949 resultados para Lyubomirsky, Sonja
Optimizing the aquatic toxicity assessment under REACH through an integrated testing strategy (ITS).
To satisfy REACH requirements a high number of data on chemical of interest should be supplied to the European Chemicals Agency. To organize the various kinds of information and help the registrants to choose the best strategy to obtain the needed information limiting at the minimum the use of animal testing, integrated testing strategies (ITSs) schemes can be used. The present work deals with regulatory data requirements for assessing the hazards of chemicals to the aquatic pelagic environment. We present an ITS scheme for organizing and using the complex existing data available for aquatic toxicity assessment. An ITS to optimize the choice of the correct prediction strategy for aquatic pelagic toxicity is described. All existing information (like physico-chemical information), and all the alternative methods (like in silico, in vitro or the acute-to-chronic ratio) are considered. Moreover the weight of evidence approach to combine the available data is included.
BACKGROUND Surviving childhood cancer may result in positive psychological changes called posttraumatic growth (PTG). Knowing about the possibility of positive changes may facilitate survivors' reintegration in daily life. We aimed to (1) describe PTG in Swiss childhood cancer survivors including the most and the least common PTG phenomena on the subscale and item levels and (2) determine factors associated with PTG. METHOD Within the Swiss Childhood Cancer Survivor Study (SCCSS), we sent two questionnaires to childhood cancer survivors registered in the Swiss Childhood Cancer Registry (SCCR). Eligible survivors were diagnosed after 1990 at age ≤16 years, survived ≥5 years, and were aged ≥18 years at the time the second questionnaire was sent. We included the Posttraumatic Growth Inventory (PTGI) to assess five areas of PTG. We investigated the association of PTG with socio-demographic characteristics, self-reported late effects, and psychological distress, which were assessed in the SCCSS and clinical variables extracted from the SCCR. We used descriptive statistics to describe PTG and linear regressions to investigate factors associated with PTG. RESULTS We assessed PTG in 309 childhood cancer survivors. Most individuals reported to have experienced some PTG. The most endorsed change occurred in "relation with others," the least in "spiritual change." PTG was significantly higher in survivors with older age at diagnosis (p = 0.001) and those with a longer duration of treatment (p = 0.042), while it was lower in male survivors (p = 0.003). CONCLUSIONS Supporting experiences of PTG during follow-up may help survivors successfully return to daily life.
Land-use intensification is a key driver of biodiversity change. However, little is known about how it alters relationships between the diversities of different taxonomic groups, which are often correlated due to shared environmental drivers and trophic interactions. Using data from 150 grassland sites, we examined how land-use intensification (increased fertilization, higher livestock densities, and increased mowing frequency) altered correlations between the species richness of 15 plant, invertebrate, and vertebrate taxa. We found that 54% of pairwise correlations between taxonomic groups were significant and positive among all grasslands, while only one was negative. Higher land-use intensity substantially weakened these correlations (35% decrease in r and 43% fewer significant pairwise correlations at high intensity), a pattern which may emerge as a result of biodiversity declines and the breakdown of specialized relationships in these conditions. Nevertheless, some groups (Coleoptera, Heteroptera, Hymenoptera and Orthoptera) were consistently correlated with multidiversity, an aggregate measure of total biodiversity comprised of the standardized diversities of multiple taxa, at both high and low land-use intensity. The form of intensification was also important; increased fertilization and mowing frequency typically weakened plant–plant and plant–primary consumer correlations, whereas grazing intensification did not. This may reflect decreased habitat heterogeneity under mowing and fertilization and increased habitat heterogeneity under grazing. While these results urge caution in using certain taxonomic groups to monitor impacts of agricultural management on biodiversity, they also suggest that the diversities of some groups are reasonably robust indicators of total biodiversity across a range of conditions. Read More: http://www.esajournals.org/doi/10.1890/14-1307.1
BACKGROUND AND PURPOSE: In stroke patients, neglect diagnostic is often performed by means of paper-pencil cancellation tasks. These tasks entail static stimuli, and provide no information concerning possible changes in the severity of neglect symptoms when patients are confronted with motion. We therefore aimed to directly contrast the cancellation behaviour of neglect patients under static and dynamic conditions. Since visual field deficits often occur in neglect patients, we analysed whether the integrity of the optic radiation would influence cancellation behaviour. METHODS: Twenty-five patients with left spatial neglect after right-hemispheric stroke were tested with a touchscreen cancellation task, once when the evenly distributed targets were stationary, and once when the identic targets moved with constant speed on a random path. The integrity of the right optic radiation was analysed by means of a hodologic probabilistic approach. RESULTS: Motion influenced the cancellation behaviour of neglect patients, and the direction of this influence (i.e., an increase or decrease of neglect severity) was modulated by the integrity of the right optic radiation. In patients with an intact optic radiation, the severity of neglect significantly decreased in the dynamic condition. Conversely, in patients with damage to the optic radiation, the severity of neglect significantly increased in the dynamic condition. CONCLUSION: Motion may influence neglect in stroke patients. The integrity of the optic radiation may be a predictor of whether motion increases or decreases the severity of neglect symptoms.
Campylobacter jejuni and Campylobacter coli are the most important bacterial causes of human gastroenteritis. Chicken has been recognized as a major source for human infection, whereas cattle might also contribute to a lesser extent. However, there is a paucity of information available regarding Campylobacter in Swiss cattle and their role for human campylobacteriosis. To gain more information on genotypes and antibiotic resistance of bovine C. jejuni and C. coli and on their contribution to human disease, 97 cattle isolates were analysed. Multilocus sequence typing (MLST) and flaB typing were applied and the gyrA and 23S rRNA genes were screened for point mutations responsible for quinolone and macrolide resistance, respectively. A total of 37 sequence types (STs) and 44 flaB types were identified, including two sequence types and five flaB types not previously described. Most common sequence types were ST21 (21%), ST61 (12%) and ST48 (11%). Only one isolate was macrolide resistant while 31% (n = 30) were quinolone resistant. Source attribution indicated chicken as the main source of human infection with cattle being second. In conclusion, cattle should not be underestimated as a potential source of human campylobacteriosis.
This paper presents a multiproxy high-resolution study of the past 2600 years for Seebergsee, a small Swiss lake with varved sediments at the present tree-line ecotone. The laminae were identified as varves by a numerical analysis of diatom counts in the thin-sections. The hypothesis of two diatom blooms per year was corroborated by the 210Pb and 137Cs chronology. A period of intensive pasturing during the ‘Little Ice Age’ between ad 1346 and ad 1595 is suggested by coprophilous fungal spores, as well as by pollen indicators of grazing, by the diatom-inferred total phosphorus, by geochemistry and by documentary data. The subsequent re-oligotrophication of the lake took about 88 years, as determined by the timelag between the decline of coprophile fungal spores and the restoration of pre-eutrophic nutrient conditions. According to previous studies of latewood densities from the same region, cold summers around ad 1600 limited the pasturing at this altitude. This demonstrated the socio-economic impact of a single climatic event. However, the variance partitioning between the effects of land use and climate, which was applied for the whole core, revealed that climate independent of land use and time explained only 1.32% of the diatom data, while land use independent of climate and time explained 15.7%. Clearly land use in‘ uenced the lake, but land use was not always driven by climate. Other factors beside climate, such as politics or the introduction of fertilizers in the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries also in‘ uenced the development of Alpine pasturing.
Background Though complementary and alternative medicine (CAM) are frequently used by children and adolescents with cancer, there is little information on how and why they use it. This study examined prevalence and methods of CAM, the therapists who applied it, reasons for and against using CAM and its perceived effectiveness. Parent-perceived communication was also evaluated. Parents were asked if medical staff provided information on CAM to patients, if parents reported use of CAM to physicians, and what attitude they thought physicians had toward CAM. Study Design All childhood cancer patients treated at the University Children’s Hospital Bern between 2002–2011 were retrospectively surveyed about their use of CAM. Results Data was collected from 133 patients (response rate: 52%). Of those, 53% had used CAM (mostly classical homeopathy) and 25% of patients received information about CAM from medical staff. Those diagnosed more recently were more likely to be informed about CAM options. The most frequent reason for choosing CAM was that parents thought it wouldimprove the patient’s general condition. The most frequent reason for not using CAM was lack of information. Of those who used CAM, 87% perceived positive effects. Conclusions Since many pediatric oncology patients use CAM, patients’ needs should be addressed by open communication between families, treating oncologists and CAM therapists, which will allow parents to make informed and safe choices about using CAM.
Polydnaviruses (genera Ichnovirus and Bracovirus) have a segmented genome of circular double-stranded DNA molecules, replicate in the ovary of parasitic wasps and are essential for successful parasitism of the host. Here we show the first detailed analysis of various segments of a bracovirus, the Chelonus inanitus virus (CiV). Four segments were sequenced and two of them, CiV12 and CiV14, were found to be closely related while CiV14.5 and CiV16.8 were unrelated. CiV12, CiV14.5 and CiV16.8 are unique while CiV14 occurs also nested in another larger segment. All four segments are predicted to contain genes and predictions could be substantiated in most cases. Comparison with databases revealed no significant similarities at either the nucleotide or amino acid level. Inverted repeats with identities between 77% and 92% and lengths between 26 bp and 100 bp were found on all segments outside of predicted genes. Hybridization experiments indicate that CiV12 and CiV14 are both flanked by other virus segments, suggesting that proviral CiV segments are clustered in the genome of the wasp. The integration/excision site of CiV14 was analysed and compared to that of CiV12. On both termini of proviral CiV12 and CiV14 as well as in the excised circular molecule and the rejoined DNA a very similar repeat of 14 bp was found. A model to illustrate where the terminal repeats might recombine to yield the circular molecule is presented. Excision of CiV12 and CiV14 is restricted to the female and sets in at a very specific time-point in pupal-adult development.
Background Protein-energy-malnutrition (PEM) is common in people with end stage kidney disease (ESKD) undergoing maintenance haemodialysis (MHD) and correlates strongly with mortality. To this day, there is no gold standard for detecting PEM in patients on MHD. Aim of Study The aim of this study was to evaluate if Nutritional Risk Screening 2002 (NRS-2002), handgrip strength measurement, mid-upper arm muscle area (MUAMA), triceps skin fold measurement (TSF), serum albumin, normalised protein catabolic rate (nPCR), Kt/V and eKt/V, dry body weight, body mass index (BMI), age and time since start on MHD are relevant for assessing PEM in patients on MHD. Methods The predictive value of the selected parameters on mortality and mortality or weight loss of more than 5% was assessed. Quantitative data analysis of the 12 parameters in the same patients on MHD in autumn 2009 (n = 64) and spring 2011 (n = 40) with paired statistical analysis and multivariate logistic regression analysis was performed. Results Paired data analysis showed significant reduction of dry body weight, BMI and nPCR. Kt/Vtot did not change, eKt/v and hand grip strength measurements were significantly higher in spring 2011. No changes were detected in TSF, serum albumin, NRS-2002 and MUAMA. Serum albumin was shown to be the only predictor of death and of the combined endpoint “death or weight loss of more than 5%”. Conclusion We now screen patients biannually for serum albumin, nPCR, Kt/V, handgrip measurement of the shunt-free arm, dry body weight, age and time since initiation of MHD.
Die photodynamische Therapie (PDT) gehört zu den Standardverfahren in der Therapie aktinischer Keratosen (AK). Bei der Tageslicht-PDT (Daylight PDT, DL-PDT) mit MAL-Creme handelt es sich um eine neuere Entwicklung, bei der anstelle eines Belichtungssystems das Tageslicht zur Aktivierung des Photosensibilisators genutzt wird. Der vorliegende Review fasst die aktuelle Studienlage basierend auf einer selektiven Literaturrecherche zusammen, fokussiert auf praktische Aspekte in der Durchführung und reflektiert insbesondere auch die Expertenerfahrung der Autoren mit der DL-PDT. Studiendaten zeigen, dass die DL-PDT der konventionellen PDT in ihrer Wirksamkeit nicht unterlegen ist. Sie ist jedoch signifikant besser verträglich, da sie zu deutlich weniger Schmerzen während der Therapie führt. Sie kann in Mitteleuropa von März bis Oktober sowohl an bewölkten als auch an sonnigen Tagen durchgeführt werden. Hierbei ist auf UV-Schutz auch der nicht behandelten Körperareale zu achten. Die Außentemperatur sollte 10°C nicht unterschreiten. An heißen Tagen sollte ein Aufenthalt im Schatten, soweit erforderlich, eingeplant werden. Die DL-PDT mit MAL ist u. a. für Patienten mit Feldkanzerisierung und/oder negativer Schmerzerfahrung bei der cPDT geeignet und stellt eine sinnvolle Ergänzung der aktuellen Therapiemöglichkeiten dar.