917 resultados para MATING
Data comprising 53,181 calving records were analyzed to estimate the genetic correlation between days to calving (DC), and days to first calving (DFC), and the following traits: scrotal circumference (SC), age at first calving (AFC), and weight adjusted for 550 d of age (W550) in a Nelore herd. (Co)variance components were estimated using the REML method fitting bivariate animal models. The fixed effects considered for DC were contemporary group, month of last calving, and age at breeding season (linear and quadratic effects). Contemporary groups were composed by herd, year, season, and management group at birth; herd and management group at weaning; herd, season, and management group at mating; and sex of calf and mating type (multiple sires, single sire, or AI). In DFC analysis, the same fixed effects were considered excluding the month of last calving. For DC, a repeatability animal model was applied. Noncalvers were not considered in analyses because an attempt to include them, attributing a penalty, did not improve the identification of genetic differences between animals. Heritability estimates ranged from 0.04 to 0.06 for DC, from 0.06 to 0.13 for DFC, from 0.42 to 0.44 for SC, from 0.06 to 0.08 for AFC, and was 0.30 for W550. The genetic correlation estimated between DC and SC was low and negative (-0.10), between DC and AFC was high and positive (0.76), and between DC and W550 was almost null (0.07). Similar results were found for genetic correlation estimates between DFC and SC (-0.14), AFC (0.94), and W550 (-0.02). The genetic correlation estimates indicate that the use of DC in the selection of beef cattle may promote favorable correlated responses to age at first mating and, consequently, higher gains in sexual precocity can be expected.
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
To provide data for conservation, selection, and expansion programs of buffalo herds, this study evaluated the history of a population of Murrah buffaloes based on population structure and the effect of inbreeding on accumulated 305-d milk yield (MY), fat yield (FY), protein yield (PY), mozzarella production (MProd), and somatic cell score (SCS). The usefulness of including the individual inbreeding coefficient (F) or individual increase in inbreeding coefficient (Delta F) in the model to describe inbreeding depression was evaluated. Pedigree information from 8,054 animals born between 1976 and 2008 and 4,497 lactation records obtained from 12 herds were used. The realized effective population size was 40.10 +/- 1.27, and the mean F of the entire population was 2.14%. The ratio between the number of founders and ancestors demonstrated the existence of a bottleneck in the pedigree of this population, which may contribute to a reduction of genetic diversity. The effect of F on MY, FY, PY, MProd, and SCS was -1.005 kg, -0.299 kg, -0.246 kg, -1.201 kg, and -0.002 units, and the effect of Delta F transformed to equivalent F (%) for a mean of 2.57 equivalent generations was -4.287 kg, -0.581 kg, -0.383 kg, -2.001 kg, and -0.007 units, respectively. The inbreeding depression observed may have important economic repercussions for production systems. The Delta F can be considered the better of the two indicators of inbreeding depression due to its properties that prevent underestimation of this effect. A designed mating system to avoid inbreeding may be applied to this population to maintain genetic diversity.
Genomewide marker information can improve the reliability of breeding value predictions for young selection candidates in genomic selection. However, the cost of genotyping limits its use to elite animals, and how such selective genotyping affects predictive ability of genomic selection models is an open question. We performed a simulation study to evaluate the quality of breeding value predictions for selection candidates based on different selective genotyping strategies in a population undergoing selection. The genome consisted of 10 chromosomes of 100 cM each. After 5,000 generations of random mating with a population size of 100 (50 males and 50 females), generation G(0) (reference population) was produced via a full factorial mating between the 50 males and 50 females from generation 5,000. Different levels of selection intensities (animals with the largest yield deviation value) in G(0) or random sampling (no selection) were used to produce offspring of G(0) generation (G(1)). Five genotyping strategies were used to choose 500 animals in G(0) to be genotyped: 1) Random: randomly selected animals, 2) Top: animals with largest yield deviation values, 3) Bottom: animals with lowest yield deviations values, 4) Extreme: animals with the 250 largest and the 250 lowest yield deviations values, and 5) Less Related: less genetically related animals. The number of individuals in G(0) and G(1) was fixed at 2,500 each, and different levels of heritability were considered (0.10, 0.25, and 0.50). Additionally, all 5 selective genotyping strategies (Random, Top, Bottom, Extreme, and Less Related) were applied to an indicator trait in generation G(0), and the results were evaluated for the target trait in generation G(1), with the genetic correlation between the 2 traits set to 0.50. The 5 genotyping strategies applied to individuals in G(0) (reference population) were compared in terms of their ability to predict the genetic values of the animals in G(1) (selection candidates). Lower correlations between genomic-based estimates of breeding values (GEBV) and true breeding values (TBV) were obtained when using the Bottom strategy. For Random, Extreme, and Less Related strategies, the correlation between GEBV and TBV became slightly larger as selection intensity decreased and was largest when no selection occurred. These 3 strategies were better than the Top approach. In addition, the Extreme, Random, and Less Related strategies had smaller predictive mean squared errors (PMSE) followed by the Top and Bottom methods. Overall, the Extreme genotyping strategy led to the best predictive ability of breeding values, indicating that animals with extreme yield deviations values in a reference population are the most informative when training genomic selection models.
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
Estimaram-se parâmetros genéticos para idade ao primeiro parto (IPP) de, aproximadamente, 6.000 novilhas, utilizando-se três diferentes definições de grupo contemporâneo (GC). Foram considerados no modelo o efeito aleatório de animal e os efeitos fixos de GC, além dos efeitos linear e quadrático da idade da mãe da novilha ao parto (IDV). A primeira definição de grupo contemporâneo (GC1) considerou as variáveis fazenda, ano, estação de nascimento, grupo de manejo de nascimento, desmama e sobreano e tipo de serviço (monta natural, monta controlada ou inseminação artificial). A segunda definição de grupo contemporâneo (GC2) incluiu as mesmas variáveis de GC1, além de ano e estação do parto. A terceira definição de grupo contemporâneo considerou as variáveis ano e estação de nascimento, fazenda, ano e estação do parto e tipo de cobertura. As estimativas de herdabilidade para IPP foram de 0,16 ± 0,03, 0,09 ± 0,03 e 0,11 ± 0,02, considerando-se GC1, GC2 e GC3, respectivamente.
Desenvolveu-se um estudo de simulação estocástica com o objetivo de verificar as consequências do uso combinado de acasalamento dirigido e sêmen sexado em uma população de bovinos de corte sob seleção. Simularam-se seis gerações de seleção para três cenários de acasalamento e uso de sêmen sexado. O primeiro cenário foi caracterizado por acasalamento aleatório e uso exclusivo de sêmen convencional. O segundo cenário caracterizou-se pelo uso de acasalamento associativo positivo nas 40% melhores vacas e acasalamento associativo negativo nas demais, sem uso de sêmen sexado. O terceiro cenário seguiu o mesmo procedimento de acasalamento do segundo, combinando-o com uso de sêmen sexado nas vacas submetidas a acasalamento associativo positivo. O acasalamento associativo positivo teve maior impacto no progresso genético que o uso de sêmen sexado, apesar de ter aumentado a incidência de endogamia na população. O uso de acasalamento associativo negativo foi ineficiente em reduzir a variabilidade dos animais destinados ao abate. O uso combinado de acasalmento associativo positivo e sêmen sexado aumentou a produção de animais geneticamente superiores.
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
The fly of the syrphid Microdon tigrinus is a specific social parasite of leaf-cutting ant, Acromyrmex coronatus. Six colonies of Acromyrmex coronatus were collected in plastic containers, which there was a layer of 1 cm of plaster, with the purpose of maintaining the humidity of fungus culture. Larvae of social parasite were separate for the establishment of instars number, through morphometric study. The data were measured of 165 larvae, using spiracle (length (Ls), width (Ws) and distance between spiracle (Ds)). After that, the morphometric data obtained for the larvae were submitted to cluster analysis by Wong's hybrid method, which produces the adequate number of groups through pseudo F-statistics and pseudo t-squared statistics. The three morphometric variables studied permitted grouping of larvae into the following three distinct groups: cluster 1 [long dash] consisting of 55 larvae (Ls=0.177[plus or minus]0.026, Ws=0.163[plus or minus]0.030, Ds=0.052[plus or minus]0.008 mm); cluster 2 - consisting of 20 larvae (Ls=0.631[plus or minus]0.065, Ws=0.630[plus or minus]0.049, Ds=0.065[plus or minus]0.018 mm); cluster 3 - consisting of 90 larvae (Ls=1.294[plus or minus]0.062, Ws=1.308[plus or minus]0.069, Ds=0.140[plus or minus]0.018 mm). of the all couples, only 1 obtained success in the mating, and the female, after 24 hours, began the oviposition. The female layed 76 eggs in a period of 6 days, after that, her death. The larvae emerged in the seventh day (incubation period [plus or minus] 7 days). From 76 eggs, 54 were viable, with a viability of 71.05%. This study contributes to the knowledge of Microdon tigrinus biology of, a social parasite poorly studied in Brazil.
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
Lemon sharks, Negaprion brevirostris, are common in the Fernando de Noronha Archipelago, but detailed information about the species in this site is lacking. The aim of this study was to describe the spatial distribution, grouping behavior, habitat use and behavioral ecology of juvenile lemon sharks in the archipelago, and their interaction with some environmental and ecological factors. During 2006 and 2007, the presence and spatial distribution of juvenile sharks were quantified through scuba diving and snorkeling at several sites of the archipelago. In 2008 the habitat use of juvenile sharks was quantified through visual census while snorkeling along 300 x 8 m strip transects. During these transects the grouping behavior of lemon sharks was quantified by ad libitum. Results indicate that Fernando de Noronha Archipelago is used as a nursery area for lemon sharks, and the parturition occurs from November to April. Juveniles preferred using shallower areas available by the tide variation and formed groups only in the presence of adult conspecifics. This preference for shallower habitats and the group behavior probably are anti-predatory tactics used by juvenile lemon sharks, in response to the low availability of shelter and high predation risk of the studied areas. Quantifications of prey availability and predation risk of juveniles showed that, in general, lemon sharks are trading-off food by security and investing in sites with higher possibility of energetic return. Behavioral observations enabled to record juvenile carangid fishes following juvenile lemon sharks, remora host-parasite and juvenile sharks foraging on schools of herrings and octopuses. We also recorded the behavior of juvenile sharks following conspecifics of similar size, circling with two or three individuals and smaller individuals giving way to larger juveniles. When adults are present, juvenile lemon sharks are more social than solitary, indicating that predation is one of the factors that contribute to social behaviors of the species. Results also suggest that when grouped the juveniles have a hierarchical organization according to body size. Furthermore, observation of large adult females with several fresh mating bites and scars in the same habitats used by juvenile lemon sharks, indicates that Fernando de Noronha Archipelago is used as nursery and mating grounds by this species
The acoustic ecology concept involve the relation between the live organisms and their sound environment and is applied in the present work to study the context in which the humpback whale (Megaptera novaeangliae) singing behavior, known as the most complex display in the nature, occurred in the northeastern Brazilian coast, outside the core area of Abrolhos Bank, between 2005 and 2010.I analyze the singer male occurrence , their spatial distribution and probable relations with oceanographic features, such as depth, tide regimen and moon phases. I also describe the acoustic structure and temporal variation of the singing behavior, based on song frequency and time measurements outside the Abrolhos Bank, and further compare the song complexity, registered in the same period, between Abrolhos Bank (16°- 19° S, 37°- 39° W) and the adjacent North Coast, herein considered from Itacaré (14° S, 38° W) to Aracaju (11° S, 37° W). Additionally, I look for describe and analyze anthropogenic noise sources in the marine environment of the study area, produced by the oil industry as well as by the whale watching operation, relating their frequencies to the acoustic niche utilized by the humpbacks. The results indicated a great plasticity in the singing behavior, evidenced by the occurrence of singer males in diverse social structures, from solitary individuals to other groups, even containing females and calves, as well as by the diversity which compound the song, when compared between two regions inside the same breeding area, which present distinct oceanographic characteristics. The singer male distribution may be related with the continental shelf extent along the study area. The anthropogenic noise presented frequency range, amplitude and sound intensity in potential to interfere acoustically in the singing behavior of the species, may resulting in disturbance during the breeding season in the Brazilian coast. Implications about the obtained results in the humpback whale mating system are discussed. In this way, I pretend to contribute with the acoustic ecology subject and provide information to subsidize humpback whale conservation