788 resultados para Jenny Boylan
Stainless steels are well known to be prone to cold welding and material transfer in sliding contacts and therefore difficult to cold form unless certain precautions as discussed in this paper are taken. In the present study different combinations of tool steels/stainless steels/lubricants has been evaluated with respect to their galling resistance using pin-on-disc testing. The results show that a high galling resistance is favored by a high stainless steel sheet hardness and a blasted stainless steel sheet surface topography. The effect of type of lubricant was found to be more complex. For example, the chlorinated lubricants failed to prevent metal-to-metal contact on a brushed sheet surface but succeeded on a blasted sheet surface of the same stainless steel material. This is believed to be due to a protective tribofilm which is able to form on the blasted surface, but not on the brushed surface.
Two simulative test methods were used to study galling in sheet forming of two types of stainlesssteel sheet: austenitic (EN 1.4301) and lean duplex LDX 2101 (EN 1.4162) in different surface conditions. Thepin-on-disc test was used to analyse the galling resistance of different combinations of sheet materials and lubricants. The strip reduction test, a severe sheet forming tribology test was used to simulate the conditionsduring ironing. This investigation shows that the risk of galling is highly dependent on the surface texture of theduplex steel. Trials were also performed in an industrial tool used for high volume production of pumpcomponents, to compare forming of LDX 2101 and austenitic stainless steel with equal thickness. The forming forces, the geometry and the strains in the sheet material were compared for the same component.It was found that LDX steels can be formed to high strain levels in tools normally applied for forming ofaustenitic steels, but tool adaptations are needed to comply with the higher strength and springback of thematerial.
This report is the second presentation of the project ‘Falun above from Falun under’ and comprises one report on ongoing work within the project. The main aims of this particular project are to reconstruct the landscape surrounding Falu Copper mine before mining activity started and to determine how increasing activity in the area affected the environment, and whether this could be measured as an indicator of increasing human impact in the area. This report presents the mapping and investigation of quaternary deposits and landscape analysis, the results from cores taken at two lake sites, Önsbacksdammen and Stora Vällan, 14C dating on selected seeds, and planning of continued research within the project.
This field report presents fieldwork undertaken in Hjaltadalur, Skagafjördur, northern Iceland during summer 2010. The main aim was to initiate coring in selected mires in order to determine the composition of organic material and sediments in the mires, sub-sample for sedimentological and palaeoecological analyses, and initiate advanced landscape analysis of Hjaltadalur. Three mires were selected for sediments coring in Hjaltadalur: Ástunga close to Kolkóus, Hólakot at Viðvik, and Hólar. All three represented a landscape transect in NW to SE direction, from close to the coast to valley interior, i.e. close to the old settlement at Hólar.
Jenny Isberg (2009): Viljan till fysisk aktivitet – en intervention avsedd att stimulera ungdomar att bli fysiskt aktiva. Örebro Studies in Sport Sciences 6, 141 pp. Physical education (PE) at school may play an important role in the process of becoming physically active in the adolescence and in developing a physically active lifestyle. The opportunities for teachers to provide positive physical activity experiences to the student population extend regularly over the school terms. For some students, PE can be the only opportunity they have to be physically active. Therefore it is important that the students become motivated to practice physical activity and know the purpose with physical activity. The overall purpose of this dissertation was to investigate the possibilities to motivate youth, 12-16 years old, to practice physical activity and hopefully to stimulate them to continue to be physically active in young adulthood. The sample consisted of 122 Swedish compulsory school students (12-16 years old), 51 girls and 71 boys, who were either physically inactive, physically active but not formal members of sport clubs, or physically active and members of a sport club. They used a self-monitoring instrument to describe their physical activity and we compared their self-reported physical activity with their actual VO2 capacity and physical status. The self-monitoring instrument was further validated against an activity monitor, RT3. The intervention lasted one and a half years, and four to five years later a follow-up study was done. Using a quasi-experimental design, the three groups of participants were compared with youths who did not use the self-monitoring instrument. The main findings were that the associations between the accelerometer counts and the activities the students recorded in the self-monitoring instrument were high. The participants in Group 1 (physically inactive) continued exercising nearly to the same extent as during the intervention while youths in a matched control group did not develop regular physical activity habits. Concerning Group 2 (exercisers), participants in the intervention group were more physically active both during the intervention and at follow-up, compared with a matched control group of exercisers who did not use the self-monitoring instrument. In Group 3 (sport team members), there was no difference between the intervention group and a matched control group after the intervention or at follow-up. The conclusion of these main findings was that when someone motivates students to continue being physically active and to change their physical activity patterns in a positive direction, the self-monitoring instrument can be a door-opener for youths who are physically inactive or regularly active outside sports clubs.
Ce mémoire est basé sur une enquête qui avait pour objectif d’étudier les stratégies de lecture employées par des élèves étudiant le français au niveau A1 et A2. L’étude porte exclusivement sur la compréhension de mots au sein de la phrase. Les élèves ont participé à une enquête contenant un texte à lire avec comme consigne de choisir quatre mots incompris. Il a ensuite été demandé aux élèves d’expliquer comment ils ont procédé pour essayer de comprendre ces mots. Ce mémoire est conclu par une discussion portant sur les résultats relevés, les travaux antérieurs ainsi que la théorie présentée au début dudit mémoire.
Skolinspektionens rapport 2011:2 visar på betydande brister i samverkan mellan skola och arbetsliv. Endast en femtedel av de tillfrågade skolorna klarar av att ge APU, arbetsplatsförlagd utbildning (APL – arbetsplatsförlagt lärande fr.o.m. Gy 11), med den kvalitet som krävs. Vårt arbete har som övergripande syfte att skapa ett lokalt diskussionsunderlag för våra respektive arbetsplatser gällande faktorer att ta hänsyn till i ett förändringsarbete kopplat till APL. Vi vill också ur ett elevperspektiv undersöka förväntningar på och upplevelser av APL. Vi använde reflekterande samtal som metod för att samla in material till vårt arbete. Vi träffade två elevgrupper före och efter deras praktikperiod under hösten 2012. I resultatet vävs våra tre frågeställningar samman. Elevernas förväntningar på och upplevelser av sin APL-period påverkar diskussionsunderlaget för ett förändringsarbete. Vi uppmärksammar fyra områden. Elevernas förväntningar på handledarna är stora vilket lyfter fram tankar på hur handledaruppdraget kan förtydligas. Förberedelserna för eleverna ser olika ut. Det kan innebära övning i att ta kontakter och att presentera sig själv eller att reflektera över hur man tillvaratar praktiktiden på bästa sätt. Gällande upplevelser och erfarenheter så framstår behovet av att bli lyssnad på som centralt. Vi belyser till sist elevernas upplevelser av att delta i reflekterande samtal och överväger om denna metod kan användas i samband med det arbetsplatsförlagda lärandet. Nyckelord: APL – arbetsplatsförlagt lärande, entreprenöriellt förhållningssätt, reflekterande samtal, reflektion.
Syftet med denna litteraturstudie var att undersöka patientens upplevelse av livskvalitet efter överviktsoperation samt främjande omvårdnadsåtgärder. Metod: Litteratursökning utfördes i PubMed och Cinahl med Full Text. Sökord var följande: Bariatric, Bariatric Surgery, Quality of life, Bariatric patient, nursing, postoperative care samt treatment outcome. Dessa sökningar kompletterades med manuella sökningar. Efter genomgång avseende inklusions- och exklusionskriterier valdes sammanlagt 16 artiklar ut för denna litteraturstudie. Huvudresultat: Bestående viktminskning hos kraftigt överviktiga patienter visade sig ha ett stadigvarande resultat på livskvaliteten. Pre- och postoperativ uppföljning med hjälp av ett multidisciplinärt vårdprogram gynnade ett varaktigt resultat i form av viktnedgång och ökad livskvalitet, framförallt genom livsstilsförändringar. Slutsats: Forskning stöder insättandet av omvårdnadsåtgärder för överviktiga patienter som genomgått en överviktsoperation. Med kunskap kring hur dessa patienter upplever sin livskvalitet kan sjuksköterskor anpassa omvårdnadsåtgärderna efter patienten, vilket ligger i linje med dagens strävan om personcentrerad vård.
Ce mémoire traite des méthodologies générales et systématisées de la didactique des langues étrangères développées à différentes périodes, ainsi que des méthodes d’enseignement (techniques, outils, matériels, exercices, activités et tâches etc.) et des théories autour de celles-ci. En utilisant une enquête, remplie par des professeurs travaillant dans certaines écoles suédoises, cette étude lie les méthodologies, les méthodes d’enseignement et les théories avec les pratiques de classe. L’étude montre quelles méthodes d’enseignement sont utilisées et la fréquence de leur utilisation, ainsi que les liens avec les méthodologies. Elle montre aussi que l’enseignement des professeurs de l’étude est principalement représentatif d’une seule méthodologie (la méthodologie cognitiviste – l’approche communicative).
The starting point for this work was a discussion between my supervisor and myself during my teaching training. The discussion concerned the appropriateness of allowing students make films with sexual content. Film gives young people the opportunity to express their feelings and broaden their views. If the film then disseminates to unknown people via in-ternet, which it most likely will do, maybe it is no longer so positive. The aim of this study is to shed light on various aspects of identity and ethics that are important to keep in mind when young people in school make films. These aspects are to avoid making young people vulnerable to abuse and improper influence. One aim is also to highlight the advantages of making films in school. The study is inspired by hermeneutic interpretive and based on qualitative interviews. The informants are four students at the age of 18-19 at two different schools in one municipality in Sweden.The results of the study show that it is important for the informants that the films are pro-duced in an aesthetically good way so that it appeals to the audience. Two of the infor-mants have a specific audience and make more conscious choices, so that the audience will understand what is said. The study shows that the more a filmmaker considers the audi-ence, the more consciously he or she uses film as communication. To get positive feedback is important, but it is mostly friends of the filmmakers that actually comment. To get nega-tive comments is regarded as a disadvantage when placing material on the internet. Howev-er, none of the informants in the study have received negative comments on what has been posted. The opinions about what the informants believe is inappropriate to post on inter-net or to make films about regards sexuality and violations. Earlier studies show that mate-rial can, because it is interesting to other people, become widespread. For this reason it is important for teachers to have conversations with students about their preferences and opinions on various issues. Adults need to interfere in the young people's world, while be-ing open to their opinions. Then the young people's value system will be built up and give them a safe tool that helps them to avoid improper influence.
More than gender equality. Decisions on parental leave and ideals around motherhood, fatherhood and the best interest of the child On the basis of 40 semi-structured interviews, this study discusses decision making processes regarding parental leave among nascent first-time middle-class parents in Sweden. We analyze motives and ideas behind the couples’ plans and decisions and how decisions on parental leave were made. We furthermore show how the decision making processes can be discussed in relation to the institutional context. The results show that ideals and norms of gender equality are accompanied by gendered divisions of work and care and a partially traditional view on motherhood and fatherhood. Contrary to previous studies, we do not find a clear link between gender equal ideals and explicit negotiations. An equal division of parental leave is, in some couples, taken for granted to such an extent that the decision on how to divide the leave is taken implicitly rather than explicitly. Decisions on division of parental leave are not isolated processes. Rather, ideals and norms around motherhood, fatherhood, gender equality and not least what is ‘in the best interest of the child’ constitute part of the context in which these decision making processes take place.
King captures queen. Methodology in research on violence in violently equal Sweden Research and debate on violence against women in a Swedish context is here discussed from a perspective that focuses on the different understandings and epistemological claims behind existing positions. I crystallize a dominant perspective on violence, centred around fragmentation/deviance, and a challenging feminist understanding, centred around coherence/normality. I relate these understandings to a wider set of methodological choices and epistemological claims within research on violence against women, captured in what I call a discourse on partner violence (fragmentation) and a feminist discourse on men’s violence against women (coherence). The article also examines the reactions, in media and academic life, that a quantitative study on men’s violence against women in Sweden provoked, Captured queen, men’s violence against women in equal Sweden. A prevalence study (Lundgren et al 2001). By applying a coherent methodological approach, stemming from the feminist discourse on violence against women, the study seems to have placed itself outside what was comprehensible for many voices in the debate (from media and the academic field). I discuss the hostile reactions the study aroused, in relation to its methodology and the above presented conflicting understandings that occupy the research field “violence against women”.