839 resultados para Joy of work


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This paper examines whether social support is a boundary-determining criterion in the job strain model of Karasek (1979). The particular focus is the extent to which different sources of social support, work overload and task control influence job satisfaction, depersonalization and supervisor assessments of work performance. Hypotheses are tested using prospective survey data from 80 clerical staff in a university setting. Results revealed 3-way interactions among levels of support (supervisor, co-worker, non-work), perceived task control and work overload on levels of work performance and employee adjustment (self-report). After controlling for levels of negative affect in all analyses, there was evidence that high levels of supervisor support mitigated against the negative effects of high strain jobs on levels of job satisfaction and reduced reported levels of depersonalization. Moreover, high levels of non-work support and co-worker support also mitigated against the negative effects of high strain jobs on levels of work performance. The results are discussed in terms of the importance of social support networks both at, and beyond, the work context.


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Extensive research conducted in the occupational stress literature has failed to provide convincing support for the stress-buffering effects of work control on employee adjustment. Drawing on research conducted in the laboratory context, it was proposed that the stress-buffering effects of work control on employee adjustment would be more marked at high, rather than low, levels of self-efficacy. In a sample of 100 customer service representatives, a significant three-way interaction among role conflict, work control and self-efficacy (measured at Time 1) was observed on (low) depersonalization (measured at Time 2). Consistent with expectations, work control reduced the negative effects of work stress on this outcome measure only for employees who perceived high levels of self-efficacy at work. In addition, there was evidence to suggest that self-efficacy moderated the main effects of work control on job satisfaction and somatic health. These findings are discussed hi terms of their theoretical contribution to the job strain model, and also in relation to workplace interventions designed to improve levels of employee adjustment.


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Much of the published work regarding the Isotropic Singularity is performed under the assumption that the matter source for the cosmological model is a barotropic perfect fluid, or even a perfect fluid with a gamma-law equation of state. There are, however, some general properties of cosmological models which admit an Isotropic Singularity, irrespective of the matter source. In particular, we show that the Isotropic Singularity is a point-like singularity and that vacuum space-times cannot admit an Isotropic Singularity. The relationships between the Isotropic Singularity, and the energy conditions, and the Hubble parameter is explored. A review of work by the authors, regarding the Isotropic Singularity, is presented.


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We describe administrative reform involving management innovation undertaken at the Superior Tribunal of Justice, Brazil`s highest appellate court for infra-constitutional cases. The innovation is the introduction of a new management model based on strategic planning and a process management approach to work processes. Introduction of the new model has been supported by the use of information technology and project management techniques. Qualitative methods were used for data collection and analysis. Findings reveal that the innovation is contributing to the development of a systemic overview of key processes, reducing the fragmenting effects of the division of work activities within the Tribunal. At least three new organizational routines or capabilities have been developed as a result of the innovation studied: Electronic Court Management, Project Management, and Process Management. The paper contributes to knowledge about court management, a field that has received little research attention in the public administration literature.


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The body of work contained in Choice, Behavioural Economics and Addiction is the result of a conference held at the University of Alabama in Birmingham, 2002. The purpose of the conference was to bring together highly accredited international authors in the field of addiction research pertaining to behavioural choice theories. The conference provided a forum where these theories and their empirical implications could be discussed and debated. This book represents the conference proceedings and as such is a combination of journal articles that each relevant author has published plus additional comments from allocated reviewers.


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This paper explores differences between men and women in levels of work satisfaction, employing data from the Australian component of the International Project on Class Structure and Class Consciousness. While moment tend to be concentrated in low-status, low-paid positions, that is the secondary labour market, the data suggest that, in general, they are more satisfied with paid employment than men. Employment constraints are found to be a key factor in the observed differences in levels of work satisfaction. For both groups, however, it is clear that work satisfaction derives primarily from work-related factors.


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In seeking to increase the flexibility of their use of employee time, employers can pursue strategies based on the employment of casual and part-time workers (numerical flexibility) or strategies based on ad hoc variation of the working hours of permanent employees (working time flexibility). Patterns of flexibility strategies and their implications are examined in the context of a highly feminised sector of work-clerical and administrative employment in law and accounting firms. We consider whether, as is often assumed, working time flexibility strategies are generally better for employees because they avoid the substitution of core, high quality jobs with the peripheral, relatively insecure employment often associated with casualisation. Analysing data drawn from a survey of law and accounting firms, we argue that there are three distinct flexibility strategies adopted by employers, and that the choice of strategy is influenced by the size of the firm and the extent of feminisation. The quality of employment conditions associated with each strategy is investigated through an analysis of the determinants of training provision for clerical and administrative workers. Rather than an expected simple linear relationship between increasing casualisation and decreasing training provision, we find that firm size and feminisation are implicated. Larger firms that tend to employ at least some men and use a combination of working time and numerical flexibility strategies tend to provide more training than the small, more fully feminised firms that tend to opt for either casualisation or working time flexibility strategies. This suggests that, from an employee perspective, working time flexibility may not be as benevolent as is often thought.


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Objective: The Traffic Engineering Company of the City of Sao Paulo (Brazil) observed a decrease in productivity, and an increase in sick leave, accidents and psychological distress among their parking inspection agents. To document this situation, qualitative research was undertaken to obtain an in-depth comprehension of work activity. Participants: Workers, managers and health and safety professionals contributed to the documentation of the problem and to the proposal of possible solutions. Methods: Ergonomic work analysis focusing on real work activity, as well as interviews with individual or groups of stakeholders, were conducted. Results: This research revealed that political-economic factors gradually contributed to: 1) an increasing work load; 2) growing fatigue throughout the day, increasing the workers` vulnerability to incidents and accidents and their tendency to react inappropriately to violence experienced on the street; and 3) excessive individual responsibility to manage dangerous situations. Conclusions: Recommendations to ameliorate the situation are proposed. These suggestions are discussed in terms of feasibility given the impact of macro social factors upon micro work activity, and the associated potential expansion of the ergonomist`s role.


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The aim of this study was to investigate the rate of occupational leg swelling depending on the time period of the working day Volumetric variations of the legs of 70 hospital employees, enrolled in three groups, were evaluated. Group I: 35 morning shift workers; Group II: 35 afternoon shift workers; and Group III: 15 individuals randomly selected from Groups I and II, who were evaluated on the day they worked 12 hours consecutively. Volumetry was performed before and after each shift for both legs of the participants in Groups I and II. For Group III volumetry was performed early in the morning, at noon and in the evening, For statistical analysis, the Student`s t-test and Mann-Whitney test were used with an alpha error of 5%. being considered acceptable (P value < 0.05). Significant increases in volume were recorded for the limbs in all three groups (P value < 0.001). On comparing Groups I and II, the accumulation of fluids was significantly higher in the morning than in the afternoon (P value < 0.003). Asymptomatic workers may present with oedema of the legs during their work with the rate of oedema being different for morning and afternoon shifts. The possibility of wearing compression stockings should be considered for this type of work.


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It has been known since the early sixties that nickel sulfide inclusions cause spontaneous fracture of toughened (thermally tempered) glass, but despite the considerable amount of work done on this problem in the last four decades, failures still occur in the field with regularity. In this study we have classified (by viewing through a 60x optical microscope) inclusions into two groups, which are classic and atypical nickel sulfides. The classics look like the nickel sulfide inclusions found at the initiation-of-fracture of windows that have broken spontaneously. We have compared the structure and composition of the atypical inclusions with the structure and composition of the classics. All of the classic and atypical nickel sulfide inclusions studied in this work were found to have a composition in the range of Ni52S48 to Ni48S52. Inclusions on the nickel rich side of stoichiometric NiS were found to be two-phase assemblies, and inclusions on the sulphur rich side of NiS were single phase. It had been proposed that the atypicals were passive, and of a different composition to the classics. However, we found that the difference between passive and dangerous nickel sulfide inclusions was not a difference in composition but rather a difference in the type of material in the internal pore space. The passive's had carbon char in their internal pore space, whereas the pore space of dangerous inclusions contained Na2O. The presence of Na2O and carbon char with the inclusions indicates that the formation of the inclusions results from a reaction of a nickel-rich phase with sodium sulphate and carbon. (C) 2001 Kluwer Academic Publishers.


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Aim. This study examines the extent to which hospital nurses view their working environment in a positive sense, working as a cohesive group. Background. Despite the fact that nursing in Australia is now considered a profession, it has been claimed that nurses are an oppressed group who use horizontal violence, bullying and aggression in their interactions with one and other. Methods. After ethical approval, a random sample of 666 nurses working directly with patients and all 333 critical care nurses employed in three large tertiary Australian hospitals were invited to participate in the study in the late 1990s. A mailed survey examined the perceptions of interaction nurses had with each other. The hypothesis, that level of employment (either Level I bedside nurses or Level II/III clinical leaders) and area of work (either critical care or noncritical care) would influence perceptions of cohesion, as measured by the cohesion amongst nurses scale (CANS) was tested. Results. In total 555 (56%) surveys were returned. Of these, 413 were returned by Level I and 142 by Level II/III nurses. Of this sample, 189 were critical care and 355 noncritical care nurses. There was no difference between Level I and II/III nurses in mean CANS scores. It is interesting to note that the item rated most positively was, 'nurses on the units worked well together', however, the item rated least positive was 'staff can be really bitchy towards each other' for both Level I and II/III nurses. There was no difference in CANS scores between critical care and noncritical care nurses. Conclusions. Nurses working in Australian hospitals perceived themselves to be moderately cohesive but, as would be expected in other work settings, some negative perceptions existed.


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Objective To estimate the effect of gender on ownership and income in veterinary practice in Australia. Methods Questionnaire completed by private veterinary practitioners, and analysed using the SAS System for Windows 7.0. Results More than three-quarters (78%) of male but 36% of female private practitioners were partial or sole owners of practices. The median annual income for all male practitioners working more than 40 hours/week was $70K, but that for females was $43K. These disparities existed in both city and country practices, and in the case of income it increased with increasing time in the workforce. Male practice owners also reported higher incomes than female owners. Conclusions Female veterinary practitioners are less likely to own practices, and more likely to earn low incomes than males. These differentials do not appear to be due to location, hours worked or years since graduation or, in the case of income, to whether they are owners or employees. The evidence points to a lower interest by women than men in the business aspects of veterinary practice.


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Background Paid employment is increasingly undertaken by mothers as their children age, with the majority of women being in employment by the time their offspring are adult. Opportunities to engage in employment appear to be reduced for mothers of children with disabilities; however, little is known about the employment of mothers or fathers of adults with disabilities. Method Data were collected regarding the employment decisions of parents of a young adult with multiple disabilities and contrasted with those of parents whose children were all developing normally. Twenty-five mothers and 12 fathers of a young adult with multiple disabilities were interviewed, as were 25 comparison mothers and 19 comparison fathers. Data collected included hours of work, reasons for employment status, attitudes towards work and child care, and psychological well-being. Results Clear differences were found between the two groups. Mothers and fathers of a child with multiple disabilities showed different engagement patterns with the paid workforce from comparison parents. Hours of work for fathers of a young adult with multiple disabilities showed a bi-modal distribution, with some fathers working fewer hours than usual and others working very long hours. For mothers in both groups, the number of hours in paid employment was negatively associated with reports of psychological problems. Conclusions Increased attention needs to be given to the employment opportunities of parents of children with disabilities since employment appears to play a protective role for mothers, in particular. Services provided to adults with disabilities will need to change if parents are to have the same life chances as parents without adult offspring with a disability.


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Work accidents affect business and society as a whole. Fewer accidents mean fewer sick leaves, which results in lower costs and less disruption in the production process, with clear advantages for the employer. But workers and their households bear also a significant burden following a work accident, only partially compen-sated by insurance systems. Furthermore, the consequences of work accidents to the State and Society need also to be considered. When an organization performs an integrated risk analysis in evaluating its Occupational Health and Safety Management System, several steps are suggested to address the identified risk situations. Namely, to avoid risks, a series of preventive measures are identified. The organization should make a detailed analysis of the monetary impact (positive or negative) for the organization of each of the measures considered. Particularly, it is also important to consider the impact of each measure on society, involving an adequate eco-nomic cost-benefit analysis. In the present paper, a case study in a textile finishing company is presented. The study concentrates on the dyeing and printing sections. For each of the potential risks, several preventive measures have been identified and the corresponding costs and benefits have been estimated. Subsequently, the Benefit/Cost ratio (B/C) of these measures has been calculated, both in financial terms (from the organisa-tion’s perspective) and in economic terms (including the benefits for the worker and for the Society). Results show that, while the financial analysis in terms of the company does not justify the preventive measures, when the externalities are taken into account, the B/C ratio increases significantly and investments are fully justified.


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International statistics show that the problem of the accidents at work is far away to be solved (ILO estimates that every year about 270 million work accidents and 160 million occupational diseases resulting in the death of more than 2 million workers occurs in the world). That's why the EU global goal concerning the community' strategy for occupational health and safety for 2007-2012 is to reduce in 25% the incidence rate of occupational accidents and diseases. In this prospect it is presented a case study which justify the need to develop studies in Safety, Hygiene and Health at Work area as a way to encourage the managers to implement preventive actions and strategies, besides meeting the legal requirements, in order to reduce the occurrence of work accidents, improve the work conditions and therefore obtain benefits in added values and reinforced competition. The general objective of this study is to describe the work situations, identify the dangers and associate the potential risks and consequences; evaluate and value the risk. The study uses the Failure Table methodology and, in the business area of an organization which will be from now on designated as MANTEM that works in the electromechanical maintenance area. The results were, amongst others, some actions to be implemented to eliminate/minimize risks.