845 resultados para Jewish diaspora


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Aquest treball és un recull de tot el que s'ha trobat documentat sobre els jueus que van habitar Puigcerdà entre els anys 1260 i 1493. S'estructura a partir d'una introducció sobre la cultura jueva, l'arribada a Puigcerdà dels jueus, per què, com i quan s'hi instal·len, el Call puigcerdanès, on trobem tot el que fa referència a l'espai físic, l'humà i el material, i finalment la seva expulsió.


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Esplendor econòmica i cultural de Tortosa en el segle XII, comerç amb els cristians, navegació marítima i sobretot fluvial per l'Ebre i, finalment, paper de la comunitat jueva de la ciutat en totes aquestes facetes.


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Ireland, as a small, open European economy, relies fundamentally on international engagement. An internationalised education system in Ireland has a crucial role to play in maintaining Ireland’s international profile and attractiveness by educating the next generation of leaders, entrepreneurs and decision-makers in our partner-countries, by giving our own students the intercultural expertise demanded in the global economy, and by enhancing the direct link with Ireland for members of our global diaspora who choose to come home to study. The High-Level Group on International Education takes the view that, from a national perspective, the most compelling rationale for internationalisation is investment in future global relationships: with students educated in Ireland who will become our advocates overseas, with educational institutions that will be the research and teaching partners of the future, and with the countries that will be Ireland’s next trading and business partners


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Ireland, as a small, open European economy, relies fundamentally on international engagement. An internationalised education system in Ireland has a crucial role to play in maintaining Ireland’s international profile and attractiveness by educating the next generation of leaders, entrepreneurs and decision-makers in our partner-countries, by giving our own students the intercultural expertise demanded in the global economy, and by enhancing the direct link with Ireland for members of our global diaspora who choose to come home to study. The High-Level Group on International Education takes the view that, from a national perspective, the most compelling rationale for internationalisation is investment in future global relationships: with students educated in Ireland who will become our advocates overseas, with educational institutions that will be the research and teaching partners of the future, and with the countries that will be Ireland’s next trading and business partners. Internationalisation also provides a means of enhancing the quality of learning, teaching and research in Ireland and makes a significant contribution to our broader ambition as a global innovation hub.


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Depending on the context, Christians, Muslims and Jews have constructed their own religion, perceived the religions of others, and articulated relations between religions in different ways. This paper examines the rise in history of the three communities, which came to identify themselves through their religions and have been highly sensitive to differences. It indicates common features and parallels of which adherents may have been more or less conscious. The central question in such research is what persons and groups mean in particular situations when they call themselves Christian, Muslim or Jewish. The variety of personal and group identities in the three religious communities has been concealed partly by religious leaderships concerned with the survival of their flocks, and partly by the use of the general concepts of Christianity, Islam and Judaism with which believers have been called to identify. These concepts have shut people into separate religious pigeonholes and could thus be used to support ethnic, social and other rivalries. This pigeonholing has also confronted more spiritually-oriented people with problems of social identity, religious belonging and spiritual authenticity.


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(résumé de l'ouvrage) Studies on Origen at the beginning of the 21st century continue to dig old and new grounds of research. After the epoch-making rediscovery of the great Alexandrian doctor throughout the past century, contemporary research increasingly deals with the close context of his writings and thought: the cultural tradition of Alexandria in all its components - Hellenistic, Jewish, Egyptian, Gnostic and Christian. This topic was the theme chosen for the «Colloquium Origenianum Octavum» (Pisa, 27-31 August 2001), a major event of patristic scholarship. The proceedings now contain more than 100 papers of contributors from about 30 countries. They not only provide the best overview on a lively field of studies but also demonstrate how Origen's heritage in Christian history and theology carried with it the imprint of one of the most vital traditions of Western civilization.


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Interdisziplinär konzipiert, zeigt dieses Buch in historischer und gegenwartsbezogener Perspektive die Komplexität und den Facettenreichtum des religiösen Pluralismus auf, der unsere gesellschaftliche Wirklichkeit zunehmend bestimmt. Die hier dokumentierten religionswissenschaftlichen, soziologischen, rechtlichen und philosophischen Zugänge sind dabei behilflich, sich mit Religion und ihrer weltweit wachsenden gesellschaftlichen Relevanz auseinander zu setzen. Die Beiträge zeigen, wie der Herausforderung des Religionspluralismus im europäischen und außereuropäischen Raum begegnet wird und welche große Bandbreite an Themen hierbei zu Tage tritt.


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Aquest treball de final de carrera tracta sobre les diferents perspectives i aproximacions a l'Holocaust nazi per part de la literatura i el cinema. La Xoà, forma que els jueus utilitzen per anomenar l'Holocaust, és un dels moments més importants de la història europea. Ens agradaria veure si aquest tema tan delicat és tractat des de diferents perspectives i aproximacions en la literatura i el cinema. També voldríem esbrinar quina pel·lícula és millor per ensenyar què va ser l'Holocaust a una persona adulta, a un grup d'adolescents, a uns infants, etc. i si hi ha alguna pel·lícula o novel·la que vagi més enllà, en el sentit que tracti l'Holocaust des d'un punt de vista més simbòlic que no pas realista, d'arrel kafkiana, com en el cas de "L'incinerador de cadàvers". Per trobar aquestes diferents perspectives (més realistes i veristes o bé més simbòliques) caldrà observar diversos tipus de literatura (biogràfica, semibiogràfica i de ficció), pel·lícules (bèl·liques, drames, biogràfiques, etc.), articles... Analitzarem al mateix temps què diuen diferents autors sobre l'holocaust com un fet inenarrable. Compararem els dos o tres punts de vista (torturats, torturadors i testimonis).


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The Asian Diaspora in the Americas in the 16th and 17th has been neglected by scholars for a long time. This fact is baffling, not only for the great interest of this topic in of itself, but also because it could provide new knowledge of colonial Mexico, especially in terms of the interaction among the many groups that populated the colony. This early movement of people and ideas across the largest extension of water in the planet is characteristic of what has been called the ¿archaic globalization,¿ and thus research on these matters could contribute to the history of globalization.In this presentation, I seek to further elaborate on the themes outlined by Edward Slack in The Chinos in New Spain: A Corrective Lens for a Distorted Image, an article published in 2009 in the Journal of World History. Firstly, I would like to bring forth some evidence that indicates that Asian religious practices were present in Mexico in the 1600s. Furthermore, I will argue that the traces of these practices are still visible today, in the form of a popular fortune-telling tradition. Secondly, I intend to provide some information about the arrival, settlement and distribution of the Asian Diaspora. I will focus on their distribution within Mexico City. Thirdly, I will elaborate on their occupations, social status and daily life, as well as in the patterns in marriages and relations with other groups. And lastly, I will show how the guild of barbers served as an Asian immigrant reception network.


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La conservació d’un museu de les característiques del Memorial Museu Auschwitz-Birkenau és de vital importància. La realització d’aquest projecte pretén trobar les mancances que el museu pugui tenir per tal d’aportar-hi solucions. El museu té problemes per a conservar les seves instal·lacions a causa de la manca de fons econòmics i del gran nombre de visites que rep anualment


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Anàlisi de l'aportació de les escriptores catalanes al gènere concentracionari en base a una pregunta de recerca global: quins efectes específics té el punt de vista de les autores catalanes en aquest gènere literari?


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La cuestión de los refugiados palestinos es uno de los asuntos clave para alcanzar una resolución firme del conflicto palestino-israelí. Para ello debe resolverse la situación de los cientos de miles de palestinos que fueron expulsados y/o huyeron con la guerra de 1948, y sus descendientes, que hoy suman casi 5 millones. En el proceso de paz, este es uno de los asuntos que ni siquiera fue tenido en cuenta con la profundidad que lo requiere. Los palestinos se acogen a la resolución 194 de la Asamblea de Naciones Unidas y reivindican el Derecho al Retorno. Pero del lado israelí tres argumentos ponen en duda este derecho al retorno: A) El asunto de la responsabilidad en la huida/expulsión de cientos de miles de palestinos de sus hogares. B) La «necesidad» existencial de ser un estado de mayoría judía, que el retorno podría poner en cuestión. C) El hecho de que Israel ya acogió a cientos de miles de judíos originarios de los países árabes. Analizaremos cómo los partidos políticos israelíes tratan este asunto, y cómo los «nuevos historiadores israelíes» pueden ayudar a cambiar el punto de vista israelí al poner en cuestión la narrativa sionista de la guerra del 48.