999 resultados para Karlsson, Fred: Kielitieteiden tohtorinväitöskirjat Suomessa 1902-2001


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2000 Summary Iowa Beef Cow Business Record


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This publication is an historical recording of the most requested statistics on vital events and is a source of information that can be used in further analysis.


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Monthly newsletter for the Iowa Department of Public Health


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During the last five years, Iowa has experienced a shortage of workers and will continue to feel the impact of a short labor supply. As the state prepares to reverse this trend of a declining population, attracting immigrants and refugees has great potential. In addition, released preliminary reports from the 2000 Census are reporting growth of the Latino population in several Iowa counties. This survey was conducted as a way to supplement the information collected about the Latino population by the State Public Policy Group in 1999, Snapshot in Time: A clear view of the importance, value and impacts of the Latino population in central Iowa. (Una Foto Actual de la Comunicad Latina: Un panoramaclaro de la importancia, del valor, y de los impactos de la población Latina en el área central de Iowa.) Although this survey was enlightening, it was broad in scope. It was the goal of the agency to collect more specific data regarding workforce needs and barriers that the Latino population encounter in the State of Iowa. Although it was the desire to broaden the scope of the previous survey, it should be noted that the survey samples were not identical. But it is recognized that because the Latino population within the state is small, some of the respondents could have participated in both surveys. We were also hoping to benefit from the extensive work conducted by SPPG within the community as a way to increase the response rate for this survey. This executive summary highlights some of the most significant findings from the survey of Latinos residing in Central Iowa. This analysis centers on the impact the Latino population can have in filling the labor shortages and how Iowa can best embrace the new Iowan. In addition, some of the key findings could offer insight into removing unnecessary barriers that prevent immigrants from utilizing valuable work skills as they integrate into the workforce. This information may be insightful to community leaders and employers who want to welcome new immigrants into their community. The following diagram collected from the 2000 Census illustrates the percentage of Latinos residing in the state.


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This report details the efforts of the community action network in Iowa.


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A Elder Affairs documents about Guardianship and conservatorship for adults.


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Annual report of the Department of Corrections, Iowa Prison Industries.


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Railway finance report for the Iowa Department of Transportation.


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Opinnäytetyö lähtee liikkeelle kirkkodraaman alkujuurilta, etsien kirkkodraaman kansainväliseen syntyyn liittyviä seikkoja ja edeten kohti kirkkodraaman rantautumista Suomeen ja kehitystä tämän päivän kirkkodraamaksi. Miten kirkkodraamaan liittyvä koulutus on käynnistynyt. Millaista kehitystä ja havaintoja on Suomessa toteutetussa kirkkodraamassa tapahtunut viime vuosikymmenillä ja mitä on tapahtunut 1980-, 1990- ja 2000-luvuilla Hyvinkäällä toteutetussa kirkkodraamatyöskentelyssä. Opinnäytetyö kartoittaa, millaisia kirkkodraaman lajityyppejä on ja miten niitä on Hyvinkäällä toteutettu, kuinka niiden tekemiseen on päädytty. Millaisia vaiheita kirkkodraaman ohjaustyön ammatillistumisessa on ollut omalla kohdallani ja miten se on ollut havaittavissa eri vuosikymmeninä Hyvinkäällä ja millainen oli kirkkoteatterin kiirastuli 2001, jolloin kirkkoteatterityön tulevaisuus oli hyvinkääläisten kirkkohallintoelinten ruodittavana ja miten se siitä selvisi. Opinnäytetyötä varten tein luettelon kaikista Hyvinkään seurakunnalle toteuttamistani kirkkodraamoista, joita opinnäytetyöhön 15.11.2006 mennessä oli kertynyt tasan 100 kirkkodraamaa. Tämä luettelo on opinnäytetyön liitteenä. Luetteloon on merkitty jokaisen näytelmän kohdalle mitä lajityyppiä teos edustaa.


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Farm/Livestock Management Demonstration Program produced by Iowa Departmment of Agriculture and Land Stewardship