986 resultados para Land mobile radio


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La investigació es centra en la visió dels mitjans de proximitat i el consum de d’aquests mitjans en el marc de la convergència digital a Catalunya. No és cap misteri l’aparició de nous hàbits de consum de continguts dels mitjans de comunicació nous i vells, on uns prefereixen, la premsa, la televisió i la ràdio, i d’altres amplien l’experiència i/o prefereixen la consulta de portals web, xarxes socials o continguts per internet a través de, dispositius mòbils, consoles de vídeojocs, etc. La recerca esta està dividida en dos grans blocs: per una banda, un estudi qualitatiu amb entrevistes en profunditat als responsables de mitjans comarcals sobre la seva visió com mitjà, i la seva trajectòria, i sobre els propis lectors, radiooients, i seguidors, ; i per l’altra banda, un quantitatiu mitjançant a partir d’una enquesta online a residents a Catalunya sobre el consum de mitjans. Les conclusions mostren una radiografia de l’actual ecosistema mediàtic a Catalunya.


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Donateur : Reclus, Élisée (1830-1905)


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La comunicació mòbil és un dels temes de més actualitat en diferents fòrums, des de diferents perspectives. Espanya juga un paper important per les dinàmiques i l’evolució del seu mercat. En aquest sentit, el nostre país ofereix un interès específic per l'amplitud del seu parc de dispositius 3G (el segon d'Europa, després d'Itàlia) i per la intensitat del desenvolupament de xarxes socials mòbils, a més de per la creixent implicació d'empreses en la producció i distribució de continguts mòbils. Com va passar amb Internet, es tracta d’un procés d'innovació pel qual els formats de contingut, les pràctiques de consum i els models de negoci característics de la televisió i la xarxa, per exemple, s'adapten, primer, al nou mitjà, per a després desenvolupar formes i models específics que aprofiten les potencialitats de personalització, geolocalització i conectivitat ubiqua.


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Los nuevos hábitos de consumo de medios en el marco de la convergencia digital están propiciando un cambio en las estrategias de los medios de comunicación. Mientras unos usuarios siguen prefiriendo la radio, la televisión y la prensa tradicional para informarse otros participan de la experiencia digital en internet (blogs, redes sociales...) y dispositivos móviles, etc. En este panorama es complicado precisar dónde nace y termina el contenido o hasta qué punto es la participación del usuario quien (re) construye la información; así los contenidos mutan y se diluyen en varios soportes. En este contexto, la prensa local también vive las consecuencias del nuevo paradigma y asume los retos del reacomodo del sector ante la nueva realidad. Esta comunicación presenta las conclusiones del estudio cualitativo con entrevistas en profundidad a los responsables de medios locales en Cataluña sobre sus usuarios, contenidos y soportes en el marco de la convergencia digital.


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The aim of this project is to accomplish an application software based on Matlab to calculate the radioelectrical coverage by surface wave of broadcast radiostations in the band of Medium Wave (WM) all around the world. Also, given the location of a transmitting and a receiving station, the software should be able to calculate the electric field that the receiver should receive at that specific site. In case of several transmitters, the program should search for the existence of Inter-Symbol Interference, and calculate the field strenght accordingly. The application should ask for the configuration parameters of the transmitter radiostation within a Graphical User Interface (GUI), and bring back the resulting coverage above a map of the area under study. For the development of this project, it has been used several conductivity databases of different countries, and a high-resolution elevation database (GLOBE). Also, to calculate the field strenght due to groundwave propagation, it has been used ITU GRWAVE program, which must be integrated into a Matlab interface to be used by the application developed.


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Els negocis relacionats amb les activitats de lleure i els esports d’aventura actualment es troben en expansió, buscant majoritàriament el contacte amb la natura. Les rutes a cavall formen part del gran ventall d’opcions, per aquesta qüestió s’ha pensat en construir un refugi utilitzat com a final d’etapa per a rutes a cavall. En la major part del territori, la presència de població humana es manifesta en pobles, viles i ciutats, les quals disposes d’aigua sanitària, corrent elèctric i sistema de clavegueram. Per altra banda en les urbanitzacions o cases aïllades poder gaudir d’aquests serveis suposa una inversió econòmica elevada, que implica la utilització de sistemes alternatius. En el present projecte s’ha triat un emplaçament on portar a terme el final d’etapa amb una sèrie de requisits a complir : bosc a les proximitats, disposar d’un o varis accessos per a vehicles (transport del material d’intendència), tranquil•litat, bones vistes, i cobertura de telèfon mòbil. S’han acceptat les següents limitacions : no disposar de xarxa pública d’electricitat ni d’aigua. I s’han dimensionat les instal•lacions per a un màxim de dotze persones i els seus respectius cavalls. El principal objectiu del projecte és el dimensionament de les necessitats elèctriques, d’aigua i d’aiguacalenta sanitària en condicions autònomes, i utilitzant energies renovables. La valoració de les possibles solucions per condicionar les instal•lacions, i oferir una resposta eficient per la demanda. No és un objectiu específic del treball la potabilització de l’aigua ni el tractament dels residus produïts. S’han aprofitat els diferents desnivells que presenta l’emplaçament triat a l’hora de distribuir les instal•lacions, i s’ha utilitzat un antic cobert de dos pisos ja existent. Com a residència s’ha triat un model de casa prefabricada de muntanya. Com a sistema de subministrament elèctric, s’instal•laran plaques solars fotovoltaiques i un generador de corrent com a sistema auxiliar. La captació d’aigua s’efectuarà a partir d’un pou que es troba en el terreny i de la recollida d el’aigua pluvial, instal•lant dipòsits d’emmagatzemament d’aigua segons les necessitats. S’utilitzarà un equip de cloració per potabilitzar l’aigua de consum utilitzada a la residència. En la producció d’aigua calenta sanitària s’utilitzaran plaques solars tèrmiques i una caldera instantània de gas propà com a suport. Per cuinar s’ha triat una cuina de gas propà i una barbacoa que s’instal•larà a l’exterior. S’instal•larà una llar de foc amb recuperador d’aire a la residència i una fosa sèptica amb un sistema d’infiltració per poder abocar les aigües provinents de la residència. Els fems dels cavalls podran ser utilitzats com adob pel terreny.


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Normal rats were injected intravenously with 131I- and 125I-labeled intact murine and chimeric mouse-human monoclonal antibodies directed against carcinoembryonic antigen or with the corresponding F(ab')2 fragments. At different times after injection, individual animals were killed and radioactivity of blood and major organs, including bones and bone marrow, was determined. Ratios comparing radioactivity concentration in different tissues with that of bone marrow were calculated and found to remain stable during several effective half-lives of the antibodies. Mean bone marrow radioactivity was 35% (range, 29%-40%) of that of blood and 126% (range, 108%-147%) of that of liver after injection of intact Mabs or F(ab')2 fragments. In nude rats bearing human colon carcinoma xenografts producing carcinoembryonic antigen, relative bone marrow radioactivity was slightly lower than that in normal rats.


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Des équipes mobiles de psychiatrie ont été développées dans les trois âges pour répondre aux besoins de personnes qui devraient bénéficier d'une évaluation ou de soins spécialisés, lorsque ceux-ci doivent avoir lieu à domicile. Pour arriver à ce but, les équipes tissent de forts liens de partenariat dans le réseau, que ce soit avec les proches ou avec les professionnels impliqués. Les principes généraux d'intervention sont semblables entre les âges : une population cible définie, une intervention à domicile au bénéfice également des proches et des soins de proximité, des équipes pluridisciplinaires avec une charge de cas limitée pour garantir leur disponibilité. Les spécificités de chaque âge seront analysées. Mobile teams have been developed for the three ages to meet the needs of people who should receive--but do not access to--a psychiatric assessment or to specialized care. To achieve this goal, the teams built a strong partnership within the social network, both with relatives and professionals involved. The general principles of intervention are similar between the ages: a focused target population, assertive outreach which benefits also relatives and carers, multidisciplinary teams with a limited caseload to ensure availability. The specificities of each age will be analyzed


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Secondary growth of the vasculature results in the thickening of plant structures and continuously produces xylem tissue, the major biological carbon sink. Little is known about the developmental control of this quantitative trait, which displays two distinct phases in Arabidopsis thaliana hypocotyls. The later phase of accelerated xylem expansion resembles the secondary growth of trees and is triggered upon flowering by an unknown, shoot-derived signal. We found that flowering-dependent hypocotyl xylem expansion is a general feature of herbaceous plants with a rosette growth habit. Flowering induction is sufficient to trigger xylem expansion in Arabidopsis. By contrast, neither flower formation nor elongation of the main inflorescence is required. Xylem expansion also does not depend on any particular flowering time pathway or absolute age. Through analyses of natural genetic variation, we found that ERECTA acts locally to restrict xylem expansion downstream of the gibberellin (GA) pathway. Investigations of mutant and transgenic plants indicate that GA and its signaling pathway are both necessary and sufficient to directly trigger enhanced xylogenesis. Impaired GA signaling did not affect xylem expansion systemically, suggesting that it acts downstream of the mobile cue. By contrast, the GA effect was graft transmissible, suggesting that GA itself is the mobile shoot-derived signal.


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Here we discuss two consecutive MERLIN observations of the X-ray binary LS I +61◦303. The first observation shows a double-sided jet extending up to about 200 AU on both sides of a central source. The jet shows a bent S-shaped struct ure similar to the one displayed by the well-known precessing jet of SS 433. The precession suggested in the first MERLIN image becomes evident in the second one, showing a one-sided bent jet significantly rotated with respect to the jet of the day before. We conclude that the derived precession of the relativistic (β=0.6) jet explains puzzling previous VLBI results. Moreover , the fact that the precession is fast could be the explanation of the never understood short term (days) variability of the associated gamma-ray source 2CG 135 + 01 / 3EG J0241 + 6103.


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We report millimetre-wave continuum observations of the X-ray binaries Cygnus X-3, SS 433, LSI+61 303, Cygnus X-1 and GRS 1915+105. The observations were carried out with the IRAM 30 m-antenna at 250 GHz (1.25 mm) from 1998 March 14 to March 20. These millimetre measurements are complemented with centimetre observations from the Ryle Telescope, at 15 GHz (2.0 cm) and from the Green Bank Interferometer at 2.25 and 8.3 GHz (13 and 3.6 cm). Both Cygnus X-3 and SS 433 underwent moderate flaring events during our observations, whose main spectral evolution properties are described and interpreted. A significant spectral steepening was observed in both sources during the flare decay, that is likely to be caused by adiabatic expansion, inverse Compton and synchrotron losses. Finally, we also report 250 GHz upper limits for three additional undetected X-ray binary stars: LSI+65 010, LSI+61 235 and X Per.


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We present I-band deep CCD exposures of the fields of galactic plane radio variables. An optical counterpart, based on positional coincidence, has been found for 15 of the 27 observed program objects. The Johnson I magnitude of the sources identified is in the range 18-21.


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Introduction: The posterior inclination of the tibial component is an important factor that can affect the success of total knee arthroplasty. It can reduce the posterior impingement and thus increase the range of flexion, but it may also induce instability in flexion, anterior impingement between the polyethylene of postero-stabilizing knee prosthesis, and anterior conflict with the cortical bone and the stem. Although the problem is identified, there is still a debate on the ideal inclination angle and the surgical technique to avoid an excessive posterior inclination. The aim of this study was to predict the effect of a posterior inclination of the tibial component on the contact pattern on the tibial insert, using a numerical musculoskeletal model of the knee joint. Methods: A 3D finite element model of the knee joint was developed to simulate an active and loaded squat movement after total knee arthroplasty. Flexion was actively controlled by the quadriceps muscle and muscle activations were estimated from EMG data and were synchronized by a feedback algorithm. Two inclinations of the tibial tray were considered: a posterior inclination of 0° or 10°. During the entire range of flexion, the following quantities were calculated: the tibiofemoral and patello-femoral contact force, and the contact pattern on polyethylene insert. The antero-posterior displacement of the contact pattern was also measured. Abaqus 6.7 was used for all analyses. Results: The tibio-femoral and patello-femoral contact forces increased during flexion and reached respectively 4 and 7 BW (bodyweight) at 90° of flexion. They were slightly affected by the inclination of the tibial tray. Without posterior inclination, the contact pattern on the tibial insert remained centered. The contact pressure was lower than 5 MPa below 60° of flexion, but exceeded 20 MPa at 90° of flexion. The posterior inclination displaced the contact point posteriorly by 2 to 4 mm. Conclusion: The inclination of the tibial tray displaced the contactpattern towards the posterior border of the tibial insert. However, even for 10° of inclination, the contact center remained far from the posterior border (12 mm). There was no instability predicted for this movement.


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We describe the motivation, design, and implementation of the CORNISH survey, an arcsecondresolution radio continuum survey of the inner galactic plane at 5 GHz using the Very Large Array (VLA). It is a blind survey coordinated with the northern SpitzerGLIMPSE I region covering 10° radio-loud and radio-quiet midIR sources found in the Spitzersurveys. This survey has many legacy applications beyond star formation, including evolved stars, active stars and binaries, and extragalactic sources. The CORNISH survey for compact ionized sources complements other Galactic plane surveys that target diffuse and nonthermal sources, as well as atomic and molecular phases to build up a complete picture of the interstellar medium in the Galaxy.


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A considerable fraction of the -ray sources discovered with the Energetic Gamma-Ray Experiment Telescope (EGRET) remain unidentified. The EGRET sources that have been properly identified are either pulsars or variable sources at both radio and gamma-ray wavelengths. Most of the variable sources are strong radio blazars. However, some low galactic-latitude EGRET sources, with highly variable -ray emission, lack any evident counterpart according to the radio data available until now. Aims. The primary goal of this paper is to identify and characterise the potential radio counterparts of four highly variable -ray sources in the galactic plane through mapping the radio surroundings of the EGRET confidence contours and determining the variable radio sources in the field whenever possible. Methods. We have carried out a radio exploration of the fields of the selected EGRET sources using the Giant Metrewave Radio Telescope (GMRT) interferometer at 21 cm wavelength, with pointings being separated by months. Results. We detected a total of 151 radio sources. Among them, we identified a few radio sources whose flux density has apparently changed on timescales of months. Despite the limitations of our search, their possible variability makes these objects a top-priority target for multiwavelength studies of the potential counterparts of highly variable, unidentified gamma-ray sources.