916 resultados para Jewish legends.


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(Résumé de l'ouvrage) This volume contains the papers presented at the 47th Colloquium Biblicum Lovaniense (Leuven, 1998). The general theme of the meeting was the unity of the Gospel of Luke and the Acts of the Apostles. Main papers on this topic were read by R.L. Brawley, J. Delobel, A. Denaux, J.A. Fitzmeyer, F.W. Horn, J. Kremer, A. Lindemann, O. Mainville, D. Marguerat, F. Neirynck, W. Radl, M. Rese, J. Taylor, C.M. Tuckett, and J. Verheyden. While a large majority of scholars agree that Luke intended his work to cover both the past and the continuing history of Jesus (Gospel and Acts), the essays also illustrate the complexities of this view on the unity of Luke-Acts when it comes to interpret the various aspects of Lukan theology, christology, pneumatology, and ecclesiology, the expansion of the Church in light of its Jewish origins, the genre of Luke-Acts, and the literary and stylistic means Luke used to make his work a unity. In total the volume includes some 40 papers, of which 24 are offered papers: L. Alexander, H. Baarlink, M. Bachmann, D. Bechard, T.L. Brodie, G.P. Carras, A. del Agua, C. Focant, G. Geiger, B.J. Koet, V. Koperski, D.P. Moessner, G. Oegema, J. Pichler, E. Plümacher, A. Puig i Tarrèch, U. Schmid, B. Schwank, N. Taylor, P.J. Tomson, S. Van den Eynde, S. Walton, G. Wasserberg, F. Wilk. This collection is an invaluable contribution to current discussions in Lukan study and to a nuanced understanding of the relationship between Luke's two volumes.


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Recently, we were faced with a request from a student photographer who wanted to take pictures of bodies donated to our institute and used for dissection courses for medical students or for scientific purposes. Students are expressly forbidden to take pictures in the dissection hall; however, we allowed this student photographer to do her diploma work in our institute. The reason why she was proposing such a topic was that her brother died young and her parents donated his body to science. To overcome this loss of a loved one, she wanted to know what happens to the donated bodies. She followed the procedure of embalming and different dissections that took place during the summer semester and she took pictures throughout. The outcome of this work was a very nice photographic document, called 'dissection', a book with many pictures but no figure legends. The image document shows the different steps in the preparation and preservation of bodies and the work of an anatomist in the dissection hall. As we impose rules on our students, we had also to give directives in the use of the photographs taken, especially for a photographer who will use the most prominent pictures for exhibitions, i.e. that the pictures do not show names or are used for publication on the internet, or show identification numbers of cadavers, or give indication ofn the institution and are relatively anonymous. This story tells how one can deal with death and at the same time advance one's personal career. The author represents the Swiss Anatomical Society SGAHE and is supported by the Swiss Academy of Science, ScNat.


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As the first historian of Christianity, Luke's reliability is vigorously disputed among scholars. The author of the Acts is often accused of being a biased, imprecise, and anti-Jewish historian who created a distorted portrait of Paul. Daniel Marguerat tries to avoid being caught in this true/false quagmire when examining Luke's interpretation of history. Instead he combines different tools - reflection upon historiography, the rules of ancient historians and narrative criticism - to analyse the Acts and gauge the historiographical aims of their author. Marguerat examines the construction of the narrative, the framing of the plot and the characterization, and places his evaluation firmly in the framework of ancient historiography, where history reflects tradition and not documentation. This is a fresh and original approach to the classic themes of Lucan theology: Christianity between Jerusalem and Rome, the image of God, the work of the Spirit, the unity of Luke and the Acts.


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Aquest treball és un recull de tot el que s'ha trobat documentat sobre els jueus que van habitar Puigcerdà entre els anys 1260 i 1493. S'estructura a partir d'una introducció sobre la cultura jueva, l'arribada a Puigcerdà dels jueus, per què, com i quan s'hi instal·len, el Call puigcerdanès, on trobem tot el que fa referència a l'espai físic, l'humà i el material, i finalment la seva expulsió.


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La pràctica consisteix a crear una pàgina web monogràfica sobre Bernat I -Unifred, que va exercir les funcions comtals a la Ribagorça (920 -950) i va generar al voltant de la seva figura la llegenda de Bernat de Ribagorça, entre d'altres. Dins aquest context, es vol relacionar la història amb la llegenda de Bernat de Ribagorça.


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Treball final de carrera on es planteja en primer lloc, una recerca bibliogràfica que permet veure quin tractament han fet de les llegendes les fonts escrites. En la gran majoria, autors locals, tot i que també és significativa, i rellevant, la inclusió de fonts d'autors de fora. Per altra banda, per entendre la vitalitat que puguin tenir encara ara les llegendes, es fa un treball de camp basat sobretot en dos col·lectius que han semblat determinants: per una banda les persones grans, moltes de les quals encara les havien sentides exclusivament per font oral, i per l'altra els escolars, per veure si encara les coneixien o ja s'anava perdent.


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Esplendor econòmica i cultural de Tortosa en el segle XII, comerç amb els cristians, navegació marítima i sobretot fluvial per l'Ebre i, finalment, paper de la comunitat jueva de la ciutat en totes aquestes facetes.


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Depending on the context, Christians, Muslims and Jews have constructed their own religion, perceived the religions of others, and articulated relations between religions in different ways. This paper examines the rise in history of the three communities, which came to identify themselves through their religions and have been highly sensitive to differences. It indicates common features and parallels of which adherents may have been more or less conscious. The central question in such research is what persons and groups mean in particular situations when they call themselves Christian, Muslim or Jewish. The variety of personal and group identities in the three religious communities has been concealed partly by religious leaderships concerned with the survival of their flocks, and partly by the use of the general concepts of Christianity, Islam and Judaism with which believers have been called to identify. These concepts have shut people into separate religious pigeonholes and could thus be used to support ethnic, social and other rivalries. This pigeonholing has also confronted more spiritually-oriented people with problems of social identity, religious belonging and spiritual authenticity.


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(résumé de l'ouvrage) Studies on Origen at the beginning of the 21st century continue to dig old and new grounds of research. After the epoch-making rediscovery of the great Alexandrian doctor throughout the past century, contemporary research increasingly deals with the close context of his writings and thought: the cultural tradition of Alexandria in all its components - Hellenistic, Jewish, Egyptian, Gnostic and Christian. This topic was the theme chosen for the «Colloquium Origenianum Octavum» (Pisa, 27-31 August 2001), a major event of patristic scholarship. The proceedings now contain more than 100 papers of contributors from about 30 countries. They not only provide the best overview on a lively field of studies but also demonstrate how Origen's heritage in Christian history and theology carried with it the imprint of one of the most vital traditions of Western civilization.


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Aquest treball de final de carrera tracta sobre les diferents perspectives i aproximacions a l'Holocaust nazi per part de la literatura i el cinema. La Xoà, forma que els jueus utilitzen per anomenar l'Holocaust, és un dels moments més importants de la història europea. Ens agradaria veure si aquest tema tan delicat és tractat des de diferents perspectives i aproximacions en la literatura i el cinema. També voldríem esbrinar quina pel·lícula és millor per ensenyar què va ser l'Holocaust a una persona adulta, a un grup d'adolescents, a uns infants, etc. i si hi ha alguna pel·lícula o novel·la que vagi més enllà, en el sentit que tracti l'Holocaust des d'un punt de vista més simbòlic que no pas realista, d'arrel kafkiana, com en el cas de "L'incinerador de cadàvers". Per trobar aquestes diferents perspectives (més realistes i veristes o bé més simbòliques) caldrà observar diversos tipus de literatura (biogràfica, semibiogràfica i de ficció), pel·lícules (bèl·liques, drames, biogràfiques, etc.), articles... Analitzarem al mateix temps què diuen diferents autors sobre l'holocaust com un fet inenarrable. Compararem els dos o tres punts de vista (torturats, torturadors i testimonis).


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Repàs de les posteriors referències en documents d’arxiu al miracle de les mosques als setges de Girona


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La conservació d’un museu de les característiques del Memorial Museu Auschwitz-Birkenau és de vital importància. La realització d’aquest projecte pretén trobar les mancances que el museu pugui tenir per tal d’aportar-hi solucions. El museu té problemes per a conservar les seves instal·lacions a causa de la manca de fons econòmics i del gran nombre de visites que rep anualment