888 resultados para Johnston, Derland
Vareille M, Kieninger E, Alves MP, et al. Impaired type I and type III interferon induction and rhinovirus control in human cystic fibrosis airway epithelial cells. Thorax 2012;67:517-25. This article has been retracted. In our article recently published in Thorax, we described a novel mechanism explaining the increased susceptibility of patients with cystic fibrosis (CF) to rhinovirus infections, namely defective interferon type I and III production by CF airway epithelial cells. In experiments performed after publication of the article we were unable to consistently replicate our findings of deficient interferon type I and III production by CF airway epithelial cells upon rhinovirus infection. In the light of these results, we carried out detailed investigations of the data reported in the above manuscript and regrettably found evidence of deliberate manipulation of experimental data by the first author Dr M. Vareille. This manipulation was accompanied in some instances by absence of original data files. The manipulation/original data absence involved data presented in most, if not all of the figures, thus we wish to fully retract the paper and apologise to the readers of Thorax and to the scientific community for the inconvenience this has caused. We also checked data published by our group in manuscripts on which Dr Vareille was a co-author and found that data published in these manuscripts had not been manipulated. These two manuscripts, whose data and conclusions we stand by are: Edwards MR, Regamey N, Vareille M, et al. Impaired innate interferon induction in severe therapy resistant atopic asthmatic children. Mucosal Immunol 2013;6:797–806. doi: 10.1038/mi.2012.118. and Kieninger E, Vareille M, Kopf BS, et al. Lack of an exaggerated inflammatory response on virus infection in cystic fibrosis. Eur Respir J 2012;39:297–304. doi: 10.1183/09031936.00054511. Dr. Vareille has received a letter from the Secretary General of the University of Bern condemning her scientific misconduct as a severe offence against the rules of scientific integrity. Her current employers have also been informed. All co-authors of the publication including Dr. Vareille concur with the retraction statement.
Harry H. Johnston
This research compares the methodological tools employed in NOS research, with analysis of what the comparison implies about the structure of nature of science knowledge. Descriptions of practicing teachers’ nature of science conceptions were compared based on data collected from forced choice responses, responses to a qualitative survey, and course writing samples. Participants’ understandings were scored differently on the Views of Nature of Science Questionnaire (VNOS) than the forced-choice measure, Scientific Thinking and Internet Learning Technologies (STILT). In addition, analysis of the writing samples and observations combined with interviews portrayed more sophisticated, but more variable, understandings of the nature of science than was evidenced by either the survey or the forced-choice measure. The differences between data collection measures included the degree to which they drew upon context bound or context general reasoning, the degree to which they required students to move beyond the simple intelligibility of their responses and allowed students to explore the fruitfulness of the constructs, as well as the degree to which they revealed the interconnection of participants NOS conceptions. In light of the different portrayals of a participants NOS conceptions yielded by these different measures, we call for the use of crystallization as a methodological referent in research.
"Beitrag des Instituts für Sozialforschung zu dem Forschungsprojekt über Autorität" (3.1.1951). Typoskript, 5 Blatt; "Reactions to the Antisemitic Incidents in January 1960. A Pilot Study in Frankfurt am Main. Summary of Procedure and Results" (1960). Typoskript, 6 Blatt (= Alt.Sig. IX 234.13 a); "Proposal for International Study of Anti-Semitism" (1960):; 1. American Jewish Committee: Luncheon Meeting, May 25, 1960, Typoskript, 2 Blatt; 2. American Jewish Committee, Institute of Human Relations: "The JDA Agencies and Germany" (17.5.1960). Als Typoskript vervielfältigt, 32 Blatt; Exzerpte aus Werken über Antisemitismus, Literaturlisten (etwa 1933-46):; 1. Everett R. Clinchy, Typoskript, 1 Blatt; 2. Paul K. Hatt, Typoskript, 3 Blatt; 3. John Moffat Mecklin, Typoskript, 3 Blatt; 4. Conrad Henry Moehlman, Typoskript, 4 Blatt; 5. Maurice Samuel, Typoskript, 5 Blatt; 6. Milton Steinberg, Typoskript, 2 Blatt; 7. "General Literature on Antisemitism", Liste, Typoskript mit handschriftlichen Ergänzungen, 1 Blatt; 8. "Bibliography" zum Judentum, 15 Blatt; 9. Literaturliste, handschriftliche Notizen, 9 Blatt; 10. Literaturliste, eigenhändige Notizen von Max Horkheimer, 1 Blatt; 11. Literaturliste, 1 Blatt; 12. Zitate zum Judentum aus Zeitschriften, 1 Blatt; Memorandum zum Antisemitismus (1944-48):; 1. S. Andhil Fineberg: "Notes on 'A Mask for Privilege' by Carey McWilliams", als Typoskript vervielfältigt, 4 Blatt; Carey McWilliams: "Memorandum" (8.5.1948), Typoskript, 3 Blatt; Lawrence Bloomgarden und S.A. Fineberg: "In Reply to Carey McWilliams Memorandum of May 8th", Typoskript, 3 Blatt; 2. Rundbriefe der American Jewish Sociological Society, 1944, als Typoskript vervielfältigt, 4 Blatt; 3. Bericht über einen Vortrag von Wladimir Eliasberg über Antisemitismus, Typoskript, 1 Blatt; Abschriften und Übersetzungen aus Zeitungsartikeln über Antisemitismus (1939-43):; 1. "A Note on Anti-Semitism", aus: The New Statesman and Nation (13.3.1939), Typoskript, 7 Blatt; 2. Abschriften aus deutschen und englischen Zeitungen, 1939, Typoskript, 1 Blatt; 3. "A Homility of the Bishop of Cremona" (Übersetzung aus: Osservatore Romano) 1939. Typoskript, 18 Blatt; Veröffentlichungen über Antisemitismus, Vorurteil, Demagogie (1941-63):; 1. Earl Raab und Seymour M. Lipset: "Prejudice and Society", Freedom Pamphlet Anti-Defamation League of B'nai B'rith (New York 1963), 48 Seiten; 2. Committee on Education, Training and Research in Race Relations of the University of Chicago: Bulletin, Nr. 1, 30.6.1948, 55. Seiten; 3. Solomon Andhil Fineberg: "Checkmate for Rabble-Rousers. What to Do When the Demagogue Comes to Town", Sonderdruck aus Commentary, Vol. 2, 1946 und eine Broschüre, 20 Seiten; 4. Kurt Lewin: "A new Approach to Old Problems", aus: Congress Week, 19.1.1945, 2 Blatt; 5. Eric A. Johnston: "Intolerance", New York, 11.1.1945, Heft, 8 Blatt; 6. Philip Wylie: "Memorandum on Anti-Semitism", aus: American Mercury, Januar 1945, 5 Blatt; 7. S.I. Hayakawa: "Race and Words", aus: Common Sense, Juli 1943, 3 Blatt; 8. David Riesman: "The Politics of Persecution". Als Typoskript vervielfältigt, 21 Blatt; 9. James P. Gifford, Frank D. Schroth, Maximilian Moss, Edward A. Richards, Samuel J. Levinson, Thomas G. Grace: "Anti-Semitism. It's Causes and Cures", New York, 1941, 30 Seiten;
by Ernest F. Spanton, priest of the Universities Mission to Central Africa, pricipal of St. Andrew's College, Zanzibar. With a prefatory note by Harry Hamilton Johnston
En el libro I de Geórgicas, el poeta despliega ampliamente sus conocimientos sobre el arte de la agricultura, la roturación de los campos, la preparación para la siembra, la elección de las simientes, etc. Siguiendo a Patricia Johnston (1980), se puede observar que la concepción virgiliana sobre la agricultura se transforma a lo largo de sus obras y el mito de las edades, de raigambre hesiódica, adquiere diferentes matices en un discurso que acompaña los cambios sociales. En la presente comunicación, nos proponemos analizar un pasaje que anuncia el retorno de la paz tempus veniet (vv.493497), su vínculo con la edad de oro y la agricultura, la representación de la virtus y la figura del poeta, también agente de la paz a partir de sus enseñanzas.
Se abordará la película Nosilatiaj. La belleza (2012) de la directora argentina Daniela Seggiaro. Punto de partida es la premisa planteada por numerosas teóricas feministas acerca de la producción de un cine capaz de superar el fuerte carácter normativizador de lo que Teresa De Lauretis describe como una "tecnología de género". La historia de Yolanda, la adolescente Wichí que vive como criada en la casa de una familia criolla, se desdobla en dos planos que parecen trenzarse y que aportan la reconstrucción de una subjetividad configurada en tanto que otredad. Para el análisis se recurrirá al trabajo realizado por Britta Sjogren acerca de la voz femenina. Sjogren sostiene que la voz sirve a la construcción de un sujeto a partir de la consideración de subjetividades múltiples. A través del uso de la voz en off es posible trabajar otro tipo de agenciamiento femenino dentro de la pantalla, por su carácter de superador de este marco constreñido. Invita entonces a conceptualizar el deseo en la relación cinemática, como ligado a otras instancias más allá de la visión o de la imagen. Y la plasmación del deseo femenino es lo que Claire Johnston consideraba esencial en la producción de un "contra-cine"
Interstitial waters were collected at only two sites during Leg 82, Sites 558 and 563. Only very small changes in dissolved calcium and magnesium occur, presumably resulting from reactions in the underlying basement basalts. Dissolved strontium profiles indicate maxima, which can be understood in terms of carbonate recrystallization processes. Data on Sr/Ca in carbonates cannot be used to estimate the extent of recrystallization that has occurred in these sediments.