymphyoldora kubanicum and Aspidogaster limacoides among Spawners caught at Sea and rivers varied within different seasons of the year. The infestation of Metacercer diplostomum spathaceum among kutum fry was 12% which compared to spawners was in slightly higher level. The study could identify Dioctophyma renale for the first time in the country and Eustrongylidis excisu was also detected among Rutilus frisii kutum.
In this project, have been studied to determine the appropriate model to spatial, temporal and diversity of demersal fishes in the Sea of Oman, including Trichiuridae, Nemipteridae, Haemulidae, Arridae, Synodontidae, Batoidfishes, Carangidae, Scianidae, Carchariniformes and Serranidae. This research became operational from catch data during 2003 to 2013 (in 2007, due to the lack of ship failed). Processing and calculations was evaluated by using the software Excel, SPSS, Arc GIS and table curve 3D highest biomass and abundance was showed in strata A and C and 10-30 m depth layers was showed the best condition biomass. In other words, highest biomass was showed in the eastern region in the Oman Sea than the central and western regions. Batoidfishes and Trichiuridae had the highest biomass .Depth factors was showed a significant correlation with the biomass. Scianidae, Serranidae and Haemulidae were showed a large decline. Synodontidae was showed a very large increase. The largest of Shannon index belong to central and western region of the Oman Sea. The highest Shannon index was showed 10-20 and 50-100 m, respectively. The Distribution maps based on the biomass was analyzed by using Arc GIS software. So that were identified in the first time in a ten-year period and carefully catch stations any economic of aquatic group. In conclusion, the depth can be found in the pattern of distribution, abundance and diversity of fish from away the beach so that follow specific pattern.