957 resultados para Landscape design process


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We investigated four unique methods for achieving scalable, deterministic integration of quantum emitters into ultra-high Q{V photonic crystal cavities, including selective area heteroepitaxy, engineered photoemission from silicon nanostructures, wafer bonding and dimensional reduction of III-V quantum wells, and cavity-enhanced optical trapping. In these areas, we were able to demonstrate site-selective heteroepitaxy, size-tunable photoluminescence from silicon nanostructures, Purcell modification of QW emission spectra, and limits of cavity-enhanced optical trapping designs which exceed any reports in the literature and suggest the feasibility of capturing- and detecting nanostructures with dimensions below 10 nm. In addition to process scalability and the requirement for achieving accurate spectral- and spatial overlap between the emitter and cavity, these techniques paid specific attention to the ability to separate the cavity and emitter material systems in order to allow optimal selection of these independently, and eventually enable monolithic integration with other photonic and electronic circuitry.

We also developed an analytic photonic crystal design process yielding optimized cavity tapers with minimal computational effort, and reported on a general cavity modification which exhibits improved fabrication tolerance by relying exclusively on positional- rather than dimensional tapering. We compared several experimental coupling techniques for device characterization. Significant efforts were devoted to optimizing cavity fabrication, including the use of atomic layer deposition to improve surface quality, exploration into factors affecting the design fracturing, and automated analysis of SEM images. Using optimized fabrication procedures, we experimentally demonstrated 1D photonic crystal nanobeam cavities exhibiting the highest Q/V reported on substrate. Finally, we analyzed the bistable behavior of the devices to quantify the nonlinear optical response of our cavities.


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[ES]Este Trabajo Fin de Grado está enmarcado dentro de un proyecto del grupo de investigación CompMech. El proyecto consiste en el diseño y construcción de un mecanismo de cinemática paralela para ensayos dinámicos. Este trabajo fin de grado engloba las tareas necesarias para el estudio del espacio de trabajo del mecanismo y la determinación de las dimensiones más apropiadas desde consideraciones cinemáticas. Se partirá de tres posibles mecanismos, de los que más adelante se seleccionará uno con el que terminar el ciclo de diseño. Para ello el primer paso es el análisis cinemático de los mecanismos. Se resolverán los problemas de posición y de velocidades, que serán los necesarios para el posterior estudio del espacio de trabajo. La resolución de estos problemas se programará en un programa Matlab. Después se obtendrán los espacios de trabajo de cada uno de los mecanismos, así como las posiciones singulares dentro del mismo, y su variación ante variaciones en las dimensiones. Será también de interés determinar las regiones del espacio de trabajo en las que más fácil es efectuar el movimiento del mecanismo. Conocidos los espacios de trabajo de cada mecanismo y su variabilidad con cambios en las dimensiones, se elegirá el mecanismo más apropiado para continuar con el ciclo de diseño. Para la elección se tendrán también en cuenta consideraciones adicionales aportadas por otros miembros del grupo.


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O Vale do Paraíba passou por um conjunto de transformações espaciais guiadas pelo cultivo do café para exportação ao longo do século XIX. A história ambiental sugere que a natureza seja integrada à análise histórica elaborada por estudiosos do passado. Neste sentido, busca-se compreender a dinâmica de interação entre sociedade e ambiente natural através das técnicas utilizadas no cultivo do café no Vale do Paraíba fluminense no século XIX, com o objetivo de analisar os elementos que condicionaram o processo de estruturação desse cultivo no Vale, assim como o impacto dele resultante àquele ambiente natural. Procura-se ainda investigar de que maneira indivíduos daquela sociedade se posicionaram frente às técnicas utilizadas e perceberam as dinâmicas promovidas pela cultura cafeeira ao ambiente natural.


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185 p.


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[EU]Lan honetan hutsetik hasita skate motorizatu baten diseinu bat egin da, Industria Teknologian Ingeniaritzako Graduan eskuratutako jakintzak erabiliz. Skatea gazteengan oso erabilia den garraiobide bat da aisia dela-eta, eta sinpletasuna eta ekonomia kontuan hartuta, aisia eta ingurugiroarekiko konpromisoa nahasten dira diseinu honekin. Lanak bide argi bat dauka: hasieran merkatuaren egoera aztertzen da, gero diseinu posible batzuk proposatu ahal izateko, eta hortik aukera bat jorratu ahal izateko. Hortaz, prozesua hasieratik hasita, egitura hau izango du lanak: Hasteko, skate motorizatuen merkatuko egoera zein den aztertzen da, ondoren eta helburuak zeintzuk diren kontutan izanda, diseinu posible batzuk proposatu ahal izateko, alternatiben analisien atalean ageri direnak. Proposamen horiek aztertu egiten dira, alde on eta txarrak desberdinduz eta horietako soluzio bat aukeratuz. Aukeratutako diseinuaren CAD modelo bat eraikitzen da, ondoren egoera fisikoa matematikoki modelizatzeko eta beharrezko kalkuluak egin ahal izateko, metodologia atalean eta eranskinetan ageri direnak, hala nola, azelerazio jakin bat lortzeko behar den potentzia, transmisioan beharrezkoak diren kalkuluak kokatu beharreko elementuak zeintzuk diren erabaki ahal izateko, etab. Bide honetan, jorraturiko diseinuaz gain beste diseinu optimizatu eta konplexuago bat proposatzen da, ikerketa bidea zabalik duena, enpresa mundura gehiago zuzendua. Azkenik, lana burutzeko bete behar izan diren ataza bakoitzaren deskribapena eta iraupena, aurrekontua eta gastu aitorpena, arriskuen analisia eta proiektu honetatik atera ditugun ondorioak ematen dira.


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ES]El Trabajo Fin de Grado que se presenta a continuación tiene como objetivo principal el diseño de una unión flexible que formará parte de las patas de un robot de cinemática paralela. Por la propia arquitectura de estos mecanismos, y para dotar a la plataforma de movimientos precisos, esta unión, ubicada en la parte superior de las patas, debe deformarse al ser sometida a esfuerzos de flexión y torsión. Se realiza un adecuado diseño que maximice las deformaciones de dicha unión a la par que se garantiza una adecuada duración de la misma para la aplicación requerida. A su vez, se comprueba que las tensiones a las que se verá sometida no superan el límite de fluencia del material elegido. Todo ello se realiza de forma computacional mediante el método de los elementos finitos.


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The potential use of YBa2j as an active component in a magnetic bearing is being investigated. Although the load bearing capacity is high and increases with the square of the magnetic field trapped, the stiffness is low. Both the stiffness and the lévitation height are a function of the loading history of the bearing. At Cambridge we have been investigating the effects of dynamic loading such as single large excursions from steady state loads and cyclically applied loads such as vibrations. Since a superconducting bearing has little inherent damping cyclic loads applied at or near its natural frequency can have catastrophic effects. The information being gathered at Cambridge will be used to enable these effects to be mitigated in the bearing design process. © 1997 IEEE.


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The usual approach to compressor design considers uniform inlet flow characteristics. Especially in aircraft applications, the inlet flow is quite often non uniform, and this can result in severe performance degradation. The magnitude of this phenomenon is amplified in military engines due to the complexity of inlet duct configurations and the extreme flight conditions. CFD simulation is an innovative and powerful tool for studying inlet distortions and can bring this inside the very early phases of the design process. This project attempts to study the effects of inlet flow distortions in an axial flow compressor trying to minimize the use computer resources and computational time. The first stage of a low bypass ratio compressor has been analyzed and its clean and distorted performance compared outlining the principal changes due to uneven flow distribution: drop in mass flow, increase in pressure and temperature ratios, decrease in surge margin. Three different studies have then been conducted to better understand the effects of the level, the type and the frequency of the distortion.


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An analytical expression is proposed to estimate the wave drag of an aerofoil equipped with shock control. The analysis extends the conventional approach for a single normal shock wave, based on the knowledge that all types of successful shock control on transonic aerofoils cause bifurcated λ-shock structures. The influence of surface curvature on the λ-shock structure has been taken into account. The extended method has been found to produce fairly good agreement with the results obtained by CFD methods while requiring negligible computational effort. This new formulation is expected to be beneficial in the industrial design process of transonic aerofoils and wings where a large number of computational simulations have to be performed.


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Accurate predictions of combustor hot streak migration enable the turbine designer to identify high-temperature regions that can limit component life. It is therefore important that these predictions are achieved within the short time scales of a design process. This article compares temperature measurements of a circular hot streak through a turning duct and a research turbine with predictions using a three-dimensional Reynolds-averaged Navier-Stokes solver. It was found that the mixing length turbulence model did not predict the hot streak dissipation accurately. However, implementation of a very simple model of the free stream turbulence (FST) significantly improved the exit temperature predictions on both the duct and research turbine. One advantage of the simple FST model described over more complex alternatives is that no additional equations are solved. This makes the method attractive for design purposes, as it is not associated with any increase in computational time.