975 resultados para Lignin contents
Uranium and thorium contents, as well as their distribution patterns have been studied in biogenic phosphates from the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans. Differently lithified fish remains (bones, scales, teeth) and marine mammal bones (ribs, vertebras, earbones) collected from both reduced shelf sediments and oxidized pelagic ones have been analyzed. U content in the material varies from 0.7 to 700 ppm, and Th content - from <0.5 to 14 ppm. U/Th ratio varies from 0.16 to 400. Contents of both elements increase with lithification of biogenic phosphates. U concentration is more intense on shelves, whereas thorium concentration increases in pelagic areas. Partial positive correlation of U and Th with Fe and negative correlation of U with organic carbon are noted. The latter corresponds to higher lithification of biogenic phosphates. Calcium phosphate transformed from hydroxyapatite to fluorcarbonate-apatite is the main carrier of U, while transformed organic matter is a minor agent. Thorium is mainly bound with Fe.
Chemical composition of the upper layer of sediments (0-1 cm) in the Kolvits and Knazhaya inlets, and also in the deep-water part of the Kandalaksha Bay is considered. It is shown that silts are richer in Fe, TOC, and heavy metals, than sands. The highest concentration of these elements is found in sediments under mixing zones of riverine and sea waters. Correlations of P, Zn, Cd, and Cu with iron are high, and correlations of Pb and Cu with organic carbon are also high. Very high concentration of Pb in the Kandalaksha Bay indicate technogenic pollution of sediments. Lignin makes significant contribution to formation of organic matter in the sediments. Composition of lignin in bottom sediments of the Kandalaksha Bay is defined by composition of lignin in soils and aerosols. Vanillin and syringyl structures prevail in molecular composition of lignin in bottom sediments. Their sources are coniferous vegetations, soils, and mosses. Ratios of certain types of phenol compounds indicate pollution of the upper layer of sediments by technogenic lignin. Lead and copper correlate well with this technogenic lignin.
Two recently drilled Caribbean sites contain expanded sedimentary records of the late Paleocene thermal maximum, a dramatic global warming event that occurred at ca. 55 Ma. The records document significant environmental changes, including deep-water oxygen deficiency and a mass extinction of deep-sea fauna, intertwined with evidence for a major episode of explosive volcanism. We postulate that this volcanism initiated a reordering of ocean circulation that resulted in rapid global warming and dramatic changes in the Earth's environment.
Different types of seep carbonates were recovered from the 'Kouilou pockmarks' on the Congo deep-sea fan in approximately 3100 m water depth. The carbonate aggregates are represented by pyritiferous nodules, crusts and slabs, tubes, and filled molds. The latter are interpreted to represent casts of former burrows of bivalves and holothurians. The nodules consisting of high-Mg-calcite apparently formed deeper within the sediments than the predominantly aragonitic crusts and slabs. Nodule formation was caused by anaerobic oxidation of methane dominantly involving archaea of the phylogenetic ANME-1 group, whereas aragonitic crusts resulted from the activity of archaea of the ANME-2 cluster. Evidence for this correlation is based on the distribution of specific biomarkers in the two types of carbonate aggregates, showing higher hydroxyarchaeol to archaeol ratios in the crusts as opposed to nodules. Formation of crusts closer to the seafloor than nodules is indicated by higher carbonate contents of crusts, probably reflecting higher porosities of the host sediment during carbonate formation. This finding is supported by lower d18O values of crusts, agreeing with precipitation from pore waters similar in composition to seawater. The aragonitic mineralogy of the crusts is also in accord with precipitation from sulfate-rich pore waters similar to seawater. Moreover, the interpretation regarding the relative depth of formation of crusts and nodules agrees with the commonly observed pattern that ANME-1 archaea tend to occur deeper in the sediment than members of the ANME-2 group. Methane represents the predominant carbon source of all carbonates (d13C values as low as -58.9 per mil V-PDB) and the encrusted archaeal biomarkers (d13C values as low as -140 per mil V-PDB). Oxygen isotope values of some nodular carbonates, ranging from + 3.9 to + 5.1per mil V-PDB, are too high for precipitation in equilibrium with seawater, probably reflecting the destabilization of gas hydrates, which are particularly abundant at the Kouilou pockmarks.
Ferromanganese nodules (equivalent to Recent manganese nodules) are described from the Upper Devonian griotte (red pelagic limestone) of the Montagne Noire (S. France) and the Cephalopodenkalk of the Rheinisches Schiefergebirge, West Germany. They occur as encrustations, commonly exhibiting colloform structures, around skeletal material and limestone clasts. The nodules are associated with encrusting foraminifera and a development in the sublittoral environment is envisaged. Chemically, the ferromanganese nodules are depleted in manganese relative to iron, compared with Recent nodules, a loss which is attributed to diagenetic migration of manganese. Electron probe studies show that manganese covaries positively with calcium, but negatively with iron and silicon. Diagenetic enrichment of hematite occurs in the griotte at hardground horizons where two periods of mineralization can be established. The Devonian ferromanganese nodules show that solution of nodules has not occurred on burial.
We present newly acquired trace element compositions for more than 300 zircon grains in 36 gabbros formed at the slow-spreading Mid-Atlantic and Southwest Indian Ridges. Rare earth element patterns for zircon from modern oceanic crust completely overlap with those for zircon crystallized in continental granitoids. However, plots of U versus Yb and U/Yb versus Hf or Y discriminate zircons crystallized in oceanic crust from continental zircon, and provide a relatively robust method for distinguishing zircons from these environments. Approximately 80% of the modern ocean crust zircons are distinct from the field defined by more than 1700 continental zircons from Archean and Phanerozoic samples. These discrimination diagrams provide a new tool for fingerprinting ocean crust zircons derived from reservoirs like that of modern mid-ocean ridge basalt (MORB) in both modern and ancient detrital zircon populations. Hadean detrital zircons previously reported from the Acasta Gneiss, Canada, and the Narryer Gneiss terrane, Western Australia, plot in the continental granitoid field, supporting hypotheses that at least some Hadean detrital zircons crystallized in continental crust forming magmas and not from a reservoir like modern MORB.