811 resultados para Joinder of actions


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El artículo analiza las iniciativas de comunicación relacionadas con la igualdad de oportunidades entre mujeres y hombres. El objetivo es analizar con enfoque de género las acciones realizadas por parte de las instituciones públicas regionales y locales para sensibilizar y promover la conciliación entre la vida familiar y laboral de seis comunidades autónomas (Andalucía, Cataluña, Comunidad Valenciana, Galicia, Madrid y País Vasco) y de sus capitales, desde 1999 (cuando se aprueba la ley de conciliación) hasta 2007 (se aprueba la ley de igualdad). La información sobre publicidad convencional fue proporcionada por Infoadex. Para la recogida de otro tipo de iniciativas a través de medios menos convencionales se acudió a cuatro fuentes institucionales: 1) Ayuntamientos de las capitales, como fuente estrictamente local, 2) Diputaciones de la capital de la Comunidad Autónoma, como fuente provincial, 3) Direcciones Generales de la Mujer o instituciones análogas como fuente de información a nivel regional o autonómico y, por último, 4) otras concejalías vinculadas al tema de la corresponsabilidad, cuyo radio de acción también es autonómico. Los resultados, aunque con diferencias entre regiones, reflejan carencias en la cobertura de las acciones que llevan a cuestionar la falta de estrategia política en términos de comunicación, pese a la introducción sistemática de estos objetivos en la agenda internacional (ONU y UE) y del gobierno español. En consecuencia, las campañas publicitarias e iniciativas recogidas contribuyen a la visibilización del problema y al empoderamiento, pero no tanto al objetivo de la paridad.


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Olga Diego Freises (Alacant 1969) estudià Belles Arts a les facultats de València (Universitat Politècnica) i d’Altea (Universitat Miguel Hernández), on es titulà el 2006. La seua activitat artística ―crítica, compromesa i innovadora― s’ha orientat bàsicament a la performança, encara que amb un important suport gràfic i escultòric de dibuixos i de maquetes. Com es habitual, Olga Diego fa servir el vídeo com a medi de registre i/o de suport de les accions. En ocasions el vídeo arriba a ser la base o el format de presentació d’una acció. És, doncs, un registre fotogràfic ―foto mòbil que pot esdevenir foto fixa― allò que conserva la memòria del que es féu o del que passà. En ocasions la gravació és manual i en ocasions la càmera va lligada a un artefacte. S’ofereixen, així, visions diferents de l’acció. En ocasions es treballa amb llum de dia i en ocasions amb llum de foc o de focus, oferint també així visions diferents de l’acció. Per tant, el vídeo es treballa en funció del suggeriment, de la claredat expositiva o de l’ambigüitat que s’intenta. Proposem aquí una introducció als vídeos vinculats a algunes de les accions d’Olga Diego desenvolupades a llocs tan diferents com ara Espanya, Sàhara Occidental Libre i Egipte.


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O artigo aborda a temática da produção e consumo de bens pela sociedade atual que ocasionam sérios problemas ambientais e sociais devido ao grande descarte de materiais de diversas naturezas. O consumo exagerado é incentivado pelas estratégias de markting que incentivam novas compras e descartes muitas vezes prematuros de produtos e embalagens. A sustentabilidade é um fator importante que deve ser considerado nesse debate pois está diretamente vinculada ao chamado desenvolvimento sustentável, um paradigma ainda em construção. À partir dos princípios gerais do desenvolvimento sustentável podem ser estabelecidos outros que abordem exclusivamente a sustentabilidade com relação ao Gestão e Gerenciamento dos Resíduos Sólidos Urbanos abrangendo as dimensões ambiental/ecológica, econômica e social. As estratégias sustentáveis para esse gerenciamento são investigadas há anos por instituições de pesquisa/ensino, empresas e administração pública no intuito de se alcançar uma solução para os problemas advindos a produção e descarte de resíduos sólidos. O texto apresenta exemplos de ações no Brasil e Espanha no que tange às ações de gestão dos resíduos descartados nesses países, com destaque para a Comunidade de Barcelona.


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The crisis in Ukraine and the Russian intervention have brought about a situation in which it is necessary for Germany to make decisions and take action. No one in Berlin was prepared for this nor did anyone want this to occur. The effect of this is that the government has adopted a clearly critical stance on Russia, albeit in tandem with cautious diplomatic moves; it has given its consent to limited sanctions on representatives of the Russian elite, and has disapproved of economic sanctions. On the other hand, voices have been heard in the political debate in Germany not only warning of the catastrophic consequences of a deterioration in German-Russian relations but also those in fact expressing understanding for the Russian reaction. Although it is typical above all of the business circles engaged in Russia and the authors of Germany’s Ostpolitik to downplay the Kremlin’s moves, political parties and the German public are divided over how Germany should respond to Moscow’s policy, and this dispute will worsen. Berlin will take a whole array of actions to de-escalate the conflict, since the imposition of radical political and economic sanctions on Russia would also have a strong adverse effect on Germany. As regards sanctions, Germany would not only sustain economic losses, but they would also undermine the ideological foundations for the still popular vision for Germany’s strategy towards Russia in which great emphasis is laid on a strong “respect for the EU’s most important neighbour and its interests”.


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The European Union has developed new capacity as a security actor in third countries, in particular in the area of crisis management. Over the past two decades the EU has deployed numerous missions, both of a civilian and military nature. Moreover the EU has defined its ability to intervene all along the ‘crisis cycle’, (from prevention to mediation, from peace-keeping to post-conflict reconstruction) and using all tools at its disposal (taking a ‘comprehensive approach’). However the EU is still not perceived as a major security provider globally and interventions remain limited to some geographic areas, mostly in its neighbourhood and Africa, with just a few examples further afield. The EU also tends to avoid taking direct action and seems to prefer partnership arrangements with other players. How can we explain the growing activism and number of EU’s intervention with the low impact and lack of visibility? Can we expect the EU to become more active in the future, taking on more responsibility and leading roles in addressing conflict situations? This paper will argue that the main reason for the EU’s hesitant role in crisis management is to be found in the weak decision-making provisions for EU’s security interventions, as one of the few policy areas still subject to consensus amongst 28 European Union Member States. Lack of a clearer delegation of competence or stronger coordination structures is closely linked to low legitimacy for the EU to take more robust action as a security actor. In order to overcome this legitimacy problem, and in order to facilitate consensus amongst Member States, the EU thus privileges partnership arrangements with other actors who can provide legitimacy and know-how, such as the UN or the African Union. As there is no political desire in the EU for tighter decision-making in this area, we can expect that the EU will continue to play a supporting rather than leading role in crisis management, becoming the partner of choice as it deepens its experience. However this does not mean that the EU is playing just a secondary role in the wider area of security, in particular when looking at nontraditional security. Looking at the role of the EU in Asia, where the EU has deployed just two missions, this paper will offer a broader assessment of the EU as a partner in the area of security taking into account different types of actions. The paper will argue that in order to strengthen cooperation with Asian partners in the area of crisis management, the EU will need to define better what it is able to offer, present its actions as part of an overall strategy rather than ad-hoc and piecemeal, and enter into partnership arrangements with different players in the region.


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The October European Council meeting took place after an unprecedented sequence of actions, with the Luxembourgish Presidency, the European Commission and the Council adopting and proposing a series of legislative and operational measures (including inter alia relocation decisions, the establishment of “hotspots”, increasing funds, the modification of the Dublin rules and the adoption of safe country of origins lists) to address the refugee crisis. Some of these measures were on the European Council agenda, such as the future of the Dublin system, the role of “hotspots” and the strengthening of the external borders. However, the meeting did not go as planned, with some items being dropped off the agenda and replaced by other ones.


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This strategy paper focuses on making the most of the EU single market. The EU should pursue a genuine single market, and treat it as a common asset of all its citizens, economic operators and member states. The economic case to be made on behalf of the genuine single market is powerful and even more so due to the findings of recent empirical economic research. However, only the genuine single market can realise the expectations of such large gains. Weak, ‘feasible’ action plans cannot! The strategy is based, first of all, on a clear design of the genuine single market and subsequently concentrates on ‘what it takes’. Ten types of actions sum up ‘what it takes’: five at the EU level, four at the EU-member state interface, and finally, the realisation of legitimacy and acceptance.


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A deregulated electricity market is characterized with uncertainties, with both long and short terms. As one of the major long term planning issues, the transmission expansion planning (TEP) is aiming at implementing reliable and secure network support to the market participants. The TEP covers two major issues: technical assessment and financial evaluations. Traditionally, the net present value (NPV) method is the most accepted for financial evaluations, it is simple to conduct and easy to understand. Nevertheless, TEP in a deregulated market needs a more dynamic approach to incorporate a project's management flexibility, or the managerial ability to adapt in response to unpredictable market developments. The real options approach (ROA) is introduced here, which has clear advantage on counting the future course of actions that investors may take, with understandable results in monetary terms. In the case study, a Nordic test system has been testified and several scenarios are given for network expansion planning. Both the technical assessment and financial evaluation have been conducted in the case study.


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To evaluate an investment project in the competitive electricity market, there are several key factors that affects the project's value: the present value that the project could bring to investor, the possible future course of actions that investor has and the project's management flexibility. The traditional net present value (NPV) criteria has the ability to capture the present value of the project's future cash flow, but it fails to assess the value brought by market uncertainty and management flexibility. By contrast with NPV, the real options approach (ROA) method has the advantage to combining the uncertainty and flexibility in evaluation process. In this paper, a framework for using ROA to evaluate the generation investment opportunity has been proposed. By given a detailed case study, the proposed framework is compared with NPV and showing a different results


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This paper identifies and examines issues of relevance for increasing effectiveness of entrepreneurial management research. These issues emerged from research into entrepreneurial behaviour and underlying motivations in Sri Lanka. Understanding of socially- and culturally-bound social actors, social actions and social outputs in entrepreneurial activity requires context-sensitivity, expressed through cognisance of institutional characteristics, the interface between cultural values and business, and historical and cultural forces which impact on entrepreneurship. We suggest that this requires exploration through bottom-up translations of actions consistent with the beliefs and values of the actors involved, employing qualitative methodology to ground the reality of human behaviour in deep-rooted cultural and social contexts. Thorough interpretation of holistic case studies that are capable of capturing the actors' viewpoints brings appropriate insights to the field of entrepreneurship.


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Previous research has shown that engaging in proenvironmental behaviours can have a stygmatising effect for those who take part in those activities. This suggests that the identity consequences of proenvironmental behaviours may act as a barrier to engaging in these types of actions. This idea was investigated in a study assessing whether university students’ preferences for status-related or proenvironmental actions was influenced by prevailing group norms. Participants in the control condition and the status norm condition were equally willing to selfpresent as high status and pro-environment, however, participants in the environmental norm condition were more willing to self-present as pro-environment than status concerned. These results suggest that willingness to engage in pro-environmental behaviours may be higher in contexts where the identity consequences of these actions are positive. Preliminary results from a second study investigating identity consequences of pro-environmental behaviour will also be presented. Implications of the findings for strategies or campaigns aimed at increasing environmentally sustainable behaviour will be discussed.


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O crescimento desordenado e a ausência de políticas públicas mais eficientes levaram a uma diversificação quanto ao uso dos recursos naturais, principalmente no que se refere à água para o saneamento básico. O marco regulatório estabelecido na década de 1980 registrou as políticas públicas para o meio ambiente, que trouxeram avanços sobre o tema, desencadeando uma série de ações voltadas tanto para a estrutura burocrática e da prevenção, quanto solução para os problemas de degradação e esgotamento dos recursos naturais. Com o advento das leis específicas de proteção aos mananciais e mediante a lei 13.579/09 do Estado de São Paulo que trata sobre a área da Billings, percebeu-se um avanço na questão do gerenciamento para proteção e desenvolvimento de acordo com as características da região. Instrumentos de políticas públicas para conter as ações referentes aos danos causados ao meio ambiente, como a lei contra crimes ambientais foram às ações práticas do Estado para conter tais ações. O Objetivo desta pesquisa é analisar as possíveis discrepâncias entre as penalidades financeiras aplicadas na ocorrência das infrações ambientais e os modelos de valoração dos ativos ambientais, utilizando a simulação de implantação de um hotel em áreas de proteção e recuperação de manancial no Município de São Bernardo do Campo no Estado de São Paulo. O desenvolvimento da pesquisa se baseou no método de custo de reposição (MCR) para dimensionar os possíveis impactos gerados por um empreendimento hoteleiro e seu respectivo valor econômico. Posteriormente, os impactos ambientais foram relacionados com a legislação do município para determinar os valores das possíveis penalidades aplicáveis ao dano causado. Dentre os resultados levantados, verificou-se uma significativa discrepância entre a valoração econômica e as multas aplicáveis, sendo que nos impactos referentes a impermeabilidade do solo e contaminação do lençol freático, com diferenças superiores em relação às penalidades de R$ 804.922,78 e R$ 453.333,33 respectivamente. A partir da metodologia aplicada na pesquisa, observou-se que as penalidades incidentes em casos de danos ao meio ambiente, muitas vezes não atinge o objetivo, que é inibir a ação do infrator, pois o real custo econômico não é medido na aplicação do valor da multa.


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A presente pesquisa propõe-se a estudar possíveis relações entre idade, tempo de serviço como clérigo ou clériga na Igreja Metodista e auto-imagem destes últimos acerca de altruísmo. O tema do altruísmo é abordado a partir da filosofia, da psicanálise, dos estudos evolucionistas e da psicologia cognitiva do desenvolvimento moral. Examina as críticas e contribuições que a psicanálise de Sigmund Freud e Jacques Lacan deu aos debates sobre altruísmo, bem como as possíveis relações com o tema proporcionadas pelas investigações de Jean Piaget e Lawrence Kohlberg sobre a elaboração de juízos éticos pelas pessoas. Analisa a imagem que pastores(as) metodistas no Brasil têm ou apresentam acerca de si mesmos(as), no tocante a ações visando ao bem-estar de outros seres humanos, levando-se em conta suas respostas e justificativas ao questionário apresentado, no qual aparecem situações hipotéticas em que o altruísmo é requerido. Os resultados evidenciam que clérigos(as) mais idosos possuem uma auto-imagem mais positiva do que a apresentada pelos mais jovens, no tocante ao altruísmo.(AU)


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Estudo sobre as experiências vividas por mulheres negras que participam do movimento cultural hip-hop. Em particular, buscou-se discutir sobre a organização dos arranjos interativos e as relações de pertencimento, presença e empoderamento, tendo como elo a produção musical e as Tecnologias da Informação e Comunicação (TICs).Desvendar as implicações que as TICs têm com as práticas culturais juvenis contemporâneas de periferia, que funcionam como referência no combate às desigualdades de gênero e do racismo. Investigar as conexões entre as interações sociais, a cultura e ação política na esfera pública. A experiência de identidade, gênero e participação no universo on-line foi construída a partir de leituras sobre as políticas identitárias, teorias feministas e das interações sociais proporcionadas pelas TICs. Os procedimentos metodológicos incluem a pesquisa bibliográfica, entrevistas semi-estruturadas, aplicação de formulários, observação a partir da participação em eventos, além de estudo de sites dos grupos estudados e participação nas redes sociais. Entre os resultados, destaca-se que há o fortalecimento das ações e de ícones na disseminação da cultura hip-hop e que a proposição sobre o ativismo político e social das jovens envolvidas no hip-hop.