955 resultados para Madness of Queen Maria


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This work consisted in analysing five materials which mean respect to subjects related to Particle Physics, aiming to explore their potentialities for the use in the High School levels, particularly by physics teachers. On this perspective, we sought to describe the contents of each material and point out their potentialities as material of didactic support. They are: 1. The purpose of Secretaria da Educação do Estado de São Paulo, presented in the Teacher's Guide of the Program São Paulo faz escola; 2. The Game Sprace Game, elaborated by the European Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN); 3. The book O discreto charme das partículas elementares, written by the professor Maria Cristina Abdalla; 4. The video O discreto charme das partículas elementares, based on the book of Professor Maria Cristina Abdalla which was produced by TV Cultura in association with the Ministério da Educação e Cultura” (MEC). The book Partículas elementares no ensino médio: uma abordagem a partir do LHC written by Wagner Franklin Balthazar and Alexandre Lopes de Oliveira, from the collection CBPF - Tópicos de Física. The work was constructed on a qualitative perspective, that is, it did not attempt to quantify the help that each material could offer to Physics teaching. One sought to describe and analyse, from different theoretical frames, their potentialities for the use in the High School level. The results indicate that all the materials analysed can contribute to the Physics teaching, and beyond, as they own format and approches distinct from the subject, they can be used as a whole or in parts, together or separately, depending on the objectives to be reached and on the profile of the target public


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The aim is to analyze some aspects of the strategy of intertextual Maria Rosa Lojo and her importance to the translation of two tales Historias Ocultas en la Recoleta. Then, the theory by Umberto Eco about the intertextual irony and its implications in the act of tranlation were used to the understanding. The theories and considerations by Linda Hutcheon on intertextuality, parody and discourses of history also contributed.


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Through brief comments on famous texts of Randolph Caldecott, Rudyard Kipling and Christina Rossetti, we intend to show to the reader aspects of children’s literature written in the reign of Queen Victoria (1837-1901), in which authors inherited the Romantic idea that child and childhood are pure, close to nature in a way that the adult man is not. Moralizing texts, they taught children how to be an adult.


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Pós-graduação em Ciência da Informação - FFC


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The Paraná Magmatic Province was generated by a large volcanic event occurred in the Lower Cretaceous, it was a phenomenon that preceded the fragmentation of the supercontinent Gondwana. In Brazil the volcanic rocks overlying about 75% of the surface of the Parana basin being the Serra Geral Formation essentially represented by basalts and andesites of tholeiitic nature and subordinate porphyritic rhyodacites, called Chapecó type and aphyric rhyolites, Palms type. Based on the chemical compositions, rocks of Palmas type are subdivided into Santa Maria, Clevelândia, Caxias do Sul, Jacuí and Anita Garibaldi. Rocks of Chapecó type are grouped into three distinct subtypes called Guarapuava, Tamarana and Ourinhos. These acidic rocks that overlying basalts are of two main types: high-Ti (Paranapanema, Pitanga and Urubici) and low-Ti (Gramado, Esmeralda and Ribeira). Representative profiles of these rocks were studied in detail in order to establish the lithostratigraphy and Chemostratigraphy of Palmas and Chapecó type. To do this was made a field work and the use of a database with 1109 samples with their geographical coordinates and geochemical information of major and trace elements, which were launched in maps generated by Google Earth. From these maps, it was verified that rocks of the Palmas type are distributed predominantly in the south region of the basin in the state of Rio Grande do Sul, accumulated along Torres Syncline, while those Chapecó type occur in the plateaus of midwestern Paraná, in this region was observed that Chapecó type overlap those Palmas type. In the profiles studied, within Palmas type, Caxias do Sul type is spread throughout the southern region of the basin, occurring at the base of the acid volcanic sequences, in other words, they are older compared to the others. It was also observed that the rocks of Santa Maria and Anita Garibaldi type occupy the top of the sequences, both covering rocks of Caxias do Sul..


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This review aimed to show the importance of Strelitzia in Floriculture. The genus named after the duchy of Mecklenburg-Strelitz, birthplace of Queen Charlotte of United Kingdom. A commom name of the genus is bird of paradise flower, because of a supposed resemblance of its flowers to the bird of paradise. In this context, it is currently a growing interest in exotic cultures, with tropical characteristics, such as species of the family Strelitziaceae. Thus, it was observed that the production of agricultural activity, Strelitzia is one of increasing social and economic importance in the world.


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The thesis focuses on the ecological thought of Gregory Bateson and the contributions that such epistemology can offer nowadays to the educational scene, connecting in particular to the problematicistic perspective of Giovanni Maria Bertin with the aim of rethinking and updating it. The writing explicates the meaning of education to an ecological knowledge, that privileges connections, creativity and solidarity with the living world. The work analyzes, moreover, the cultural and epistemological value of relations focusing on ethic commitment as an instrument of promotion of the right to difference. A final part of the work is dedicated to some ecological aspects such as environmental safeguard and development, fundamental topics especially for the educational context.


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Lo scavo della chiesa di Santa MAria Maggiore ha permesso di acquisire nuove importanti informazioni sulla storia della città di Trento, sulla città tardo antica e sul processo di cristianizzazione. Il primo impianto ecclesiastico, datato a dopo la metà del V d. C. secolo, sorge su un precedente impianto termale realizzato intorno al II secolo d. C. ed appare caratterizzato da un forte carattere monumentale. La chiesa, a tre navate, presentava un presbiterio rialzato decorato in una prima fase da un opus sectile poi sostituito nel VI secolo da un mosaico policromo. Sono state rinvenute inoltre, parti consistenti della decorazione architettonica di fine VIII secolo pertinente questo stesso impianto che non subirà importanti modifiche fino alla realizzazione del successivo edificio di culto medievale, meno esteso e dai caratteri decisamente meno monumentali, caratterizzato dalla presenza di un esteso campo cimiteriale rinvenuto a nord della chiesa. A questo impianto ne succede un terzo, probabilmente a due navate, e dalla ricca decorazione pittorica demolito in età tardo rinascimentale per la realizzazione della chiesa attuale.


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Ichthyoplankton density (fish eggs and larvae) and bulk zooplankton biomass in January/February 2011 were determined for 38 stations in the northern Benguela upwelling system, based on oblique Multinet hauls during the FS Maria S. Merian MSM17/3 cruise. A HYDROBIOS Multinet, type Midi (0.25 m**2 mouth area) was equipped with five nets of 500 µm-mesh size, temperature and oxygen probes, and an inner and outer flow meter to monitor the net's trajectory (for volume filtered calculations) as well as net clogging. The Multinet was handled over the side, towed horizontally at 2 knots. Winch speed when fearing was 0.5 or 0.3 m/s, heaving velocity 0.2 - 0.3 m/s. The Multinet was towed obliquely at 38 stations sampling the upper 200 m of the water column, which were divided into five different depth strata after inspection of temperature and oxygen concentration depth profiles. Ichthyoplankton densities and zooplankton biomass were calculated for each depth stratum (=single net) from total abundance and the volume of water filtered [individuals per m**3 and g wet weight per m**3, respectively]. In addition, densities and biomass were integrated over the area for each station [individuals per m**2], as sum of calculations for each net: Sum ([individuals per m**3]*Delta (depth bot[m]-depth top [m]).


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Ichthyoplankton density (fish eggs and larvae) and bulk zooplankton biomass in October 2011 were determined for 22 stations in the northern Benguela upwelling system, based on oblique Multinet hauls during the FS Maria S. Merian MSM19/1b cruise. A HYDROBIOS Multinet, type Midi (0.25 m**2 mouth area) was equipped with five nets of 500 µm-mesh size, temperature and oxygen probes, and an inner and outer flow meter to monitor the net's trajectory (for volume filtered calculations) as well as net clogging. The Multinet was handled over the side, towed horizontally at 2 knots. Winch speed when fearing was 0.5 or 0.3 m/s, heaving velocity 0.2 - 0.3 m/s. The Multinet was towed obliquely at 22 stations sampling the upper 200 m of the water column, which were divided into five different depth strata after inspection of temperature and oxygen concentration depth profiles. Ichthyoplankton densities and zooplankton biomass were calculated for each depth stratum (=single net) from total abundance and the volume of water filtered [individuals per m**3 and g wet weight per m**3, respectively]. In addition, densities and biomass were integrated over the area for each station [individuals per m**2], as sum of calculations for each net: Sum ([individuals per m**3]*Delta (depth bot[m]-depth top [m]).