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Cette thèse de doctorat, écrite en anglais, propose la première édition critique de « Because of the Dollars », une nouvelle de l'écrivain anglais Joseph Conrad publiée dans le volume Within the Tides, en février 1915. Outre le texte critique de la nouvelle - le seul à ce jour reconstruit d'après une minutieuse étude des relations entre toutes les versions existantes - la présente édition offre aussi un vaste apparat éditorial. Le texte de la présente édition est éclectique. Sa ponctuation est essentiellement basée sur un texte proche du manuscrit de l'auteur, et donc non corrompu par le processus de transmission. Mais ses mots sont tirés des dernières versions révisées par l'auteur, étant donné qu'au cours de la transmission, les mots, contrairement aux marques de ponctuation, n'ont pas été contaminés. Le résultat de cette méthode est un texte reflétant, tant pour les mots que pour la ponctuation, les choix de l'auteur. L'apparat éditorial sert à placer la nouvelle dans la vie de Conrad, tracer l'évolution du texte, et offrir au lecteur des informations historiques et culturelles qui permettront une meilleure lecture de l'oeuvre. Cet apparat est composé de quatre parties : une introduction, une étude sur les textes de la nouvelle, une collation historique de toutes les variantes, et des notes explicatives. L'introduction place l'oeuvre dans le contexte de la vie de l'écrivain, en donne la réception critique de 1915 à nos jours, et en éclaire le contexte historique (un changement de monnaie à Singapour en 1903-4). L'étude sur les textes trace le développement et la transmission du texte, depuis son inscription sur pages manuscrites jusqu'à sa publication dans les oeuvres complètes de Conrad. La collation historique inventorie toutes les variantes textuelles entre les différentes versions existantes. Enfin, les notes explicatives glosent les allusions littéraires, historiques, et culturelles du texte. « Because of the Dollars » et Within the Tides n'ayant attiré que très peu d'attention critique, les informations contenues dans cet apparat éditorial sont complètement inédites, et jettent une lumière originale sur une période peu étudiée de la vie de Conrad.
This paper presents an axiomatic characterization of difference-form group contests, that is, contests fought among groups and where their probability of victory depends on the difference of their effective efforts. This axiomatization rests on the property of Equalizing Consistency, stating that the difference between winning probabilities in the grand contest and in the smaller contest should be identical across all participants in the smaller contest. This property overcomes some of the drawbacks of the widely-used ratio-form contest success functions. Our characterization shows that the criticisms commonly-held against difference-form contests success functions, such as lack of scale invariance and zero elasticity of augmentation, are unfounded.By clarifying the properties of this family of contest success functions, this axiomatization can help researchers to find the functional form better suited to their application of interest.
Cooperation between libraries is a universal language spoken in different dialects. In 1996 the libraries of the state-funded universities and the National Library of Catalonia (Spain) formed the Consortium of Academic Libraries of Catalonia (CBUC) to act as a channel for cooperation. The organization and activities of CBUC are an example of how this universal language has been adapted to the specific characteristics of the Libraries of Catalonia. Catalonia is an autonomous region of Spain with 7 million inhabitants with its own language, history and traditions and with a strong feeling of own identity that facilitates the cooperation. Thanks to this (and also to the hard work of the member libraries), since then, CBUC has created a union catalogue, an interlibrary lending program, the Digital Library of Catalonia, a cooperative store, different cooperatives repositories and other cooperation programs. One of these cooperatives repositories is RACO (Catalan Journals in Open Access, www.raco.cat) where can be consulted, in open access, the full-text articles of scientific, cultural and scholar Catalan journals. The main purpose of RACO is to increase the visibility and searches of the journals included and to spread the scientific and academic production published in Catalonia. This purpose makes specific in three aims: encourage the electronic edition of Catalan journals; be the interface that allows the whole search of all the journals and provide the instruments for its preservation. There are currently 244 journals in RACO, that includes more than 85.000 articles (80% in OA) from 50 publishing institutions. Since it got into operation it has had more than 4 millions of queries. These 244 journals offer the full-text of all the published issues. Nevertheless, some journal can have a delay between the introduction of the table of contents and the full-text for the recent issues. From 2005 we have a plan of retrospective digitization that has allowed to digitize more than 350.000 pages of back issues. The RACO repository works with the open source program OJS (Open Journal Systems, http://pkp.sfu.ca/ojs/) and uses Dublin Core Metadata and the interoperability protocol created by Open Archives Initiative (OAI) which allows to increase the visibility of the articles published in journals offering oneself together with other international repositories.
En el presente trabajo se desarrolla un estudio de las emisiones de CH4 relacionadas con el sector agroalimentario catalán a través de un análisis alternativo, o al menos complementario, de subsistemas input-output. Una herramienta de gran utilidad para estudiar la estructura productiva de los diferentes sectores que componen una economía. La aplicación de esta técnica permite las descomposición del subsistema en distintos efectos en función de los vínculos intersectoriales existentes con el conjunto de las ramas productivas de la economía, dentro y fuera del subsistema. De los resultados obtenidos destaca la importancia de las relaciones intrasectoriales del subsistema agroalimentario, que muestra una relevante autonomía en cuanto a este tipo de emisiones respecto al resto de la economía. Esta característica orienta el tipo de políticas medioambientales a implementar con el objetivo de reducir el impacto atmosférico de dicha actividad.
There is a widespread consensus in the literature that, as consequence of the demographic transition, the current Spanish pension system will become unsustainable in the next decades. In this article we evaluate the sustainability of the contributory pensions' sub-system, taking into account the demographic projections by the Spanish Statistical Office (INE). A baseline scenario is projected as well as several reforms are simulated, focusing on: (i) selective immigration policy, (ii) changes in the way of setting the pensions and (iii) increase of the legal age of retirement up to 68. The main results are the following. The current system would not incur deficits until 2018, from then deficits will begin to be accumulated. The expenditure in pensions practically would double (from 8.3 % in 2005 to 17.2 % in 2050). A selective immigration policy -towards foreign young people- would help, but does not solve the long-term sustainability of the current system. A policy that combines a pensions' growth at a pace lower than productivity growth and extends the legal age of retirement up to 68 would give solvency to the system beyond 2029
This paper has three objectives. First, it aims at revealing the logic of interest rate setting pursued by monetary authorities of 12 new EU members. Using estimation of an augmented Taylor rule, we find that this setting was not always consistent with the official monetary policy. Second, we seek to shed light on the inflation process of these countries. To this end, we carry out an estimation of an open economy Philips curve (PC). Our main finding is that inflation rates were not only driven by backward persistency but also held a forward-looking component. Finally, we assess the viability of existing monetary arrangements for price stability. The analysis of the conditional inflation variance obtained from GARCH estimation of PC is used for this purpose. We conclude that inflation targeting is preferable to an exchange rate peg because it allowed decreasing the inflation rate and anchored its volatility.
This paper analyses intergenerational earnings mobility in Spain correcting for different selection biases. We address the co-residence selection problem by combining information from two samples and using the two-sample two-stage least square estimator. We find a small decrease in elasticity when we move to younger cohorts. Furthermore, we find a higher correlation in the case of daughters than in the case of sons; however, when we consider the employment selection in the case of daughters, by adopting a Heckman-type correction method, the diference between sons and daughters disappears. By decomposing the sources of earnings elasticity across generations, we find that the correlation between child's and father's occupation is the most important component. Finally, quantile regressions estimates show that the influence of the father's earnings is greater when we move to the lower tail of the offspring's earnings distribution, especially in the case of daughters' earnings.
Esta investigación analiza las desigualdades de las intensidades energéticas entre países de la OCDE, su evolución y sus causas. Estas intensidades constituyen uno de los principales factores determinantes de las emisiones per cápita y, por tanto, de las diferencias que se dan entre países y grupos de países. Se desarrolla una metodología que permite la descomposición de la desigualdad en los consumos de energía per cápita en factores explicativos, además de analizar la contribución de diferentes grupos de países. Destaca que, si bien las diferencias en afluencia económica son el factor más relevante en la explicación las desigualdades en el consumo energético per cápita, la desigualdad en intensidad energética juega un papel prominente en su reducción en el periodo analizado. A continuación, se desarrolla una metodología que permite determinar la importancia de las diferentes estructuras productivas y de las diferencias en eficiencia energética en el mayor o menor uso de energía por unidad de PIB en los diferentes países y grupos de países. Los resultados muestran que la especialización productiva gana peso en la explicación de las desigualdades en las intensidades energéticas, mientras que se da una importante tendencia a la igualación de la eficiencia energética entre países sector a sector. Esta tendencia explicaría, a su vez, el peso decreciente de la intensidad energética como factor explicativo de las desigualdades en consumos energéticos.
Selection bias and unobservable heterogeneity applied at the wage equation of European married women
This paper utilizes a panel data sample selection model to correct the selection in the analysis of longitudinal labor market data for married women in European countries. We estimate the female wage equation in a framework of unbalanced panel data models with sample selection. The wage equations of females have several potential sources of.
An abundant scientific literature about climate change economics points out that the future participation of developing countries in international environmental policies will depend on their amount of pay offs inside and outside specific agreements. These studies are aimed at analyzing coalitions stability typically through a game theoretical approach. Though these contributions represent a corner stone in the research field investigating future plausible international coalitions and the reasons behind the difficulties incurred over time to implement emissions stabilizing actions, they cannot disentangle satisfactorily the role that equality play in inducing poor regions to tackle global warming. If we focus on the Stern Review findings stressing that climate change will generate heavy damages and policy actions will be costly in a finite time horizon, we understand why there is a great incentive to free ride in order to exploit benefits from emissions reduction efforts of others. The reluctance of poor countries in joining international agreements is mainly supported by historical responsibility of rich regions in generating atmospheric carbon concentration, whereas rich countries claim that emissions stabilizing policies will be effective only when developing countries will join them.Scholars recently outline that a perceived fairness in the distribution of emissions would facilitate a wide spread participation in international agreements. In this paper we overview the literature about distributional aspects of emissions by focusing on those contributions investigating past trends of emissions distribution through empirical data and future trajectories through simulations obtained by integrated assessment models. We will explain methodologies used to elaborate data and the link between real data and those coming from simulations. Results from this strand of research will be interpreted in order to discuss future negotiations for post Kyoto agreements that will be the focus of the next. Conference of the Parties in Copenhagen at the end of 2009. A particular attention will be devoted to the role that technological change will play in affecting the distribution of emissions over time and to how spillovers and experience diffusion could influence equality issues and future outcomes of policy negotiations.
La indexació i la recerca de pàgines web es basa en l’anàlisi de text. La tecnologia actual encara no pot processar d’una manera eficient i suficientment ràpida el text contingut a les imatges de les pàgines web. Aquest fet planteja un problema important d’indexació però també d’inaccessibilitat. Per poder quantificar aquest problema hem desenvolupat una aplicació software que ens permet realitzar un estudi sobre aquesta situació. Hem utilitzat aquest software per analitzar un conjunt de pàgines web representatives de la situació actual a Internet. Aquests resultats obtinguts s’han analitzat i comparat amb estudis anteriors.
Treball de recerca realitzat per alumnes d'ensenyament secundari i guardonat amb un Premi CIRIT per fomentar l'esperit científic del Jovent l'any 2009. Aquesta recerca ha consistit en fer una base de dades a partir de la iconografia de la revista modernista ''Pèl&Ploma''. Es tracta de fer un inventari de les il•lustracions que hi surten des de la primera publicació -3 de juny de 1899- fins a la número 76, publicat el 15 de maig de 1901. S’ha fet una fitxa de cadascuna de les imatges on s’hi recull: el nom de l'autor, el títol de l'obra, el número de la revista i la pàgina on apareix, la tècnica utilitzada i un petit comentari. A més, inclou una introducció general sobre la revista i una fitxa bibliogràfica de cada artista que hi participa.
Résumé La mondialisation des marchés, les mutations du contexte économique et enfin l'impact des nouvelles technologies de l'information ont obligé les entreprises à revoir la façon dont elles gèrent leurs capitaux intellectuel (gestion des connaissances) et humain (gestion des compétences). II est communément admis aujourd'hui que ceux-ci jouent un rôle particulièrement stratégique dans l'organisation. L'entreprise désireuse de se lancer dans une politique gestion de ces capitaux devra faire face à différents problèmes. En effet, afin de gérer ces connaissances et ces compétences, un long processus de capitalisation doit être réalisé. Celui-ci doit passer par différentes étapes comme l'identification, l'extraction et la représentation des connaissances et des compétences. Pour cela, il existe différentes méthodes de gestion des connaissances et des compétences comme MASK, CommonKADS, KOD... Malheureusement, ces différentes méthodes sont très lourdes à mettre en oeuvre, et se cantonnent à certains types de connaissances et sont, par conséquent, plus limitées dans les fonctionnalités qu'elles peuvent offrir. Enfin, la gestion des compétences et la gestion des connaissances sont deux domaines dissociés alors qu'il serait intéressant d'unifier ces deux approches en une seule. En effet, les compétences sont très proches des connaissances comme le souligne la définition de la compétence qui suit : « un ensemble de connaissances en action dans un contexte donné ». Par conséquent, nous avons choisi d'appuyer notre proposition sur le concept de compétence. En effet, la compétence est parmi les connaissances de l'entreprise l'une des plus cruciales, en particulier pour éviter la perte de savoir-faire ou pour pouvoir prévenir les besoins futurs de l'entreprise, car derrière les compétences des collaborateurs, se trouve l'efficacité de l'organisation. De plus, il est possible de décrire grâce à la compétence de nombreux autres concepts de l'organisation, comme les métiers, les missions, les projets, les formations... Malheureusement, il n'existe pas réellement de consensus sur la définition de la compétence. D'ailleurs, les différentes définitions existantes, même si elles sont pleinement satisfaisantes pour les experts, ne permettent pas de réaliser un système opérationnel. Dans notre approche; nous abordons la gestion des compétences à l'aide d'une méthode de gestion des connaissances. En effet, de par leur nature même, connaissance et compétence sont intimement liées et donc une telle méthode est parfaitement adaptée à la gestion des compétences. Afin de pouvoir exploiter ces connaissances et ces compétences nous avons dû, dans un premier temps, définir les concepts organisationnels de façon claire et computationnelle. Sur cette base, nous proposons une méthodologie de construction des différents référentiels d'entreprise (référentiel de compétences, des missions, des métiers...). Pour modéliser ces différents référentiels, nous avons choisi l'ontologie, car elle permet d'obtenir des définitions cohérentes et consensuelles aux concepts tout en supportant les diversités langagières. Ensuite, nous cartographions les connaissances de l'entreprise (formations, missions, métiers...) sur ces différentes ontologies afin de pouvoir les exploiter et les diffuser. Notre approche de la gestion des connaissances et de la gestion des compétences a permis la réalisation d'un outil offrant de nombreuses fonctionnalités comme la gestion des aires de mobilités, l'analyse stratégique, les annuaires ou encore la gestion des CV. Abstract The globalization of markets, the easing of economical regulation and finally the impact of new information and communication technologies have obliged firms to re-examine the way they manage their knowledge capital (knowledge management) and their human capital (competence management). It is commonly admitted that knowledge plays a slightly strategical role in the organization. The firms who want to establish one politic of management of these capitals will have to face with different problems. To manage that knowledge, a long process of capitalization must be done. That one has different steps like identification, extraction and representation of knowledge and competences. There are some different methods of knowledge management like MASK, CommonKADS or KOD. Unfortunately, those methods are very difficult to implement and are using only some types of knowledge and are consequently more limited in the functionalities they can offer. Knowledge management and competence management are two different domain where it could be interesting to unify those to one. Indeed, competence is very close than knowledge as underline this definition: "a set of knowledge in action in a specified context". We choose in our approach to rely on the concept of competence. Indeed, the competence is one of crucial knowledge in the company, particularly to avoid the loss of know-how or to prevent future needs. Because behind collaborator's competence, we can find company efficiency. Unfortunately, there is no real consensus on the definition of the concept of competence. Moreover, existing different definitions don't permit to develop an operational system. Among other key concept, we can find jobs, mission, project, and training... Moreover, we approach different problems of the competence management under the angle of the knowledge management. Indeed, knowledge and competence are closely linked. Then, we propose a method to build different company repositories (competence, jobs, projects repositories). To model those different repositories we choose ontology because it permits to obtain coherent and consensual definitions of the concepts with support of linguistics diversities too. This building repositories method coupled with this knowledge and competence management approach permitted the realization of a tool offering functionalities like mobility management, strategical analysis, yellow pages or CV management.
We conduct a sensitivity analysis of several estimators related to household income, to explore how some details of the definitions of the variables concerned influence the values of the common estimates, such as the mean, median and (poverty) rates. The purpose of this study is to highlight that some of the operational definitions entail an element of arbitrariness which leaves an undesirable stamp on the inferences made. The analyses use both a cross-sectional and a longitudinal (panel) component of the EU-SILC database.