975 resultados para Internal Financial Guidance
Informed consent – which can be either written or oral (depending on local Trust policy) – must be obtained and recorded in the notes at the time of each immunisation, after the child’s fitness and suitability have been established. It is important that the person giving consent is fully informed about the vaccine at the time they give consent. Written material is available to assist in this, but is not a substitute for an opportunity to discuss the issues with a health professional. Consent is given by the person with parental responsibility; however, this person does not necessarily need to be present at the time the immunisation is given. Although the decision to immunise must be taken by the person with parental responsibility, they can arrange for someone else (eg grandparent or childminder) to bring the child to be immunised. You do not need consent in writing – if they have received all the relevant information and arranged for another person to bring the child, the circumstances indicate they have consented. A child under 16 years may give consent provided he or she understands fully the benefits and risks involved. If a competent child consents to treatment, a parent cannot override that consent. Obviously they should be encouraged to involve the person with parental responsibility in the decision. Legally, a parent can consent if a competent child refuses �
This job planning toolkit has been developed by the Public Health Agency (PHA) in partnership with the Northern Ireland Practice and Education Council for Nursing and Midwifery (NIPEC). This job planning toolkit was designed for nurses in roles who have the title Clinical Nurse Specialist and carry a defined caseload of patients and/or run their own clinics. The toolkit provides information to support: ��.������������ Clinical Nurse Specialists in meeting the requirements of their job
Allied Health Professionals work with all age groups and conditions and are trained to assess, diagnose, treat and rehabilitate people with health and social care needs. They work in a range of settings including hospital, community, education, housing, independent and voluntary sectors.
Introduction : Population aging leads to a considerable increase in the prevalence of specific diseases. We aimed to assess if those changes were already reflected in an Internal Medicine ward. Methods : Anonymous data was obtained from the administrative database of the department of internal medicine of the Lausanne University Hospital (CHUV). All hospitalizations of adult (>=18 years) patients occurring between 2003 and 2011 were included. Infections, cancers and diseases according to body system (heart, lung...) were defined by the first letter of the ICD-10 code for the main cause of hospitalization. Specific diseases (myocardial infarction, heart failure...) were defined by the first three letters of the ICD-10 codes for the main cause of hospitalization. Results : Data from 32,741 hospitalizations occurring between 2003 and 2011 was analyzed. Cardiovascular (ICD-10 code I) and respiratory (ICD-10 code J) diseases ranked first and second, respectively, and their ranks did not change during the study period (figure). Digestive and endocrine diseases decreased while psychiatric diseases increased from rank 9 in 2003 to rank 6 in 2011 (figure). Among specific diseases, pneumonia (organism unspecified, code J18) ranked first in 2003 and second in 2011. Acute myocardial infarction (code I21) ranked second in 2003 and third in 2011. Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease with acute lower respiratory infection (code J44) ranked third in 2003 and decreased to rank 8 in 2011. Conversely, heart failure (code I50) increased from rank 8 in 2003 to rank 1 in 2011 and delirium (not induced by alcohol and other psychoactive substances, code F05) increased from below rank 20 in 2003 to rank 4 in 2011. For more details, see table. Conclusion : In less than 10 years, considerable changes occurred in the presentation of patients attending an Internal Medicine ward. The changes in diseases call for adaptations in hospital staff and logistics.
Nuclear internal transcribed spacer 2 (ITS2) rDNA sequences were used for a molecular phylogenetics analysis of five Onchocerca species. The sister species of the human parasite O. volvulus was found to be the cattle parasite O. ochengi and not O. gibsoni, contrary to chromosomal evidence. The genetic differentiation of two African populations (representing the two African strains) and a Brazilian population of O. volvulus was also studied. Phylogenetic and network reconstruction did not show any clustering of ITS2 alleles on geographic or strain grounds. Furthermore, population genetics tests showed no indication of population differentiation but suggested gene flow among the three populations.
El proyecto Internal Message consiste en el desarrollo de un sistema de mensajería interna que comunique de forma fiable y segura a los usuarios de cualquier sistema de gestión de contenidos Joomla.
Aquest treball té com a objectiu determinar l'existència de restriccions en el finançament de projectes empresarials de recerca i desenvolupament (R+D) i analitzar-ne les causes. Els resultats de la investigació mostren els fets següents: en primer lloc, hi ha restriccions financeres per a la realització d'inversions en R+D i es manifesten en la necessitat de les empreses de recórrer a recursos interns i a fons aliens a curt termini; en segon lloc, les restriccions esmentades fonamentalment sorgeixen a causa de dos factors, el desequilibri entre les característiques econòmiques de les inversions d'R+D i el comportament dels agents finançadors en els mercats de capitals, i l'existència d'asimetries d'informació entre agents gestors i finançadors; finalment, en tercer lloc, la formulació per part de les empreses de més informació comptable sobre l'R+D desenvolupada comporta la millora de la valoració de l'empresa en els mercats financers i, per tant, l'assignació de fons als processos d'innovació.
Doctors must regularly adjust their patients' care according to recent relevant publications. The chief residents from the Department of Internal Medicine of a university hospital present some major themes of internal medicine treated during the year 2008, such as heart failure, diabetes, COPD, and thromboembolic disease. Emphasis will be placed primarily on changes in the daily hospital practice induced by these recent studies. This variety of topics illustrates both the broad spectrum of the current internal medicine, and the many uncertainties associated with modem medical practice based on evidence.
Post-prescription review of hospital antibiotic therapy may contribute to more appropriate use. We estimated the impact of a standardised review of intravenous antibiotic therapy three days after prescription in two internal medicine wards of a university hospital. In one ward, we assessed the charts of patients under intravenous antibiotic therapy using a standardised review process and provided feedback to the prescriber. There was no intervention in the other ward. After six months we crossed the allocation between the two wards. In all, 204 courses of antibiotic therapy were included in the intervention periods and 226 in the control periods. Post-prescription review led to proposals for modification in 46% of antibiotic courses. Time to treatment modification was 22% shorter in the intervention periods compared with the control periods (3.9+/-5.2 days vs 5.0+/-6.0 days, P=0.007). Patients included in the intervention group had lower antibiotic consumption than patients in the control group, but the intervention had no significant impact on the overall antibiotic consumption of the two wards.
BACKGROUND Available screening tests for dementia are of limited usefulness because they are influenced by the patient's culture and educational level. The Eurotest, an instrument based on the knowledge and handling of money, was designed to overcome these limitations. The objective of this study was to evaluate the diagnostic accuracy of the Eurotest in identifying dementia in customary clinical practice. METHODS A cross-sectional, multi-center, naturalistic phase II study was conducted. The Eurotest was administered to consecutive patients, older than 60 years, in general neurology clinics. The patients' condition was classified as dementia or no dementia according to DSM-IV diagnostic criteria. We calculated sensitivity (Sn), specificity (Sp) and area under the ROC curves (aROC) with 95% confidence intervals. The influence of social and educational factors on scores was evaluated with multiple linear regression analysis, and the influence of these factors on diagnostic accuracy was evaluated with logistic regression. RESULTS Sixteen neurologists recruited a total of 516 participants: 101 with dementia, 380 without dementia, and 35 who were excluded. Of the 481 participants who took the Eurotest, 38.7% were totally or functionally illiterate and 45.5% had received no formal education. Mean time needed to administer the test was 8.2+/-2.0 minutes. The best cut-off point was 20/21, with Sn = 0.91 (0.84-0.96), Sp = 0.82 (0.77-0.85), and aROC = 0.93 (0.91-0.95). Neither the scores on the Eurotest nor its diagnostic accuracy were influenced by social or educational factors. CONCLUSION This naturalistic and pragmatic study shows that the Eurotest is a rapid, simple and useful screening instrument, which is free from educational influences, and has appropriate internal and external validity.
Culex is the largest genus of Culicini and includes vectors of several arboviruses and filarial worms. Many species of Culex are morphologically similar, which makes their identification difficult, particularly when using female specimens. To aid evolutionary studies and species distinction, molecular techniques are often used. Sequences of the second internal transcribed spacer (ITS2) of ribosomal DNA (rDNA) from 16 species of the genus Culex and one of Lutzia were used to assess their genomic variability and to verify their applicability in the phylogenetic analysis of the group. The distance matrix (uncorrected p-distance) that was obtained revealed intragenomic and intraspecific variation. Because of the intragenomic variability, we selected ITS2 copies for use in distance analyses based on their secondary structures. Neighbour-joining topology was obtained with an uncorrected p-distance. Despite the heterogeneity observed, individuals of the same species were grouped together and correlated with the current, morphology-based classification, thereby showing that ITS2 is an appropriate marker to be used in the taxonomy of Culex.